Letter From The Psychiatrist

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Letter from the psychiatrist Fr.

Karpathios on the issue of the vaccine to the
Holy Synod

 from Newsroom
 20/01/2021 | 11:37
Updated: 21/01/2021 15:35:12
they told you


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Fr. Stylianos Karpathiou : The priest Stylianos Karpathiou, both

in his religious and scientific capacity, took a stand on the
crucial issue of the reliability of vaccines.
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In an open letter to the Holy Synod, the priest Stylianos

Karpathiou claims, using scientific evidence, that the vaccines
against covid-19 were created through a murderous process.

Read in detail:
Holy High Priests ˙

The legendary vaccine against the sars-cov-2 virus has already

started to be applied to the Greek population and, more
generally, to the European Union, from 27-12-2020, with "epic"
declarations by political leaders.

The vaccination operation under the pseudonym "Freedom",

offensive to the very meaning of the word freedom, has begun
and aspires to build a "wall of herd immunity" Chinese wall
against the crown.

The tradition of the baton, from the paraphilology about the

coronavirus, has already received new propaganda, for the
acceptance of the newly built vaccine, which was prepared with
technology, which raises huge ethical dilemmas.

The history of vaccination goes back more than two hundred

years. It began with Edward Jenner, the son of a priest who had a
deeply Christian conscience, and reached the first successful
vaccinia experiment with his observation on March 14, 1796.
Hence the foreign language designation of vaccines as
vaccination. , vaccine (French) такцина (Russian), as in Latin the
word vacca means the female vu, ie the heifer, from whose
disease the vaccines originated.

He was followed by Louis Jean Pasteur, a lifelong Christian who

was called the father of microbiology and immunology, and
developed the first rabies vaccine in the 1880s.

The purpose of vaccines is to sensitize the immune system, upon

entering the body, of an inactivated or dead pathogen. In this
process, the immune system produces, on the one hand,
antibodies to destroy this factor, on the other hand, it does not
acquire memory, so that if it encounters it later, with a possible
re-infection, it can recognize it and act destructively again.
against him.

But in the frenzy of the research genetic machine, man did not
hesitate to use even unjust procedures, on the grounds that
purpose sanctifies means. Thus, we have reached the point of
using human cells of aborted embryos, for the experimental
preparation of vaccine production, with the emphasis on the
salvation of mankind.
The vaccines, against the sars-cov-2 of the pharmaceutical
companies, which are currently being promoted at a fast pace
and with unexplained persistence for human use, come from the
above murderous process.

On the contrary, at the same time there are other vaccination

possibilities, based on the classical and morally blameless way,
which nature itself has taught us, without offending the sanctity
of the non-negotiable good of human life, which, however, are
provocatively overlooked by state powers.

I. Vaccine production using human cell line

To produce the already known vaccine, against the circulating
sars-cov-2, the human cell line HEK 293 was used. This sequence
is derived from human embryonic cells, which were obtained from
the kidney of a healthy female fetus. This particular fetus was
"legally aborted", ie it was aborted, according to Dutch law, in the
year 1973, in the laboratory of Alex van der Eb in Leiden, the
Netherlands. The identity of the parents of the aborted fetus and
the reason for the abortion remain unknown [ii].

The most well-known pharmaceutical companies of sars-cov-2

vaccines used these cells (HEK293T) to check if the expression of
the coronavirus protein actually occurs.

Specifically, the two pharmaceutical companies, Moderna [iii] and

Pfizer / BioNTech [iv], whose vaccines have also been approved
in Greece, used the HEK 293 cell line in the Confirmatory Lab
Tests stage.

Astra / Zeneka (Oxford), which works with Sputnik, and Jannsen

[v] used the HEK 293 cell line in all three stages: i. Design &
Development ii.Production and iii. Confirmatory Lab Tests.

The above two questions arise:

a. How is this cell line preserved to this day, from the aborted
fetus, about fifty years ago? and

b. Is the creation of the sars-cov-2 vaccine, but also of other

vaccines or pharmaceutical agents, one way or not?

Regarding the first question, we know that normally, in every cell

that undergoes mitosis, the telomeres at the ends of each
chromosome are reduced. Cell division will stop. as soon as the
telomeres are reduced to a critical length, which is called the
"Highflick limit" - after the anatomist Leonard Hayflick -1961 -
who defined it). Thus the cell populations and, consequently, the
whole organism, ages [vi].

In order to cancel the "Hayflick limit", the laboratory scientists

produce quasi-"cancer cells" (abnormal cells that can multiply for
many generations, beyond the inherent normal time determined
by the "Hayflick limit"), and which are used for various research
purposes, and today, for the sars-cov-2 vaccines. Experiments on
these "cancer" cells continue for a long time.

