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Oseña, Rynzier V.

Assign 2

1. Briefly discuss the impact of ICT to any 5 of the following and give examples:
 Education
 Employment
 Business
 Health Sector
 E-Commerce/Online Shopping
 Communication
 Banking Sector
 Multimedia
 Entertainment

The impacts of information and communication technologies are well-acknowledged today. We

are currently seeing the impacts of ICT even more intensely than where we were decades before.
This could be due to the ongoing pandemic, which has forced people all across the world to stay at
home and complete their studies and work. As a result, we have come to know that ICT is at the
heart of society, as we utilize it in practically every area of our lives, particularly in areas like
education, entertainment, business, banking, and health sectors, to mention a few. Given its
tremendous usage today, let us take a look at what are its impacts on the following fields. In the
field of education, there are several positive impacts that ICT has done on this field. The first is that
ICT improves teaching in the sense that teachers today use ICT resources such as computers,
projectors, and printers to educate with pictures and videos. Furthermore, teachers are known to
use a microphone in conjunction with an amplifier and speakers for whatever they say to reach the
very last sitting kid in the class, especially at schools with huge classes, and teachers do more
research online for dynamic and correct teaching. Next, ICT improves learning by allowing students
to learn from anywhere and at any time without having to attend a physical classroom, and by
allowing them to conduct their research and assignments using phones, tablets, and computers. ICT
has also made it easier to add, divide, and determine percentages of data, as well as assisting
teachers in ranking students based on their performance during the term or academic year. Finally,
ICT has enabled everyone involved in academics to become computer proficient, preparing them for
future job chances. ICT has produced new jobs in the entertainment industry for programmers who
create games and software that controls multimedia equipment. It has also substantially increased
the quality of production by introducing new experiences such as 3D movies and televisions.
However, you no longer need television to enjoy entertainment because smartphone technology
allows you to watch your favorite shows anywhere, at any time. Overall, ICT has enhanced income
and profitability for the entertainment sector by allowing it to reach new markets from anywhere in
the world, and that it has made these entertainment materials readily accessible today. For
businesses, ICT has enhanced decision-making, boosted manufacturing productivity, improved
customer service, expanded collaboration and made virtual collaboration possible, and improved
financial performance. Some examples include ICT systems that enable businesses to store, process,
analyze, and communicate massive volumes of data, allowing managers and staff to make quick and
correct decisions based on the information available. Additionally, automating corporate procedures
and providing employees with ICT tools can boost individual and general efficiency in the workplace.
The banking industry benefits from ICT as well, as it has made them more innovative and
competitive than ever before. It allows them to better meet the needs of their customers by
enhancing their internal control systems. The widespread use of ATMs, internet banking, mobile
banking, smart cards, and the ability to provide a diverse range of products and services to its
numerous consumers are just a few examples that prove this point. Finally, ICT brought about more
improvements in the health sector, elevating it to a far higher level. It is used in hospital
management to increase patient safety and satisfaction, keep up with the latest technology, have a
working knowledge of population health and statistics, and keep track of government mandates, to
name a few examples. In addition, ICT assists health research by identifying potential disease
prevention methods, where it uses technology to accurately diagnose a specific illness in less time
and at a lower cost. It's also for electronic medical data storage, which makes obtaining information
for a doctor's consultation easier.

2. Give one impact of ICT to your future profession/field, site examples.

In the subject of chemical engineering, information and communications technology have made a
significant impact. Indeed, its use has made the designing, modeling, and analysis of diverse
processes and equipment, as well as communication, much easier than it was decades ago with pen
and paper. Chemical engineers today learn best by being shown how to apply the concepts they
have learned to genuine machines and processes using software and videos that they can make
contact with and see. A good example of these points is the use of computer-aided drafting software
where it helps chemical engineers, as well as other engineers in numerous fields, in developing
designs, analyzing equipment, and optimizing chemical engineering processes. CAD software is used
to examine how particular conditions may affect a chemical engineer's design and to determine
whether safety precautions are required for various processes and equipment. Another example is
the use of software tools like MATLAB to solve multiple problems and execute complex
computations more precisely and quickly than by hand. As a result, a chemical engineer's work
might potentially save time and be more efficient. These are but a few examples of how ICT can
impact my preferred field of specialization, and I could never be even more thankful than I am now
for how ICT has changed the lives of many for the better.

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