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ngies, Generally, the deal engines with higher output than about 10 AW are supercarged. Farth moving machines ube supercharged isl engines Inthe output range of 200 to 400 KW. Locomotive ‘pplieations require tpt of 600 to 4000 KW. Maine appliatons, from fishing vessel o ocean going ships use diel engines fom 100 to 25000 KW. Diet engines ae sed both for mobile and stationary ectrie generating plants of arying capaci Development i ging on inthe use of del engines in personal sutomstiles, Theis mainy beens, compared to guise engine ‘line! engine are ore efent. However, the vibrations from the fngine andthe unpleasant ocr in the exaust are the man das= ‘eek 1.7 THE FIRST LAW ANALYSIS OF ENGINE CYCLE Before a detailed thermodynamic analyse ofthe engin eee done, ite darable to havea guneal plete ofthe energy Bow or ene tulnce ofthe systems tht one becomes fair withthe vious performance parameters. Figure L12 shows the energy flow through the reciprocating engine and Pig 113 shows ls block diagram as an According to the fel of thermody names, energy can nther ‘be crested nor destroyed Tecan onl be camverted fom ane form to thother, Therefore, theve sat be sn enery balance of iaput and Sutput toaster, Inthe reciprocating internal combustion engine the fue fd into the cobuon chataer where buror nat converting chemi- fal eneray ofthe fue no eat. The Uberted beat energy cannot be totaly lived for driving the ion as thee ate les trough the tule aust, to the coslant and de to radation. The heat energy Srhchsconvertd to pomer a this sage called the indicted power, Upand ite wtlled to deve the piston. ‘The energy represented by ‘the ga fore on the piston passes throgh the cnectng rd fo the ‘ranhaf, Ia hisamlon thar are energy loses due to Dearing ‘tion, puraping lames etc. In addition, apa the energy avalble ‘ulin in driving the silary device ne fed pup, valve mech- nk, iguiton ystems et, The sum of ll these oss, exprested in power etl termed a tional power, fp. The remaningeneay tbe weal sechanial energy and ix termi a the rake power, Tn ensgy balance, anol etional power not shown spaately ecnseultintly this energy ir accounted In exhast cooing water, radiation, Inmtesion 38 a _ Png mee ep inset caede | ny fh seme am, pt i Brey bows Gt! (isten, *T—] smaccounted) ig.1a8 Reciprocating Engine ax an Open Sytem {LB ENGINE PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS ‘The engine performance i Indeated bythe term elceney,n- Five Important engine ficient and other related eae peformance parameter are given blow (0) Tadeated thermal ficiency (ou) (i) Brake thermal ficiency (ma) (i) Meas eiieney (on) (i) Volomtrceceney a) (9) Relative iciney or leny ratio (ra) (oi) Mean efetive preaare m) Mean piston speed @) Specie power output Oy () Spec fel easumption (aa (3) Pactair or ainfol ratio (F/A A/F) (ai) Calorie value f the Fae () 2016. Baines Energy losin exhant, ‘ool edition te. Energy los in retion, Tara fet 2% ip Figd Baegy Distbation Figoe 1.14 shows the dagrasnmati representation fener dl tubuton in an 1 engine 1.81 Inet Therma Eiceney (0) Indicated thermal eflcleny isthe ratio of eneray inthe Indcted ‘owe, ta the input fel energy im appropiate unt, nas] "08> Seay Fel per eon ‘as of alex elie val of Toe 1.82 Brake Thermal Eficecy (ns) Brake thermal ficiency i the rato of energy In the brake pomes, to the Input fel energy i appropriate unit. 03) 04) ‘nas of olf caloric vale of Toe 1183 Mechanical Efe (nm) Mechanic eficleney ie dtined asthe ati of brake power (lvered © power) to the indcated power (power provige vo the piston), i) ie oh mB etn oe wh = ean aso be defined atthe rato ofthe brake thermal fieney to the indieated thermal inc. Intrction 2 1.84 Volume Ec (4) ‘The engine output inte by the maim amount of air that. ‘be taken in dutag the auction sroke Beene only actin amount sf ful ean be Burned eflectively with this