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Perhaps you took your father’s hunting bow off the mantle

 as a child, and he schooled you in its use throughout your

The dark lord strides smugly across the battlefield, his life. Maybe the day raiders came to your village, a sling and
glowing gem of power shining at his neck, commanding his stone were all you could find, and you had to learn to
undead legions. On a high cliff far away, the world pins its survive. Did you follow in your tribe’s ancient hunting
hopes on a single white ash arrow, flung off an elven bow, tradition, carving your own blowpipe from the tree planted
streaking through the air to shatter the dark villain’s power. at your birth? Or maybe you simply showed a knack in basic
A goblin and a dwarf meet at high noon, under a training, and the army introduced you to all manner of
scorching desert sun. The goblin grins, flips a golden coin, assorted weaponry.
and before it can hit the ground her opponent topples, a A marksman is also defined by the unceasing repetition of
rusty dagger sprouting from between his eyes. practice and rehearsal. How do you train? Do you have any
A haphazard human militia trembles in their ranks as an associated rituals, or routines that you always follow? Some
orcish horde unleashes a wave of javelins, preparing to marksmen can’t sleep without scoring a dozen bullseyes
charge. At the top of their arc, in the blink of an eye, each before bed. A stretching routine might be needed to keep
javelin bursts into harmless splinters that patter down over your shooting arm in good condition. Maybe you eat an
the battlefield. The orcs hesitate as the village elder twirls apple a day, and you always skin it from ten paces away.
his sling, preparing for another volley.  
No matter their chosen weapon or the manner in which You can make a Marksman quickly by following these
they wield it, all Marksmen are united by a common goal. suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability
Hit the target; don’t miss. Don’t ever miss. It’s a simple score (or Strength if you plan to use throwing weapons),
creed, yet it calls for a lifetime of devotion. Marksmen know followed by Intelligence. Second, choose the soldier
that one failed shot could mean a rampaging beast goes background.
unchecked, a spy makes off with crucial information, a
general lives to see another battlefield. A child starves, an
empire falls. Don’t ever miss.

  

Marksmen are not unique in being especially skilled with
ranged weaponry. A fighter or a ranger might overcome
their foes with a volley of arrows or a barrage of flying steel.
Marksmen set themselves apart by their pursuit of one
singular, utterly flawless shot. Perfection in motion. Not
just striking the target, but striking it precisely the right
way, with the right force, at the right time. The fighter sees
his crossbow as a weapon. A ranger looks at a brace of axes
and sees the tools of survival. The marksman looks at a
strung bow and sees an instrument, waiting to make art.

  
Marksmanship is an exacting path, which calls to
obsessive, detail-oriented people. True mastery of the art
demands both constant training and constant study.
Gravity, wind, air resistance, statics and kinetics,
mathematics, meteorology, optics, anatomy… an endless list
of theories and formulae fill a marksman’s mind. The
perfect shot is crafted as much in the library as on the
range, and a devoted marksman may go to great lengths in
search of obscure teachings or lost secrets pertaining to
their passion.

  
As you build your Marksman, consider two questions which
may be particularly relevant to your character. How did you
come by your weapon of choice, and how did you become
trained in its use?

  Marksman Class Table
As a Marksman, you gain the following class features. Proficiency
Level Bonus Features
 
1st +2 Marksman’s Shot, Proper Positioning
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Marksman level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier 2nd +2 Trained Spotter, Calculated Cover
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution 3rd +2 Marksman’s Archetype
modifier per Marksman level after 1st
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
 5th +3 Marksman’s Shot Improvement (2 dice),
Armor: Light armor, shields Muscle Memory (3d20)
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
6th +3 Marksman’s Archetype Feature
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence 7th +3 Excessive Precision
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, History, Insight, 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. 9th +4 Astonishing Skill
 10th +4 Marksman’s Archetype Feature
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the 11th +4 Marksman’s Shot Improvement (3 dice),
equipment granted by your background: Muscle Memory improvement (4d20)
• (a) a longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows or (b) five
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
javelins and a belt of five handaxes
• (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack 13th +5 Counterfire
• ten throwing darts, a shortsword, a shield, leather armor, 14th +5 Marksman’s Archetype Feature
and one ranged or thrown weapon of your choice. 15th +5 Refined Targeting
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
  17th +6 Marksman’s Shot Improvement (4 dice),
A Marksman’s pride and joy, the product of countless hours Muscle Memory Improvement (5d20)
of training and study. Beginning at 1st level, you may take
18th +6 Multiple Impact Mastery
an action to make an especially damaging ranged weapon
attack using a ranged or thrown weapon. If you use that 19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
weapon with two hands, you may treat its weapon damage 20th +6 Marksman’s Archetype Feature
die as 1d10 for the purpose of this attack. If you use it with
one hand, you may treat its weapon damage die as 1d8.
You may add your Intelligence modifier as an extra bonus
to the attack roll and the damage of this shot.
You may not make any other attacks on the same turn you
take this action, neither before nor after, unless those
attacks are specifically granted as Marksman’s Shots.
 
