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Introduction to Philosophy
of the Human Person
First Quarter


R epublic of theP hilippines
Department of E ducation


Learning Activity Sheet in Introduction to Philosophy of the Human

Copyright © 2020
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This material has be en developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum through the Curriculum and
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Content Editor: Eden P. Malabag, (ASAT), PSDS, SDO CAGAYAN

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Focal Persons :EMELYNNE U. AGCAOILI- Division Learning Area Supervisor

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Printed by: Curriculum and Learning Management
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Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. i

Table of Contents
Competency/ies Page Number

Distinguish a holistic perspective from a ….…………………. 1

partial point of view. PPT11/12-Ia-1.1(Q1

C1 Week 1)

Realize the value of doing philosophy in …………………… 8

obtaining a broad perspective on life. PPT

11/12-Ib-1.2 (Q1Week 1)

Do a philosophical reflection on a ……………… 16

concrete situation from a holistic

perspective. PPT11/12-Ib- (Q1 Week 1)

Distinguish Opinion from Truth PPT11/12- ……………… 24

Ic-2.1 (Quarter 1, Week 2)

Realize that the methods of philosophy ……………….. 31

lead to wisdom and truth (Week 2,

Quarter1) PPT11/12-Id-2.3

Evaluate truth from opinion in the …………… 39

different situations using methods of

philosophizing/ PPT11/12-Ic-2.3 (Q1 W2)

Recognize how the human body …………….. 47

imposes limits and possibilities for

transcendence / PPT11/12-Ig-3.1(Q1, C7,

W 3.1)

Evaluate own limitations and the ……………… 54

possibilities for their transcendence

PPT11/12=Ig-3.2 (Q1C8W3)
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. ii
Name of Learner: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _______
Section: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________


Holistic Vs Partial Point of View

Background Information for Learners

The Heuristic theory of holistic perspective is about seeing and understanding.not

only what is out there in the material world. We are also be aware in what is happening
inside ourselves and others - in our minds and bodies and how this relates to all around us.

People tend to apply an analytic perspective when looking at problems or situations.

For instance, doctors often focus on a specific set of symptoms to determine the cause of a
patient’s illness. Once a particular cause has been identified, the doctor then prescribes the
appropriate medicine and other treatments to address the illness. In the case of a person
who experiences a stomach ache, a doctor may prescribe the appropriate medicine that will
address the physical cause of the problem.

A holistic perspective however requires the doctor to look at the “big picture” and
view the patient’s illness as an aspect of his or her lifestyle and personal circumstances.
When using this perspective, a doctor may be able to identify other underlying causes of the
illness. The doctor can interview the patient and get an idea of his or her habits and lifestyle
may lead to discovery that fatigue and stress may be the factors that cause the illness.
Knowing this the doctor can advise the patient to make changes in his or her habits to
reduce stress and eventually improve his or her well-being.

Holistic perspective suggests that we can only understand the parts when we view
them in relation to the whole while partial perspective suggests that we only understand one
component part of the whole.

Learning Competency with code

Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view. PPT11/12-Ia-1.1(Q1 C1

Week 1)

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 1

Activity1. Study and Learn

Direction: Read and analyze


Looks at all aspects of the given → Looks only at a limited number of
problem or situation. aspects of the given problem or
→ All aspects are given importance situation.
when making conclusions. → Conclusions are made based on
→ All aspects are tied in together to considering some, but not all, sides of
form a general overview of the the problem or situation.
problem or situation. Example:
Example: A teacher scolded Student A after
A teacher listened first to both stories Student B accused him of stealing her
of her two arguing students before pencil. However, the teacher only listened
making any conclusion about the issue. to the story of student B, and not Student
A before deciding to scold the student.

Holism comes from the Greek word "holos" which literally means all, entire, totality.
Holism is a school of thought that maintains the interdependence of factors to another
agencies of causalities. Holistic perspective is a kind of system that aims to determine
and explain the whole or totality of a given system by examining the behaviors and
activities of certain component parts while in philosophy, a point of view is defined as a
way or a method how one sees or perceives the reality or a phenomenon.

A partial point of view is a perspective that looks at reality based on a single or partial
component of a system whereas the holistic perspective tries to broaden the
understanding of reality by taking considerations of other possible causal agents or factors
be it biological, theological or any other factors that may contribute in understanding a
certain phenomenon. Holism is widely used in research as one of the many research
methods. Often, holism is used in anthropology wherein an anthropologist can begin to see
interrelationship or correlation of different components of a culture.
For example, when one researcher conducts an inquiry on the reason why Filipinos
celebrate fiesta based on the religious aspect of it, the point of view is partial since it only
considered one causal factor and did not include other possible factors like sociological,
political and historical.
Activity 2. Picture It Out!

Direction: Identify the perspective that is described. Write (HP) if it is holistic perspective
and (PPV) if it is from a partial point of view. Explain why you considered it holistic? Or
partial point of view? Write your answer in a sheet of white, yellow pad paper or coupon
bond. Send it back to teacher through pick up points in your area.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 2

1. Farmers have problems in eradicating beetles but before coming up with a
solution they consider the different impacts on the environment and will not cause
2. Anna is a member of a religious group, she claims that only their religion is
teaching the true words of God.
3. Juan condemns an artist that went viral for giving his/her opinion about the
shutting down of a TV network.
4. Jessica spread a gossip about a person being infected of Covid-19 without
assessing the reliability of the source of information.
5. Instead of judging every single person went viral on line, Sophy chooses to
reserve her judgment until she get all the facts regarding what made those people
act in that matter.
6. Wynneth act as a mediator of her two friends having an argument rather than
taking one side.
7. President Duterte with the help of Inter-Agency-Task-Force on March !2
announced that there would be an Enhanced Community Quarantine in NCR and
later on in the whole Luzon to control the outrageous number of people infected
with the COVID-19.
8. In this time of pandemic, people follow each protocol and guidelines on how to
avoid getting infected of the virus because of this every single person think of
themselves as one important factor in suppressing the virus.
9. Every organ is vital for survival and well-being.
10. Right after watching a TV show, a child concluded that everything she had
watched is correct.

Activity 3. Know Me More

Direction: Differentiate holistic perspective and partial thinking by completing the Venn
Diagram provided for you.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 3

Holistic Characteristics Partial Thinking

Activity 4. Recognize Me

Direction: Identify and classify the pictures you see below based on your perception. What
perspective does it depict? Why?

Source :

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 4

Activity 5 – Let’s Try!
1. Make a dialogue about the New Normal in Education of two individua l, one in Holistic
Perspective and the other one in Partial Poi nt of View.
I will not send
my child to school
unless there is
Covid -19 vaccines

Rubrics for Dialogue Making

Criteria Rating
1 2 3 4 5
The entry relates entirely to the assigned topic or
The work conveys a genuine personal view
regarding the topic.
The entry is written following the conventions of good
writing and proper grammar.
The entry is written following the conventions of good
writing and proper grammar.
The work is original and does not contain plagiarized
TOTAL (20 points)

5- Very good 4. Good 3. Fair 2.poor 1. Very poor Reflection

Complete the statement:

1. I learned that ____________________________________________________________

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 5

2. I enjoyed most on ________________________________________________________
3. I want to learn more on ____________________________________________________


Abella, Robert D. (2016)Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person C

& E Publishing Inc.

Websites accessed May

20,2020 -hope

Answer Key:

Activity 2

1. HP 6.HP
2. PPV 7.HP
3. PPV 8.HP
4. PPV 9.HP
5. HP 10.PPV
Activity 3


→ Looks at all aspects of the given → Looks only at a limited number of
problem or situation. aspects of the given problem or
→ All aspects are given importance when situation.
N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 6
making conclusions. → Conclusions are made based on
All aspects are tied in together to form a considering some, but not all, sides of
general overview of the problem or the problem or situation.