It should be noted that not only one embryo was sacrificed for
the laboratory experiments, but many are sacrificed, so that
based on their cell lines, as many in vitro experiments are

Regarding the second question, that is, whether the use of the
HEK 293 cell line to create the vaccine in question is one-way, the
answer is absolutely no.

This is evidenced by the fact that in the production of the anti-

sars-cov-2 vaccine, some companies and institutes use the above
human cell line, but others use non-human cell lines.

For example, the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR)

does not use human cell lines at any stage of vaccine production,
but hamster and monkey cells.
Similarly, three vaccines have already been developed in the
traditional way in China (eg BBIBP-CorV, PiCoVacc), in the United
States in France, and in other countries, similar vaccines are
already in the preclinical phase, not dependent on human cell

Also, at the John Paul II Institute for Medical Research, USA,

adult stem cells, not embryos, are used for research purposes in
general, and for the production of a sars-cov-2 vaccine, but with
slower and safer ones. rhythms [vii]. It should be noted that the
financing of this Institute is done through offers and not through
state grants.

As can be seen from the above, the basis of this technology, for
the production of anti-sars-cov-2 vaccine, is the abortion of
embryos, that is, the canceled, as they characterize them,
intrauterine humans, at the moment when there are other
possibilities, which do not infringe on the value of man's
uniqueness, from the moment of his conception.
II. The use of m-RNA in the production of vaccines
1. The process of antibody production using m-RNA

In contrast to the conventional vaccine production process, as

already stated, and according to sars-cov-2 m-RNA vaccine
production technology, the antigen that will produce the
antibodies is the spike protein (spike - S-) of the virus.

Sars-Cov2 uses the enzyme ACE-2, which is present in the cell

membrane, as a cellular receptor to enter the cells of the human
body. That is, the virus binds to its spike, the spike protein (S)] in
ACE -2, enters the human body and can potentially cause
pneumonia or myocarditis [viii].

The m-RNA vaccine provides the appropriate genetic information

for the host (human) cells to produce an immune response, i.e. to
make antibodies and T- (lymph) cells. This is the ideal in vitro
(laboratory) design, but it deviates from the expectations for in
vivo (living) reality. A simple example is the apparent occurrence
of immediate or long-term side effects in the laboratory, in the
real scope of the vaccine.

The advantage of this technology is that it accelerates the

development of the vaccine faster than the slower traditional
production of vaccines, from dead or inactivated pathogens,
which are introduced into the body as antigens, to create
immunity, as well as other efforts, which do not rely on aberrant
embryonic pluripotent cells.

Consequently, the m-RNA process reduces the production time of

a vaccine, but does not reduce the time of occurrence of side
effects, for which, due to the use of genetic material, one can not
know what they will be, when they will occur, and what severity
will have on the general health of the population.

2. The safety of the vaccine using genetic material

. An important concern for the safety of the vaccine comes from
the short time that elapsed between the production of the vaccine
and its clinical use. On this basis was based, and the virologist
Professor Dr. Oveta Fuller at the University of Michigan, one of
the four members of the FDA's panel of experts on negative
general vaccination and, of course, many other experts, each in
his own field.

b. It is known that certain viruses, such as chickenpox, lurk in the

human body for years, are re-stimulated after decades, and
cause shingles. Re-infection with a different strain of dengue
virus (there are four strains) poses serious problems for human
survival from dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock. What
will happen to sars-cov-2 immunized hosts? Will the vaccine also
be related to possible autoimmune diseases, which have filled the
world, etc.?
c. A tougher line follows Luc Montagnier [ix] who stated that the
sars-cov-2 virus may have been artificially created in Johann
because it contains elements of the genetic material of HIV (ie
the virus that causes AIDS), which encode proteins, and this can
not be accidental, as it typically emphasizes. He points out that
we are at risk of seeing unpredictable side effects, as well as
cancers. That is why he will not be vaccinated, and suggests
other types of treatments [x].

c. Regarding the risk weighting of the same coronavirus and the

anti-covid vaccine, who can answer today? And in fact, when the
estimated number of deaths is obscured in between, between
sars-cov-2 deaths, sars-cov-2 deaths, and falsely attributed
deaths to sars-cov-2. It is commonplace how pandemic
management and existing data are tragically deficient.

d. To the question of whether the vaccine can affect DNA, the

answer is that it is possible. It can happen, through the reverse
transcriptase process, that it is possible to convert m-RNA into a
DNA˙ fragment, that is, to synthesize DNA using virus RNA as a
template [xi].

