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 According to the Writing Lab (2020) it defined as the original rendition
of the author‘s essential information and ideas presented by someone
else, displayed in new form.
 A legitimate way of borrowing statement from other source.
 Restating a summary in a more detailed way, and focusing more on a
single main idea.

Six Steps in Effective Paraphrasing

 Understanding the full meaning of the text by rereading it many times.
 Try to write own version on a note card, and set the original one for
the mean time.
 Select words on how to author will write it and get the key words or
phrases that will be used as subject for the new rendition of the
 Check the new version that the author made and counter checked it
together with the original version, to assess the accurateness of the
meaning and to remain the intention or purpose of the original text to
the new derived form.
 If there are unique terms or phrases that are useful on the paper. It is
advisable to use quotation marks to serve as a direct quotation from
the sources.
 Take down note the source of a certain idea, if ever it can be helpful
for the flourishing of the paper that the author.


Paraphrasing usually occurs in changing single sentences, sometimes
it varies according to how the reader perceived the message of the
sentence. Here are some of the examples on how an author may paraphrase
a particular sentence:
 Original: Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay, and they can consume 75
pounds of food a day.
 Paraphrase: a giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of Acacia leaves and hay

 Original: Symptoms of influenza includes fever and nasal congestions.

 Paraphrase: A stuffy nose and elevated temperature are signs that a
person may have a flu.

 Original: Her life spanned years of incredible change for women as they
gained more rights than ever before.
 Paraphrase: She lived through the exciting life of women liberation.

 Original: Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample the
region's exquisite wines.
 Paraphrase: Be sure to make time for a Tuscan wine-tasting experience
when visiting Italy.

 A concise and brief method of stating the main idea and supporting
details of a particular text.
 It can be considered as a study outline of the entire paper.
 A summary compressed a lengthy text into a shorter but remain the
intention or purpose of the text.


1. Identify the main idea and other important details through re-reading the
text to fully understand the text.
2. Jot down all main ideas in fragments or phrases. It is advisable to use
some tools to in connecting the ideas properly.
3. Make an introductory statement in starting the summary of the text.
4. Start completing the fragmented main ideas into sentences and connect
necessary ideas that are relevant to one another.
5. Identify ideas that are related and not related to one another to form a
paragraph. It is necessary to use conjunctions to give more emphasis to the
ideas that are being merge or oppose.
6. Double check the entire summary after constructing it. Make sure that
punctuations, indentions, spelling, capitalizations, and spelling are all


1. A good summary shortens the original text- it is a must that a summary
should be at least one fourth or one third of the original text. The length of
the summary should elicit still the important ideas and main concept of the
original text. Dependence of the length of the summary vary according to
the purpose as well of the summary.
2. A good summary includes on the most important information- in writing
the summary the author should always remember that the content of it are
the important details only.
3. A good summary includes only the content in the passage- the author
must not indicate any personal view about the passage. Opinions and
schema about the topic are prohibited. Sticking to the information given in
the passage would be the basis for the author to summarize the passage.
4. A good summary is written by the author’s own words- the ideas must be
translated through author‘s own words and understanding. It should not be
copied as is. Though copying the text will help to condense the text it is
advisable to use quotation marking.
5. A good summary is well-written- even if it is a summary the author must
still follow the rules in writing.


 Avoid using question
 Avoid first person perspective
 Avoid dialogue
 Strike the information and do not start with a personal introduction

 Consist of 100-200 words
 Summarizes the text and maintain the tone, proportion, and meaning
of the original text.


There are various steps that can be followed in order to write an effective
précis. They are as follows:
1. Read the article or book multiple times.
2. Take notes on the key points of the reading and underline key sentences.
3. Compose an outline of the reading.
4. Using the outline and your notes, summarize each paragraph in the
reading into one to two sentences.
5. Combine the sentences into a logical format and create your own
paragraphs that mirror the work.
6. Review the précis and ensure that it has the same tone, proportions and
meaning of the original text.


 Include the thesis statement.
 Mention the author and the important details.
 Key points only, make it concise.
 Paraphrase the statement without giving opinions.
 Cite as an introductory of the precis.
 Indicate the argument of the original author only.
 Make it clear and short as possible. Revision is a must.

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