Activity 4

1. holistic perspective
2. holistic perspective
3. holistic perspective
4. partial point of view
5. partial point of view

Activity 5
(Varied answers /varied outputs) Possible
Education must be suspended to ensure safety of students, teachers and all due to

Parent 1: I will not let my child enter. I will not consider my child’s life.
Parent 2: She will not go to school. She will study at home.
Parent1: He will not learn at home, it is all games, he will not understand the modules.
Parent 2: What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be the first to discipline your child? Why do
you let him only do mobile games? Then when the teacher scolded him, you are also
angry? Source: FB post accessed June 1,2020

Prepared by:



Name of Learner: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _______
Section: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 7


Value of Doing Philosophy

Background Information

Philosophy is generally defined as love of wisdom or the knowledge of things in general by

their ultimate causes, so for as reason attain to such knowledge. It is a comprehensive and
critical study and analysis of experience. Whether it is consciously, deliberately and
rationally adopted on conviction or consciously or unconsciously followed in life through
faith or persuasion, every man constructs for himself a fundamental philosophy as the basis
of life, a theory of the relation to the world and the individual, and this shapes his whole
attitude to life. Study and Learn
Doing Philosophy can be applied in day-to-day activities and life perspectives, because it
involves evaluative process. Doing philosophy allows a person to make better decisions and
act accordingly to situations with the help of various philosophical skills.
Philosophy as a body of knowledge provides methodologies and insights on how societal
questions, such as moral dilemmas of euthanasia or same-sex marriage, can be answered.
The process of doing philosophy should NOT be mistaken for the Filipino activity of
PAMIMILOSOPO or pedantry where a person displays useless knowledge or minute
observance of small details.
Four reasons why philosophy is as relevant as ever.
1. Philosophy is the foundation of critical thinking.
➢ It brings the important questions to the table and work towards an answer. It encourages
us to think critically about the world. It is the foundation of all knowledge and when
utilized properly can provide us with huge benefits.
2. Science cannot answer every question.
➢ Science helps us live longer, whereas philosophy helps us live better. It is striving
towards figuring out what is true and worthwhile, and what it means to live a meaningful
and worthwhile life.

2. Philosophy has meaning in the business world.

➢ It explains that anyone who wants to succeed in a challenging, leading position in
business, public administration, politics, or the wider society needs a crucial set of skills.
Examples: check the consistency and soundness of policy paper, decide which
problems are crucial and identify issues that are still misunderstood.
2. Ancient philosophers continue to influence humanity.
➢ Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle laid the foundations of Western culture, and
their ideas and insights still dictate essential features of our world from what we eat to
what we see on the internet. Confucius on the other hand had influenced China’s
modern government.
N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 8
Learning Competency
Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life. PPT
11/12-Ib-1.2 (Q1Week 1)

Activity No. 1 Knowledge Check: Fact or Bluff

Direction: Identify whether the statement is FACT or BLUFF. If the statement is bluff reason
out what makes it bluff. Write your answer on the space provided below each item.
1.Philosophy helps us to engage in critical thinking.
2. Philosophy is obsolete and is no longer useful in the society.
3. Philosophy helps us to live better.
4. Pedantry is synonymous to philosophy especially among Filipinos.
5. Philosophy is NOT useful in business and politics.
Activity No. 2 Let’s Know More
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided before
each number. Justify your answer.
__________1. What does it require in doing philosophy?
A. Critical thinking.
B. Faulty thinking.
C. Irrational thinking.
D. Illogical thinking.
________2. What makes Philosophy important even in the business world?
A. It helps you pass in career assessment and in other tests.
B. It makes you more intellectual than higher ups.
C. It helps you decide on things like soundness of policy paper, approving
project proposals and the like. D. None of the choices.
________3. Which of the following statements explain how philosophy can answer moral
A. It provides theories and methodologies in understanding further the moral
B. It clings on hearsays and on what is trending in the social media platforms.
C. It is based on experiment in different laboratories.
D. It is based from experience of different philosophers.
________4. Which of the following is a reason why philosophy is RELEVANT as ever?
A. It is the foundation of critical thinking.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 9

B. It continues to influence humanity.
C. It has meaning in the business world.
D. All the choices.
________5. Which of the following explains why PEDANTRY among Filipinos is different
from doing PHILOSOPHY?
A. Pedantry is for Filipinos only and Philosophy is for Westerners.
B. Pedantry is useless knowledge while Philosophy is a love for knowledge.
C. Pedantry means observance to all details while Philosophy observes small
D. None of the choices.

Activity 3. My Lockdown Playlist

Direction: List down 10 songs which have philosophical questions or lines that require
critical thinking. Arrange it according to your own choice. Filipino OPM songs are accepted.
Below is an EXAMPLE of a playlist. (See attached rubric for scoring)
Title of the Philosophical Reflection
Song/Artist Question/Lines
1. Noypi by “Hoy Pinoy ako! Buo We Filipinos are known to be resilient.
BAMBOO aking loob, May agimat Even in times of strong calamity and in
ang dugo ko” this time of pandemic we never fail to
show the world that we remain to have
positive outlook in life. Not even
COVID19 can take the Bayanihan spirit
and unwavering faith of Filipinos.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 10

2. Sound of “No one dared disturbed In this time of pandemic, the world is
Silence by the sound of silence” completely in silence. Streets are empty,
SIMON & people are confined at home and traveling
GARFUNKEL becomes the last thing in our minds. We
listen to silent screams of our front liners
and to all the victims of COVID-19. In a
split of a second the world adapts to the
new normal and no one dared to question
it for this is what we need. We need to
shut our world from the busy lifestyle that
we used to have. We refrain from
complaining and instead comply, for us to
heal as one.

3. Vincent by “They would not listen; We are living in a permissive society

DON they’re not listening still. where everyone can post and share how
MCLEAN Perhaps they never will” they are feeling but it leads us also to a
point where insensitivity to others prevails
instead of kind words. People bash and
trolls threat one another. Endless harsh
comments are thrown in different social
media platforms. We failed to listen to one
another. We failed to empathize, and we
just want to be heard without realizing that
we too need to listen.

Use the table below in creating your own playlist. Each song is worth 5 points.

Title of the Philosophical Reflection

Song/Artist Question/Lines






N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 11





Activity 4 Quandaries under Quarantine

Note: Quandary means a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a

difficult situation.

Direction: There are moral dilemmas we are experiencing due to the COVID-19
pandemic. Below are the different scenarios, you are to evaluate each scenario and
provide answer on what should be the best thing to do. Each item is worth 5 points.
(See attached rubric for scoring)

1. Alexa has prepared for her upcoming 18 th birthday. Since young it was her dream
to have the grandest celebration. The news came that mass gathering is
prohibited under Enhanced Community Quarantine(ECQ) which means birthday
celebration is not allowed. If you are Alexa will you continue your dream or follow
the protocol?
Explain your answer with valid reason.

2. You are on your way home riding in your motorcycle when an old man tried to
stop you, he begs you if you can give him a ride. He needs a ride going to
drugstore to buy medicines for his sick daughter. You know for a fact that back
riding is against the protocol of ECQ, but the old man needs help. What will you
3. You just came from Manila where the highest COVID case has been recorded,
you are required to stay at home and follow protocols. One time your father who
is already 60 years old got sick and needs a medicine. Only you and your father
lives in your house and no one can buy a medicine for him. What will you do?

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 12

Activity 5. Less Is More Philosophy
It is time to embrace the “less is more” philosophy during this pandemic so list
down 5 things you need to do less in the current situation that we are facing. Explain
briefly why you need to do it less. Each item is worth 5 points. (See attached rubrics
for scoring)
Example: I will take a break from social media to stop comparing myself with others.
1. ______________________________________________________________ 2.
______________________________________________________________ 3.
______________________________________________________________ 4.
5. ______________________________________________________________

Rubrics for Activity 3


A. The learner shows deep analysis in explaining the 3

philosophical line in the song.
B. The learner shows moderate analysis in explaining the 2
philosophical line in the song.
C. The learner shows a little analysis in explaining the 1
philosophical line in the song.
A. The learner shows wide perspective in sharing his/her 3
B. The learner shows moderate perspective in sharing his/her 2
C. The learner shows limited perspective in sharing his/her 1

Rubrics for Activity 4


A. The learner wordily elaborates the pros and cons of the given 3
B. The learner briefly elaborates the pros and cons of the given 2
A. The learner arrives at a sound judgment after weighing the two 3
circumstances given.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 13

B. The learner arrives at a moderate judgment after weighing the 2
two circumstances given.

Rubrics for Activity 5


A. The learner exhibits quick and sound decision making. 3

B. The learner exhibits slow but sound decision making. 2
A. The learner exemplifies correct reasoning. 3
B. The learner shows moderate correct reasoning. 2

Complete the statement:
1. I learned that
2. I enjoyed most on
3. I want to learn more on
Abella, Robert D. (2016)Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person C
& E Publishing Inc.

