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2 · Atoms and Elements Period Date


Stable Isotopes

There are particular combinations of protons and neutrons that form a stable
nucleus. These stable atoms lie on the “band of stability.” Note that for smaller
atom, stable nuclei tend to have p+:n0 close to 1. As nuclei get heavier, more
neutrons are needed to stabilize the nucleus.

An unstable isotope undergoes radioactive decay to become a more stable

isotope, often emitting a radioactive particle (such as alpha, beta, or gamma).

Subatomic Particles
Particle Proton Neutron Electron

1 + 1 0 0 −
Isotopic Notation 1p 0n −1 e

Becquerel Rays
Particle Alpha Particle Beta Particle Positron Gamma Ray

4 0 − 0 + 0
Isotopic Notation 2 He −1 e +1 e 0γ

 He-4 nucleus  High energy e−.  A “positive  High energy light.

(2 p+ + 2 n0)  Negative charge electron.”  Not a particle, has
 Positive charge  Deflects a lot in  Positive charge no mass or charge
 Deflects a little in magnetic field  Deflects a lot in  Does not deflect in
Description magnetic field  Blocked by sheets magnetic field magnetic field.
 Blocked by skin or of aluminum  Blocked by sheets of  Blocked by concrete
paper  Thin, long trails in aluminum or lead
 Short, thick trails in cloud chamber  Thin, long trails in  Barely visible trails
cloud chamber cloud chamber in cloud chamber

Deflection in Electric Field Penetrating Power Cloud Chamber

Radioactive Decay Processes
 Alpha Decay – releases alpha particle. Usually occurs with really heavy nuclei (Z > 82)
238 4 234
92 U→ 2 α + 90 Th
 Beta Decay – releases beta particle. Converts a neutron to a proton (n0 → p+ + e−). For neutron-heavy nuclei
(below the band of stability).
131 0 131
→ −1 β− + 54 Xe
53 I
 Positron Emission – releases positron. Converts a proton to a neutron (p+ → n0 + e+). For proton-heavy
nuclei (above the band of stability).
11 0 11
6C → +1 β + + 5 B
 Electron Capture – nucleus absorbs an electron. Also converts a proton to a neutron (p+ + e− → n0. For
proton-heavy nuclei (Above the band of stability).
81 0 81
37 Rb + −1 e− → 36 Kr

Other Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear Fission

1 235 141 1 1 1
0n + 92 U  56 Ba + 0 n + 0 n + 0 n + 36 Kr
This is the process in nuclear reactors.

Nuclear Fusion
 1
1H + 11 H + 11 H + 11 H  01 β+ + 0
β+ + 2 He
This is the process that occurs in stars.

“Chemistry begins in the stars. The stars are the

source of the chemical elements, which are the
building blocks of matter and the core of our
subject.” - Peter Atkins

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