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Guidance Center



Grade Level Topic Objectives Reference Date of Distribution

Kinder 1 & 2 1. state a possible situation which Department of Education-
requires a decision involving others; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. identify possible effect of a
decision made toward others;
“ I Do, I Feel”
3. express feelings about the effect
of a decision towards others; and
4. demonstrate an appropriate action
in a given situation.
Grade 1 1. list down the people who can help Department of Education-
make good choices; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. enumerate the steps in making
good choices;
3. show the importance of help from
“Make Good Choices”
adults when making good choices;
4. practice ways of making good
choices; and
5. state changes in yourself because
of good choices.
Grade 2 1. describe the situation before Department of Education-
making an action; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. identify the appropriate actions
“When choosing is tough”
and the results in different
situations; and
3. value the result of each action.
Grade 3 1. enumerate the steps to arrive at Department of Education-
asound decision; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. analyse the impact of a decision
“For success, choose the
on yourself and to others;
3. share one important decision that
you will make using the steps in
making choices.
Grade 4 1. enumerate the steps and outcome Department of Education-
of effective decision making skills; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. recognize the importance of your
personal experiences in decision
“ I get it” making towards achieving the
common good;
3. create appropriate decisions that
contribute in resolving family and
school issue.
Grade 5 1. enumerate the factors affecting Department of Education-
the decision making process; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. explain the importance of
deciding to attain the common good;
“Good Decision, Better
3. create an appropriate plan and
suggestion to address family and
school concerns; and
5. show the connections between
your decisions and their outcome.
Grade 6 “My Responsible 1. identify the procedures or steps in Department of Education-
decision” decision making. Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. identify the factors that affect
decision making.;
3. explain the importance of
procedures in decision making;
4. exercise personal experiences in
decision making; and
5. appreciate effective personal
decision making.
Grade 7 1. identify steps in making sound Department of Education-
decision; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. construct your own appropriate
steps to make a sound decision;
3. analyse possible outcome in
“I Decide, I Learn”
making decision for common good;
4. value the importance of being
responsible in making personal
Grade 8 1. describe lessons learned from Department of Education-
school and community; Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. explain how experiences learned
“Life Lesson: Ladder to from school and community
Success” contribute to success; and
3. appreciate the value of
experiences learned from school and
Grade 9 1. relate lessons from experiences in Department of Education-
school and community that may help Bureau of Learning Resources February
others to academic success;
2. share insights on lesson learned
“Shared experiences are
from the experiences in school and
Shared developments”
community; and
3. appreciate the impact of
experiences in school and
community to academic success.
Grade 10 “Overcoming Life’s 1. determine the relevance of school Department of Education-
Challenges” and community experiences in Bureau of Learning Resources February
achieving academic success;
2. appreciate the importance of the
lesson learned from school and
community in overcoming life’s
challenges; and
3. share ways on how to make the
best out of the acquired knowledge
from school and community in daily
Grade 11 1. describe the factors in decision Department of Education-
making; Bureau of Learning Resources February
High Five! Factors in 2. recognize the importance of sound
sound decision making decision making; and
3. develop strategies in making a
sound decision.
Grade 12 1. discuss how sound decision Department of Education-
making can contribute to success or Bureau of Learning Resources February
2. demonstrate ways on how to
“Decisive Person”
make sound decisions in the given
situations; and
3. value sound-decision making
based on the different factors.

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