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Conroy, S. A., Yoon, Y. J.

This paper contributes to academic literature by identifying the compelling need to conduct more compensation research. Information has been collected from panel discussions
during the 2016 Academy of Management Conference to investigate future research directions, connections between micro and macro perspectives, as well as publication

Topic 1: Future Research Directions

Q1 Q2 Q3
Under-researched Areas Future trend on wage inequality research Theories applicable to compensation research
1. The impact of sharing economy on pay 1. Signaling theory and affective events theory are valuable
1. Investigate the impact of transparency on
2. Benefits inequality 2. No theories from other disciplines may not necessary
3. Compensation and benefits structure in small 2. Investigate the mechanisms how pay 3. Open to new perspectives, but existing theories are strong
businesses practices affect inequality foundations
4. The relative efficacy of merit pay versus bonus pay

Topic 2: Connect Micro and Macro Perspectives

Q1 Q2 Q3
Most important topics (micro/macro) Biggest challenges of consolidation Strategies to avoid common mistakes in consolidation

1. More research required to investigate the 1. Lack of good theories at the macro-level 1. Work with more varied authors who have different backgrounds
detrimental impact of poorly designed and poorly and perspectives to avoid too narrowly focused on our own
communicated performance-based pay systems 2. Lack of strong theory to help explain literatures
individual and organizational responses to
2. Big knowledge gap in understanding how incentives incentives 2. Over-emphasis on data analysis and the use of complicated
motivate group or team behaviors statistical techniques, but under-emphasis on the quality of the
3. Editors and reviewers have unrealistic data collected and generated
3. The role of social psychological factors should be standards that work against authors and
investigated when studying the effects of enforce norms 3. A considerable amount of compensation research is based on
compensation practices existing data sets obtained from publicly available sources which
4. The consolidation practice raises issues of are not collected for research purposes
the validity and appropriateness of cross-
level generalizations
Topic 3: Publication Challenges on Compensation Research

Q1 Q2 Q3
Variations in different publication outlets Avoid common mistakes in publishing Challenges and Recommendations on data collection
compensation research

1. The biggest challenge is to obtain data relevant to research

1. Psychologists examine motivational issues (intrinsic 1. The mistake of generalizing research when it projects, because most companies are very concerned about the
and extrinsic motivation) is based on a micro experimental study confidentiality of their compensation data
2. Economist study the topic of executive 2. Some research are context-specific to the 2. When it comes to employee surveys, large companies don’t want
compensation and government policies experiment and cannot be applied to real-world their employees to be overwhelmed with too many surveys
compensation settings
3. Management scholars tend to study a wide range 3. Building a trustworthy relationship with practitioners is very
3. Many articles are unclear about important, and it’s also a great idea to suggest free consulting
4. Marketing scholars tend to investigate conceptualizing constructs and use of theories projects to companies in exchange for data
compensation issues of sales force
4. Some research articles gloss over complexity 4. Alumni network is a highly underutilized networking opportunity
5. Accounting and finance professors are very similar and make inappropriate assumptions for researchers
to economists
5. A good way to increase the possibility of
6. Sociologists are more macro-focused and frequently paper getting published is to use more 5. Working with consulting companies and conducting an
examine the issue of wage inequality and advanced methodologies that address common experiment are great substitutes for obtaining confidential
discrimination statistical issues compensation data and information

Insights and connections to my own areas of research interests

Since my area of research interest is to investigate the causes and effects of occupational fraud on the all levels of an organization, studying academic literature in compensation
research would bring me new insights into the impact of various compensation mechanisms on individual motivation and subsequently organizational behavior. Through deeper
investigation of wage inequality, I would develop better understanding regarding causes and effects of wage inequity and its connection to the increased motivation and
rationalization to commit occupational fraud in a individual basis.

Furthermore, my research on investigating collusion (collective fraud) is consistent with the need to narrow “the big knowledge gap in understanding how incentives motivate
group or team behaviors”. For example, I may investigate the impact of compensation systems on organizational behaviour (organizational culture), and then the influence of a
toxic culture on the likelihood of motivating employees to engage in collective fraud, and the impact of social psychological factors on compensation practices will also be
thoroughly examined in this process.

