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Module 3


THINK ABOUT THIS Think about your answers to these questions. You may write
your answers below and share them during our discussion.

• Do the members of your family eat

enough fruits and vegetables every
day? If no, why not?
• What are some common reasons
why families do not eat enough
fruits and vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables provide very important micronutrients

OUR CHALLENGE that our bodies need to grow and be healthy. Unfortunately,
fruits and vegetables are seldom liked by children.

Risks of low fruit and vegetable intake include:

• Constipation
• Poor vision at night
• Infections and illness
• Micronutrient deficiencies
• Lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension

Does your child dislike vegetables

4 Tips for Increasing
Fruit & Veggie Intake
• Does not like the taste of greens
• Refuses to eat any type of vegetable
• Removes vegetables on his plate
• Takes too long to swallow vegetables • Meal tweaks
• Fruit & veggie snacks
Want to increase your family’s • Fruits & veggies on a budget
fruit and vegetable intake? • Time-saving tips: One-pot
LET’S RECALL The Pinggang Pinoy® guide* helps
us to remember the right kind and
the right amount of food to eat in
NOTES every meal.

*Adapted from the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (2016)

Glow food should take up half our plate

at each meal.
Eat a variety of colors of fruits and vegetables.
Different colors have different benefits to the body.

Red fruits and vegetables Green vegetables (e.g. malunggay,

(e.g. apples, tomatoes and pechay and kangkong) have iron
watermelon) have lycopene that helps oxygen distribution
that’s good for the heart. throughout the body.

Yellow and orange fruits Purple and blue fruits and

(e.g. pineapples, oranges and vegetables (e.g. eggplant and
mangoes) contain vitamin C grapes) contain anthocyanin, an
that helps prevent sickness. antioxidant that protects against
heart diseases and lifestyle

Yellow and orange White vegetables and fruits (e.g.

vegetables (e.g. squash garlic, turnip and radish) have
and carrots) contain beta- anthoxanthin, an antioxidant that
carotene that maintains helps lower the risk of diseases
healthy skin and good like cancer and heart disease.
Increasing fruits and vegetables in your diet can be as
MEAL TWEAKS simple as making small changes to your usual meals. For

• Add tomatoes and onions to eggs for breakfast

• Add a vegetable side dish or fruit dessert to your usual
lunch or dinner

Remember to include water or a nutritious

beverage with your child’s meal. Nutritious
beverages like fortified milk have calcium for
strong bones and teeth. They contain nutrients
like iron, zinc and
vitamin C to help prevent sickness.

Serve snacks with fruits or vegetables. Try these ideas for

FRUIT & VEGGIE SNACKS your child’s next merienda:

• Sandwiches with lettuce, cucumbers or tomatoes

instead of ensaymada
• Pancit or soup with carrots and cabbage
• Fruit shakes

Other fruit and veggie snacks you can try at home:

Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet does not have

FRUIT & VEGGIE BUDGET to be expensive.

• Know the more affordable alternatives for expensive

fruits and vegetables
• Use vegetables as extenders
TIME SAVING TIPS Increasing your fruit and vegetable intake does not have
to consume a lot of your time.

• Prepare a one-pot meal that minimizes cooking time

and saves gas
• Choose nutritious carinderia meals that have Go, Grow
and Glow nutrients

Eating fruits and vegetables are part of the Healthy Habits that
help your child grow, stay healthy and have the energy and mental
alertness to do well in school and in life.

Choose Manage
Nutritious and Portions
Varied Options

LET’S TRY THIS What did you learn in today’s session that you will start
practicing at home?

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