quantity of ai. Vauetie ‘ficiency san indication of the breathing ability ofthe engine ade Aleined athe rato of the vole of wr actualy inducted at wnblent enditions tothe swept volume of the engine. ‘The volumetric ef- tleny ea be clelaed considering mate o volume of ai. Howive, ‘eis preferable to uo mas ba, ___mas of charge ntl induct = Gaia of char represented By swept vole "ramble! tempertare and premare volume of charg aspirated pr stoke ‘Stat condone = (9) ‘swept vole 1.85 lative Eticency or Eine Rat (na) Relative effceney oF eijency ratio the rato of thermal efcincy ofan actual cele to that ofthe deal cycle. The eficecy rato 8 ‘ery onl evterion which Indicates the Sangre of development ofthe co 0s) Actual thera iin ‘ieslandand efiency 1.86 Mean Efetive Prete (Pn) Mean efletvepremare isthe average piste inside the ylnders of an internal combustion engine based on the clelated of reared power oatpst. It increases a manifold presure increases Tor any Particular engine, operating ata given speed and power outpot there Wl be a specif indiested rman fective pene, ep and com expending brake mean efective presure, bmep. ‘They re derived ffom the indicated and brake power respectively. For derivation sot (Chapter 1 Inieated pomer canbe ehowa fo be (110) Lan = @xi00 =) then, the indicatd mean eflcive prem can be writen as pe = MMOLE am) Similar, the brake mean eft pute given by Pe (oa) 2816. Bnginer whore ip = indicated power (KW) Pim = Tndiated mean fective prsure (N/a?) Lm length ofthe stoke (x) A= went the piston (a) N= speed in revelations per inate (ep) . Number of power strokes 1/2 for etre and for Detroke engines K = amber of ender Another way of specifying the indicted mean efectve presse ‘im info the Enowlodeof engin indicator diagram (-V dag), ihe cse, igs tay be defined a8 Ares ofthe indiator dag Pim Tanah of the ndeator igrass where the length of the indicntordingram ic given by the dierence etwien the total volume andthe clanrance value 47 Mea Paton Speed (s,) ‘Az important parameter in engin applications i the mean piston speed, 5. Tels defined as = aN where Le the stoke and 1 the rotational speed of the cranaft in rpm. It may be noted that 3, olen @ ore appro Drnte parameter than erank rollins eped for comelating engine ewioe wa function of oped, Resistance to as ow into the engine or street the inertia ‘ofthe moving part init the maximm valoe of 3, to within 8 t 15 m/s Automobile engines operate atthe higher end and large rained! engines tthe wer end ofthis range of piston speeds 4188 Speci Power Outpt (P,) Speci power ouput ofan engae edie asthe power output per tani plston area and laa teanie of the engine dengner' wuss ‘hing the availble ison area egardes of ylindr se. The pecife Done ena be shown tobe prpartionl to the product ofthe mea (lective pears snd sen Fon peed. Specie power cutpot, Py = lA fas) constant Pim Hp (118) “Thus the specie power output consi of wo lament, vit the force available fo wor andthe sped with which tf working. Ths forthe sae piston displacement and bmp, an engine running at Bigher sped wil give higher output Tt clear thatthe output af an engine can be inctesed by ln “rang either the sped or the bmep.Tnerening the sped inves increas inthe machaniealsreser of various engine components. For inereasng the dep better heat reac rom the fae regeired and {ie wil inva more thermal oad on engine ender, 1.89 Specie Fuel Consumption (of) “The fuel contumptioncharctretica ofan engine are generally ex- pressed ia team of pect fl consumption in loge of fuel pe Tilowat-hour. It sen important parameter that ref how good ‘the engine performance i Its invesaly proportional tothe ternal ieney of the engine ‘uel consumption pe uit time ite “i (439) ‘ral specie fel consumption and indeate ape Fee com smption, abbreviated as ofe and ioe, aze the specie Fel com rmptions on the bass af bp and fp respectively. 