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Jean kyla R.

Laguartilla A21-32907

The kinematic is very important in everyday life. In many instances it is only

important to know how an object moves , without consideration of the forces causing the
motion . For example im machine components it is common to use kinematics analysis to
determine the (unknown) speed of an object, that is connected to another object moving at a
known speed. Some examples of kinetic is the energy of an object possesses when it is in
motion and its velocity is constant .

The branch of classical mechanics which describes the motion points

( alternatively particles) , bodies, objects and systems of bodies without consideration of the
masses of those objects nor the forces that may heave caused the motion. It is defined as
the effort required to accelerate a body with a given mass , moving it from rest to a moving
state . It can be applied being an future architect because if you want to know how body
movies under several forces acting on it (kinetics) you need to know how body works without
considering the forces acting on it ( kinematics) . Because if you don’t know the basic
problem then how can you do complex problems . Its just like to know 1+1= 2 in order to find
2 x 3 = 6.

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