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Prepositions and phrasal verbs

I.Select the option to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: Jane is searching every drawer. Do you know ______ she is looking for?
A. why B. when C. what D. who

Question 2: Did you tell Kate ______ take her to get there by car?
A. when would it B. how often it would
C. what would it D. how long it would

Question 3: ______ Smith now becomes the richest man in the city makes all his friends amazed.
A. Where B. That C. Who D. What

Question 4: Janet asked us not to tell anyone ______ the job.

A. why did she leave B. why she is leaving
C. why she left D. why will she leave

Question 5: He asked me where ______shopping last night.

A. did I go          B. I went         C. do I go D. I go

Question 6: He has such a big stamp collection that he even doesn’t know how many ______
A. stamps does he have B. stamps he has
C. does he have stamps D. he has stamps

Question 7: There's so much noise in this room that I can't understand what ______
A. is the professor saying          B. does the professor say
C. that the professor is saying       C. the professor is saying

Question 8: Have you asked Carol where ______ this evening?

A. should we meet   B. will we meet
C. we will meet         D. we have met

Question 9: Somebody forgot this hat in the lobby. I wonder ______

A. whose is this hat   B. whose hat this is    
C. whose hat is         D. whose hat is this

Question 10: Did you remember to tell Michelle ______ she should bring to the meeting tomorrow?
A. that             B. what             C. if                 D. how

Question 11: David hadn’t had time to prepare for the speech, but he spoke very well ______ the top
of his head.
A. around B. into C. off D. above

Question 12: He is a math teacher and he ______ numbers.

A. has his head in B. keeps his head in
C. has a head for D. keeps a head for

Question 13: It is important to learn irregular verbs ______.

A. in heart B. by heart C. on heart D. of heart

Question 14: You should discuss with her ______ with her to avoid misunderstanding.
A. face to face B. head to head C. on the face D. on the head

Question 15: My computer’s ______ the blink and the spell-checker refuses to work.
A. on B. in C. at D. of

Question 16: I was late for the meeting because my car was suddenly out of ______.
A. sight B. order C. road D. action

Question 17: My office is such a ______ of activity where everyone works really hard to complete
their tasks.
A. load B. hive C. flow D. branch

Question 18: Bob loves to work with colours and textures, so he is ______ when he’s painting.
A. in a flap B. in his element C. in the pink D. in the red

Question 19: Mary is a bright student; she can think ______ and she’s confident in her own ability.
A. on her feet B. on her head C. on her back D. on her hand

Question 20: John’s progress has been fast so far, but it’s ______.
A. early time B. early days C. late time D. late days

Question 21: My teacher really motivates me and ______ the best in me.
A. brings in B. brings out C. takes in D. takes out

Question 22: I have just got back to work after my maternal leave and find myself a bit ______.
A. out of order B. out of work C. out of touch D. out of reach

Question 23: The other members in the group complained that Sarah wasn’t pulling her ______.
A. body B. leg C. weight D. neck

Question 24: I don’t think before making a decision; I do things ______ of the moment.
A. on the brink B. on the spur C. on the verge D. on the margin

Question 25: I always ______ before investing in stocks to guarantee success.

A. think twice B. think back C. talk big D. talk shop

Question 26: Remember to ______ me a line when you arrive in France.

A. fall B. drop C. break D. give

Question 27: The classroom is an opportunity to practise speaking, so______.

A. make a go of it B. make the most of it
C. make a day of it D. make a mess of it

Question 28: When I started learning Chinese, I had to ______ my brain to remember new words.
A. break B. crack C. rack D. split

Question 29: When you work hard all day, it’s not easy to ______ your mind on a difficult subject in
the evening.
A. give B. put C. keep D. spread

Question 30: I have ______ the clock during the exam so that I don’t run out of time.
A. an eye on B. one eye on C. the eye on D. both eyes on

Question 31: Please switch ______ your mobile phone in class in order not to disturb others.
A. up B. out C. off D. on

Question 32: You should ______ smoking because it is bad for your health.
A. give off B. give up C. leave out D. leave behind

Question 33: I’m looking forward ______ your family.