Websites https://news.standfordedu/2020/05/21tuning -philosophy-
humanities-pandemic/ Answer
Key for Activity 1 Fact or Bluff
1. Bluff
2. Fact
3. Bluff 4. Bluff
5. Bluff

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 14

Answer Key for Activity 2
1. C
2. A
3. D 4. D
5. D

Prepared by:



N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 15

Name of Learner: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _______
Section: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________


A Philosophical Reflection

Background Information
Have you realized of what you want in life? Have you ever found yourself
wondering about the things you experienced or where your life is headed? As we grow
older, our questions are influenced by our experiences and circumstances and we call
that philosophical reflection that we define it as the process by which a person
undergoes a reflective state or evaluates his or her experiences first before making any
related action. The use of philosophical reflection is important as it enables thought to
be investigated using a deeper, holistic perspective. In effect, actions are directed
towards greater sources of wisdom and truth.
A big part of living is spent pondering many questions, and our lives become
more meaningful because we search for answers to these innumerable questions. This
is the essence of philosophy-the search for answers to life’s questions. Human
Activities Emanated from Deliberate Reflection
1. Learning from your previous mistakes and not repeating them again.
2. Evaluating and knowing the best choice from a set of options.
3. Gaining a holistic point of view first before making any conclusion.
4. Gather more information before arriving into a final judgment.
5. Eliminate all negative choices before deciding something.

HOLISTIC AND PARTIAL POINT OF VIEW (intro to Philo by: Abella, D)

Holistic Point of View Partial Point of View
➢ Looks at all aspects of the given ➢ Looks at only limited number of aspects
problem or situation. of the given problem or situation.
➢ All aspects are given importance when
making conclusions. ➢ Conclusions are made based on
considering some, but not all sides of
➢ All aspects are tied in together to form a
the problem or situation
general overview of the problem or
➢ Example:
A teacher scolds student A after student
Example: B accused him of stealing her pencil
N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 16
A teacher listens first to both stories of case. However, the teacher only
her two arguing students before listened to the story of student B, and
making any conclusion about the issue. not to student A, before deciding to
scold the student.

In doing Philosophy, a holistic perspective on the subject is always required. Failure

to do so or only using a partial point of view may lead to illogical or incorrect conclusions.

Learning Competency
1.3 Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective.
PPT11/12-Ib- (Q1 Week 1)
Activity 1. Knowledge Check:
Direction: Identify whether the statement is FACT or BLUFF. If it is bluff, justify your
1. We are doing philosophical reflection when we analyze situations before making any
2. PARTIAL perspective is far better than HOLISTIC perspective.
3. Learning from our mistakes is an example of philosophical reflection.
4. In holistic point of view, we look at all aspects at a given situation.
5. In partial point of view, we look at limited aspects at a given situation.

Activity 2. Choose Me Holistically

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write on the space provided.
Justify your answer
1. Which of the following statements explain why do we need to have HOLISTIC
perspective in doing philosophy?
A. It gives us biased judgement in each problem or situation.
B. It makes us consider few things before making any conclusions.
C. It helps us arrive at logical, sound, and unbiased reasoning.
D. It can not be used to know other’s history.
2. Anne is an incoming college freshman student; she has chosen architecture as her
course because most of her friends are taking that course. What kind of perspective
did she employ?
A. Holistic perspective
B. Partial perspective
C. Faulty perspective
D. Logical perspective
3. Which of the following statement best defines HOLISTIC perspective?

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 17

A. It looks at all aspects of the problem or given situation.
B. All aspects are given importance when making conclusions.
C. All aspects are tied together to form a general overview
D. Add all choices
4. Elsa decided to enroll in a prestigious university in Manila, before she made a
decision, she considered the financial capacity of her parents, her ability to adapt in a
new environment. In this situation, what perspective did Elsa use?
A. Holistic perspective
B. Partial perspective
C. Faulty perspective
D. Logical perspective
5. Which of the following statement best defines PARTIAL perspective? A. All aspects
are given importance when making conclusions
B. All aspects are tied together to form a general overview.
C. It looks at limited perspective of a given problem or situation.
D. It looks at all aspects of the problem or given situation
6. Which of the following statements explain the importance of philosophical reflection?
A. It enables thought to be investigated using a deeper, holistic perspective.
B. It gives us misperception on the different problems that we are facing.
C. It creates confusion on what are the things to consider.
D. It makes us more trustful in times of problems or crisis.
7. Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of philosophical reflection?
A. It is the process by which a person undergoes a reflective state or
evaluates his or her experiences first before making any related action.
B. It is a process wherein a person examines his or her thought and yet act
impulsively or in a spur of a moment.
C. It is an activity only for the highly-intellectuals for it requires critical thinking
and deep analysis.
D. It is purely theoretical but not necessarily can be applied to real situations
or problems.
8. When President Duterte evaluates the situation of our country before he made public
his decision for an ECQ, he did what process?
A. Psychological reflection B.
Socio-economic consideration.
C. Phenomenological approach.
D. Philosophical reflection.
9. Which of the following is a result of deliberate reflection?
A. Committing the same mistakes and not learning from it.
B. Acting impulsively towards things and problems.
C. Magnifying mistakes instead of learning from it.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 18

D. Evaluating and knowing the best choice from a set of options
10. What happens when we have illogical reasoning?
A. Incorrect conclusions
B. Sound decisions.
C. Mindful thinking. D. Stable situation.

Activity 3. I Juander!
Direction : Below are the images taken from RAPPLER, write a short reflection based
on the question in each image. Remember to use HOLISTIC point of view before
making any conclusion. (See attached rubric for scoring)
by: Rappler

Referring to the image above, is it the fault of our government why these
people experience poverty, or they are also to be blamed with their condition?
“COVID -19 Ano ka ba? Bayani o Kontrabida?

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 19


Activity # 4 My Mind Care Essentials

Experts are concerned that COVID-19 can lead to mental health crisis, below
is a set of mind care essentials. You are to evaluate and choose best three stuff
from the set which you think will make you well-balanced in this time of crisis.
Explain also why you chose those stuff. (See attached rubric for scoring).

Exercise and Movie

Unlimited Wi-Fi Meditation Marathon
Good Books Bible Study
Family and Friends
Learning new skill Comfort Food

My Mind Care Essentials:

1. 2.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 20

Activity 5. I believe I can Philosophize!
Direction: I believe I can Philosophize. Think deeply and philosophically, try, and offer
answers to the questions below (see attached rubrics for scoring)

How we become less Does the pandemic have a Do guns protect or kill
happy in this age of purpose? people?

Rubrics for Activity 3

A. The learner has analyzed each argument by stating
concrete and informative evidences.
B. The learner has analyzed each argument by stating 2
concrete but merely evidences
A. The learner holistically explains his/her 3
B. The learner briefly explains his/her 2

Rubrics for Activity 4


A. The learner shows critical thinking in choosing his/her mind-care 3

B. The learner shows mindless thinking in choosing his/her mind-care 2
A. The learner shows logical reasoning with 3 his/her options.

B. The learner shows less reasoning with 2 his/her options

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 21

Rubrics for Activity 5

A. The learner expounds his/her argument with corresponding 3

B. The learner expounds his/her argument but with no examples 2

A. The learner shows wide understanding of the 3 argument.

B. The learner shows little understanding of the 2 argument

Complete the statement:
1.I learned that
2.I enjoyed most on
3.I want to learn more on
References Books
Abella, Robert D. (2016)Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person C
& E Publishing Inc

Website https://news.standfordedu/2020/05/21tuning -philosophy-

humanities pandemic/
e ver June 01, 2020 May 29,2020

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 22

Answer Key
Activity # 1
1.Fact 4. Fact
2.Bluff 5.Fact

Activity # 2
1. C 6.A
2. B 7.A
3. D 8.D
4. A 9.D
5. C 10.A

Possible answer for Activity No. 3

• I believe that each of us has responsibility in making our lives better by working hard
and exerting efforts however there are circumstances which are beyond human
control like if you apply for a job there will always be an applicant who is always a top
priority. Yes, we cannot help blaming the system of our government, but we must not
fail to realize that this should not stop us from striving hard to make our lives better.

