SYSANDE GroovyTech (Chapter 1) Business Profile and Business Processes in Focus

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Elevating Business Processes with Tech: A study on Dolce Baker and

the implementation of Transactional Processing System

A Project
Presented to the Faculty of the
School of Management and Information Technology
Information Systems Program
De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the subject

Submitted By:



Lourdes Mendoza

September 13, 2021


Background of the Project

Dolce Baker is located in Kalibo Aklan, a developing city in Visayas Philippines. As a
business in the 21st Century, they still use excel and spreadsheets as a means to transact,
process, and keep records of orders. Although the city is still developing, the start of the
problem begins to grow with each passing day- it is inevitable that we would reach the
modern-day way of maintaining businesses. This is where we found the need to implement an
Information System starting off with a Transaction Processing System with some quirks of a
Managerial Information System. With that in mind, we see a POS system as a means to go
forward, to be ready for the grand scale of business ventures yet to be available in the rural
parts of the Philippines. We envision a prototype that is user experience friendly for both the
workers and customers, which would grant the business an established hierarchy in the future
with the implementation of this POS system integrated into our prototype website for the
company. This initiative can pave the way for information technology as it serves as a supporter
likewise an enabler to local businesses.

Significance of the Project

Nowadays, every process we opt to make is guided and supported with technology as it
continues to grow and diversify each year; especially in the context of the e-commerce
business. Still, there are many businesses left untapped to the online market, simultaneously
the demand is increasing dramatically. It is key for businesses to react to competition and to
keep up to date and react appropriately so that they won’t fall short and be removed out of the
market, left to be undiscovered. It is also vital for businesses to keep their transactions
seamless and easy to order for their patrons and new customers. That is why we propose the
implementation of a transactional business model and a management information system so
that Dolce Baker can improve their transactional and operational processes needs. With the
help of technology, we would place this on a business level by changing and improving the
proprietor’s processes using service-oriented architecture as we standardize processes to
create flexibility and agility in this business. We view this as the current lowest hanging fruit to
enhance and solutionize their way of transaction. This model helps the business a lot in its
implementation and is a well-suited opportunity that is feasible for businesses that exist in rural
areas as we emerge from their developing chapter.

Scope and Limitations

The project will focus solely on improving the online transaction processes of Dolce
baker. This will be achieved by setting up a virtual shop, specifically, a transactional website.
The website will have features such as searching a catalog for available products, placing
custom orders, conducting full end-to-end transactions, as well as being able to facilitate online
payment. The usage of the website and the services provided by the business will currently be
limited to Kalibo, Aklan. The target users of our website are the current patrons of the bakery
and its residents.

1. Business Profile

Image 1. Dolce Baker 2018, Business Profile Overview Canva, viewed 12 September 2021.
Image 2. Dolce Baker 2018, Business Profile Facebook Page, viewed 13 September 2021.

Image 3. Dolce Baker 2018, Business Profile Instagram Page, viewed 13 September 2021.
Image 4. Dolce Baker 2021, BusinessOrganizational chart, retrieved September 27, 2021.
2. Business Process Description

Dolce Baker conducts its business both physically and through online means. This is
similar to most businesses in the food and beverage industry. Physically, they do standard
procedures of one worker tending to the customer and their choices, from the array of cakes
made available and showcased. If the customer desires a special order, the cashier takes note
of this and places it in a separate drawer- gets the customer's contact details, and DM’s the
Viber chat of the bakery. The ASSISTANT BAKER is immediately notified, as she checks for the
inventory if the required ingredients are available for the order to be made. Both inventory,
ingredients, and timetable are considered before making the decision. When the go signal is
given, they confirm the order and schedule the cake to be baked a day or 2 prior to delivery.
They do this by posting a sticky note on their bulletin board. If the order is denied, however,
they contact the customer for further negotiation, clarification, and a humble message of thanks.
When proceeding to delivery status, the head of operations and administration takes charge and
sends out the cakes to be scheduled for delivery.

