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Post Test (GERD)

1. A patient reports frequent heartburn twice a week for the past 4 months. What other symptoms
reported by the patient may indicate the patient has GERD? SELECT-ALL-THAT-APPLY:

A. Bitter taste in mouth

B. Dry cough

C. Melena

D. Difficulty swallowing

E. Smooth, red tongue

F. Murphy's Sign

2. Your patient, who is presenting with signs and symptoms of GERD, is scheduled to have a test that
assesses the function of the esophagus' ability to squeeze food down into the stomach and the closer of
the lower esophageal sphincter. The patient asks you, "What is the name of the test I'm having later
today?" You tell the patient the name of the test is:

A. Lower Esophageal Gastrointestinal Series

B. Transesophageal echocardiogram

C. Esophageal manometry

D. Esophageal pH monitoring

3. After dinner time, during hourly rounding, a patient awakes to report they feel like "food is coming
up" in the back of their throat and that there is a bitter taste in their mouth. What nursing intervention
will you perform next?

A. Perform deep suctioning

B. Assist the patient into the Semi-Fowler's position

C. Keep the patient NPO

D. Instruct the patient to avoid milk products

4. During a home health visit, you are helping a patient develop a list of foods they should avoid due to
GERD. Which items in the patient's pantry should be avoided? SELECT-ALL-THAT-APPLY:

A. Hot and Spicy Pork Rinds

B. Peppermint Patties
C. Green Beans
D. Tomato Soup
E. Chocolate Fondue
F. Almonds
G. Oranges
5. After providing education to a patient with GERD. You ask the patient to list 4 things they can do to
prevent or alleviate signs and symptoms of GERD. Which statement is INCORRECT?

A. "It is best to try to consume small meals throughout the day than eat 3 large ones."
B. "I'm disappointed that I will have to limit my intake of peppermint and spearmint because I love
eating those types of hard candies."
C. "It is important I avoid eating right before bedtime."
D. "I will try to lie down after eating a meal to help decrease pressure on the lower esophageal

6. 6. You're collecting a patient's medication history that has GERD. Which medication below is NOT
typically used to treat GERD?
A. Colesevelam "Welchol"
B. Omeprazole "Prilosec"
C. Metoclopramide "Reglan"
D. Ranitidine HCL "Zantac"

7. Which of the following does NOT play a role in the development of GERD?
A. Pregnancy
B. Hiatal hernia
C. Usage of antihistamines or calcium channel blockers
D. All the above play a role in GERD

8.________ What do you call the normal lining/form of cells in the esophagus? What do you call the
form of cells after constant irritation in the lining of the esophagus?
9. ________The average age of diagnosis of Barrets esophagus?
10.________ A type of ulceration common to pt with Barret’s Esophagus
11._________ EGD is the acronym for?
12-14 Different stages of Barrets Esophagus
15. _______ A less invasive surgery which is also called as Nissen Fundoplication
16.________ Position of pt when sleeping or napping that reduces acid reflux.
17. What is a hernia?
A A torn muscle
B Organs and tissue protruding through a muscle
C A diseased internal organ
D An abscess

18-19 Types of Hiatal Hernia

20._____ The opening in the diaphragm that weakens in pt with hiatal hernia
21______this position reduces intra-abdominal pressure and prevent aspiration to pt with hiatal herni
Draw the Flow of food digestion from the mouth up to the stomach.

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