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March 9, 2011

I’m working with Max, Varun and Isabella. Our issue is Tourism in
Thailand. So far we are trying to find someone to interview and getting
info. So far, I think the we have been pretty successful in research and
getting it down on paper. We still need to do interviewing, putting
together all our info, and presenting it.
March 15, 2011

So far, our group is working pretty well together. We have achieved a lot
of information and Interviews and we are pretty well organized.
Today we interviewed Mr. Ashok who is a big link to the TAT (Tourism in
Thailand) Organization. He said that tourism is generally a good thing for
any country because they bring in good income with them (money).
People who live in Thailand depend on tourists every day and tourism
also gives them good opportunities to be a better person. But a lot of the
time tourists have trouble behaving and they can bring diseases like
HIV, AIDS and foot and mouth disease. Also like Max said they come for
medical or sex reasons.
March 24, 2011

Tourism Group: Izzy, Varun, Luke and Max: This is our last week of
preparing for our presentation for the Y6 Exhibition. We are trying to
finish up a Prezi. Then we have been working on and we have and
electric quiz that we are making a few adjustments to. Also with our
booth that we have we are also working on an info graphic with has a
whole lot of information and graphs on it. Some members of my group
are not fully interested in the topic that we have chosen, including me.
Basically, we just chose it because there was really nothing else to do. I
am still thinking that we need to make a few adjustments to some of our
lines in the presentation because we need to make it quick so we do not
take up too much time. I hope that we achieve what we are working
towards and we can only hope for the best of us. I hope that our
Exhibition tunes out well. I’m nervous a little!

Exhibition Final Reflection, April 1st, 2011

Yesterday and the day before we, the tourism group with Varun, Izzy, Luke and
Max, presented our exhibition work on Tourism in Thailand. It was very stressful.
We presented 2 times in the first day and 2 times in the second day. We were
supposed to do it 4 times in the second day, but we were behind schedule. When
we were in the booth, a lot of little kids and Year 5 kids came and started playing
with our electric quiz. I feel like they did not really learn anything because all they
were focused on were seeing the light bulb light up on the electric quiz, and
sometimes they came and when we tried to explain to them about what we were
doing, they would get up and walk away as if nothing happened.

I think that I had a good experience working on the exhibition and it gave me a
little more confidence in myself, and it also taught me to believe that I can do
something even when I think I cannot. I think that this taught me a good lesson.
This was hard work for me and my group from my perspective and some parts of
it were boring for me like doing research after research. The interviews were fun
and a little bit nerve racking. Recording all our notes was not very exciting. I grew
from this experience by helping me to understand the different perspectives of
everyone and the processes of the exhibition. I thought that is what really
mattered. How you handle and do the exhibition and it made me feel good about
me after we finished our presentations. I felt very pleased about me and my
group and how we worked together effectively. I forgot my lines a little bit in the
last presentation, but I still felt good after the exhibition ended. It made me think
about how much work we had done to get to this time we presented our work.

Mostly we used interviews to get our information, but we also used a bit of
websites. We interviewed Mr. Simon Scoones, the Humanities teacher in the
Secondary building, also Khun Bondee Pinkaew, the Secretary of Khunying
Patama, the manager of the Arnoma Hotel, Mr. Ashok Kapur, manager of the Thai
Tourism Industry, then Mr. Alasdair Junor, manager of the Sixsenses Hotel, and
Mr. Jack Hurd (my dad). He gave us a lot of information on Izzy’s compass lens. I
learned a lot about my topic and I hope that other people did as well.

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