11810 Fu (F/4) or AF Ratio (4/7) ‘The relative proportions of the furl and alr inthe engine ae very ‘important fom the standpoint of combustion andthe flesey of the engine. This exromed either asa ratio of the rats ofthe fel to thal of te air or ve era In the ST engine the fetal rato practically remaine a coneant over a wide range of operation, In Cl engines at given spend the Seow doea not vary wit onthe fal flow that vai diet trth loud, Theor, Uh en fae rai ie generally wd aren a aistul etl ‘A mnture that conta just enough for complet combustion of all the fe in the stu elle a chemin corect or sto ‘hiometrefelair rato. A mictre having tore fel han tat in ‘hmically correct mature tered au sch inte anda mitre {hat contains lee fuel (or exces i) ealed a lean mixta. The te tio of actual feb vaio to emily correct ora rato felled tasvalence rato and ia denoted by 4 ‘Actual foe ratln 9 Soleo fsbai ae un Accordingly, ¢ = 1 mane chemally comet mixture, # <1 sweats ean mbetute and @'> I speana rch mite, 3016 Baynes ‘.84 Caer Va (CV) Calorie value of fuel i the thermal enery released per unit ‘gantty of the foel when the foe i burned completely and the Drocts of combustion are cooled back to the lll temperature rhe combustible mixta, Other terme abd forthe calrife vale te heating vale and heat of combustion. ‘When the product of combustion are cooled to 25 °C practically all dhe water apour reciting (rom the combustion proces it odeseed. The beating valae 2 obtained i called the higher clr ‘eo roe ear value ofthe fl. The lower or et enor vale Jn the hat rlesed when water vapnr inthe product of combustion isnot condoned and sean in the vapour form 1.9 DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE DATA Engine stags veally indicate the highest power at which Imansfacurers expect their products to give rtieactory economy, ‘ell, and durability under vervce conditions. Maxim toraue, Sd the speed at which it achieved, ie uscally given ao. Since ‘oth ofthese quaniiee depend on dpieed volume or comparative thls Between engines of diferent dupacereats in even engine ‘atogory srmalied ecfomance parameters ar hore ea “Typical sgn and performance data for SI and Cl engines ved in diferent appeations ze summared in Table L4. The four oe cycle dominates excep inthe ssa and largest engines "Thelacger engines are arbocharged or supercharged. The maximise {ated engin speed decreases av engine sie increates, minting the feasimum mean piston speed in the range of about 8 to 15 r/o. ‘The mariziuin brake mean eflcive prearure for turbocharged and foercharged engines le higher than fr eeturaly aspirated engines. ‘Bocuse the sani fear ratio fr ST engines i higher than for ‘Chengioe thelr atoralyapieated xian ep level are bigher ‘As tbe engine ie ners, brake specif conrampton decreases {iu fel conversion eicency increas det the educod het les hu fetin. For the lange Cl engines, brake thermal eficenies of hoot 40% and indicated thermal efceaces of about SOM can be ‘htaned in modern engine, ‘Tbe 14 Spal Dein end Peormane Da fr Maen Ital Combion Bait woe oan tn ly Teed ien (oor) (om putin acne m sf. mares) Comprenionieston enone a 3216 Begins ‘Worked out Examples 1.1. A fourynder, four trke,sprk-imiion engine has «bore of ‘0 mam and stroke of 80 mn. The compression ratios 8. Cale Tate the cube capacity ofthe engl and the clearance volume of ‘ach einer. What typeof engine ltl? SOLUTION: swept vine Vs = TL =F xexe Cubic capacity of the engine = Number of eylindrs = 4a = 3008.4 ce Compretionratiogr = cian tonto = (4) % Sine the bre and stroke ar equal the engl called square engine, 1.2, Afounatroke, cmmpresan-gition engine wth four cylinders de ‘elope an indicated power of 125 kW and delivers brake power ‘1005 W, Caleaate () tonal power (2) mechanical efiiency ofthe engine SOLUTION: Fictional power, fp = ip bp = 125~100 askw a Mechanialefcieny nm | ee 1.8, An engine with #0 pr cen mechanical eelany develops a brake ‘power of 