Possible answer for Activity No. 4

• I choose family and friends because they are my support system and confidant.
• I prefer good books because it will give you positive outlook in life.
• I need cash to keep me well-balanced so that I will not worry about our needs.
Possible answer for Activity No. 5
• We tend to be less happy in this time of technology because our society has set
standards to everything, the way we post pictures, wear outfit of the day, food should
be pleasing and the like. We cannot deny the fact that not all of us can cope with
those standard and it makes us feel unsatisfied every time we say “sana all”.
• The pandemic we are facing is life threatening yet it has taught us one thing and that
is to value life more than anything else.
• I believe that guns both protect and kill people. The simple analogy for this is that
when a police officer uses his pistol to a criminal. The act committed is killing yet a
form of saving victims.
Prepared by:

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 23

Name of Learner: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _______
Section: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________


Opinion from Truth

Background Information
Today, we encounter a lot of information from various sources such as the
media and our interactions with friends, family, and members of the community.
Most of them is helpful, but some may mislead or may even be utterly false. How
can we distinguish opinion from truth?
Most of the time there are statements presented to you in readings or perhaps
in speaking engagements. You are asked to listen that based on facts and opinions.
Reading materials or speeches tend to have interwoven statements as either fact or
opinion wherein your critical skill is called to sort which is true from those set of beliefs
or ideas.
However, there are philosophical grounds to which fact and opinion should be
critically analyzed. Take for example John Corvino’s Three Distinction of opinion and
1.Belief and Reality Distinction
Reality is unarguably seen and felt by the human senses. Whereas, belief is a
by-product or a manifestation of any reality.

For example: Your reality right now is your being a student enrolled in a certain
curriculum. There can be several beliefs system that can thrive out from that reality:
Finishing academic year with either outstanding grades or just passing remarks.
Graduating with honors or graduating simply as an ordinary graduate.

2. Subjective and Objective Distinction

Perspective is what makes fact as possibly an opinion or opinion as potentially a
fact. This can vary according to one’s experience and position making judgment as
either subjective or objective. What makes your viewpoint subjective is when you rely
so much on your perception as dictated by your mind. And when something appears to
you objectively that means there are reasons outside of the mind that make the thing

Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.


A. Descriptive and Normative Distinction (

How any experience is labelled depends on their representations from the
world. There is such a thing we call Descriptive statements which simply
narrates what happens, while there are the Normative statements which
evaluate the events according to the perspective of people, a certain culture
and law.
For example, in a certain class the teacher observes cheating to be
rampant which is basically a wrong doing (Descriptive), but, with the group of
students doing the act they might reason out that the act is for their greater
Learning Competency with code
2.1 Distinguish Opinion from Truth PPT11/12-Ic-2.1 (Quarter 1, Week 2)
Activity 1. Getting to Know
Direction: Write F if the statement is fact and O if the statement is opinion.
Justify your answer.
_____ 1. Tuguegarao reached 42.2 degrees Fahrenheit making it the hottest city
in the Philippines.
_____ 2.Dry Cough maybe one of the symptoms of COVID-19.
_____ 3. Manuel Noveno Mamba is the latest Governor of Cagayan _____
4. Staying under extremely hot places can protect you from COVID.
_____ 5. Reading books of different disciplines can make you successful.
_____ 6. Batil-patong, a kind of pancit delicacy is the most delicious food in
_____ 7.Sweeping at night according to some Filipino beliefs drives richest
_____ 8.Drinking liquor is prohibited to minors ages 17 below.
_____ 9.Buntun bridge is not only the most beautiful but the longest bridge in the
_____ 10.All students have the same IQ

Note : Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Activity 2. Analyze Me

Direction: Read and analyze the table and answer the questions that follow:

Distinguishing between fact and opinion needs consideration on basically

important reminders as each has distinct characteristic respectively.
Fact Opinion
A fact is a statement that can be proven An opinion expresses someone’s
true. belief, feeling, view, idea, or judgment
about something or someone
Statements that can be verified. Statements that express a writer’s
feelings, attitudes, or beliefs.
They can be proven true or false They are neither true nor false
Statements of fact are objective they They are one person’s view about a
contain information but do not tell what topic or issue
the writer thinks or believes about the
A fact generally refers to something that An opinion refers to a personal belief. It
is true and can be verified as such. relates to how someone feels about
something. Others may agree or
disagree with an opinion, but they
cannot prove or disprove it. This is
what defines it as opinion.
Facts speak for their own truth. Opinion may use descriptive language
to appeal to your emotions and sway
your thinking.
Questions to Identify Facts: Words to Identify Opinions:
1. Can the statement be proven or 1. Biased Words (bad, worse,
demonstrated to be true? worst, good, better, best, worthwhile,
2. Can the statement be observed worthless, etc.)
in practice or operation? Can you see it 2. Qualifiers (all, always, likely,
happen? never, might, seem, possibly, probably,
3. Can the statement be verified by should, etc.)
witnesses, manuscripts, or documents?
Signal words to convey facts. Signal words to convey opinion.
Confirms Claimed
Discovered View
According to argues
Demonstrated suspect
You can look facts in an encyclopedia Opinions do not have to be based upon
or other reference. For example, it is a logical reasoning. For example, it is an
fact that broccoli is good for you (you opinion that broccoli tastes good (or
can look this up in books about healthy bad).”

Note : Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

1. How does opinion differ from fact?
2. What are the qualifying words to identify opinions from truth?
3. What are the signal words that convey facts from opinion?
4. How to prove whether it is a truth or opinion?
Activity 3: Fact or Opinion ?
Direction: Underline the factual statement and encircle the opinionated statement
in the found essay about Global warming (please refer to references)

Global Warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But its

meaning is still not clear to most of us. So, Global warming refers to the
gradual rise in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There
are various activities taking place which have been increasing the
temperature gradually. Global warming is melting our ice glaciers rapidly. This
is extremely harmful to the earth as well as humans. It is quite challenging to
control global warming; however, it is not unmanageable. The first step in
solving any problem is identifying the cause of the problem. Therefore, we
need to first understand the causes of global warming that will help us
proceed further in solving it. In this essay on Global Warming, we will see the
causes and solutions of Global Warming.

Activity 4 Let’s write!

Direction: Write an essay about the New normal in education by supporting
facts to present your opinion. (the rubric that follow shall be used to evaluate
your essay).
Rubric for scoring the Essay
Unsatisfactor Needs Outstandin
y Improvement g
10 pts
2 pts 5 pts 15 pts
Content & - Content is -Content is not -Content is -Content is
Developme incomplete. comprehensiv e accurate and comprehens
n - Major and /or persuasive. - i
t points are persuasive. - Major points are ve,
not clear. Major points are stated. accurate,
-Specific addressed, but - Responses are and
examples not well adequate and persuasive.
are not supported. - address topic. - - Major
used. Responses are Content is clear. points are
inadequate or -Specific stated
do not address examples are clearly and
topic. -Specific used. are well
examples do supported.

Note : Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

timely and
topic. -
Content is
not support -Specific
topic. examples
are used.
Organizatio - - Structure - Structure
n Organization of the paper is is mostly clear
of the
& Structure and structure not easy to and easy topaper is
detract from follow. follow. clear and
the - Transition - Transition
easy to
message. - s need s are present. -
follow. -
Writing is improvement. - Conclusion is
disjointed Conclusion is logical. are logical
and lacks missing, or if and
transition of provided, maintain
thoughts. does not flow the flow of
from the body of thought
the paper. throughout
the paper. -
is logical
and flows
from the
body of the
Grammar, -Paper -Paper contains -Rules of -Rules of
Punctuation contains few grammar, usage, grammar,
& Spelling numerous grammatical, and usage,
grammatical, punctuation and punctuation and
punctuation, spelling errors. are followed with punctuation
and minor errors. are
Spelling is followed;
spelling correct. spelling
errors. is



Note : Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Complete the statement:

1.I learned that _________________________________________________

2.I enjoyed most on ______________________________________________
3.I want to learn more on _________________________________________

Palmiano, Dariel. (2019). Philosophy of the Human Person.
Websites Date retrieved: May 31,
2020 Date retrieved: May 31,
2020 Date retrieved: May
31, 2020 Date retrieved: May
31, 2020
Answer Key
Activity 1

1. O 6.O
2. F 7.O
3. F 8.F
4. O 9.O
5. O 10.O

Activity 2
1. T 6.F
2. F 7.T
3. F 8.T
4. T 9.T
5. T 10.T

Activity 3

1. All 11.SubjectiVe and Objective Distinction

Note : Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

2. Always 12.Descriptive and Normative Distinction
3. Likely 13.Confirms
4. Never 14.Discovered
5. Might 15.According to
6. Seem 16.Demonstrated
7. Possibly 17.Claimed
8. Probably 18.View
9. Should 19.Argues
10. Belief and Reality distinction Subject20.

