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Nicaraguan Touchstone

April 2011

Wow we have been so busy that the time has just flown by. It was
Come, you
just yesterday that we celebrated Christmas. What have we been
who are doing you ask? Well let me tell you. Construction. And preparing
blessed by my the land for construction. God is certainly busy in Nicaragua and
Father: take he has our family in the thick of the action. Please read on as I
your inheri- attempt to tell you about our lives.
tance, the
Kingdom. Pre- In the past publications I have told you of my struggles and stresses.
Although I strive to keep these newsletters upbeat and informative I
pared fo.r you believe that I wouldn’t be completely honest if I didn’t document
since the crea- my spiritual attacks. Although I have felt close to God these months
tion of the I believe that I have struggled the most. I firmly believe that when
we are in God’s army, Satan will attack. Without going into too
world. For I much detail, I have been struggling with patience and perseverance.
was hungry I continue to struggle with what God wants me to do in Nicaragua. I truly believe
that I am where God wants me, doing what He wants me to do. Its just that I
and you gave sometimes do not have enough faith that I can do the job. I feel that God has a lot
me something of things He wants me to do here. Projects that will test my physical abilities and
also spiritual matters. With all the construction and farm duties that are forthcom- Contact info.
to eat, I was
ing I believe that God has given me the experiences to do a good job for Him.
thirsty and you What I struggle with is how its going to happen, Wow that was vague. Let me Email:
gave me some- give a little more detail. In January we had to move out of our house suddenly
since the landlord and I couldn't come to an agreement on a lease extension. So
thing to drink, we were given 10 days to relocate. Mrs Raye graciously opened up the Mission
I was a house to our family. Putting most of our furniture into storage, we moved into the
mission house. This is a God thing because we are able to stretch our money put- Skype: jdspeigle
stranger and john.speigle
ting off a stateside fundraising trip till the fall (more to come later). Where the
you invited me stress lies is that we only have till the end of May where we have our furniture
Facebook : John Speigle
in, I needed stored. and we desire to have the house completed in La Paz to move into by then.
:Vanessa Speigle
clothes and There are a lot of obstacles in the way including not having water or electricity in
the compound in La Paz and also finding the funding to complete the house. Telephone:
you clothed Now I know that God has it under control and His plan is much better than mine, Magic Jack: 540.414.6287
but I am having a little trouble only“ having enough faith for the step I’m on” not John’s Cell: 011.505.8.383.7656
me, I was sick
the entire path. Thank you for allowing me to rattle on and whine a little bit.
and you Now on to the good stuff. Do you want to partner with the
looked after January found Michael and I out on the farm mostly every day preparing Speigles in their mission work?
the locations for the various projects. We cleared a plot of land about 150’ x 200’ Contributions can be sent via:
me, I was in
where a citrus grove will be planted, We are looking to plant these trees in the
prison and you mid May time period. We also cleared trees in two other locations. The first loca- Re: John & Vanessa Speigle-
came to visit tion is at the corner of the land. The plan for that area is a football (soccer) field Hearts to God
and a baseball diamond. The second location is in front of the compound. There and Hands to Work
me. we are planning for a tilapia pond. The fish are a good source on needed vitamins Ministries, INC.
Matthew and minerals that will be served from the feeding center. This leads me to the first 900 East 2ND Street
25: 34—36 team of 2011. In January a team of 16 came from Oklahoma and Arkansas. The P.O. Box 69
medical team wanted to visit new places so we lined up 4 new locations one being Hartford, Arkansas. 72938
almost 2 hours away. They were able to see many people that wouldn't be able to
have medical care. Also with this team traveled two men with the desire to get
dirty for God. And did they. We were able to rent a backhoe from Managua and
were able over the next week to dig the tilapia pond. This was a very dusty and
dirty job but they were very willing and able to return for more work.
The next few weeks for me entailed a lot of backhoe work finishing the
pond, Digging footers for the feeding center and preparing for several upcoming
projects. One important job was completed by Tim Morrison, owner of Ad-
vanced Plumbing from Hartford, Arkansas. He came for two weeks the installed
the septic system for the compound. (Continued on page 2)
From The Kids
From Sierra. On the land in La Paz we From Caleb. It is fun in Nicaragua, I like
are building a house. And when I was helping people in La Paz, I hope we can
carrying a block, it fell and hit my stay here for a very long time. We had a Prayer Needs of the
shoulder, and ten it tumbled down my construction team a month a go and we Speigles :
arm smashing my pinky and ripped off built almost half the feeding center.
the nail. Needless to say it was very
painful, but its ok now. I just have to be sure the From Sydney. I like to play in La Paz. *Child Sponsor Program
guinea pigs don’t lick it. We and the Prices like hav- We are helping people with food in the
ing battles on the land. We have forts. The fort feeding center. One of the Kelsys left *Language development
Daniel and I had was really cool. It was in a fallen both of her socks so I’m wearing them.
tree that was still growing up. The fort was in a They are orange. We are starting to *Funds for house in La Paz
dome shape, we could crawl up through the roof to build a community with sticks and pa-
the upright trunk. From there we could see to the per, for a hammer we are using blocks. We like to *Funding for Feeding Center
other forts. We built a door, a roof, chairs, and help to build Doc’s house
shelving. We had secret entrances and exits. I think *Funding for tools to work
our fort is the best of all the other forts. I found on the farm
a recipe for dirt pavement that tarred. It’s a mixture From Kyle. I like to play in La Paz I **God’s continued guidance
of ash, dirt and water. You just make it to needed like building our house and the feeding **** Financial Blessings
consistency. It will harden in about 4 hours. It center. I like doing fiestas. We are start-
works very well if you are making a model city. ing to make a fort and its really fun.

