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Menentukan Konteks

1. Membangun pengetahuan
2. Dekonstruksi Teks
3. Latihan terbimbing
4. Unjuk Kerja Mandiri

For a new job, you must talk to as many people as you can who work in your field
or in related fields. This is called networking. Networking allows you to learn about new
areas to pursue and to find out which companies may need someone with your skills.
Networking is a fun and easy way to find out about new opportunities. And when your new
job comes along, you will already know some of your colleagues.
Number of sentence Function: to inform the Detail
1 The new job For a new job, you must talk to as
many people as you can who work in
your field or in related fields
2 Name of the Job This is called networking
3 Advantage of networking Networking allows you to learn about
new areas to pursue and to find out
which companies may need
someone with your skills
Advantage of networking Networking is a fun and easy way to
find out about new opportunities
5 Advantage of networking And when your new job comes
along, you will already know some of
your colleagues.

Reconstration text (Dekonstruksi Teks)

KI DAN KD 3 & 4
1. There are many advantages of hobbies one of them is encourage taking a
break, because hobbies offer an opportunity to take a break—but a break with a
2. There are many activities that the people do for fun on their leisure and spare
3. So hobbies have positive effect to one life
4. Furthermore, hobbies offer a new challenge; they break up routine sand
challenge you in new ways, ways that are different from work, ways that
are positive.
5. These kind of activities are called hobby
6. Another advantage is promoting eustress, it is that positive kind of stress, the
kind that makes you feel excited about what you're doing and about life.


Write a paragraph describe about traveling. This table will guide you.

Number of paragraph Inform the reader about Detail

1 Definition of travelling
2 Advantage of travelling
3 Advantage of travelling
4 Advantage of travelling
5 Closing sentence

Unjuk kerja mandiri:

Write a paragraph talking about your hobbies

There are many activities that the people do for fun on their leisure and spare time.
These kind of activities are called hobby. There are many advantages of hobbies one
of them is encourage taking a break, because hobbies offer an opportunity to take a
break—but a break with a purpose. Another advantage is promoting eustress, it is
that positive kind of stress, the kind that makes you feel excited about what you're doing
and about life. Furthermore, hobbies offer a new challenge; they break up routine
sand challenge you in new ways, ways that are different from work, ways that
are positive. So hobbies have positive effect to one life

1. Hobbies encourage taking a break. Hobbies offer an opportunity to take a break—but a break

with a purpose. If you're like me, you might like to feel productive while you're engaging in an
activity and a hobby gives you that. You are doing something while still having fun. Hobbies are
great ways to take a break from your busy life while still having a sense of purpose. 

2. Hobbies promote eustress. Eustress is that positive kind of stress, the kind that makes you feel
excited about what you're doing and about life. Hobbies, I've found, are one of the greatest ways to
access that kind of stress. When you're doing something you love—something you don't have to do
for any other reason other than the fact that you love it—you feel a rush of excitement and joy. 

3. Hobbies offer a new challenge. Hobbies break up routine sand challenge you in new ways, ways
that are different from work, ways that are positive. The great thing about picking up a new hobby is
that it provides an excellent outlet for challenging yourself without the negative stress that comes
from a work-related challenge. The new challenge can also open your mind to new ways of seeing
the world. 

4. Hobbies unite you with others. Even if you engage in a solo activity, like illustrating, you're
exposing yourself to a new world of people, people who find the same thing enjoyable that you do.
Though I don't talk much about illustrating in the "real world," online I find myself connecting with
all kinds of people who are passionate about what I too feel excited about.  








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9 Wonderful Benefits Of

If there was one piece of advice I have for people today to experience
more joy in life, it is to travel more. I don’t mean taking vacations or
going on pre-planning trips, I mean making the journey out to
somewhere you’ve never gone before with an open schedule, to let life
show you what opportunities were waiting for you that you couldn’t have
even imaged before.

Traveling is wonderful in many ways. It captures us with a sense of

wanderlust and has us longing for more destinations to visit, cultures to
experience, food to eat, and people to meet. As amazing as traveling is,
most of us think we need to wait until our later years to really explore a
lot of the world. I want to inspire you to travel more now and I will do
that by sharing 9 wonderful benefits of traveling so you can take the leap
of faith you’ve been waiting for.
1. You’ll find a new purpose
“To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” – Danny Kaye

Traveling is an amazingly underrated investment in yourself. As you

travel you’re exposed to more new people, cultures, and lifestyles than
you are living in your homeland all the time. With all the newness in
your life, you’re also opened to new insights, ways of seeing the world
and living, which often gives people a new purpose for their lives. If
you’re feeling stuck on what your purpose is, what you want to do with
your life, the career or educational path you want to pursue, go travel…
you might just be surprised about what you discover as a new sense of
life purpose and direction.