e. Similarly, there is a serious concern for si-RNA (low

interference or mute RNA), because by degrading m-RNA, inside
cells, there is a risk of facilitating the expression of oncogenes.

e. A problem is also created by the co-occurring mutations of the

virus. Will other types of antibodies be required, which are not
currently covered by the vaccines produced? The question is
rhetorical, but it concerns the medical community, which would
do well not to play "in-game", by experimenting in uncharted
spaces. No one wants a genetic Hiroshima.

f. In the USA in the year 1976 there was a death of a soldier,

which was attributed to a type of swine flu. This type was thought
to be genetically close to the deadly "Spanish flu" of 1918. In
many cases, positive antibodies to swine flu were found.

Then the Director of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention) David Sencer proposed mass vaccination of
Americans. U.S. officials and the media have insisted on focusing
on an epidemic similar to that of the Spanish flu. They quickly
developed a vaccine that vaccinated 45,000,000 Americans, or ¼
of the population, with then-President Gerald Ford being the first
to be vaccinated, and in an election year.

Apart from the mistakes that were made, the insurance

companies refused to cover the insured, in case of any unwanted
side effects. Doubt about the financial feasibility of the companies
prevailed among the American people, and a few months later,
there was an outbreak, in dozens of people vaccinated, of
Guillain-Barré neurological disease. It is a syndrome where the
immune system attacks the nervous system.

The end result was one dead from the swine virus, but 25 dead
and 500 infected with Guillain-Barre syndrome from those who
received the vaccine [xii]. Gerald Ford lost the 1976 election to
Jimmy Carter, and Millar and Sencer, the vaccination leaders,
were fired. The US government then gave priority to protecting
the population, with measures other than vaccination.

The "rear sight", as it was characterized, of 1918, 1957 and

1968, on which vaccination specialists relied, did not benefit, but

The paths of the "epidemic" of 1976 and that of sars-cov-2 are

parallel: High profits, unpredictable consequences, supremacy of
the political will, guided by "politically correct", guided science,
with political and judicial coverage, politico-economic purposes Or
in 1976 the goal was to win the election in America, and today
the launch of the "Great Restart", with the vehicle sars-cov-2,
and the driving force, as in G. Ford America, the silver media.

g. No one, signed, guarantees the safety of the vaccine. Vaccine

persuasion is based on the ignorance, fear, lack of public debate,
paid propaganda, and slander of those who hold the opposite

h. In addition to the above concerns, the immorality of

pharmaceutical companies, which are largely involved in major
financial scandals, should be added.

With these data, it is understood why the validity of official

announcements lies in the nadir, in the consciousness of those
who are not dominated by the constantly fueled fear, but
common sense survives.


1. The production of the vaccine

a. It is obvious that a major bioethical issue arises, as long as the

expected effect of the vaccine and each vaccine, with technology
based on the HEK 293 cell line, or other human cell lines (eg WI-
38 and MRC-5 ) requires abortion. Similarly, the same issue
arises in the case of the use of embryos, after in vitro
fertilization, which are under laboratory and not intrauterine
conditions, either as omnipotent or as multivalent.

From the moment that the above happens, the very value of
human life is exhausted, in the sanctuaries of laboratories, and
our biological stores, as the Creator defined them, become the
object of immoral and immoral uses, by the eroded consciences
of biomedical professionals. Moral and physical perpetrators are,
in fact, those who "scream" for premieres and "say that it
reminds of sulfur, when everyone else is closing their noses
The only hope in this painless behavior of man against his fellow
man, is the faith of the Church, which recognizes and respects
man as an image of God, from the historical moment of his

b. The Orthodox Church of Christ, through four Holy Ecumenical

Councils (C ', D', E 'and S'), recognizes man as perfect from the
extreme conception. After all, the genetic identity of the first cell,
the zygote, is the same as the one through which the identity of
this person is recognized even after biological death.

The Lord, as the centuries-old Archetype of the creation of man,

incarnated in the Theodochus Uterus of the Most Holy Theotokos,
and essentially united the "temple taken" by the Virgin Mary with
the divine Nature, invariably and incomprehensibly.

Therefore, any deviation from this statutory principle of our faith,

offends the divine Creation and consequently is, absolutely,
outside the doctrine and ethos of the Church.

c. The recent decision of the ICC to support the vaccine is in stark

contrast to the dogmatic teaching of the Church. In fact, it raises
questions that the relevant opinion of the Bioethics Committee of
the Church of Greece, as revealed by His Excellency the
Spokesperson, was not made public, so that the crew of the
Church could receive due information and the possibility of its

d. The Roman Catholic Church does not have a clear past in the
evaluation of the fetal human being, as a perfect human being,
from extreme conception.