( Continued from John page 1)

Through the month of February preparations were made for a team from Johnstown Pa. to come and lay the ground work for the feed-
ing center. A team of 15(including my brother and his family, as well as a cousin) traveled from snowy Pa. to balmy Nicaragua and built the
walls for the feeding center. They put in long days and completed the tasks they put before them. It was great to have family come and visit,
not only to visit but to start a project that is so very much needed for the kids of La Paz Centro. One thing I realized I missed from the states in
the hometown accent that I haven’t heard for a very long time. Made me a little homesick.
With the block work on the feeding center well under way I was given the confidence to start a project of our own. That is the con-
struction of the house we will live in at the compound. Vanessa and I with the help of Michael, Marvin, Victor and the kids we set upon the
task of laying the foundation and walls for the house. This project is a learning experience as well as a dream for me. It has always been a
dream of mine to build a house. It’s just icing for me to build it with my family.
Also I am very glad that there is no building inspectors in Nicaragua. The past Looking for a place to spend that tax re-
months have proven to me that we are where God wants us. As proof to His protec-
tion is evident in that Michael and the kids were carrying blocks to the spot where fund? We can help. Hearts 2 God is a
Vanessa and I were laying. He set the block down and out crawls a big black scor- non-profit organization and you dona-
pion. Whew! We were all a little more careful after that.
The coming months plans are to finish the house, Feeding Center and plan
tion will look great on your next years
for another busy summer of teams. taxes.
Scheduled teams for Hearts to God 2011
Fall Stateside Trip.
This August and September 2011 I will again return to the states
Jun 18 - Jun 25: Family Focus
for fundraising, information and visiting. If you would like me to speak
Jun 25 - Jul 02: College/Youth
at your church, small group, civic organization, business or just have
Jul 16 - Jul 23: VBS
coffee( I like coffee ). Please let me know if you would like me to pay
Jul 23 - Jul 30: Medical
you a visit and tell you what God is doing in Nicaragua and with our
Oct 15 - Oct 22: Construction
family. I am planning to be in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
Oct 22 - Oct 29: Medical
And possibly Arkansas & Oklahoma and all points in between. Email
me at I would love to see you all.
See one that interests you? Want to
form your own team? Contact me at and we can set
one up.
Where else but
Nicaragua can
you serve God
and play with
cool toys! *** New Video.
Go to

That’s a lot to type in so if you email me I’ll send you the

More information on the various projects that are currently underway.

Feeding Center
This project is the first major construction project for the Hearts 2
God compound.
The vision is to be able to cook 300+ hot meals per day to be distributed to
the kids in La Paz Centro. We have been awarded and are hoping to soon
receive a “small” shipment of 55,000 meals from Frazier Valley Gleaners of
Canada. See ( ) The feeding center will also serve as a
temporary team housing until the permanent mission house is built on com-
pound site. While the project has been started it is far from over. The roof
and floor are next on the list to be built. Preliminary estimate for the roof is
$5,000 to $7,000. I have not yet calculated the cost on the floor.

