Activity 6 - Profugo Bspharma1: Herpes Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Syphilis Gonorrhea

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STD/STI Causes Symptoms Effects

Herpes Caused by herpes simplex virus Redness, swelling, pain, itching Genital pain, itching, and painful urination
Human papilloma Direct sexual contact Some may develop genital warts Cancer of the cervix, anus, and throat
virus (HPV)
Syphilis Caused by bacterium called Treponema pallidum White patches in the mouth, flu-like symptoms, tiredness, fever, and swollen glands Stroke, meningitis, hearing loss, dementia, and
through an infected person during sexual activity sexual dysfunction
Gonorrhea Bacterial infection through often unprotected sex Increased vaginal discharge, painful urination, vaginal bleeding, abdominal or pelvic pain Unusual discharge from the tip of the penis
which may be white, yellow, or green, pain or
tenderness in the testicles, pain or burning
sensation when urinating
HIV/AIDS Caused by immunodeficiency virus through contact Swollen lymph glands, weight loss, cough, night sweats, rashes, and painful mouth sores Significant weight loss, diarrhea, chronic
with an infected person and by sharing needles weakness and fever
Pubic lice Can be acquired by being physically close to a itching in the affected area, inflammation, and irritation can lead to minor skin or eye problems and lead
person who has pubic lice to infection such as impetigo or furunculosis
Chlamydia Caused by bacteria Painful urination, vaginal discharge in women, discharge from the penis, bleeding between rectal pain, discharge or bleeding, conjunctivitis
periods and after sex in women, testicular pain in men
Trichomoniasis Caused by a protozoan parasite called trichomonas foul-smelling vaginal discharge, genital redness, burning and itching Pain during urinating or sexual intercourse
vaginalis through anal or oral sex with a person who
has this disease
Hepatitis B Spread when blood or semen or other bodily fluids Abdominal pain, dark urine, fever, joint pain, and loss of appetite Increased risk of developing liver failure, liver
from an infected person enters the body of someone cancer, or cirrhosis
who is not infected

Bacterial vaginosis Overgrowth of atypical bacteria, imabalance of the Vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, sometimes pain Some may develop genital warts
bacterianthat are normally present in the vagina


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