You’ve studied the techniques used to recognize fine
When you reach your 5th, 11th,
and 17th
levels in this class, details and gained experience discerning subtle cues
the damage of this attack is increased by one additional where others see only blurry shapes. At 2nd level, only if
weapon damage die. your sight is applicable, you gain an extra bonus to your
active and passive Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence
  (Investigation) checks equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Also at 1st level, you’ve learned many ways to put yourself in
a good tactical position, and many ways to capitalize on
 
one. When you take the Dash action, the amount of extra Also at 2nd level, your intensive study of trajectories and
movement you gain is increased by a number of feet equal angles has improved your ability to use cover. The bonuses
to 5 times your Dexterity modifier. You also gain a climbing you receive from ½ and ¾ cover are increased by +1. When a
speed and long jump distance equal to the same amount, melee attack is made against you, if a plausible impediment
which last until the end of your turn. such as a barrel, goblin, or ally is both adjacent to you and
Whenever you make a ranged attack, if you are at a higher within the attack’s reach, you may take a reaction to briefly
elevation than or have the benefit of cover with respect to twist aside and gain the benefit of ½ cover against that
the target, you gain advantage on that attack. attack. You don’t move out of your space when doing so.

   
When you reach 3rd level, you choose an archetype to Starting at 7th level, just hitting the target isn’t good enough
represent your unique motivations, habits, and techniques anymore. You can always find a weaker link in a chain shirt;
of marksmanship: Guardian, Gambler, or Executioner. slice open a millimeter more of throbbing artery. When you
They are detailed following this class description. The style take a Marksman’s Shot with advantage and score a hit
you choose grants you unique features when you choose it using the highest attack roll, you may further determine
at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 20th levels. whether any of the other attack rolls you made would have
resulted in a hit. For each one that would, you may add one
   additional weapon damage die to the damage of that attack.
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two ability
 
scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an At 9th level, you’ve developed skills that seem wondrous and
ability score above 20 using this feature. incredible to others. When you make a ranged attack, you
may attempt to perform an especially impressive trick of
  mastery with that shot by taking a -10 penalty to the attack
By 5th level, your long hours of practice have instilled you roll. If it hits, describe your accomplishment. Creatures that
with the routine actions of the perfect shot. When you take witness a successful attempt are astounded, and you have
a Marksman’s Shot with advantage, your muscle memory advantage on any attempt to persuade or intimidate them
kicks in. Instead of making the attack roll twice, you may for the next hour. Creatures that witness an unsuccessful
roll 3d20 and take the highest result for your attack roll. attempt become immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

When you reach your 11th and 17th levels in this class your
muscle memory improves, and you may roll an additional Upon reaching 13th level, your aim has become so quick
d20 for this effect. and true that you can shoot incoming projectiles right out of
the air. When you see a creature make a ranged weapon
attack against you, you may take a reaction to make a
Marksman’s Shot against the incoming projectile. Contest
the incoming attack roll with your own. If your attack meets
or exceeds your opponent’s attack, your shot knocks the
incoming attack off-target and it automatically misses.

 
Beginning at 15th level, your accuracy extends even to a
target’s accessories and items. Your Marksman’s Shot can
target an object even if it is being worn or held, such as a
pendant around a creature’s neck or a satchel tied to their
belt. You choose whether the target object takes damage or
flies off, carried away on the tip of your projectile. Your shot
can’t carry off tightly grasped objects such as wielded
weapons, or tightly bound garments such as pieces of armor.

  

When you reach 18th level, your mastery over projectile
dynamics enables you to plot complex trajectories involving
multiple ricochets. When you take a Marksman’s Shot, you
can bounce the shot off of any hard, stable surface. You
select up to 3 points on suitable surfaces, and the shot’s
trajectory follows straight paths between those points,
flying off the last bounce in any direction you choose.
For example, if you are aware of an enemy waiting to
ambush you around a corner, you may bounce your shot
around the corner and target that creature even though it
would otherwise be protected by total cover. You do not
suffer any penalty to your accuracy or damage for doing so,
beyond the usual effects of attacking an unseen target.

choose to reduce that target’s speed by 20 feet until the end
  of its next turn, or blind or deafen it for the same duration.
Your choice of archetype reflects not only the techniques
you employ, but also your motivations and goals; your   
personality both on the battlefield and off. Upon reaching 14th level, you’ve learned to extend the reach
of your projectile protection. You may use Counterfire in
 response to ranged weapon attacks made against any
creature within the maximum range of your weapon.
A guardian is devoted to marksmanship for the sake of
others. They leverage their talents towards neutralizing  
hostilities and protecting the vulnerable. In times of peace At 20th level, your protection is uncompromising. Nothing is
they work to keep it, and when violence is unavoidable, they beyond your ability to deny. You gain a special reaction that
seek a swift and decisive resolution. you can take once on every creature's turn, except your
turn. You can use this special reaction only to use
Counterfire, and you can't use it on the same turn that you
take your normal reaction. You may also use Counterfire in
response to a creature you can see casting a spell, to disrupt
the spell’s magic with your shot. When you attempt this, the
target number you must hit to successfully counter a spell is
20 + (2 * the spell’s level). Countering a spell this way causes
it to fail with no effect but does not damage to the caster.