Despite the acceptance and signing of the dogmatic Terms of

Faith, mentioned above, he fell with Thomas Aquinas, who
followed the wrong Aristotelian line about the fetus and ignored
the Ecumenical Councils. Thus, for about six hundred years,
Roman Catholicism recognized man as an animate being, from
the fourth month of his intrauterine life. Only in 1869 did he
return to the ranks of the Ecumenical Councils and since then he
has recognized man as an image of God since his extreme

Today, however, he rejects, in part, the question of this particular

vaccine, claiming that the production of the vaccine is irrelevant
to its historical connection with abortion. Therefore, according to
the Vatican, scientists are morally free to produce the vaccine
after an abortion! [Xiv]

2. Regarding vaccination

The basic medical principle, formulated by Hippocrates, is that

"(see) asceticism, about diseases, two, ὠφελέειν, ἢ μὴ βλάπτειν
[xv]". That is, in order for a doctor to practice his healing art
against diseases, he must have two things in mind: either to
benefit or at least not to harm.

What is the reality with the management of sars-cov-2 and

especially with the effort made to enforce the vaccine?

- Uncertainty in medical instructions, from the beginning of the

onset of the sars-cov-2 virus

- Contradictory statements by the members of the committee

themselves, recommended by the State.

- Lack of public dialogue. It is the audacity of the members of the

State Commission to confront themselves scientifically and to
enlighten the people, in a public debate, with their counterparts,
who propose different strategies from the ones implemented so
far. In this way we are faced with a division of the medical world
in the management of the virus, which, if nothing else, reveals an
elementary democratic deficit in the search for truth.
- Development during this period, of a selfish behavior of a group
of state infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists, who
"blurred" the publicity and began to "wave the finger at the Greek
people." They have forgotten in their confusion both the
Constitution and the proclamatory medical principles, as they are
diligently recorded in the Code of Medical Ethics [xvi].

- Diligent and unholy insult and slander of the saints of our

orthodox Christian faith, on which the freedom of our Nation was

- Alliance of the State and united Hierarchs, against conscientious

members of our Church, but also of a number of conscientious
Clergy, by launching bulk characterizations against them, as
"sprayed, conspiracy theorists, vaccinators, extremists and even
selfish." '(sic), to come together.

If the above is the measure of a rational assessment of a problem

in our social life, on the one hand the words have lost their
meaning, and on the other hand, the above Hippocratic aversion
is impossible to find a place to stand.

b. The meaning of love

Because it is naively circulating in the Church and not only, that it

is a duty of love to be obliged to comply with the perforated
political-medical orders, about sars-cov-2, it is necessary to
extract from the experience of Ecclesiastical History, a leading
example of selfless love, in imitation of the teaching and the
crucifixion of the Lord.

In the plague of Cyprian, which arose in 250 AD, the Christians of

Alexandria, elders and deacons and lay people, without
calculating the consequences for themselves, visited the sick,
offered them their services, treated them "in Christ "and they
died very happily with them, since they had previously become
infected from their contact with others, they contracted the
disease from those close to them and, of their own free will, they
experienced the pains. Indeed, "Μείζονα ταύτης ἀγάπην οὐδεὶς
ἔχει, ἵνα τις τὴν ψυχὴν αὐτοῦ θῇ ὑπὲρ τῶν φίλων αὐτοῦ" [xvii].

On the contrary, the pagans avoided their loved ones and threw
them in the streets half-dead, and the dead, they threw them
buried in the garbage, in an attempt to prevent death from
approaching them, which was not easy to avoid, despite the fact
that many machinations "[ xviii].

In the face of this leading example of the Christians of

Alexandria, the modern disease of love affair is canceled. A life,
going from memoranda, to vaccines, always for our good, is a
disgrace to our human freedom. In fact, along with the long-term
preparation of the questioning of the Crucified Christ, a genus
uniquely proud in the history of the world has already been
abandoned, from the embedded sacrificial life, in the course of
spiritual, social, psychological and economic suicide.

Regarding the sub no. 2997/24 June 1864, Circular of the Holy

Synod of the Church of Greece, which explicitly recommends to
the Greek people the smallpox vaccine, any parallel with the
current situation, is at least unfortunate.

Orthodox Christian Theology does not deny vaccination, like any

other reasonable medical practice. However, he flatly denies any
perception or effort that diminishes human value, deprives him of
the right to information, and traps logic in the grip of fear, to the
point where Menander's one-line aversion is verified, that "Life is
due to life [ xix] »(Life that needs survival is not life).