2. You’ll appreciate your home more

“All travel has it’s advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he
may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he
may learn to enjoy it.” – Samuel Johnson

When we spend time away from home, especially in a place where we

don’t have the same luxuries readily available to us…like a village in Fiji
that runs without electricity…we become more aware and appreciative
for the luxuries we have back at home. I remember a time where I visited
my cousin in Argentina after she’d been living there for about a year. I
was visiting her around Christmas time and brought her the new Harry
Potter book along with some basic goods that you can find almost
anywhere in Los Angeles. She was over joyous and filled with gratitude,
like she just got the greatest gift in the world. In other parts of the world,
like India and Ethiopia, people don’t have as much access to clean
drinking water…especially from what’s readily available on tap. Traveling
through areas like that really make us appreciate what we do have, and
often can spark the movement of something to support people living
there experience a greater quality of life.

3. You’ll realize that your home is more than

just where you grew up
“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and
rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – Lin Yutang

The more we travel, the more we realize that our home is so much more
than the town, city, state and even country that we’ve grown up in; we
realize that our home is the world, this planet, and we become more
conscious of how we can harmoniously live and support one another.
And in that knowingness and state of consciousness, people like those
supporting the movement of charity:water come into fruition.

4. You’ll realize how little you actually knew

about the world
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” –
Saint Augustine

There’s concept, and then there’s experience. When we travel, we may

notice that some of the things we’ve heard about the world end up being
very different than what we were indoctrinated and conditioned to
believe. Many of the initial myths that get dispelled are often about
traveling itself. Where you once may have thought it was too expensive
and dangerous, you may realize how you can actually save more on your
lifestyle expenses traveling the world than you do living at home. You
may also realize how kind and friendly strangers can be, and how they
are even willing to take care of you with a place to sleep at night. Beyond
that, you have the whole world to learn about with every place you
discover, every person you meet and every culture you experience.

5. You’ll realize that we all share similar needs

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark

Tony Robbins has said many times that no matter what your background
is, all human beings share 6 common needs. As you travel more, you
notice the truth of this even more…and as that happens, you are more
adept in being able to relate to people regardless of their background.

6. You’ll realize that it’s extremely easy to

make friends
“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

One of the first things I learned from traveling solo is how easy it is to
make friends. Something magical happens in how people can show up
more raw and real when they’re out of their conditioned environment
and open to express themselves without feeling judged. That rawness
and realness ends up inspiring others to be authentic, and that’s how you
can become best friends with people when you’ve only known them for a
few hours.

7. You’ll experience the interconnectedness of

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating all peoples
cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and
understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou

Just as we notice how we share similar needs, how our perspective of our
home expands, and how we become close friends with others from
different backgrounds and cultures, we begin to realize how we are all
connected. This state of awareness is a jump in consciousness, and what
I mean by that is in the way we perceive the world, the life experience
and ourselves. Ken Wilber speaks about consciousness as spiral
dynamics, each level of consciousness inclusive of the one previous. I feel
that traveling often helps people experience a world-centric view of
consciousness, and some even on that’s integrated…able to see,
understand and accept all states of consciousness, and utilizing the gifts
of whatever is best and most appropriate in the moment.
8. You’ll experience serendipity and
“Traveling is one of the easiest ways to become aware of the magic that
weaves all of creation together through serendipity and
synchronicity with perfect timing.” – Adam Siddiq

Serendipity: luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant

things that are not looked for. And here’s
Synchronicity: coincidence of events that appear meaningfully related bu
t do not seem to be causally connected

I’m going to share one story of how I experienced serendipity and

synchronicity in Spain. It was early in the morning and it was time for
me to return the motorcycle my friend had rented with me yesterday.
She left very early in the morning on a flight home so it was my
responsibility to return it. I woke up to a beautiful sunny morning in
Spain and went out to the street to start the motorcycle. I started to
drive, forgetting that the chain was left on the wheel. Having no previous
experience with motorcycles, I realized I was in a predicament. Two
minutes later, a car drove and parked behind me. I had a feeling that
someone in that vehicle knew how to fix motorcycles and was going to
help me remove the chain so I could return the motorcycle. As they got
out, I spoke to them in Spanish, telling them what happened. One of
them motioned the other to go on. He mentioned they were mechanics
and here for a job, and that he could help me get the chain off…and he
did. I thanked him and he seemed gratified to help a fellow soul on their
way. In that moment, I realized that no matter what…the world is here to
support me, which leads us to the last benefit of traveling.