Activity 4.
Opinion Statements
⚫ Global Warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But its meaning is
still not clear to most of us.
⚫ It is quite challenging to control global warming; however, it is not
⚫ There are various activities taking place which have been increasing the
temperature gradually.
⚫ In this essay on Global Warming, we will see the causes and solutions of
Global Warming.
Fact Statements
⚫ So, Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the
atmosphere of the Earth.
⚫ Global warming is melting our ice glaciers rapidly. This is extremely harmful to
the earth as well as humans.
⚫ The first step in solving any problem is identifying the cause of the problem.
Therefore, we need to first understand the causes of global warming that will
help us proceed further in solving it.

Prepared by:



Note : Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________Grade Level: _______
Section: ____________________________________Date: ____________


Methods of Philosophy
Background Information for Learners
Philosophy brings the human person to a level of thinking and/or
expression that develops wisdom and further learning. When you failed, for the
first time, you then realized what made you fail; and so, the next time you are
faced with a similar situation, you already know better how to approach it in order
to succeed. And when you reach that stage of philosophy, you are building up on
wisdom. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. There are four different
methods of philosophizing namely, logic, existentialism, analytic tradition, and

1. Logic in simple words, is the art and science of correct thinking.

“The study of truths based completely on the meanings of the terms they
⚫ The foundation of a logical argument is its proposition, or statement.
⚫ The proposition is either accurate (true) or not accurate (false).
⚫ Premises are the propositions used to build the argument.
⚫ The argument is then built on premises.
⚫ Then an inference is made from the premises.
⚫ Finally, a conclusion is drawn.

1. Existentialism is a philosophical view that assert the individuality of

any human person making him free to make choices of what he is and what
he can become. This means that you students are unique and would most
likely have a future that is true to your own person and not what is being
dictated by your parent nor your friends. At what Jean-Paul Sartre says,
“Freedom is the identity of man.”
Existentialism teaches one enjoy freedom but with due responsibility on
what is wrong and is right. Through this method, you can discover more sets
of truth without any limitations. As a man who has freedom you must put to
mind that you are accountable of your choices and decision in life.

2. Analytic Philosophy states that, “assumption of truth only becomes true

after it shall have gone through validation, experimentation or any scientific
approach for that matter.
Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.
In school setting for example, there are questions teachers ask that may elicit
different responses, but there is only one definite correct answer and this answer is
usually supported by a concept or a theory which is a product of scientific process.
Analytic Philosophy teaches you that it’s not how you see things and how you
perceive them, but how they are processed through rigorous and valid methods.
Hence, exact truth is seen in the lens of due scientific process. In life, you must
remember that truth is accompanied with process.

3. Phenomenology brings varied perceptions over a thing to a common

end that certain things no matter how different the perspective of people
towards it due to their experiences would receive justification to its being.

For example, in this image you may look at it as half full, some
look at it as half empty. This thing may appear in different perspectives. In
applying phenomenology, one must go back to its original meaning or “thing-
init-self” (according to Encyclopedia) that is simply a glass of water.
Things may appear to you in different ways. Yet, what is important is to
see its essence. This phenomenological way brings you to the essence of
anything. Hence, also see the importance of the things that you encounter for
there is always essential meaning why things exist.
For you to make use of logic a tool in understanding complex proposition
presented in statements or texts, you may use two types of reasoning:
A. Deductive Reasoning
There are usually complex thoughts we encounter, and it takes a hard time to
understand what is expressed in it. But with the help of deductive reasoning
we can chunk the entire thought into smaller units to arrive at a simpler
Premises: All Teachers are smart people. Some smart people are studious.
Conclusion: Some smart people are teachers.
Premises: All students are kind. Pedro is a student.
Conclusion: Pedro is kind.
B. Inductive Logic
Inductive reasoning - there are presentations of statements or ideas wherein
its specific details come first before generalizations are being laid. In this case,
use bottom up approach in trying to understand the concept. "bottom up,"
meaning that it takes specific information and makes a broad generalization
that is considered probable, allowing for the fact that the conclusion may not
be accurate.
Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.
Premises: Peru is a drunkard. Lucky is one of the brothers of Peru.
Conclusion: In this case, you could use inductive reasoning to offer an opinion
that it was probably Lucky, and his other brothers are also drunkard.
Explanation: The probability of your assumption may not necessarily be true
for lucky and his other brothers might have different priority in terms of
drinking liquor.
Premises: Going to public places increases high possibility to acquire COVID19.
Rose goes to the market every day.
Conclusion: Therefore, Rose is COVID-19 infected.
Explanation: The probability of your assumption may not necessarily be true for
Rose might follow the proper protocol.
Logic allows you to think accordingly about anything, making your reasoning correct,
and removing any possible bias that influence your judgement. Through this method of
philosophizing you will be critically capable of weighing what is probable and what is
true. When applied to life, this will allow good consequences and benefits.

Learning Competency with code

2.3.Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth (Week
2, Quarter1) PPT11/12-Id-2.3

Activity 1. Deductive or Inductive

Direction: Write D if the statement is deductive reasoning and I if it is inductive
_______1. All animals have four legs. All creatures who have four legs are fast
in running. Therefore, all animals are fast in running.
_______2. All students are doing their homework. Maricel is doing her
homework. Therefore, Maricel is a student.
_______3. Some animals are dangerous. Pigs are animals. Therefore, all
animals are pig.
_______4. President Rodgrigo R. Duterte is a ruler. Mayor Sarah is the
daughter of President Rodrigo R. Durterte. Therefore, Mayor Sarah is a ruler.
_______5. All things are created by God. Trees are example of things.
Therefore, Trees are created by God.
_______6. Patient X is a COVID positive. All patient who are COVID positive is
sickly. Therefore, Patient X is sickly.
_______7. Mango is a tree. All trees are color green. Therefore, Mango is color
______8. Playing mobile games are addictive. All addicts are criminal.
Therefore, all who are playing mobile games are criminal.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

______9. Waley is intelligent. Elay and Walley are bestfriend. Therefore, Elay
is also intelligent.
______10. Many of the farmers are working in the morning. Mang Domeng
always work in the morning. Therefore, Mang Domeng is a farmer.

Activity 2. True or False

Direction: Write a if both statement is true. Write b if both statement is false.
Write c if the first statement is true and the second statement is false. Write d
if the first statement is false and the second statement is true.

________1. The foundation of a logical argument is its proposition, or statement.

And The proposition is not accurate (false).

________2. Philosophizing is to think or express oneself in a philosophical

manner. And Wisdom is the application of knowledge.

________3. Deductive reasoning is a presentation of statements or ideas

wherein its specific details come first before generalizations are being laid.
And Inductive reasoning are usually complex thoughts we encounter, and it
takes a hard time to understand what is expressed in it.

________4. Logic allows you to think accordingly about anything, making your
reasoning correct, and removing any possible bias that influence your
judgement. And Existentialism teaches one enjoy freedom but with due
responsibility on what is wrong and is right.

________5. Logic states that, “ assumption of truth only becomes true after it
shall have gone through validation, experimentation or any scientific approach
for that matter.” And Phenomenology brings varied perceptions over a thing to
a common end that certain things no matter how different the perspective of
people towards it due to their experiences would receive justification to its

Activity 3
Direction: Identify the statement according to methods of philosophizing. Write
A if it is ESSENTIALISM, B if it is ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY, or C if it is
_____ 1. Taking responsibility for your own actions
_____ 2. Living your life without regard to commonly held religious or social
_____ 3. Believing as an educator that being a teacher is a providing a beneficial
and critical role in the growth of students
_____ 4. Selling all your belongings and riding a bike across the U.S. to earn
money for autism.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

______5. Determining your career choice based on what you think is an
important way to spend your future.
______6. What I shall not do by way of providing that account is to set forth a
formula which defines the tradition, a memorable line which captures the
essence of this type of philosophy.
______7. It is often understood in contrast to other philosophical traditions, most
notably continental philosophies such as existentialism and phenomenology,
and Hegelianism.
______8. The philosophical study of phenomena, as distinguished from
Ontology, the study of being such a study of perceptual experience in its
purely subjective aspect
______9. A descriptive or classificatory account of the phenomena of a given
body of knowledge, without any further attempt at explanation
______10. The philosophical study of the structures of experience and

Activity 4 - Write your reaction!

