Important Facts About Nicotine

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RA 9299 Republic of the Philippines June 24, 2021


NOHS (1907) NOTS (1927) EVSAT (1956) CPVC (1983)
Kagawasan Ave., Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines 6200
College of Education, Bais Campus 2, Bais City
Important Facts About Nicotine
By Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Armeen Poor, MD on April 02, 2020

Nicotine is a colorless alkaloid chemical that is most commonly sourced from the tobacco plant,
which is in the nightshade family of plants. Nicotine is also present in small amounts in tomato,
potato, green pepper, eggplant, and coca plants.

Most commonly known as the addictive ingredient in tobacco products, nicotine is often
mistakenly thought to be a harmless chemical otherwise.

While research is ongoing regarding nicotine and how it affects the human body, a number of facts
about the hazards of nicotine are available today, some of which might surprise you.

How Nicotine Affects Body Chemistry

When inhaled, nicotine travels to the brain quickly (within 10 seconds) and attaches to receptors
where the neurotransmitter acetylcholine would normally dock. This starts a chain of chemical
reactions that influence numerous bodily functions.

Nicotine is a stimulant, but depending on the smoker's mental and physical state, it
can be perceived as energizing or relaxing.
Most smokers are familiar with the feeling of a racing heart and/or shallow breathing when they
smoke. Adrenaline, the 'fight or flight' hormone is responsible for this. When nicotine reaches the
brain, adrenaline is released, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and restricting blood flow to the

Adrenaline also tells the body to move excess glucose into the bloodstream. At the same time,
nicotine hinders the release of insulin from the pancreas, which would remove excess sugar from
the blood. The result is that smokers are often in a state of hyperglycemia, meaning they have
more sugar in their blood than is normal. High blood sugar dampens hunger, and this is a
contributing factor to the appetite-suppressant effects of nicotine.

Dopamine is another neurotransmitter that is activated when nicotine reaches the brain.
Dopamine causes feelings of euphoria and is thought to play a significant role in addiction.

Nicotine: Everything You've Been Afraid to Ask

Nicotine Is Poisonous
Nicotine is extremely poisonous. While no exact figure has been established for a lethal dose, a
recent study estimated a lower limit of 0.5–1 g. That said, tobacco products do not contain enough
nicotine to cause a fatal overdose when used as directed. For example, a typically manufactured
cigarette contains about 10 mg of nicotine, but most of it goes up in smoke, with approximately
one milligram of nicotine being inhaled by the smoker.

Nicotine can be lethal to children in doses as small as 10 milligrams.

Plants produce nicotine to protect themselves from predators, and people use nicotine in
pesticides for the same reason.

Nicotine can be absorbed through the skin, which is the delivery method with the
nicotine patch. A spill of electronic cigarette nicotine solution (known as e-juice) can
be hazardous for this reason.
Researchers have discovered that the nicotine in secondhand smoke can be absorbed through bare
skin that is exposed to the smoke. It can also be absorbed into the skin from clothing that has been
contaminated by nicotine.

Ingredients and Additives in Cigarettes

Risks of Nicotine Exposure for Children and the Unborn Child

Nicotine is present in the residue left behind by cigarette smoke in a closed environment, also
known as third-hand smoke. This presents a danger to small children who may ingest nicotine on
toys and small hands that find their way to a child's mouth.

Young children are also at risk of nicotine poisoning from chewing on full cigarettes/cigarette butts,
or NRT products like nicotine gum or nicotine patches. Please keep these items out of the reach
of children.
Nicotine may decrease the ability of sperm to fertilize eggs by as much as 75%. Nicotine docks with
receptor sites on sperm cells and impedes their viability in men who are heavy smokers.

Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict. In pregnant mothers, this translates to less oxygen and
nutrients delivered to the fetus.

Nicotine easily crosses the placental barrier and can be detected in both fetal circulation and
amniotic fluid. At this time, it is not known how much nicotine in vitro would be considered fatal
for the fetus.

Nicotine accumulates in breast milk, is passed on to nursing infants, and appears to affect their
sleep patterns.

How Nicotine Can Hurt Your Health

Research has uncovered a link between nicotine and vascular smooth muscle cell damage,
contributing to the formation of plaques that lead to heart disease.

Nicotine slows the production of bone-producing cells called osteoblasts. This prolongs healing
when bones are broken.

Nicotine inhibits apoptosis, a process that removes unwanted cells in the body (programmed cell
death). Since some of the cells targeted by apoptosis are mutations that may become cancerous in
the future, inhibiting this important function may contribute to life-threatening diseases.