“Our House”
This is a God send for our family. Not only will it serve as a home for us but will enable us to better facilitate the
daily workings of the farm, compound, and feeding center. The house is being built directly across from the feeding center.
We have been given seed money to start the house but that will only get it so far. Any contribution that you can give will
certainly go far. We are doing as much of that labor as possible ourselves to keep costs low but materials are expensive. I
will post needs for the house in next issues.
“ Well and Electricity”
With the land being away from the town of La Paz Centro we will have to have our own well. Estimates on this
project range from $4000.00 to $9,000.00 with the depth of the well being the variable. We will install a reverse osmosis
filtration system to ensure the purity of the drinking water. Water is essential to the helth and success of not only ourselves
but the plants and animals the farm will raise.
To handle current demands and as well as future projects, a transformer will need to be installed close to the com-
pound wall, being that the compound is approximately 500 meters off the main road it doesn't bode well for a cheap esti-
mate. $10,500.00 is needed to bring light to these dreams.
“Sports complex”
We hope to build a baseball field, soccer field, and basketball court. Thru this complex with hope to reach the large
group of youth from La Paz that has never heard the word of God. While the land is cleared a lot of work is still needed. I
believe this complex will bring a location for the local kids to play and also to host tournaments where we will preach the
“Citrus Grove”
Almost 1 acre has been set aside to plant Mandarins, Grapefruit, Juice oranges, Lemons, and Avocados. We will be
planting these in May and the trees range from $1.00 to $2.00 per tree. We look to plant about 25—30 trees per each
“Talapia Pond”
Tilapia is a local fresh water fish that is hardy and easier to grow. These fish are high in protein and omega 3 which
is needed in the diet of Nicaragua’s children
These are just the projects that have been started, Many more are on the horizon. We cannot do
this without your help. God has given us these visions to help the people and especially the chil-
dren of La Paz Centro. If you have any questions please email me at
Someone has a new toy, courtesy of the medical mission team Sydney and her new friend Jacob

Come any way you can.

January medical team

Getting prepared to build the foundation on the feeding center A lot of work to be done

Are those footers straight? Mostly. Who says Fathers & Daughters cant work Everybody is working hard.

Mixing concrete the old fashioned way. Vanessa training at the feet of the Master, Tim Speigle
A Job well done!
Now our turn.

Footers dug out for the house. Foundations under way

Sydney is learning to butter her ears Time for the doors.

Umm No that isn’t Kyle you see on the scaffolding. Glad

Vanessa making sure their plumb and true. OSHA wasn’t around.

Time for the top pour to tie it all together

Our front door.
New opportunity for Children’s Ministry,
may it grow abundantly for God:

We have started a sponsorship pro-

gram for the children down here. We are
planning to start with 15 children. You will
have the opportunity to sponsor a child at the
cost of $150.00 per year. This cost will
cover the child’s school tuition, uniform,
school supplies, shoes, food at school, a
backpack and a few new clothes. Keep
watching to find out more about this new and
exciting opportunity to minister to these chil-
dren. More to come…..

New developments
We are working to bring AWANA’s to
La Paz Centro and Leon. We are work-
ing with the Nicaraguan directors and
are in the beginning stages of this pro-
ject. For more info email me at jvspei-

Money, the world runs on it, many covet it, and to put it simply everyone needs it to live. We are no exception. I
have struggled with this aspect of fund raising and how to approach it. I have never liked asking for help, I always relied on
my own skills and abilities. I can no longer do that. God has called me to a place that I need outside support. So that is why I
am writing this article. Someone once told me that people want to give and if I do not tell them of a need I deprive them of an
opportunity to serve God. I never thought of it like that. I realize that God will provide the support for our mission but I need
to do my part. So here it goes.
Vanessa and I debated for many months about who to go on missions with. We interviewed with International Mission Board
(IMB) and I felt that it was not for us. The security and benefits that IMB provided were attractive but they were not working in Nicaragua, where
I felt strongly called to serve. So we decided to Let God lead us. While serving in Nicaragua we met a couple who serve with Hearts 2 God out of
Hartford Arkansas, God opened doors for us to partner with them. While there are many benefits to this arrangement there are a few challenges.
We have to be self supported which means there are no mission boards with deep pockets to provide for us.
Current Budget in dollars/month: So we need to raise our own support. I like this setup because it gives me the chance to talk with a wide
variety of people that God puts in my path. I am a people person and I love getting to know new people.
Current Budget in dollars/month:
But I have to overcome the challenges of my dislike of asking for help financially. This is especially chal-
Rent: 400.00
lenging in an economy that is less than strong. But God laid it on my heart to put this in our newsletter. I
Interpreters: 425.00
am including, in this article, our monthly budget. It is cheap to live in Nicaragua like a Nicaraguan, buy it
Household Help 250.00
is very expensive to live like and American in Nicaragua. We strive to live in the middle. We have always
Water: 40.00
lived simply and will continue to do so while were are serving God. Below are the Monthly expenses that
Electric: 175.00
we incur.
Propane: 20.00
Food: 500.00
Phone: 50.00 Some of our projected needs
Sewer/Trash: 25.00
Transportation: 40.00 Projected purchases needed:
Internet/TV: 75.00 Building of Childrens’ home:$40,000.00
Tithing 150.00 House 15,000.00
Total: 2150.00 Feeding Center 15,000.00

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