History Reviewer Part 2

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Laissez-faire policy – this was the economic policy of progressive Rome, the policy of
free economy. Also known as “let go” economy or “let be” economy. The politics has
nothing to do with the businesses and economy as long as the peace and order is not
disturbed (the Romans were freedom-loving people). This was certainly favorable to the
Church and advantage for Christians for they could be sufficient: sufficiency makes for
living and survival.
2. Diaspora Jews – these are the Jews living outside Palestine and Jerusalem. They are of
big help in spreading Christianity. They are tolerable in terms of Christianity. They were
about 4-5 million Jews outside of Palestine, who allowed themselves to join
organizations, enjoyed freedom and privileges from the government (laissez-faire) and
mostly “middle class” people.
3. Odium generis humani – the term which means “hatred of the human race” was used
during the persecution of Christian under Nero where Christians are accused of arson, yet
Nero was responsible for it. Christians were hated and persecuted as non-conformists.
Tacitus described early Christianity as a doctrine which teaches an “odium generis
humani.” Tacitus narrated in his Annales that Christians were persecuted not because of
arson but because of odium generis humani.
4. Gaius – a Roman priest (200AD) who wanted to prove that Peter and Paul died in Rome.
He discovered the tropaia (tombs of Sts. Peter and Paul): St. Peter in the Basilica inside
the Vatican, St. Paul “outside the wall” on the road going to Ostia.
5. Paul missionary method – the missiological principle/method of Paul: Establish, Entrust
and Exit. First, Paul found leaders and established the Christian community (Church).
Then, he entrusted the community (Church) to these leaders. Lastly, he exited from the
community and went further abroad, to another place in order to found new community
of believers.
6. 3 Cultural factors that impugned the time of Christ:
a. Romans – practical, good organizers; adept in laws, government, empire; good
law passers, excellent rulers/legislators. Bankrupt in ethics and morals but
excellent rulers.
b. Greeks – intellectuals, artist, poets, philosophers, culturally superior. Greek
culture subdues the weak culture such as the Romans which led to the
Hellenization of the Roman culture.
c. Jews – very caring, ethical, moral, religious culture. This culture supplied the
religious factors/ethical values in the secular but profane world.

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