Smoking is a known risk factor for degenerative disc di

sease. Nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke hinder spinal disc cells from absorbing
vital nutrients in blood, which in turn leads to premature dehydration and degeneration of spinal

Nicotine is among the most toxic of all poisons and is highly addictive.
It is a mistake to think that using nicotine in a form that doesn't involve cigarettes is harmless.
Products like smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes may be considered less harmful when
compared to cigarette smoking, but they carry considerable health hazards as well. And don't
forget, while nicotine addiction is actively engaged, ex-smokers are at a heightened risk for a full-
fledged smoking relapse.

Don't settle for less than you deserve. Recovery from nicotine addiction takes some work, but it is
doable and so rewarding.

Life works better on every level when we free ourselves from the self-imposed prison addiction
puts us into.

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking


A fume or fumes refers to vapors (gases), dusts and/or smoke given off by a substance as a result of
a chemical transformation such as reaction, heating, explosion or detonation. "Fumes" generally
conveys the idea that the cloud is an irritating, hazardous and/or toxic substance. Afume is smoke
or gas, or something that is not real.
• An example of a fume is smoke from a barbecue.
• An example of a fume is an imaginary friend.

Fumes made of:

Fumes are formed when a metal is heated above its boiling point and its vapours condense into
very fine, particles (solid particulates).
kind of hazard is fume
Airborne chemical hazards exist as concentrations of mists, vapors, gases, fumes, or solids. Some
are toxic through inhalation and some of them irritate the skin on contact; some can be toxic by
absorption through the skin or through ingestion, and some are corrosive to living tissue.
What are they?
Fumes are given off by substances when processes are being carried out on them (e.g. when they
are being heated). Some fumes are merely irritants, whereas others can be toxic.
Mists are particles of substances which are carried through the air in droplets (usually of water).
They can settle on floors, making them slippery, and reduce visibility by settling on windows and
light fittings.

Where might they be encountered?

You can encounter fumes and mists in many areas, the most common being:
• carbon dioxide at breweries and distilleries (given off during fermentation);
• carbon monoxide in vehicle sheds;
• acetone at food manufacturers;
• benzene at oil installations;
• methanol at distilleries and oil installations;
• ethyl alcohol at distilleries and breweries.
• gases present inside of containers given off by the contents, such as formaldehyde, toluene,
benzene, xylene or carbon monoxide.
What damage can they cause?
Fumes and mists generally cause damage after they are inhaled into the respiratory system,
attacking the lungs, brain, nervous system and other organs. However, they can pose other dangers
• settling on floors, making them slippery;
• reducing visibility by settling on light fittings and windows;
• causing fires if they come into contact with certain types of electrical apparatus;
• bursting into flames or exploding if they are ignited.
What can be done to reduce the risks?
As many fumes, and some mists, are not visible, the most important thing is to know when and
where they are likely to arise.
Often, notices will be displayed in danger areas on a trader’s premises. If proper ventilation is
not provided but you have to work in these areas when mists or fumes are likely to be generated,
you must wear respiratory protection.
√ Dust masks will not provide protection against fumes and mists.
√ Respiratory protection may only be used by officers who have been trained.
√ If you work in confined spaces, such as on a vessel, hazardous fumes or gases could be present.
You must use gas monitoring equipment to check both the level of atmospheric oxygen and if any
hazardous fumes are present.

Flammable atmospheres
Flammable gases, vapours and mists are produced or used in many industrial processes. If they are
not properly controlled, they can cause serious explosions or fires. Areas where such atmospheres
are present are known as hazardous zones and are classified as:
• zone 0 if an explosive gas/air mixture is always present;
• zone 1 if an explosive atmosphere is likely to be produced; and
• zone 2 if an explosive atmosphere is not likely to be produced, but could be for short periods.
The main requirement in these zones is to prevent any chance of the atmosphere being ignited, by
excluding all potential ignition sources.

Some of these are obvious, such as matches, lighters and lighted cigarettes, but others are less so.
Flammable atmospheres can also be ignited by:
• motor vehicles;
• electrical apparatus (mains or battery-operated);
• sparks from hand tools;
• some types of mobile telephone and radio.
Whenever any type of electrical equipment or hand tool has to be used in a hazardous zone,
special precautions will be necessary. You must find out the trader’s safety rules and follow them.
What is the precaution for fumes?
Precautions and Safe Practices FUMES and GASES can harm your health. Keep your head out of
the fumes. Do not breathe fumes and gases caused by the arc. Use enough ventilation.

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