A gambler’s first love is Lady Luck. They relish the chance
to show off their skill, but they also understand that fortune
trumps all. They tend to be more easygoing than other
marksmen, meeting good times and bad with equal cheer.

When you take on this style at 3rd level, you aim to weaken
your targets and destroy their means of aggression. When
you hit a creature with a Marksman’s Shot, it suffers a
-1d4 penalty on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

 
Starting at 6th level, you can help your allies escape bad
situations. When you take the Dash action on your turn, you
also gain the ability to grapple one willing creature as a
bonus action until the end of that turn. A willing creature
grappled this way does not contest your grapple check and
becomes automatically released at the end of your turn. 
When you pull a willingly grappled creature along with your At 3rd level, you’ve learned that luck can be just as good as
movement, they do not provoke opportunity attacks and skill. Whenever you roll the maximum value on one of your
they do not impede your movement or reduce your speed. weapon damage dice for a Marksman’s Shot, you may roll
one more weapon damage die for that shot. This effect may
  apply to any bonus weapon damage dice, including those
At 10th level, you learn how to precisely cripple your foes. granted by a critical hit or this effect itself, but the number
When you hit a creature with a Marksman’s Shot, you may of dice granted by this effect is not doubled by a critical hit.

  a Marksman’s Shot as a bonus action until the end of that
By 6th level, you’ve learned to make your own luck. Once turn. You may also trigger this feature of your own will
per turn, when you roll a weapon damage die for a once, at any time on your turn without needing to meet the
Marksman’s Shot, you may change the result to the usual trigger condition, and you regain the ability to do so
maximum value. You can use this feature a number of when you finish a long rest.
times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all 
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
At 10th level, you’ve learned to deliver your Marksman’s
  Shot in such a way that it pierces through your target
When you reach 10th level, you learn to get out while the entirely. When you hit a creature with your Marksman’s
getting’s good. When you use your Loaded Dice feature, you Shot, your shot passes through the target and continues
gain the benefits of the Disengage and Dash actions until the onwards along its path. You may roll a Marksman’s Shot
end of that turn, including your Proper Positioning feature. attack against the next creature in the way of that
trajectory, if there is one. Your projectile stops in that
  second target if you hit it, or glances harmlessly to the
Starting at 14th level, you may also use your “Jackpot!” ground if you miss or decline to make this attack. If a
feature when you roll a 7. Marksman’s Shot you took reduces a target to 0 hit points,
it always passes through that target no matter how many
  targets it pierced previously.
At 20th level, you’re not even pretending to play a fair game
anymore. When you use your “Jackpot!” feature, you may roll  
three additional weapon damage dice instead of just one. When you achieve 14th level, you learn how to spot the
weakest points on a target with your Cruel Eye. When you
 successfully investigate a target with A Cruel Eye, your
Executioners see themselves as the plainest practitioners of Marksman’s Shots against that target gain a damage bonus
marksmanship. To them, a weapon is a tool of deadly of one additional weapon damage die. This bonus lasts for
violence, and a marksman’s purpose is to do such work. up to one minute, ending early if you lose sight of the target.
Some executioners are cruel sadists, drawn to it by a taste
 
for blood. Some are solemn and stoic, heralds of a silent
At 20th level, you’ve learned to lay your targets low with
end. All are exceptional, superlative, consummate killers.
dreadful certainty. When you deal damage with a
Marksman’s Shot, if that damage reduces the target’s hit
points to 50 or less, the target dies. Causing a target to die
this way activates your Bloodrush feature and allows your
shot to pass through that target with Overpenetration.

 
In a game following the multi-classing rules (PHB pg.163),
these additional rules apply to the marksman.

Multiclassing Prerequisites: To qualify for a level in this

class, you must have Dexterity and Intelligence scores of 13
or higher.
   Multiclassing Proficiencies: When you gain your first level
An executioner’s gaze is merciless and unyielding. Starting in this class, if it wasn’t your initial class, you gain
at 3rd level, you have advantage on any attempt to discern proficiency with simple weapons, martial weapons, light
whether a creature you can see is lying. As a bonus action, armor, and shields.
you may choose one creature you can see and make an
Intelligence (Investigation) check contested by the target’s
Charisma (Deception) to discover whether it is intimidated,    
frightened, or unsettled, and what its vulnerabilities are. Written by dmforeva 8/17/2020. Art credits in order of appearance: James
Lewis-Vines, Mongolian Archer; Donglu Yu, Female Archer; Hejun Mao, Girl
 Archer; Ken Darmadi, Viking Spearthrower; Masha Kuravcova, Knife
Beginning at 6th level, the act of taking a life fills your veins Thrower; Suzanne Helmigh, Taking Aim. Fonts are by /u/Solbera, of which
/u/Barkalot modified Bookinsanity. Great thanks to zeek0 for the formatting
with a rush of vigor. Whenever you reduce a target to 0 hit template, heavily modified by him from a document by Akshat Bhatnagar.
points using a Marksman’s Shot, you gain the ability to take Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for their player content policy and for the
DND 5th edition system. (v2.0, 09/10/2020)

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