90 BW, Find ite ndieated power and tition power. Ii frictional poner is assumed tobe constant, what wl be the rmachaiclefceney at half oad 7 SOLUTION: Indtated yore,ip = Bie =osrsiw ae Picton! power, fp = sp—by = 815-20 = 150 Brake power at lf lad = 0530 \ = saw 2 + Mechanical eficleney,m = j-"P7= x 100 { oth ~ ers | core rd ||” 14. Asingloeylinde,comprntion-ignition engine with a brake ther \ ‘al eflincy of 30% uae highspeed ded ol having » alr ‘ale of 42000 L/h It mechankealefiency is 8 pe eat, Caleta () bofe in g/W B (i) fafein hg/EW hk Se hm etessom = 5a ste it noone Aken mpi te = 2, \ = = 0266 kWh a x 3416 Baynes Ind op foe consumption iafe = BefeX m= 028608 0229 nw 1.5. A petrol engine wie fuel of calorie value of 42000 kg and tsa specie gravity of 075. The brake thermal fclecy To 24 per cen and tchatial ficiency i 80 per cant. Ifthe engine ‘oveops a brake poner of 23.44 KW caulate (vole of he {el consumed per scond (i) indieaied thermal efiieny soLUTioN: Beak thermal ofiieney, nk ate ® ma ea a OV 024 x 2000 = rete nant edd = 0x6 1000 = Te e/at Veta 9y = BTE e010 mth Maco = ce son os 1, A single-cylinder, fourstroke diel engine having a placement ‘ole of 90 ciated at 30 ren When a braking traue of {0 Nin in applied analysis of the indleator diagram ges mean ‘Sfectvepremure of DEO KPa, Calelate the Brake power and techni! eceny of the engine soLvTiON: aeNT _ tex 30x09 ” 00 sak Indicated power, ip = row » 14 me = xt = He cr00 = ma = 1LT. A fouratroke SL engine delivers a brake ‘mechanical ecieney of &5 pe cent. umpton io 160 by of fel in one hour and “00 bg during one seth ofan out. The beat feel i 2000 1dkg.Calulte (i) indented power ‘Powe (i) alrful rato (i) indented thermal eiciency thermal flney souvTIon: Tpearared fel cone Indicated power,ip = SE = s19siw oo Frictionl power, fp = ip—bp = S105 4018 = 7oKW os ses Alcoa ati, a/P = O88 = 15 Id th icneynan = Poe ty oa 00 2% = 53016 Bins Brake thermal efielneys in = him o2sixass = 020 = 23.9% ” 18. A wo-tske cyl Cl engine delivers a brake power of 268 AW ‘ile 78.6W iued to overcome the fiction meet consumes 1 ig/h ef fuel ata asl rato of 20s, The heating vale ‘tthe fala 42000 Keg, Calevlate (i snceatd power (i) me- ‘Shania eleleey; (il) Ait conremption () indiated thermal ‘fines (Brake thermal eficeney SOLUTION: Indicated powes,ip = boty = 908+708 = aie 0w : fe Mechanical ficiency, nq = 7% «100 Z cj je comamgtion = Axrny = 20005 = th, eficiony, nan a% ca Bake themal efiieny, nay = Mas tm = omxos = 015 = anes Intoiucton 87 19. A fourstrke petrol engine delivers a rake power of 96.8 XW [With a mechanical eficlency of 80% The altel ratio 18:1 {nd the fol conromption i 4088 kg/EW The heating vale ‘ofthe fe! ie 42000. Caleslat ) indented power (8) i= ‘onal power i) brake thermal ficiency (3) ideated thermal ‘cnn () total fel consumption (vi) ir eonsampton/socnd souvtion: Indicated power, ip = 2 -@ = www Foal pes fp = te = saw labo ein nn = Boy hay sa = 1910" kaw me Tea = 2% ind. th, eftcecy, nay = x 100 20.20% Poel fow rte, hy = bofe x bp = 13x10" 368 = 0.0042 ba/s 3810, Bryiee Ale consumption, thy = ty Air-ful rt = 0.068 ka/e = 1.10. A sparkignition engine has afta rato of 0067. How many igs of ar per hour are reguived fora brake power output of 738 [EW at an overall brake thermal ficlencyof 20567 How any m2 of air are ruled per hour ifthe density fara 1.15 h/t {he fe! vapour has dea four tes that ofa bow many sm! per hour of the mixture la required? The erie valve of he oli given as 2000 1k. soLvTion: nity = Bae Pa tow rte tny = Me = pt sn sts) yom te commpticay'm Bite = Who Olay ~ Saat = eros keh ” Volume Howe of si, = SIE, ON 409.35 mi/h = Volume for rae of fay = tA = SBA, ese n/h Mitre fow re,Vn = Yo) = anss--008 = moat a/a Questions = 1.1 fie he lowing () excine (3) het eine 1.2 How ne at engine che? 1 apa the ba difeece nee wk psp? 14 Give examples f BC ud IC ex 15 Compare BC aad 1C engine. 