Holy High Priests

During the first impulse of the sars-cov-2 virus, in the Spring of

last year 2020, our hearing was burdened by the irresistible
chewing of the slogan, "We stay home", by His Eminence the
Metropolitans, who aimed to pass, in herd, to of the people, the
above message, drawn in the straight line of many injustices to
the Church, the State.

In fact, in order to cover the gap of the spiritual life of the

Christians, created by the closed Altar, unheard of historical-
theological failures were recruited, to use a lenient
characterization, such as the one about the "home Church" or the
use of teleps, as a means of family prayer, after candles and
incense, and individual prayer, which, according to government
interpretations, lies in the fleeting entrance of the believer to the
Temple, "to light his candle".

Needless to say, "from the other side", the "vanguard" of other

Hierarchs, who forbade the kissing of the Holy Icons, the Gospel
and the priestly hand. The Metropolitan of Edessa, Joel, reminds
us that the experienced of the Uncreated Light, Saint Paisios of
Mount Athos, broke the hands of the priest with great desire after
the divine service and said that "the priest does not have his own
hands [xx]".

Indeed, through the hands of the priest, the Holy Spirit is poured
out into the world and sanctifies it. Therefore, anyone who is
credited with any position holds the opposite of what the saints
bequeathed to us, suffers from the heresy of Barlaamitism. In the
second impulse of sars-cov-2, a strong message was sent in the
most formal way to the members of the Church to be vaccinated,
since one of the first to be vaccinated was a Hierarch, in public
view, through a Synodal diagnosis.

We have the deepest sense that we live, de facto, in an

"persecution of the Church" due to "work and action", with a
hard-working and coordinated effort to repel Her, on the margins
of our lives.

We do not want our Church to contribute, even unintentionally, to

the attempted "Great Reset" [xxi], in the context of globalization,
which today is attempted by manipulating the masses on its
trembling rails. corona-virus, and the story of our "salvation",
where the vaccine was set up by vehicle. And such crimes
continue to be set up "for our good", on the heinous murders of
human embryos.

Odysseas Elytis **, in an in-depth interview years ago, pointed

out the following: "I see violence coming in disguise, under illegal
alliances and pre-agreed enslavements. It will not be Hitler's
ovens, perhaps, but a methodical and quasi-scientific
subordination of man. For his complete humiliation. For his
disgrace [xxii]. "

We believe that, by Your wishes, we have the obligation to defend

ourselves according to the holy models of the God-fearing Fathers
of our Church, "against all perdition and dark transgression",
when true faith and the Christian ethos are offended and
challenged. The saints of the faith are not given away, nor are
they the subject of negotiations!

The fragrant relics of our saints and the sacred bones of our
ancestors finished in Christ, for freedom, are what inherit the
musk of true freedom.

True freedom as members of the Church we know, is our sharing

with God. Every other "freedom" is a pseudonym, a Trojan horse,
unspeakable slavery.

With the deepest respect,

Fr. Stylianos Emm. Karpathiou
Theologian Psychiatrist, Dr. Bioethics,
University of Athens

After the completion of the above text, we took note of the
announcement, issued by the Permanent Holy Synod, after its
Meetings, on the 12th and 13th of January 2021.

On what has been announced, we have to note the following:

1. The author of paragraph 7 of the communiqué states, either

unknowingly or reluctantly, that "the covid-19 vaccines currently
used in our country do not require the use of embryonic cell
cultures for their production."

On the contrary, according to the above claims, the truth is that

the vaccines against covid-19, which are currently used in our
country, in the laboratory use the cell line Human embryonic
kidney 293 cells (HEK 293), which comes from human embryonic
cells, obtained from the kidney of a healthy female fetus. This
fetus was "legally aborted", ie it was aborted, according to Dutch
law, in 1973, at the Alex van der Eb laboratory in Leiden, the
Netherlands. " (See above text: I. Vaccine production using
human cell line)

2. According to the announcement, "the choice of vaccination is

not so much a theological or ecclesiastical issue, but mainly a
medical-scientific one."

On the contrary, every medical act and action, in order to be

theophilic and irresponsible, must respect man from the utmost
conception and, more generally, be within the letter and spirit of
the Gospel. That is why the choice of vaccination is primarily a
theological and ecclesiastical issue and the acceptance of
vaccination, with the conditions on which the production of the
specific vaccines was based, constitutes a deduction from the
correct Faith and life.

3. Indeed, vaccination should be a free personal choice of every

person, but after careful and serious information, free from the
terror created by the constant misinformation. "Know the truth
and the truth will set you free" [xxiii]

After respecting

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