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400 BC Just before God created the Universe, it was
also termed to as “in the beginning.”

4000 BC-
The first man
God creates Adam from dust and places him
in the Garden of Eden.

3070 BC

2950 BC - God instructed Noah to create an ark and
pile it with his wife, three sons, three

2000 BC daughters-in-law, and a couple of each

animal on the planet.

2065 BC
Abraham went to Canaan
God instructed him to establish a new nation
in an unnamed land that he later discovered
was Canaan.
1870 BC -
Exile of Egypt
Whereas an Israelite, Joseph, became a high
official in the trial of the pharaoh, the

1450 BC Israelites had come to live in Egypt during a


1450 BC -
40 Years in Wilderness
God decreed that the Israelite's would
wander in the wilderness for 40 years as a

1410 BC result of their unwillingness to take the land.

1410 BC -
The Rule of Joshua
He led the Israelite tribes in the conquest of
Canaan and divided the land among them.

1380 BC

930 BC - 725
The Northern Kingdom
The kingdom split into a northern kingdom,
which retained the name Israel.

620 BC
Habakkuk the Prophet
Habakkuk is attempting to progress from a
v perplexed and doubtful faith to the pinnacle
of absolute trust in God.

536 BC
Returning of Jew's to
Jews returned to the Land of Israel from
Babylonian exile as a result of emperor
Cyrus the Great's decree.

475 BC Esther became the Queen

Her turn to spend the night with the king,
Ahasuerus falls in love with her and crowns
her as his queen.

6 - 4 AD
Jesus was born
The birth of Jesus is especially significant for
us because it shows that if Jesus overcame,
so can we. He was able to live and endure in
this world in human form, to teach and love
others, to point them to the Father, and then
to conquer death, hell, and the grave

8 AD
The Young Jesus in the Temple
Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast
out all them that sold and bought in the
temple, and overthrew the tables of the
money changers, and the seats of them that
sold doves.
26 AD
John Baptist
Jesus' ministry begins with his baptism in
the countryside of Roman Judea and
Transjordan by John the Baptist near the
Jordan River and ends in Jerusalem,
following the Last Supper with his disciples.

35 AD
First Persecution
The first persecution of Christians
coordinated by the Roman government
occurred after the Great Fire of Rome, during
the reign of Emperor Nero, and took place
entirely within the city of Rome.

The Book of Matthew

43 AD Matthew wishes to inform the Jewish people
that the long-awaited Messiah, Israel's Hope,
has arrived! As we read through Matthew,
it's worth noting how many times he refers
to the prophets and Scriptures that
predicted Jesus' birth.

70 AD
Jerusalem falls to Rome
The Romans were destroying and burning
the city and slaughtering the Jewish people
in their wake.

100 AD
John the Apostle
The apostle John had been arrested in
Ephesus and was on his way to be martyred
and killed. John was allegedly thrown into
boiling oil.
36 AD
Road to Damascus
Road to Damascus experiences occur when a
person has a sudden insight that
fundamentally alters their beliefs.

66 AD The Execution of Paul

The circumstances surrounding Paul's death
are unknown, but tradition holds that he
was beheaded in Rome and thus died as a
martyr for his faith. His death was possibly
part of the executions of Christians ordered
by the Roman emperor Nero in the
aftermath of the city's great fire.

Everything has changed, and in order to live,

The Prayer
we must adapt to the changes in our lives and

environment. Even though we are in this circumstance Our heavenly Father, we are grateful for another day you have

that has caused us to collapse, God has never failed to given to us, thank you for all the blessings that you have

enlighten every one of us in the middle of the epidemic. showered upon us, even for all the blessings we cannot see.

We made it through owing to our prayers and God's Always guide us in every step we take and continue to guide us

magnificence. God endowed us with the ability to think to walk in you likeness. With a sincere heart, I ask for your

and formed us with brilliance and wisdom. Our forgiveness for all the sins that I committed. May you bless us

capacity to think allows us to come up with answers physically, mentally, and most of as spiritually. Lord, please

and launch projects to help others adjust to this new protect and enlighten our hearts to keep on living another day.

normal. This is how God speaks to us via others, and Provide peace and unity to all of us that love reigns in each

every one of us has the capacity to move in line with other's hearts. This I pray through your Son, Jesus Christ, Our

our ideas. Lord, Amen

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