1L6 What are the important bare component of an IC engine? Baplain them brie. 1.7 Draw the crose-aetion ofa single tnd sarki engine snd mar the important part 8 Define te follwing (i) bore (i) stroke (Ui) aapacement volume Uv) clearance Volame (9) competion ratio ‘Mention the nits in whic they are normally measred 1.9 What ie meant by TDC and BDCT tn suitable setch mark 1.10 Chasity the internal combustion engine with respect to (exc of operation (i) type offs wed (i) method of charging the einer (is) typeof ignton (0) eylinder arangemente 1.11 Whats meant by ender row and elindee bask? 1.12 With net sketches explain the working principle of four-stroke spark igition engine 1.18 In what respects fourstroke cycle CI engine difer fom that of| an Senge? 1.14 What ie the main rewon for the development of tmostroke ngs and what av the vo tai pee of o-strke engies? 1.18 Describe with a net sktch the working principle of crankease sevenged two-toke engine 401 Baynes 1.46 Draw the ideal and actual indiator dagrams of x twostrote ST fine, How ae they diferent from that of a fourstroke ele 1.17 Compare fouratote and twoatroke cycle engines. Bring out ‘Cen thei lative serit and deme, 1.18 Compare SI and CI engines with respect (i) bale evel (3) fel we (i) introdution oft (Ge) ignition (9) compression ratio (8) speed (oi) eines (oi) ela 1.19 Dias in dstail the aplication of various types of iateraal combution engines. 1.20 Give an accoust of the ft aw analy ofan internal combustion eine. 1.21 Show by means of&dingsam the energy Bow Ina reciprocating internal combustion engine 1.22 Defice the folorng etieienciee {) indeed thermal fBeency (3) brake thermal feency (i) snechanealeceney (i) volumetric {a} elatveeicieney 128 Explain (i) mean elective presse (i) epee oatpat (i) specie et consumption (is) fatale ratio (9) heating vale of the fel 1.24 What ie meant by mean piston speed? Hepa ts importance, 1.25 Discuss ily the design performance data of SI and CI engines. Itetcton 4 Exerciser <1, A dle engine bas « Brake thermal efeiney of 30 per cot. Tr the calorie value ofthe fle 2000 K/h, Pind it Sake specie fel consumption. “Anes 02857 ka/kW 1.2, Aas engine having cylinder 250 mn bore and 450 sum stroke an a volume eficeney of 0%. Airgas ratio cual ‘alone value of fel 21000 k) perm at NTP. Caleuate the beat supplid to the engine per working eyes. If the comprer om ratio 6, what the het value ofthe mictare per working Stroke perm? of otal eylinder vluma? Ant 134862 -12. A certain engin fal oa delivers bra power o 36.8 XW. Tt {uiresaeetional power of 7.96 KW to rotate the engine wth- tout fel atthe same spec. Calesat ts mechani efieny ‘Assuming thatthe mechanical lnse remain content what will ‘bethe mechanical efconey at () half load and i) quarter lad. Ane (i) 833% (8) TL4% (8) 55.5%, 1.4: An engine ued for pumping water develop rake power of 5.68 AW Tes indented thermal ecieney = 30%, mechanical eflency is 408 calorie val of the fo! 42000 dag and its specie tray = OTS, Caesate () the fol consumption ofthe engine Ts (a) ha/h (0) iter (i) indented specie fel consueption nd (i) brake specie fuel conrumption. “Ane (i) (9) 1.31 Kg (6) 2.8 s/h (0.285 bg/AW be (4) 0356 Ja/hW 1.5, Atwostre Cl engine develops a brake power of 368 KW while ih eioal power e136 KW. Ie fel consumption e180 kg/h ‘nd works with an aiefl ratio of 201. The heating ale ofthe fu #2000 keg Cael i) indented power (3) mechanical ‘ficiency (li alr consumption per hour (3) indented thermal ‘iene and () bea thermal ficiency. Ane: (0) 441.6 RW (i 4.3% (i 3600 egy (i) 21.1 (7) 17.0% = 16, Compute the brake men efectivepremre ofa fourylinde fourstrok dee! engie having 180mm bore and 200mm stroke Ithch develope a brake power of 13.6 KW at 1200 pe Ans: $206 bar 4216, Basins 1.7, Compute the brake moan efetive prerure of «four-cylinder ‘woutoke engine, 100mm ore 16 un sre when it develope torque of 490 Nz ‘ane 74 bar 1.8 Find the brake thermal