Transaction wise, the customers are given on paper written receipts by the CAFE
MANAGER. Simultaneously, they also tend to the payments by processing the change and
giving the receipt which is written. The CAFE STAFF is assigned to serving and the preparation
of cakes and dishes, as well as the cleanup. Sometimes the staff isn’t available and the work is
placed all onto the CAFE MANAGER. In the online setting, the bakery does business online by
social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram to post pictures of their available products. In
order for a customer to actually purchase a product, the customer may contact them either
through their mobile number, or message them directly via Messenger and Instagram. Though
there are some lapses in the system since the HEAD BAKER is the one collecting these orders
from the official channels- and some orders are overlooked. Thus, failing to comply with the
quantity of the orders, resulting in cancelation to some customers last minute. Another concern
is that when collecting orders- the HEAD BAKER sends each order to the Viber group chat, for
the ASSISTANT BAKER to take note of. Sometimes, since it is not on one database they often
have a misunderstanding on the day of the scheduled bake time, because of orders they have
missed to take up. They are then assigned to their stations on the morning of the day.

The customer is then presented with a menu of available pastries as well as an order
form. The customer is only attended to when the HEAD BAKER sees this notification on their
social media page. They can inquire about the products and be informed of the preparation
time, price, payment method, and pick-up or delivery time through the directions given by the
HEAD OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION after viewing. Payment methods are
received online or Cash on Delivery. If the order is a personalized cake, the customer must first
give the downpayment. Following that, the bakery creates the cake and prepares it for delivery.
The bakery then hires a courier service currently because of the dangers of the pandemic, to
deliver the product to the customer's precise address when it has been prepared. When the
product is delivered, the full payment is made, and received by the HEAD OF OPERATIONS.
Every transaction is recorded in a spreadsheet, which is then compiled into daily, weekly, and
monthly sales records by the CAFE MANAGER or the HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION.

Illustration 1. Swimlane Diagram of the Business Processes of Dolce Baker as of October 7, 2021.

For further understanding of this study, the students made use of foreign and local
reading materials related to E-commerce. Materials such as books, magazines, newspapers,
thesis and other web articles are essential in broadening the knowledge of the students. These
will guide the students to reach their target objectives and get ideas on other related studies for
further improvement.


According to Huang (2015), A Business Model to Operate an Online Business

Successfully - A study of one Taiwan Bakeshop. “Executives with entrepreneurial spirit should
adapt to the changing times and consumer demand. In conclusion, this business model has
resulted in the successful operation of an online business and has the following components: (1)
Market Segmentation; (2) Set up on the Internet; (3) Innovate Product; (4) Value Proposition.
This business model could be used as a reference by other entrepreneurs when they want to
emulate some business strategy to operate a virtual shop.”

According to Shahriari (2015), “E-commerce is recognized for its ability to allow the
business to communicate and to form transactions anytime and anyplace. Whether an individual
is in the US or overseas, a business can be conducted through the internet. The power of
e-commerce allows geophysical barriers to disappear, making all consumers and businesses on
earth potential customers and suppliers”.
“E-commerce has undeniably become an important part of our society. The World Wide Web is
and will have a large part in our daily lives. It is therefore critical that small businesses have their
own to keep in competition with the larger websites. Since web developers have lowered down
the prices for their services, it has become more affordable for small businesses to use the
World Wide Web to sell their products. E-commerce can conduct any business online and via
the Internet to express. Many techniques have been developed in recent years and are
expected to grow more than this. By e-commerce, the exchange of information related to the
purchase and sale, required information for the transport of goods with less effort, exchange
between banks and customers will be faster. Companies that communicate with each other
haven’t restrictions and their relation to each other can be done easier and faster. The
advantages of e-commerce are cost savings, increased efficiency, and customization. In order
to understand electronic commerce, it is important to identify the different terms that are used
and to assess their origin and usage. These include information overload, reliability and security
issues, and cost of access, social divisions, and difficulties in policing the Internet. Successful
e-commerce involves understanding the limitations and minimizing the negative impact.”

To be continued…


MARKET | International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH. Granthaalyapublication.Org.


Huang, P. (2015, February 2). A Business Model to Operate an Online Business Successfully: A

Study of one Taiwan Bake Shop. Ideas.Repec.Org.

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