Direction: Write a 150-350 word reaction paper about this situation.
The Philippines will ease the country's lockdown starting Monday after
more than two months of strict quarantine measures that officials say slowed
the spread of the coronavirus, but which left millions of people jobless and
Hunger also surged. A survey by local pollster Social Weather Stations
conducted May 4-10 found that 16.7% of residents, or an estimated 4.2 million
Filipino families, experienced hunger at least once in the past three months,
doubling from 8.8% in December.
Guide question: Through the methods of philosophy, how can you stop
hunger and joblessness among the citizens of Philippines, most especially
during this time of coronavirus pandemic?
Rubrics for scoring Essay
Criteria Needs Satisfactory Outstanding
Unsatisfactor Improvement
10 pts 15 pts
5 pts
2 pts

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Content -Content is -Content is - Content is -Content is
Developme incomplete not accurate and comprehensiv
nt . - Major comprehens persuasive. - e, accurate, and
points are i ve and /or Major points are persuasive. -
not clear. persuasive. stated. Major points are
-Specific - Major - Response stated clearly
examples points are s and
are not addressed,
but not well are adequate are well
supported. - and address supported. -
Responses topic. - Content Responses are
are is clear. excellent, timely
inadequate -Specific and address
or do not examples are topic. - Content
address used. is clear.
topic. -Specific
-Specific examples are
examples used.
do not
Organizatio -Organization -Structure of -Structure is -Structure of the
n& and the paper is mostly clear and paper is clear
Structure not easy to easy to follow. and easy to
structure follow. - - Transitions are follow.
detract from Transitions present. - - Transition
the message. need Conclusion is s are logical and
- Writing improvement logical. maintain the
is . flow of thought
disjointed - Conclusion throughout the
and is missing, or paper.
lacks if - Conclusio
transition of n is logical and
thoughts. provided, flows from the
does not flow body of the
from the paper.
body of the

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Grammar, -Paper -Paper -Rules of -Rules of
Punctuation contains contains few grammar, usage, grammar, usage,
& numerous grammatical and punctuation and
Spelling grammatical, , are followed with punctuation
punctuation, punctuation minor are followed;
and and spelling errors. spelling is
Spelling is correct.
spelling correct.

Complete the statement:

1. I learned that ______________________________________________


2. I enjoyed most on __________________________________________

3. I want to learn more on _____________________________________
Palmiano, Dariel. (2019). Philosophy of the Human Person.
Websites Date Accessed: May
31,2020 Date Accessed: May
31,2020 Date Accessed:
31,2020 Date Accessed: May 31,2020
Answer Key


1. D 6.I
2. D 7.I
Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.
3. I 8.I
4. I 9.I
5. D 10.D

Activity 2
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. D

Activity 3
1. A 6.B
2. A 7.B
3. A 8.C
4. A 9.C
5. A 10.C

Activity 4

Varied answers

Possible answer
Hunger is a prevalent situation in the Philippines at this present time.
This is the effect of lockdowns, wherein works have become limited; so,
resources as well, became scarce to most families. As a result, the
socioeconomic development of the country eventually slowed down.
However, if I were to look at our situation, in a philosophical perspective,
there are still ways and means by which we could ease hunger among our
communities; thus, there are valuable learnings and wisdom one can take
from this pressing issue of the country.

At first, I will look at opportunities to which joblessness can be

transformed into productive labor at home or anywhere near my community.
Let’s say for example, the local government units have started distributing
seeds among households to maintain backyard gardens. This is practically a
viable means in which I can ease myself and my family from hunger. There is
always a way out if we look at situations using our heads and hands working
together us one. To get depressed won’t help in any way. It will worsen the

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Second, I should check on how far my creativity can bring me. With the
new normal state of life, there have been a lot of opportunities where I can
atleast think of a way in which I can craft something for sale. Face masks
have become one of the basic necessities in today’s new normal. I can learn
how to sew and make some for commercialization. I need not buy cloth
anyway since there have been unused clothes of good conditions I can make
use of. I just need to make them look marketable. That, when it brings profit,
would give us money to buy food in return.

Third, the social media, especially Facebook, has also become a

marketplace for online sellers, whatever the products they are selling. I can
cook snacks or any food, at low capital cost to which I could sell at an
affordable price. I can also get some wholesale items and sell them on a retail

There are indeed many ways to dress a chicken; same as there are many
ways to get out of hunger. It’s just a matter of finding the silver lining from
the situation. If a gastronomic Filipino feels hungry, that it the start to which
philosophy must work at all cost Prepared by:

Prepared by:



Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Name of Learner: __Section: _________

Grade Level: __ Score: _________


Background Information

There is a classic joke or conversation in an unknown logic class of an

atheist teacher. Atheist is a person who rejects or does not believe in God.
Teacher: Juan, do you believe in God?
Juan: Yes Sir.
Teacher: Juan, have you seen God?
Juan: Not yet Sir?
Teacher: Juan, to see, is to believe. If you have not seen God, therefore,
there is no God. (nobody is speaking in class then after a while)
Juan: May I ask you Sir?
Teacher: Yes Juan.
Juan: Have you seen your brain Sir? Teacher:
Juan: Classmates, let’s go home, our teacher do not have brain.
If you laugh, maybe you find it as a joke. But if you try to answer the
questions “is Juan right in his judgment about his teacher?” than you may find
another emotional response. Studying the arguments may bring twist to the
story from a joke to conversation that carries lesson depending in your method
of philosophizing.
Remember, methods of philosophy differ from the methods of
philosophizing. Methods of philosophy is a systematic way that helps in
learning the process of doing philosophy while methods of philosophizing is to
think or express of oneself in a philosophical manner. As human, discerning
truth and opinion helps us see things more purposeful in our daily life.
This Learning Activity Sheet will guide you in evaluating truth from opinion
in the different situation using the different methods of philosophizing that will
enable you to:
a) apply the Socratic Method of Philosophizing.
b) evaluate fallacies in the arguments.
c) determine biases; and
d) evaluate opinion.

Learning Competency with code

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

Evaluate truth from opinion in the different situations using methods of
philosophizing/ PPT11/12-Ic-2.3 (Q1 W2)
Activity 1
Direction : Base from the given example of Socratic Method of Philosophizing,
arrive to a truth statement of the exercise below. Write your answer on the
blue box.

Socratic Method of Identifying Truth

STEPS Example Exercise
1- Give an initial “A table is a “Freedom is the ability of the
definition of a thing or fourlegged human person to do whatever
concept furniture” she wants to do”
2 – Look for “Is the table a “Am I really free to kill my
characteristics not cow?” enemy simply because I hate
captured in the initial him”?
3- Give a new “A table is a No, I cannot kill anybody I want
definition fourlegged to kill.
furniture, made up
of wood, and has
a flat surface.”
4 – Repeat the Truth: “A table is Truth:
process by looking a four-legged _________________________
into its “essence” or furniture, made up _________________________
“purpose”. of wood, and has _________________________
a flat surface and _________________________.
primarily used for
dining or putting
things on it.”

Activity 2 – Is Juan right?

Direction: In the story, “Is Juan right of his judgment about his teacher”?

Teacher: Juan, do you believe in God?

Juan: Yes Sir.
Teacher: Juan, have you seen God?
Juan: Not yet Sir?
Teacher: Juan, to see, is to believe. If you have not seen God, therefore there
is no God. (nobody is speaking in class then after a while) Juan: May I ask you
Teacher: Yes Juan.
Juan: Have you seen your brain Sir? Teacher:
Juan: Classmates, let’s go home, our teacher do not have brain.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times.

2.1. Yes/No, because

2.2 Fallacies are arguments that contain?


Exercise 3-
Read the Type of Fallacies below and identify the given argument what type they
belong. Write your answers in the space provided before the corresponding item.

Types of Fallacies by Robert D. Abella

Fallacy Characteristics Examples
Ad hominem Attacking the person “These soldiers who fought in
presenting the argument the war are all bloodthirsty
instead of the argument murderers!”

Appeal to Using the threat of force or “If the peace agreement will
force an undesirable event to not be signed by the
advance the argument government, then we will have
no recourse but to go to war”

Appeal to the The idea is presented as “Marriage should be between

popular acceptable because a lot of a man and a woman. It has
people accept it been so for a long time in this
country; it should remain so
today and, in the future,”

Appeal to Using emotions such as pity “All these charges are

emotion or sympathy baseless; this is just plain
harassment – can’t you see
how this affecting my family”

Fallacy of Assuming that what is true “You come from a family of

Division for the whole is true for its doctors and intellectuals!
parts Surely you can do better in
this course”
Begging the Assuming the thing or idea “I have a right to free speech;
question to be proven is true; also therefore, you cannot stop me
known as “circular from talking”

Cause and Assuming a “cause-and “Ever since you bought that

Effect effect” relationship between sweater, everything has been
unrelated events. going wrong in your life. You

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 42

should get rid of it”.

