Equestria: The Fires of War They Shall Despair

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“No way.

“We gotta take this thing down.”
“But we are just a few Pegasi! It’s impossible to-”
“We. Can. Do this.”

“War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can’t smile, grin. If you
can’t grin, keep out of the way until you can.” - Winston Churchill

Equestria: The Fires of War

They Shall Despair

Goose knew they couldn’t budge this thing. Maverick however, has other ideas in mind.

“A wild attack will do us nothing. We have to target specific parts of it to take it down,
slowly, but surely.” Maverick thought if they could knock it’s wings off, they’d take it down.
Goose had no idea on just how to do that. The targeting system they were outfitted with could
only target the masses of objects. They needed Overlord to get a good look.

Overlord was an unnamed Pegacorn with a ten foot wingspan. He flew fast, and long,
endurance like no other. Mainly outfitted for recon, he was given the gear to get the targeting
solutions they needed on that Super-Gryphon.

“OVERLORD, standing by.”

His voice sounded terrifying over a radio. Deep and guttural, he sounded like he could
crush you under his hoof.
“Overlord, this is Maverick. I need targets on the Super-Gryphon’s wing joints.”
“Hold’im still. I’ll get it.”
The Wonderbolts fought off the incoming Gryphon units assigned to cover their weapon
of mass destruction. There were only as many as the Wonderbolts, and they seemed to match
their skill. The battle raged in the sky like nothing Equestria has ever seen. Huge twists and
barrel rolls, the combat was like a fine-tuned ballet of fire.
“One confirmed. Give me a second while I mark the other.”
Maverick held his hopes high. He was going to make sure this fucker went down.
“All targets marked! Wonderbolts, engage!”
They all broke off from the escorts. Maverick had the right wing locked, and fired. The
missile fell from his belly (Where weapons were attached via a special saddle that ran all
around the body, which doubled as armor from light fire) and took off. It dived right for the pit
behind the wing that attached it to the Super-Gryphon. It impacted, tearing a good chunk of
flesh away. It kept on, even with a huge smoking hole in it.
“Oh, damn.” Maverick said, the Super-Gryphons attention now entirely on his squad. It
banked hard, hitting Nimbus with it’s wing, knocking him unconsious. An escort took advantage
of this, and sunk it’s claws into his chest, killing him nearly instantly.
“Nooooo!” Apocalypse screamed, angered by the loss of his dear friend.
“Apoc, this sucks but we need you to focus! He’s... gone now. Stay with me, we gotta kill
this bastard!”
“...” Static played over the radio, still keyed on. “You can count on it.”
The newly angered Super-Gryphon spun and slashed at Rookie, getting cut in half, his
entrails spilling into the red sky. Apocalypse took the advantage and fired a missile at it’s left
wing joint, putting an almost equal size hole it it’s side. The Super-Gryphon turned and roared at
Apoc, a horrid sound that shattered his eardrums. It opened it’s beak and charged at him.
“Come get some!” Apoc screamed, arming all of his missiles and flying into it’s throat.
It’s head exploded outward, spraying it’s escorts with blood. Maverick gazed at the falling
corpse, and mourned. The sacrifices made to take that thing down were... unnecessary at best.
Even still, he basked in the glory of victory. All for a good 8 seconds.
“Wonderbolt squadron, haul ass over to Canterlot! It’s being swarmed! That fucker was a
distraction!” Overlord called out. “They’re going for Celestia!”

Celestia’s castle, Canterlot

6:21 PM
Canterlot Assault

Maverick was flying as fast as he could to the castle. He saw Canterlot, buildings burning and
broken, bodies scattered everywhere. A seemingly innumerable amount of Gryphons plagued
the great city, all of them trying to get in the castle.

“They’re prying the gates open!” A Palace Guard yelled over the radio. He heard the metal
buckle and break, followed by screams of agony and fear. They’re inside the castle now, he
knew. He shoved himself into overdrive, nearly breaking his wings. He aimed for the castle
gates. He needed to save Celestia, as the death by those Gryphons would be incredibly
painful. He flew into her throne room, and sure enough, she was surrounded. He opened up
on the Gryphons with his cannon, spraying them with bullets, careful not to hit Celestia. He
dropped down and bucked two of them into the wall, spinning and firing his cannon in to another
approaching him.
“Come on, Princess!” He barked at Celestia. It wasn’t his place to do so, but Celestia
knew the circumstances. She followed him through the castle halls, Maverick occasionally
having to fire on a few Akaelians. Dashing through the halls, the palace guard outside had
prepared her a secure transport from the castle to a hideout in the Swayback Mountains.

Maverick now had to focus on cleansing Canterlot.

Swayback Mountains Hideout, Swayback
7:40 PM

“So ma’am, what do we do now?”

“We have to retaliate. We won’t take kindly to being invaded.”
“And how shall we do that?”
“I have set in development a transport vessel. We will approach them by sea.”
“But we don’t have enough soldiers for an invasion.”
“Soldiers? Lieutenant, we won’t need soldiers. The hearts of the people have been
stirred. They thirst for blood. “
“And we’ll give it to them?”
“Yes, Lieutenant. We will.”
Celestia had rallied her people to the Swayback mountains. Nearly all of Equestria stood
at the base of the mountain, awaiting the voice of their leader.
“The Gryphons have sinned against the great nation of Equestria!” She yelled out. “ We
stood by, and suffered!” The crowd enthralled.” We will no longer be prey to these beasts! We
shall turn the tides of war in our favor!” The crowd yelled. “ You, citizens of Equestria! Answer
the call to arms!”

“To war!” She yelled, again. The crowd screamed at the top of their lungs in approval, making
their way to Hoofington Harbor. Now was the time for vengeance. Now was the time for blood.

“They shall see my armies, and they shall despair!”

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