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Upstream, 25 September 2009

news 49

Sekayu CBM spud makes history for Medco Energi Te giac

doMesTIC private oil company
Medco energi has spudded a
coalbed methane exploration well
coal seams. extensive drilling in
the area covered by the sekayu
PsC showed that these coal seams
tion and formation depth progno-
sis for the exploration well was
based on a 2007 joint study of the
lead to investments of about $96
million over the next three years.
Players such as Medco, arrow
Trang gets
on its sekayu production sharing
contract in the south sumatra
basin, hailed as the first “official”
are well developed with abundant
shallow coal reserves.
Canada-based CBM asia devel-
block by Medco, the Indonesian
government’s oil and gas research
and development centre — Lemi-
energy and Indonesia’s state-
owned oil and gas company are
trying to quickly prove up CBM
CBM well in Indonesia, writes opment last month signed a bind- gas — and the University Institute reserves in the south sumatra THe Vietnamese government
Amanda Battersby. ing letter of intent with Batavia of Technology, Bandung. basin, with plans for commercial has approved the Hoang Long
Vertical well CBM-se-02, energy to acquire a 24% stake in Information also came from production as early as 2011. Joint operating Company’s de-
which has a planned total depth the sekayu PsC. the operator’s existing oil well It is the largest CBM basin in velopment plan for its Te Giac
of 2000 feet, is intended to evalu- CBM asia has paid Batavia’s Jata 1, which penetrated the three the republic and has estimated in- Trang (White Rhinoceros) field
ate the gas potential and reservoir pro rata share of the CBM-se-02 main coal seams in the Muara place resources of about 183 tril- off Vietnam, writes Amanda
properties of the Muara enim for- well and committed to invest at enim formation. lion cubic feet of gas, while Indo- Battersby.
mation, including the upper least $6.5 million on the block since May 2008, Jakarta has nesia’s CBM potential has been The Ministry of Industry
Palembang and lower Pangadang over the next two years. The loca- awarded 15 CBM PsCs that will put at 453 Tcf. and Trade has given the green
light to the project in Block 16-

ExxonMobil faces
1, which will be exploited
through a floating production,
storage and offloading vessel.
Upstream earlier reported
that Malaysian contractor
Bumi armada is tipped as
frontrunner to land the leased

Cepu field threat

FPso job from rivals Prosafe
Production and BW offshore
of norway, singapore’s swire
Production and Monaco-based
sBM. (Upstream 11 septem-
The production capacity of
the FPso is understood to be
Lawmakers say an initial 40,000 barrels of oil
per day and 20 million cubic
US supermajor feet per day of gas, and the ves-
sel will have oil storage of a
should raise its maximum 1 million barrels.
The topsides will require space
output at block for expansion as the operating
company brings on additional
AMANDA BATTERSBY a contract for the FPso ves-
London sel is currently being finalised,
according to partner soco
International. Tenders for a
IndonesIan lawmakers have number of long lead items are
called for state oil and gas com- already under evaluation.
pany Pertamina to take over
operatorship of the Cepu block in
Java from joint operator exxon- Kitimat LNg
China talk
Mobil, claiming the Us giant is to
blame for lower-than-promised
production and escalating costs.
Pertamina has notified CHIna energy Petrochemical
upstream regulator BPMigas to International Corporation
review Cepu’s joint operating (CePIC) has held talks with
agreement with exxonMobil in Canada’s Kitimat LnG about a
light of the project’s lacklustre 20-year liquefied natural gas
performance to date. import deal, according to a
BPMigas chairman Raden Pri- CePIC official.
yono said that the body might although Kitimat denied
even impose sanctions on the Us Chinese press reports of an
partner if it failed to meet its pro- LnG agreement having been
duction target by March 2010. reached, the Canadian player
Last december, exxonMobil, declined to comment further
Pertamina and their minority and would not say if any talks
partners brought on stream the had been held.
Banyu Urip oilfield on Cepu at an However, the CePIC official
initial 800 barrels per day, much said talks could lead to a deal
lower than the touted phase one in the near future. “We are tar-
output of 20,000 bpd. geting 3 million tonnes per
Production was then suspend- year for 20 years,” he said.
ed in March, reportedly due He added that if a deal were
to pipeline problems, before being done then supplies would be
restarted just several weeks shipped to PetroChina’s
ago. planned import terminal in
The field on the block that Rudong county for power gen-
straddles east and Central Java eration in Jiangsu province.
provinces was producing at 1500
bpd in early september and is tar-
geted to be increased to 15,000
Triton RoV deal
bpd by the end of the month. aBeRdeen-based Triton has
Meanwhile, east Java Governor won a $23 million contract to
soekarwo has expressed disap- build five new remote operated
pointment over the “low produc- vehicles for singaporean off-
tion” of at Cepu, claiming the shore contractor ezra.
province has yet to enjoy any The five RoVs, to be deliv-
profits from its participating ered by the second quarter of
interest. 2010, will be deployed along-
“We urge Cepu drilling opera- Sanctions: BPMigas chairman Raden Priyono Photo: BLooMBERg side three new subsea capable
tor exxonMobil to maximise oil vessels. This will increase both
production to meet the produc- of exxonMobil as the project op- 165,000 bpd,” he said. The project’s reported Indonesian daily the capability and capacity of
tion target,” said soekarwo. erator,” he said. cost has reportedly escalated to Tempo. ezra’s deepwater subsea serv-
Full-scale production from However, exxonMobil Indone- more than $5 billion from $2.3 The Us supermajor and ices division.
Banyu Urip is aimed at about sia spokesman Maman Budiman, billion for the full-field develop- Pertamina each have a 45% stake Triton will provide ezra
165,000 bpd but the scheduled however, stressed that the project ment, with the lion’s share of the in Cepu, with the remaining 10% with vessel interface engineer-
2011 timeframe could be derailed schedule was on track. hike due to the doubling of the divided among regency adminis- ing and installation services
until possibly 2013, according to “everything is in accordance drilling budget to $540 million trations in Bojonegoro and Blora from its support base in singa-
soekarwo. with our target, including reach- and the field’s facilities from $838 and the provincial administra- pore from september until the
“We therefore demand a review ing peak production target of billion to more than $2 billion, tions of Central and east Java. RoVs’ delivery.

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