Fallacy of Assuming that what is true of “These cases of robbery in

Composition a part is true for the whole this district have convinced
me that the city has become a
den of thieves and criminals”

Appeal to the popular: 89% of the entire Philippine population believes that he is
corrupt, and I do not want to support this kind of government official.

_________ 1. “Generation Z has been raised in social media and internet; therefore, it
is good to say that they are all tech savvy”.
_________ 2. “You’re wrong, you do not know the importance of education, you did
not even finish your elementary grade”.
_________ 3. “Better join my group, or else …”.
_________ 4. “If you will give me a failing mark Ma’am, my parents will let me do hard
works in farm and may even stop me going to school”. _________ 5. “This is the best
school, everyone knows that”.
_________ 6. Juan: “Juana, cheated in class”
John: “Of course not, she said to me she will never do that.”
_________ 7. “Every time I forgot my PE uniform our teacher in math gives exercise”.
_________ 8. Cagayan supports the President. Therefore, Cagayanos loved him.
_________ 9. Every good player has a good team.
_________10.“He does not know how to teach; he is not a license teacher”.

Activity 4- Know your biases

Direction: Read the List of Common Biases and the excerpt from Michael Beltran’s
article published on the online portal of The Diplomat. Then, answer the questions
that follow.

List of Common Biases

Bias Characteristics Examples
Correspondence Tendency to judge a “These soldiers who fought in the
bias or person’s personality by his war are all bloodthirsty murderers!”
attribution effect or her actions, without
regard for external factors
or influences.
Confirmation Tendency to look for and “How can I accept his view that
bias readily accept information there is no God? I am a Christian”
which fits one’s own beliefs
or views and to reject
ideas or views that go
against it

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 43

Framing Focusing on a certain “Preliminary evidence has still not
aspect of a problem pointed out the actual cause of the
while ignoring other plane crash, but investigators are
aspects currently focusing on the possibility
of pilot error”.

Hindsight The tendency to see past “Magellan’s assault on Mactan

events as predictable, or to Island was foolhardily venture,
ascribe a pattern to made by an overconfident, careless
historical events man who underestimated the valor
of the native Filipinos”
Conflict of A person or group is “As daughter of the accused, I
interest connected to or has a believe I have the right to express
vested interest in the issue my opinion on the issue of alleged
being discussed corrupt practices”
Cultural bias Analyzing an event or “I do not agree with this Western
issue based on one’s practice of placing aged parents in
cultural standards retirement homes. We Filipinos take
care of our family members.”

The Philippines’ Pandemic Response: A Tragedy of Errors

By Michael Beltran
May 12, 2020

The Duterte administration’s COVID-19 response marries incompetence with


The Philippine government has been boasting that as early as March 16, they
had the gumption to implement a lockdown in major cities and provinces in response
to the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. However, Manila’s overall response to the
pandemic has been fraught with incompetence and rife with terror. …

The whole world is looking forward to a return to some semblance of normalcy.

But what makes the Philippine government one of the worst examples of handling the
pandemic is its incompetence married with militarism threaded throughout its
responses. The backlash facing Filipinos now and after the quarantine is quite a
distressing picture. It is a bleak one marred by a totalitarian streak and the people’s
increased realization that the state is more intent on filling jails and the pockets of
Chinese businesses than starving stomachs.
Michael Beltran is a freelance journalist from the Philippines.
Source: -

4.1 Does the article contain bias argument/s? Write your answer in the space

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 44

If No, why?

If Yes, supply the needed information using the table.

Argument Type of Fallacies


Answer key:

Activity 1
Check if your answer is like the statement below:
Truth: No, I cannot kill anybody I want to kill.
There are rules to follow in a civilized society.

Activity 2
Check if your answer is the same below.
2.1 No, this is an example of fallacy under false analogy. Because his arguments
assume that when two things are alike in one respect, they are alike also in another.
It is true that you cannot see God and you cannot see your own brain, but it does not
mean that when you cannot see your brain it doesn’t exist.

2.2 Fallacies are arguments that contains unsound reasoning. They are being used to
convince and accept other arguments.

Activity 3
1. Fallacy of Division 6.Begging the question
2. Ad hominem 7.Cause and Effect
Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 45
3. Appeal to force 8.Fallacy of Division
4. Appeal to emotion 9.Fallacy of Composition
5. Appeal the popular 10.Ad hominem

Activity 4.1
Check if your answer is the same below.
Yes, this is an example of framing bias, because it contains personal
views of the person presenting it. It has also tendencies or influences the
views of the people by focusing on a certain aspect.

Argument Type of Fallacies

1. It is a bleak one marred by a totalitarian streak and the
people’s increased realization that the state is more intent on Framing
filling jails and the pockets of Chinese businesses than
starving stomachs.
2. Manila’s overall response to the pandemic has been
fraught with incompetence and rife with terror. Framing

Exercise 5: How does the opinion of Michael Beltran affect you as Filipino

Scoring Rubrics
Unsatisfactory 1 Competent – 2 Exemplary – 3
Does not Incorporates Incorporates
incorporate some pertinent details
pertinent information from from previous
information from previous exercise.
previous exercise.
Fails to address Demonstrates Demonstrates
the question or an adequate an accurate and
demonstrates an understanding complete
inadequate or of the question. understanding
partial grasp of of the question.
the question
Answer lacks Answer displays Answer displays
clarity, may be basic clarity of
confused, omit knowledge of thought, depth
significant facts the issue. of reflection,
or is otherwise and insight.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 46



Abella, Roberto D. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person,

Quezon City; C&E Publishing, Inc.

Websites June
03, 2020
aquino-marcos-ateneo June 013, 2020
=1146&context=ossaarchive June 03, 2020 June 03, 2020
June 03, 2020

Prepared by:




Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 47
Name of Learner: ______________________ Section: _________

Grade Level: _________________________________ Score: _________


The Human Body Imposes Limits and Possibilities for Transcendence

Background Information

“No One is Perfect except God” is one of the old ideas that we often hear from
different people committing mistakes. The idea is perfect on his way and right if and
only if you accept. However, looking at the concept by asking, “does it help me
transcend?” or “will it lead to mediocrity of performance?”. People look things
differently, however knowing our limits make us understand what we are capable of,
exploring our possibilities makes us more rational, and transcendence will bring us
anywhere, and going beyond our physical being that may bring more color to our life.

In this, activity you will be guided to recognize how human body imposes limits
and possibilities for transcendence and able to:
a) define limitations, possibilities, and transcendence.
b) differentiate Human Person from animals;
c) relate human traits towards transcendence; and
d) recognize your limitations towards transcendence.

Learning Competency with code

Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for
transcendence / PPT11/12-Ig-3.1(Q1, C7, W 3.1)

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 48

Activity 1- Label It!
Direction: 1. Analyze the figure and answer the questions that follow.
2. Analyze the picture. Label the figure using the words inside the box.
image209426951.html May 27, 2020

*Limitation *Possibilities *Transcendence *Person

(Dreaming of
( The Ladder ) becoming a
(The walls )

(The subject )

Does the figure depict your life? Why?


Complete the sentence.

Person is ______________________________________________
Limitations are __________________________________________
Possibilities are __________________________________________

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Transcendence is _________________________________________
Activity 2- Organize the Venn Diagram
Direction: Arrange the words inside the box and place into their corresponding
places using the Venn Diagram.

*Has Self Awareness *Needs to Eat, Sleep and Think *Able to reach out others
*Has Self Determination *Able to interact with others *Has Dignity

Activity 3 –Lets boost her morale!

Direction: Read the scenario and answer the question below it. Write your answer
in the space provided for.

Scenario 1: Juana is a crossed eyed student. He was always teased by his


How will you uphold Juana’s dignity?

I will uphold Juana’s dignity by ______________________________________

Activity 4 –Let’s Analyze!

Direction: Read the scenario and answer the question that follow. Write your
answer in the space provided for the answer.
Scenario 2: Vivencio is a 4P’s recipient. Despite of his financial struggle, he did all
his best in studying his lesson and poured his effort towards his goal to finish his
studies. Now he is working to the company he dreamt of and living happily with his

What character trait helps Vivencio in achieving his goal?