Overall, the future prospect of my research aspiration is supported by this article, since “more research is required to investigate the detrimental impact of poorly designed and
poorly communicated performance-based pay systems.”
Research questions to be investigated

1. What is the influence of organizational culture on compensation system transparency and inequity?

2. What’s the influence of business strategy (cost strategy, differentiation, niche strategy) on the design of its compensation system and subsequently individual and team
Xavier, B. (2014)

This article contributed to academic literature through identifying and recommending future research directions. The results of recent investigations by Vierick Business School;s
Centre for Excellence in Strategic Rewards were obtained and reviewed in order to gain valuable insights into diverse perspectives of various stakeholders. This initiative would
allow guarantee that future research is practical and relevant to stakeholders’ needs so as to fill the “Research to Practice” gap.

Stakeholders' Perspectives on Compensation and Benefits

Managers Front-line Employees Practitioners

Managers believe that compensation According to employees’ survey results, the

and benefits policies and systems do main problem lies in the way compensation Just like managers and front-line employees, practitioners are interested in reward
not achieve their strategic role, and and benefits are managed, rather than in processes and procedures, and reward communication is the most popular topic among
this is probably due to the lack of a the actual salary and bonus levels. This practitioners who believe it’s most challenging and most under-researched. Besides
well-thought-out reward strategy. finding is also consistent with the fact that procedural and communication concerns, practitioners have strong interest in the impact of
the worst scoring items deal with procedural external business context and the regulatory context on stakeholders’ opinions on
justice. Similar to the insights from compensation and benefits.
managers, input by front-line employees
also suggest the need to develop and
implement a clear reward strategy.
From Perspectives to Future Research Initiatives

External Environment Employee Perspectives Total Rewards Reward Procedures

Future research initiatives are required to
1. Since aging is a global trend, Future research on investigating the impact Very limited research has been devoted to the investigate the specific impact of
researchers need to investigate of employee participation in the design and investigation of integrated approach to rewards. performance management process on
what reward instruments are most implementation of compensation and The traditional research focused too much on the effectiveness of performance-related
successful in retaining and benefits management systems is required, cash compensation, employee benefits and pay. Moreover, more work is needed to
motivating older employees, and as well as assessing workers’ attitudes and non-financial rewards are very under- examine the impact of various forms of
how such reward system should be preferences for various types of reward researched topics. Therefore, there is a performance--driven compensation
designed and implemented systems compelling need to develop an inventory of non- management processes and the
financial rewards. Another area deserves a conditions under which the system
2. Future research should greater amount of research is strategic operates on the effectiveness of
investigate the impact of alignment of compensation and reward systems performance-related pay. Furthermore,
geographic and cultural differences with business strategy, firm culture, structure the study of the effectiveness of hybrid
on specific reward systems and other HR policies in order to develop truly systems of variable remuneration are
integrated reward policies. more successful in comparison to other
3. It’s crucial to investigate the systems is also a promising field of
interactions between various compensation research. Finally,
reward strategies and macro-level increased research on reward
economic situations and outlooks to communication is crucial for improving
enable organizations to remain employee feelings about procedural
competitive justice.

Insights and connections to my own areas of research interests

The suggestion on investigating the impact of external environment on the design and effectiveness of compensation systems helped me come up with the idea of researching
the impact of COVID-19 on the performance compensation systems. Since the effect of disruptive events is like a stress test, and the weaker systems tend to collapse or give
rise to very unfavorable effects such as occupational fraud (asset misappropriation at lower level of the organizational hierarchy, and corruption and fraudulent financial
statements, collusion at the executive level), because the pandemic may have severely increased employees’ financial pressure at all levels, therefore under poorly designed
and administered compensation systems, they have increased motivation to engage in financial crimes and are much more likely to rationalize their wrongdoings.

Research questions to be investigated

What’s the impact of the pandemic on employees’ (intrinsic and extrinsic) motivation? And how does the changes in their motivation affect their perception of compensation
systems? And how the changes in their perception influence their individual and team performance, and the incentive to engage in various types of occupational fraud?

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