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Oseña, Rynzier V.

Activity 1.2

1. Choose one topic in the Current ICT Trends (please see uploaded slides).
2. Give at least 2 examples of its technology advances and discuss how can these be used in your
field of specialization (future career).

I believe that out of all the given topics of the current ICT trends, it seems that hyper-
automation would most likely be the trend that will become helpful to my field of specialization in
the long run. However, the usefulness of this trend could extend to other fields of specialization
also. Hyper-automation is used to scale automation capabilities in an organization or business, and
that through its use, the current technologies we have today can be advanced further than what it is
capable of right now. Such examples can be as follows, where a finance team's goal can be to
process bills faster, with less human overhead and fewer errors through the use of hyper-
automation. A project may begin by observing how human accountants receive bills, what data they
gather, and what fields they paste into other apps using job mining tools. They may then use this
information to create a final bot with an OCR engine to improve the ability to read bills and an NLP
engine to comprehend the payee or terms in the invoice. Following that, the development team
would be in charge of quality assurance, followed by an assessment in which the data might be used
to prioritize future automation opportunities. Another example would be in process mining
software, where hyper-automation will be used to find ways to shorten order fulfillment times. This
could be accomplished by examining data logs to determine why certain orders are fulfilled in four
hours while others take four days due to a variety of exceptions. It may also find opportunities to
automate some manual procedures that cause delays in other orders, with a team calculating the
entire cost of implementing these improvements and tracking the total savings over time once this
automation is applied. With my preferred future profession, which is to be a chemical engineer,
hyper-automation could also be used to automize various industrial processes in regards to
adjusting the machines’ parameters. In this case, workers would not need to check up on the
equipment as frequently as it used to be, and their time would be instead allotted to more
productive tasks within the organization or company. Another case where hyper-automation could
prove useful to my preferred field of specialization would be that it could potentially help the
engineers to see the most optimal parameters to produce a needed output using only minimal
resources. In this way, it may as well cut the operation costs, and many others like it, where more
profit could return to the company.

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