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1. How do Life Perpetuated?

Life perpetuate through sexual and asexual reproduction.

2. What have you learned from the topic?

The formation of new individuals from the cells of a single parent is known as asexual reproduction.
This is rather common in plants, but not so often in animals. Asexual reproduction does not require
the union of gametes (sperm and egg cells) and does not change the number of chromosomes
present. The offspring are similar to or identical to the parent, and they may reproduce without the
need for a mate.
There are several kinds of asexual reproduction in animals, including binary fission, in which the
organism splits into two distinct organisms; When a new individual emerges from its parent's body, it
is known as budding. When numerous parts of a parent organism break off and grow into a new
organism, this is known as fragmentation.
The perpetuation of a new creature from two organisms using gametes is known as sexual
reproduction. Male gametes, or sperm cells, fuse with female gametes, or egg cells, to produce a
diploid cell called a zygote, which has two sets of chromosomes. The genetic material stored in their
chromosomes combines during sexual reproduction to generate genetically varied children that are
genetically distinct from both parents. Sexual reproduction is used by humans, frogs, fish, cats, and
dogs to reproduce.

3. What part of the lesson that you engaged more?

I was amazed as I am learning about asexual reproduction. As humans, it’s common for us to think
that we can only reproduce by pair, a man and a woman.

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