ficiency of an engine which consumes 1g of fel n 20 minutes and develop brake power of 6 KW. ‘The fol bars beating vale of 2000 Li/kge Ane 288% 19. Find the mean piston spied of w disse! engne nang at 1500 pm. The engine as 100 mm bore and La eatin ie. ‘Anes 75 me 1.10. An eagine ising 5:2 he of air permite while operating at 1200 epm. The engine requires 0.2286 of fel per hour to produce an indiated power af 1 AW, The sel toi 18.1. Ihdiested thermal ficiency ie 36% and mechani eflceny ‘9%. Cleat) brake power and (i) beating vale ofthe fe. Ane: (9) 73:7 RW (8) 4200 eg REVIEW OF BASIC PRINCIPLES 2a WTRODUCTION ‘The man objective ia studying the theory of IC engines ca be sume raed a8 (0) Ty have beter undermanding ofthe vious procemes taking pce and the condition provaling inthe engine clade. (To predict the ehange in pomer fl consamption and relibilty renting fom the changes inthe operating conditions or changes in the sgn features ofa given engine (ii) To prodiet the operating characteris of «now design fom txt rents ona sue engine of «diferent sie Basie kaowledge and the farnilasity ofthe piciles of thermo- “ae TK 7 Peet inaultor cum Det conductor gd ig. 3.2 Working Pipl «Carat Engine Sf be pect nultors. The cylinder head is arranged that it can 1 pret heat andlor ws el ape eat olor int the heat ranted fom a hightemperature suc, (ts). to the woking medium nth cylinder an ars rl the wrk {ne dio expand Ths epsetd bythe tera proces Sia Fig Now he pind head ws ad tats per fener. “The woking mein in he cinder snow allowed {> eapand fhe om sine t fo state Ian eeproaedy re Sere saat pocas i in pi aad Tv agus In Pl Now the ssn © bought ito contact wih conta low te Deruare Sak, (0), a the cylinder bead ow made Wo ak wt Fret hat condocor Sone beat ete othe sink witout {Sing the emperatr snk a soa he wring mdm Compre cen Ito wich wreprted by steal ne irr Fil thcyinder ond made agin oct an pret at ‘nor andthe working med composed adnate rom sae Zio whith rpneeted by proces 2-3. Tha the cle come pied “hsp the cc hemedahcal the ficineyof thee canbeweten ws otk one y the rtm rng he cle W) Test plied ote syste daring the eye (Qs) According to the fst Iw of thermodynamic, eat oupplied~ He Work done W= Qs-a8 1) Considering the other procetes 1-12 and 4, we get n= mfre oa 1010 Bagi a etima fs os Considering adiabatic procenea 2-03 and 4-+1 wu (ny) ) n> (2) ee 0s) Sine T=, and T= Ts wea, er. yw Va Sar ton) co the, nitilour=mitbsr towne = er OD Bh Ln os Ts n ‘The lower temperture snk temperature, 3, is normaly the atmoaphri temperatre or the cooling water temperature and Ibece fied, 50 the Inereave in thermal efieney can be achieved ‘nly by increasing the souree temperatre. In other words the UP bet temperature la required to be maintained as high as pole, 0 “hier maninam thermal eicieny. Between wo fed tempera Garot cycle (and other reversible cycles) ha the maximasm pole ficiency cmapared totter aestandard cycles, Ispite of hisadean- {age, Carnot eyle dow not provide a auitele basi forthe operation tan engine orig »puscout working ld because the work outpet {oom this cyte wl be quite low. Mean eflectve prstre, py it defined as that hypothetical coostast presute acting on the piston ding is expanson sre Ain Standard Cyl nd Thi Ania TL | producing the same work output as that from the actual yee | Ratna Work Oxtpat Pm = Sept Volume ced ean be shown | pm = Asn indicator dagram constant (810) i Tangth of diagram ‘he ct deeds othe canis tel he neater | RSNSAoSiaa ue le tes SUT poten ran el co ae ince ee ape es Wee ed [SATE ears pr nd th we xp oe He i ee 2a THe sTIRUING cvcLE | ‘The Croot cycle how mean effective presnure boca oft very | Jom wrk output. Heace, one of the modifed forms of the eye to produce higher mean eflectiveprewure whist Unortealyacheving Fill Carnot cycle eficency isthe String cycle It conta of to other and two constant volume processes The heat reletion ‘bd addition take place a constant teriperatare, The pV and T-r Algznes for the Sting cycle are shown In Figs8fa) and 3.3(0) sapere. Cont, vo. Hieat addition rom the source H cont. vl Heat rjecton to the sink ¥ Heat added fom) * Heat rejected to {We regenerator Pig8. Sting Cycle ee clan from Fig.3.