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Z3 Examination Name: ________________

Completion (2’ for each blank) Score: _________________

1. Power requirement of Z3: V

1. Z3 test speed: .

2. Z3 only detector the 3 main parts of blood cell. Including: , and .

3. Z3 can provide report parameters and histograms (specific quantity).

4. Z3 support sample model: and .

5. Software login password is .

6. Reagent Shelf life and open-vial stability date:

Reagent Diluent Lyse Probe Cleanser

Shelf life __________ __________ __________

Open-vial stability __________ __________ __________

7. When adjusting HGB gain, HGB blank value should be around .

8. In the RBC chamber, Z3 can detector RBC and . In the WBC chamber, Z3 can

detector WBC and .

True or False (2’ for each blank)

1. Z3 is open system. ( )

2. Z3 can connect LIS and external printer. ( )

3. There is no need to do QC or calibration when the machine is installed first time. ( )

4. We need to use probe cleanser while turning off machine. ( )

5. Diluent can dissolve RBC, then release and react with HGB. ( )

6. Lyse can be used in some maintenance procedures like unclog, and cleaning. ( )

Question and answer

1. Where can we find the barcode of diluent and lyse? (5')


Floor 1 to Floor 4, Building 30, No.6 of Taikang Road,

Block C of Jianqiao Industrial Park, Dadukou District, Chongqing, China 400082
Tel: +86 (0)23 6865 5509 Fax: +86 (0)23 6869 9779 Email: Website:
2. What should we do if machine shows 'Reagent run out' error? (5')

3. What's the function of diluent? (10’)

4. What should we do if machine show 'Reagent expired' error? (10’)

5. When machine provides error ‘Vacuum Pressure Abnormal’, what parts should we check?


6. If WBC target value is 4.5 x10^9/L, but the test result is 4.0 x10^9/L. Machine software

didn’t provide any error. Plus, the repeatability of the machine is very good. From the

aspect of maintenance and calibration, what we should do? (10’)


Floor 1 to Floor 4, Building 30, No.6 of Taikang Road,

Block C of Jianqiao Industrial Park, Dadukou District, Chongqing, China 400082
Tel: +86 (0)23 6865 5509 Fax: +86 (0)23 6869 9779 Email: Website:
*This is an optional question. (10’)

Try to explain ‘Electrical impedance method’ according to this photo.


Floor 1 to Floor 4, Building 30, No.6 of Taikang Road,

Block C of Jianqiao Industrial Park, Dadukou District, Chongqing, China 400082
Tel: +86 (0)23 6865 5509 Fax: +86 (0)23 6869 9779 Email: Website:

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