A. to meet B. to meeting C. for meet D. for meeting

Question 34: How can you find ______ where he lives?

A. on B. out C. from D. in

Question 35: Her grandparents brought her ______.

A. out B. about C. off D. up

Question 36: She came ______ some old photos when she was tidying her room.
A. up B. round C. down D. across

Question 37: Remember to get ______ the bus at the next stop.
A. up C. off C. along D. over

Question 38: You should carry ______ your work or you can’t finish it on time.
A. out of B. on with C. up to D. within

Question 39: Our electricity was cut ______ after we forgot to pay the bill.
A. off B. up C. in D. out

Question 40: My son fell ______ the rest of the class after being ill for three weeks.
A. out B. off C. back D. behind

Question 41: A: "What are you going to buy in this store?"

B: "Nothing. ______ want is much too expensive."
A. That I           B. What I          C. That what I          D. What do I

Question 42: ______ saying is so important that everyone is attentive.

A. What the speaker is         B. The speaker is
C. What is the speaker D. The speaker

Question 43: The police asked him ______ ever used any illegal drugs.
A. whether had he B. if he had C. that he had D. what had he

Question 44: No one knows ______ he has finished all the necessary preparation. I will ask him
tomorrow morning.
A. that B. if C. what D. which

Question 45: Did the teacher explain how ______ this math question?

A. do we solve       B. can we solve       C. to solve              D. solve

Question 46: Whether the project is approved or not depends largely on ______.
A. what does the boss think B. if the boss thinks
C. that the boss thinks D. what the boss thinks

Question 47: The university does not grant degrees to ______ pays the tuition; the student must
satisfy the academic requirements.
A. whoever         B. wherever            C. whomever            D. whatever

Question 48: ______ he fell asleep and snored in class was embarrassing.
A. That B. If C. So D. Where

Question 49: Bill seemed to enjoy his work very much, so we couldn’t understand why ______ to
A. he decides B. he decided C. does he decide D. did he decide

Question 50: ______ Mary can manage to pay off her huge debt when it is due or not is still a big
A. Why B. As C. Whether C. When

Question 51: _____ the little boy survived in the earthquake was a miracle.
A. What B. That C. If D. Whether

Question 52: ______ restaurant you pick is fine with me.

A. Whichever B. Whenever C. Whoever D. Wherever

Question 53: You should break ______ your presentation into different sections to make it easier to
A. into B. up C. down D. out

Question 54: Do ______ your shoe laces or you’ll trip.

A. in B. out C. up D. down

Question 55: He wants to save up to buy a car, so he’ll have to do ______ a holiday this year.
A. without B. through C. along D. off

Question 56: The students failed to go ______ the exam in the time allowed.
A. up B. in C. through D. along

Question 57: They looked ______ the flat before they rented it.
A. down B. round C. up D. into

Question 58: The old building needs pulling ______ before it collapses itself.
A. out B. in C. aside D. down

Question 59: Tom has been setting ______ money to go to college.

A. out B. in C. aside D. down

Question 60: If washing powder doesn’t take that spot ______, maybe bleach will.

A. out B. in C. aside D. down

Question 61: If we want to get this done by five o’clock, we’d better set ______ work immediately.
A. on B. in C. at D. to

Question 62: This is quite complicated, so you might not take ______ all the information the first
A. on B. in C. at D. to
Question 63: My sister goes to bed at exactly 70.30 every night; she's such _______.
A. a live wire B. a bright spark C. a soft touch D. a creature of habit

Question 64: When things went wrong, my mother went to ______ to hold the family together.
A. full extents B. great lengths C. high degree D. broad scope

Question 65: If you’re upset with your partner, should you try to ______ the air or walk away?
A. clear B. clean C. free D. bare

Question 66: Don't expect your investments to ______ fruit immediately - you need patience.
A. take B. bear C. fetch D. bring

Question 67: Some people who think nothing of spending $2,000 just one night out have more
money than ______.
A. taste B. touch C. sense D. sight

Question 68: His only real possession was a guitar, with which he managed to earn a bit of money
from busking, but he was living ______.
A. from foot to head B. from hand to mouth
C. from leg to neck D. from toe to thumb

Question 69: After his wife died, his health started to go ______.
A. downtown B. downwards
C. downhill D. downfall

Question 70: Now the council has given us the ______ for the shopping and leisure centre.
A. green light B. blue light C. red flag D. yellow flag

Question 71: If this plan fails, I'll have ______ on my face.