(4) that the amount of heat addition aad reicton daring constant volume procomer it ame- Hence, the k sso (Yt) At, (1) = omy rvs) Ys | nse = Bh (3.42), ame ar Cetnoteflicency “Th Sting evel was wed elie for hot alr engines and beeamne tzolete av Otto and Dine eyees care into ue. The design of Si- nine fs tr ley the ies ud conrion feat xchange operate continuously at very high temperatares | Hlomever, withthe devlopnent in metallurgy and intensive research inti tp tag, he Sig ene we cme bad | {i praca appearance. In practice, th heat exchanger ficiency mot be 100 Hence the Sing eee ficiency wil be feos Yan Carotefciency and ean be writen as RTs Ti) oer Bisbee ¥ U= JOT) * (19) where the eat exchanger eflctivenes ° THE ERICSSON CYCLE ‘The other modified frm of Carnot cycle for higher meas efective pase tthe Evcton cycle. ‘The Ereson cycle consist a two Efenernal process and wo constant pressure procetes. The heat ‘dition aad reeton take place at constant press, Cr aso ° | the source aoe Ts ‘ \See Cones. pr 1 = TA No thesk V teat added trom//* Fig.ta Exeson Cycle Air Standard Cyt nd Tel Anais 78 ‘The cycle ie shown on pV and Tue diagram in Fig. 3.40) and 3.4(0) repctvely. Comparing the Carnot, Sting and Bren €)- tle all operating betneen te tre source and sak temperature it ace thatthe ficiency isthe lerget forthe Carnot ejle. The sdvantage ofthe Evcnon cle over the Coot and Sling yee Is ie emaler pressure ratio for given ratio of maximum to minimum speci volume. — ‘The Exes cycle dos not fad pactial application Ia piston cages but ie approuced by «ga turbine employing a large number of stages with eat exchanger, insulators and ebeaters. 35 THE OTTO CYCLE ‘The main drawback ofthe Carnot clei ie imprectcailty due to high premure and high vole ration employed with compare: tively low mean eflotve preaure. Nicolaas OW (1875), proposed 2 constant-olune heat addition ecle whieh frm the bass forthe ‘oring of days sparignition engine. The cycle shown on PY ted Tos diagrams in Fig35(o) ond 3-5(0)respetively. Fig.8.8 Otto Cycle ‘When the engine ie working on fll throttle, the processes 0-1 and 1-0'on the pV diagram represents suction and exhaust poe eases and their efleti mlied. ‘The process 1-2 represent le ‘topic compremion of the ir when the ton aves fom bottom dead entve to top dead centre. During the process 23 heat i upped verily a constant volume. ‘This proce correponde to spath- ignition and combustion inthe utual engine. The procenee 3-4 {nd 41 represent iestropie expansion and constant volume heat ejection sespectiey 1610 Baines 351 Thermal Etieny “The thermal fen of Otto cycle can be writen at Considering constant voluze proces 2-3 and 41, the pled aod rected of ar can be weten se = mexts—79) (a5) Qn = meta-7) ag m(s—1)—mita=7) tom = MAB Boh ey ‘Considering stop prseres 1-2 and $4, have nm we ; R - (4) 8) er -@r (eam Bat the volume rtioe V/V and V/V are equal to the compression rato, 7. Therefore, , (29) ‘hereore, bhlB (oa) (2 Air Standard Cys and Ther Analy 78 uk 29 es (029 (#) = aa Note thatthe thermal eficeney of Otto cycle ie & funtion of cm pression rato and the ratio of specie heats, Aa yx sod be constant for ay working Sai, the eiieny ix increased by Ine ‘reasng the compresio rato. Furer, the ficiency i independent ff heat upped and presre rai. The we of gare wth higher “aloes woul increase efeeney of Otto cycle. Fig-3 shows the eect ‘fryand ron the efceey. Bieieney (9) 7 Compresion rll ig. Efet ofr and on Beene for Otvo Cycle 252 Werk Ostet “The nat work output for an Otto cycle canbe expressed at w (3.26) re Pe 2 om

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