His trait that made him achieve his goal is ______________________,

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Activity 5 – Time to transcend!
Direction: Using the diagram below, write one of your goals, limitations in achieving
your goals and the possibilities of achieving it.

Your Limitations Possibilities/
(Example): Way of
Achieving it

Poor in comprehension A lot more time in _____________________

_______________________________ reading Example: To Finish my
_______________________________ Studies

When will you say that you transcend base from your goal?
How will transcendence help you in achieving your goal

Complete the statement:

1. I learned that ________________________________________________

2. I enjoyed most on ____________________________________________

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

3. I want to learn more on____________________________________________


Abella, Roberto D. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of Human

Person Quezon City; C&E Publishing, Inc.

illustration-with-isolated-white-backgroundimage209426951.html May 27,
%20and%20animals%20both%20eat%2C %20sleep%2C%20think%2C%20and
%20feelings). May 28, 2020
June 01, 2020

Activity 1
Check your answer if it is similar below:
Yes, because just like me, I have my limitations. My limitation
hindrances in achieving my dreams however through transcendence and
exploring possibilities there is a way of achieving it.
Activity 3
Person is a human being with rights, protection, responsibility, and
dignity above all.
Limitation is something that does or may not extend to pass
Possibilities the absence of contradiction or thing that may happen.
Transcendence is surpassing our limits or going beyond my physical being.
N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .
Activity 2

Activity 3
Check if your answer is similar below.
I will uphold Juana’s dignity by respecting her as person with rights, and
responsibility. Likewise, the school authorities should also be informed for
her protection under Child Protection Policy, Anti Bullying and other rights
that she is entitled as a student above all as a human person regardless of
her physical attributes, race, ethnicity, culture and belief.

Scoring Rubrics

Insightful Thorough Basic Marginal Inadequate

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Thorough Adequate Marginal Response
Insightful response response with response response reflects
that extends beyond strong with limited reflects minimal inadequate
obvious propositions elaboration understanding of understanding
interpretation of the and and support the issue but of the issue
statement and offer arguments from the lack and/or the task.
strong propositions support issue. support.
and arguments from the
support on the issue. issue.

Activity 4
His trait that made him achieve his goal is self-determination and/or transcendence,
where he exercises his decisions and action based on his own preference, regulate his
action, goal oriented and self-directed. Rubrics for Responses/Essays
Insightful Thorough Basic Marginal Inadequate
5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
Thorough Adequate Marginal Response
Insightful response response with response response reflects
that extends beyond strong with limited reflects minimal inadequate
obvious propositions elaboration understanding of understanding
interpretation of the and and the issue but of the issue
statement and offer arguments support lack and/or the task.
strong propositions support from the support.
and arguments from the issue.
support on the issue. issue.
Activity 5
Check if your answer is similar below:

When will you say that you transcend base from your goal?
I can say that I transcend base from my goal when I surpass my limits that lead
to the attainment of my goal.
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points
Content Shows complete Shows a good Displays some Shows little to
understanding of understanding of understanding no
unit content. unit content. in part of unit understanding
content. of unit content.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Label Student Student displays Student shows Student shows
demonstrates full a good some little to no
understanding of understanding of understanding understanding
how to properly how to label a of how to label of how to label a
label a diagram diagram. a diagram. diagram.
Prepared by:


Name of Learner: _______ Section: _________

Grade Level: _______ Score: _________

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET The Human Person as an Embodied


Background Information for Learners

“There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.” as cited by
Napoleon Hill.
We, the human persons, are the highest form of animals created by God with
intellect and free will. But our knowledge, abilities, skills, talents, and capabilities have
its own limitations because we are only humans. In the succeeding activities, we are
going to evaluate our limitations for us to be aware of it and know what to do and not to
Transcendent means beyond the limits of possible experience. In Kantianism, it is
beyond human knowledge (Wikipedia). According to Mike Colagrossi, transcendence
refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness,
behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to
human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos.”

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
By Saul McLeod, updated March 20, 2020
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a
five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend
to needs higher up. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are
physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.
Learning Competency with code
Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence PPT11/12=Ig-
3.2 (Q1C8W3)

Activity 1- Quick Survey of Limitations

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided before
each number.
______ 1. I can survive for one week without food or water.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree B. Agree
D. Strongly disagree ______2. I can survive without a
home/house to stay.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
______ 3. I can be awake all day long without sleeping or feeling dizzy.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

_____ 4. I can fly with my dreams like a bird.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
______5. I can swim like a fish even in the widest ocean.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
_____ 6. I can lift a car in just a second without any help.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree

______7. I can memorize a whole book in just one day.

A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
______8. I can go to the other world when I am asleep.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
______9. I can be a friend to anybody because I can adjust to varied attitudes.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
______10. I can memorize all the names of the person I meet.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
Activity 1.2
______1. I have my limitations as a human person.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
______2. I should not use my limitations as an excuse not to become a productive citizen.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
_____ 3. I should know how to relate to others despite my own limitations.

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree
______4. I know how to value others despite their disabilities.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree B. Agree
D. Strongly disagree
______5. I can surpass my own limitations and help others.
A. Strongly agree C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Strongly disagree

Activity 2 – Label the pyramid!

Direction: Fill-in the levels of needs according to Abraham Maslow from the bottom up to the
peak and describe each level of need. Give your examples also in each level.

The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Activity 3- Journal Writing

Direction: Study the Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow. In which level do you
believe you are now? Explain further and relate it to your limitations as a human person.
Rubric for Journal Writing
Level of Quality

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Limited
Content Engaging and Clear and Straightforward Simplistic and
insightful thoughtful and developing emerging
presentation presentation presentation of presentation of
of of thoughts and thoughts and
supporting supporting details.
thoughts and thoughts and details.
supporting supporting
details. details.
Organization Introduction, Introduction, Introduction, Introduction, detail,
detail, detail, detail, arrangement,
arrangement, arrangement arrangement, transitions,
transitions, , transitions, transitions, conclusions, and
conclusions, conclusions, conclusions, coherence are
and and and coherence limited.
coherence coherence are
are superior. are very satisfactory.
Achievement Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is vaguely
of Purpose clearly clearly established but established and
established established may not be may not be
and and sustained. sustained.
effectively generally
sustained. sustained.
Use of Precise Carefully Generally Vague, imprecise
Language and chosen and precise and or inappropriate
(diction, sophisticated complex straightforward vocabulary is
sentences) vocabulary vocabulary is vocabulary is used.
used. used. used. Mainly simple
Sentences Sentences Sentences vary sentences, lacking
vary in pattern often vary in in pattern and in variety are used.
and length. pattern and length.
Correctness Great Attention Less attention Little attention has
attention has has been has been paid been paid to
been paid to paid to to correctness. correctness. Text
correctness. correctness. Text contains contains many
Text contains Text errors which errors which limit
essentially no contains interfere with the clarity of
errors which minor errors, clarity of communication.
N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .
interfere with none of communication.
clarity of which
communicatio interfere with
n. clarity of
Assessment Suggestions-Our Schools in Action -an integrated teacher resource (2000) ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada

Activity 3.2.d. Observe and write a testimony of a person with a disability in your
community. Appraise how this person become a productive citizen in your community
despite his disability.
Rubrics for Written testimony
Objectives 2 pts 4 pts 6 pts 10 pts Earned
Planning and Learners Testimony Testimonies Testimonies
Production did not done with was done was well
plan the little with some planned and
written planning or planning being
testimony, thought. and thought thought.
work done Project but could
by others. directions have been
not better.
Content/Message There is The The The
little testimonies testimonies testimonies
testimony. include include include
minimal description detailed
information about the information
about the topic about the
topic topic

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Music, Transition, Not evident Several Most Many
Titles & Effects or minimal present but testimonies testimonies
use used poorly were correct were used,
and and they
effective. worked well
and were
Presentation There was Testimonies Testimonies Testimonies
no were just were were
evidence hearsays. provided provided
on written with proofs with proofs
testimonie like pictures like colored
s pictures and
Source: Assessment Suggestions-Our Schools in Action -an integrated teacher resource (2000) ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada

Complete the statement:

1. I learned that _________________________________________________________

2. I enjoyed most on _____________________________________________________
3. I want to learn more on _________________________________________________

A. Books
Abella, Roberto D. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person
Quezon City; C&E Publishing, Inc.
B. Internet site
accessed May 20,2020 Answer Key

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .

Activity 3.2.b. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Prepared by:

N ote: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times .


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