A. jam B. egg C. butter D. cheese

Question 72
If you can ______ a name for yourself, things will get easier.
A. make B. give C. create D. bring

Question 73: We had the opportunity to expand, but we were complacent and missed the ______.
A. ship B. boat C. yacht D. raft

Question 74: Our company structure is ______ because there are too many people in senior
positions but not enough workers.
A. top-level B. top-notch C. top-heavy D. top-down

Question 75: Marisa just wanted to get a wedding dress ______, but she ended up in a handmade
A. of the shelf B. of the peg C. off the shelf D. off the peg

Question 76: I met some brilliant students who gave me plenty of ______ for thought.
A. bread B. meat C. snack D. food

Question 77
I was disappointed at the lack of opportunity to bounce ideas ______ one another.
A. in B. on C. at D. off

Question 78: Newspapers print all sorts of allegations, many of which are untrue, but ______ sticks.
A. glue B. clay C. mud D. dirt

Question 79: I am ______ possession of some information that may interest you.
A. on B. in C. over D. through

Question 80: The protesters were calling on the government to ______ poverty and injustice.
A. bring an end to B. stand up for
C. pave the way for D. spread the word by

Question 81: The prime minister has come under ______ during this election campaign for being
slow to respond to events.
A. rain B. storm C. fire D. heat

Question 82: In the exam she ______ to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.
A. rose B. climbed C. grew D. flew

Question 83: ______ now is very important. Please pay attention!

A. What am I saying B. What do I say
C. What I am saying D. What say I

Question 84: Remember to tell the kids ______ they have to bring to school tomorrow.
A. if B. what C. when D. that

Question 85: ______ in danger of extinction is of great concern to zoologists.

A. That rhinos are B. That are rhinos
C. Rhinos are D. That rhinos be

Question 86: I was going to call her to invite her for dinner, but it ______.
A. rang a bell B. slipped my mind
C. racked my brain D. jogged my memory

Question 87: I ______ with my best friend and haven’t spoken to him for weeks.
A. fell behind B. fell in
C. fell out D. fell on

Question 88: Lan, you’re old enough to know how to behave, so stop carrying ______ behaving
like a child.
A. out B. on C. off D. through

Question 89: Being a teacher ______ a great deal of patience.
A. calls in B. calls up C. calls for D. calls off

Question 90: I don’t think Peter is ______ to be a manager because he is an irresponsible person.
A. cut out B. cut down C. cut across D. cut off

Question 91: How can we ______ money when we have bills to pay?
A. do away with B. do out of C. do up D. do without

Question 92: She lived at home for a while, but ______ again and went off travelling for a year.
A. got cold feet B. landed on her feet
C. found her feet D. got itchy feet

Question 93: Chi, can I talk to you? I’m having a horrible time and I need ______.
A. a chip on my shoulder B. a shoulder to cry on
C. shoulder to shoulder D. the cold shoulder

Question 94: Mai has really _____ since she first started learning English; she’s quite fluent now.
A. come a long way B. taken the long view
C. gone back a long way D. taken a long, hard look

Question 95: Nam is delighted to know that he is ______ promotion this year.
A. along the lines of B. drawing the line at
C .in line for D. drawing a line under

Question 96: It’s as plain as the ______ on your face that he is not old enough to drive.
A. eye B. nose C. mouth D. cheek

II. Select the option to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.

Question 97: It made me annoyed was that Tom used my computer without asking me for
A. It B. annoyed C. without D. for
Question 98: What do I hate most is that some friends borrow my money and do not pay me back.
A. What do B. that C. borrow D. pay me back

Question 99: Whether will she change her mind or not is difficult to tell.
A. will she B. her mind C. or not D. to tell

Question 100: That school he chose to attend still remains as a mystery to his family.
A. That B. chose C. remains D. to

Question 101: The kids wonder how many stars there is in the sky.
A. wonder B. stars C. is D. the

Question 102: I’m so curious to know what you talked to yesterday.

