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“Group dynamics concerns how people communicate as well as what position they play in group

activities and decision making”  (English, 2008, p. 1). Group communication is the process by

which people come together to express thoughts, beliefs or feelings concerning a particular
subject. “In groups, it is likely that there will be several communication styles present to manage.
There will also be a requirement for mediating those styles in order to avoid conflict”
(English, 2008, p. 1). This mode of communication involves the use of interpersonal skills.
Interpersonal skills between group members involve active listening to avoid listening errors so
that by the end of a conversation the summarized information is shared by the members of a
group. Active listeners demonstrate they have heard and understood what has been said by
providing feedback to the group concerning their interpretation. Effective groups are composed
of various group dimensions such as informational and procedural. Informational dimensions
focus on the problem and developing solutions. Procedural dimensions focus on the method and
process of making the needed decision. Working in a group requires the formation ground rules
and the need to assign specific pieces of a project to smaller teams within the group or to

Individual communication also uses interpersonal communication. When a conversation is held

between just two people active listening is still required. As one person speaks the listener will
need to focus on the content of the conversation to paraphrase the conversation and relay the key
points back to the speaker to show that there is an understanding of the information shared.
“There is a natural tendency to communicate to others in the way an individual likes to
communicate or the way that feels most comfortable” (English, 2008, p. 1). Individual
communication shares many similarities of group communication in that it there are also various
dimensions to problem solving. Individual communication also requires focusing on the problem
and developing a solution along with ensuring that ground rules concerning a particular project
are clearly outlined to focus on the method and process that will be used to make needed

When working to complete a group project information is typically distributed among group
members, therefore, helping to alleviate the pressure from one person possessing the majority of
the work. Whether working in a group or sub-group it requires individual communication
between people. The group uses branches of thoughts and ideas that project clear strategies
needed to enhance the quality used to communicate. One of the goals of the group is ensuring
that the purpose of the project meeting is clearly defined and communicated before or at the
onset of the meeting. These actions allow those involved to be prepared for potential
information. Another goal could include creating an agenda for each point that will be discussed
allowing groups or individuals the opportunity to know what action is needed or what type of
discussion will take place. When time is used to address questions and responses, it is critical for
groups to remain focused on making the most out of individual meetings. This allows a time
when participants involved during the meeting can check on how others may have processed the
information. It also allows the presenter to gauge if information was clearly communicated or if
points may need to be revisited. Whether in a group or an individual meeting an agreement or
consensus should be used to determine what direction the group may go. The decisions will be
made by the individuals involved in the process. The result is of the group and individual
dynamic will be implementation or follow-up as needed.

English, M. (2008). Group Dynamics. (p. 1). Great Neck Publishing. Retrieved from Research
Starters - Business database

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