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Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Engr. Precious Arlene V. Melendrez
• Stress
• Load
• Stress and Strain
• Compressive Stress and Strain
• Young’s Modulus of Rigidity or Modulus of Elasticity
Stress Strain Curve
In mechanics, stress is defined as
a force applied per unit area

● Tensile Stress: It is the force

applied per unit area which results
in the increase in length (or area) of
a body. Objects under tensile stress
become thinner and longer.
● Compressive Stress: It is the
force applied per unit area which
results in the decrease in length (or •
area) of a body. The object curve.html&psig=AOvVaw3eV08hijAAd06P-
under compressive stress becomes fe&ved=0CAMQjB1qFwoTCMiphffXlfACFQAAAAAdAAA

thicker and shorter.

Stress Strain Curve
• The strain is a dimensionless quantity as it just defines the relative
Strain change in shape.
• Depending on stress application, strain experienced in a body can be
According to the strain of two types. They are:
definition, it is defined as
the amount of deformation - Tensile Strain: It is the change in length (or area) of a body due to
experienced by the body in the the application of tensile stress.
direction of force applied, divided
by initial dimensions of the body.

ε= L - Compressive Strain: It is the change in length (or area) of a body
due to the application of compressive strain
ϵ is the strain due to stress applied
δl is the change in length
L is the original length of the material.
The stress-strain
relationship for materials
is given by the material’s
stress-strain curve. Under
different loads, the stress
and corresponding strain
values are plotted. An
example of a stress-strain
curve is given below.
Two Region

• Elastic
it is the region where the material
can be deformed and when released
will return back to its original

• Plastic
which the material deforms
Proportional Limit

It is the region in the

stress-strain curve that
obeys Hooke’s Law. In this
limit, the ratio of stress
with strain gives us
proportionality constant
known as young’s
modulus. The point OA in
the graph is called the
proportional limit.
Hooke’s Law
states that the strain of the
material is proportional to the applied
stress within the elastic limit of that

F = –k.x
•F is the force
•x is the extension length
•k is the constant of proportionality
known as spring constant in N/m
Solved Example

A spring is displaced by 5 cm and held in place with a force of 500 N. What is the spring
constant of the spring?

We know that the spring is displaced by 5 cm, but the unit of the spring constant is Newtons per
meter. This means that we have to convert the distance to meters.

Converting the distance to meters, we get

5 cm = 0.05 m

Now substituting the values in the equation, we get

F = –k.x

Now, we need to rework the equation so that we are calculating for the missing metric which is
the spring constant, or k. Looking only at the magnitudes and therefore omitting the negative
sign, we get

500 N/0.05 m = k
k = 10000 N/m

Therefore, the spring constant of the spring is 10000 N/m.

Young's modulus
Describes the relationship between stress
(force per unit area) and strain
(proportional deformation in an object)

• The mechanical property of a material to

withstand the compression or the
elongation with respect to its length.

E is Young’s modulus in Pa
𝞂 is the uniaxial stress in Pa
ε is the strain or proportional deformation
Elastic Limit
It is the point in the graph
up to which the material
returns to its original
position when the load
acting on it is completely
removed. Beyond this limit,
the material doesn’t return
to its original position and
a plastic deformation starts
to appear in it.
Yield Point
The yield point is defined
as the point at which the
material starts to deform
plastically. After the yield
point is passed, permanent
plastic deformation occurs.
There are two yield points
(i) upper yield point (ii)
lower yield point.
Ultimate Stress
It is a point that represents
the maximum stress that a
material can endure before
failure. Beyond this point,
failure occurs.
Fracture or
Breaking Point
It is the point in the stress-
strain curve at which the
failure of the material
takes place
0.25𝑅𝐵𝑉 − 0.25 40 sin 35° −
[0.2(40 cos 35) = 0
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