A. curious B. know C. what D. talked

Question 103: You have to be responsible for what have you done.
A. have to B. be C. for D. have you

Question 104: She didn’t pay attention about what her mom was talking.
A. pay B. about C. what D. was talking

Question 105: The main content of the presentation is that people should do to protect the
endangered species.
A. main B. that C. should D. endangered

Question 106: Tell me that day is more convenient for you - Saturday or Sunday?
A. that B. more C. for D. or

Question 107: The fact that Emily has been caught lying on several occasions suggest that she
cannot be trusted.
A. that B. lying C. suggest D. trusted

Question 108: A growing number of people think that animals should not be exploited and what
they should have the same rights as humans.
A. number B. be exploited C. what D. same rights

Question 109: There is a common belief throughout human history that hell or haven will visit after
A. common B. throughout C. that D. visit

Question 110: No one could really understand why did he get mad and left the meeting right away.
A. could B. did he get C. left D. right away
Question 111: Experts in psychology believe that money is an important indicator of strong and
A. psychology B. that C. important D. strong

Question 112: Do you know how much does it costs to park in the city center at night?
A. how B. does it C. to park D. at night

Question 113: The thought that he will be promoted soon encourages him working more efficiently.
A. that B. promoted C. working D. efficiently

Question 114: Everyone was surprised and couldn't understand why did he leave school as he was
not supposed to have done something like that.
A. was surprised B. did he leave C. he was D. have done

Question 115: How the projected has been carried out efficiently or not will be questioned in
the meeting tomorrow.
A. How B. been C. efficiently D. questioned

Question 116: Whether you pass the exam or not depends largely on how hardly you try.
A. whether B. or C. largely D. hardly

III. Select the option that indicates the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 117: You have to get through your revision tonight.
A. produce B. finish C. cancel D. suggest

Question 118: Please put out the cigarettes before takeoff.

A. smoke B. light C. extinguish D. advertise

Question 119: When he finished university, he set up his own company.

A. start B. run C. join D. leave

Question 120: No matter how hard my life is, my best friend always stands by me.
A. tolerates B. likes C. supports D. accepts

Question 121: The police are looking into the robbery that happened in my neighbourhood last
A. committing B. investigating C. reporting D. recording

Question 122: The bomb will go off in two minutes.

A. fall B. hit C. destroy D. explode

Question 123: Hold on a minute while I get my jacket.

A. Have B. Spare C. Wait D. Take

Question 124: She put on much weight after giving birth to her first child.
A. gain B. carry C. lift D. lose

Question 125: I thought I could trust Simon, but he let me down.

A. disappointed B. discouraged C. disrespected D. disagreed

Question 126: I’m sure he made up the story that he had an accident.
A. prepared B. retold C. changed D. invented

Question 127: Please don’t bring up the subject of politics in class.

A. mention B. avoid C. change D. investigate

Question 128: I don’t understand how Peter can put up with their constant complaints.
A. solve B. make C. file D. endure

Question 129: Tim isn’t cut out for a high-pressure job because he easily gets stressed.
A. right B. eager C. necessary D. responsible

Question 130: He puts his success down to being in the right place at the right time.
A. disapproves - of B. attributes - to
C. prevents – from D. enquires - about

Question 131: They kept on climbing despite the heavy snowball.

A. stopped B. continued C. hailed D. ceased

Question 132: I don’t understand what you’re getting at by saying such things.
A. teaching B. explaining C. asking D. implying

Question 133: Even though Joe was very angry, he managed to hold in his anger.
A. grow B. express C. suppress D. provoke

Question 134: After a long discussion, she fell in with the original plan.
A. objected B. agreed C. changed D. finalized

Question 135: You’d better come up with a good excuse or you’ll be in trouble.
A. accept B. invent C. reject D. believe

Question 136: It was great to know that your performance last night came off well.
A. succeeded B. happened C. reflected D. promoted


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