9. You’ll realize life is a wonderful gift

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.
Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Life is a wonderful gift. It really is, and as we travel and experience more
of the world and life, we often become overwhelmed with gratitude and
appreciation for all the beautiful moments we enjoyed and people we’ve
shared them with. More often than not, this is a realization that we can
experience and take action from now while we’re still alive with energy
rather than stacking up regrets by the time we’re on our death bed.
Rather than waiting until you’re saying “I wish I had”, live so you can say
“I’m glad I did”.

Featured photo credit: Woman Traveler with Backpack relaxing in Mountains with rocks on

background mountaineering hiking sport lifestyle concept via

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5 Reasons Traveling Changes

Your Life

There is no greater feeling than having your bags packed and knowing
you’re ready to go on your next adventure. There are few things in life
that will impact you as much as traveling will. Something happens to us
when we board a plane in one country and land in another—it’s almost as
if our eyes open again for the first time. The excitement and life
experiences that happen when you travel are unlike anything else. It’s
hard to capture in words the moment when you see the sunset behind
the Colosseum in Rome or when you finally can understand what
someone is saying in another language. These moments
are transformative; they take us out of our element and remind us of why
we are here. Here are five reasons traveling will change your life.

1. You broaden your perspective.

Nothing changes the way you view your own life experience like seeing
the way other people live. Not only will you be more appreciative and
thankful for the life you have, you’ll also have a new sense of wonder and
empathy for other cultures and countries. Soak in the language, the
lifestyle and what people in foreign countries value—you’ll realize it’s
different everywhere in the world and it will undoubtedly make you
evaluate your own values.

2. You learn to live in the moment.

Whether you are seeing the canals of Venice for the first time or the
pyramids of Egypt, traveling teaches you to take in the moment of awe
and make the most of it. Traveling is a feast for your eyes and it makes
you stop and live in that second, minute and moment. It’s hard to be
thinking about your latest text message when you’re half way across the
world visiting places you’ve never been to before and seeing spots you’ve
only read about. Traveling teaches us to unplug, explore and discover
new parts of ourselves.

3. You value experience over things.

Once you’re hooked on traveling and understand its true power, you
know that looking up at the Eiffel Tower or seeing the beaches in
Thailand out-values any merchandise you could ever possibly purchase.
Instead of buying a luxurious car, you invest in what’s more important to
you—seeing places you haven’t been to yet and immersing yourself in
new cultures. Travel doesn’t become something you do—it’s a way of life.

4. You learn to roll with things.

Almost everyone has experienced a time when their flight was delayed or
cancelled or they lost their luggage—and the beauty in this frustrating
moment is that it teaches you to deal with it. The sooner you learn to roll
with whatever challenges come your way, the sooner you’ll be carefree,
happy to move onto your next new adventure. Learning how to be calm
and not grow frustrated or upset when a flight is canceled or when
dealing with the array of travel issues people face is probably one of the
most valuable skills you can acquire that will not only apply to traveling,
but the rest of your life. You quickly learn that you can handle most
situations and that there really aren’t a lot of things worth getting upset

5. You are more open to different ways of life.

No country or even city lives the same way. Countries have different
cultures, and people have different beliefs, but when you travel, you see
that no matter how different people are or the way they live, there is
inherent goodness in most people. It’s the common thread that ties us all
J.P.: There was a bad accident on Sudirman Street last night. A bus which was traveling
south was hit by a large truck. Several people in the bus were killed, including the
driver. The injured people were taken to the hospital. The driver of the truck was
drunk. He was taken to the police station to be interrogated

Tanjung Puting National Park

Tanjung Putting National Park is an internationally famous
ecotourism destination, which is located in the southwest of Central
Kalimantan peninsula. Visitors from foreign countries come to this
park because of its amazing nature. This is called a park, but unlike
any park that you have seen in your city, this is a jungle! It is a real
jungle, which is home to the most interesting animal in the world:
Though the park is home to many animals, seeing orangutans is
usually the visitors’ main reason to visit the park. Orangutans, which
literally mean, the man of the forest, are the largest arboreal animal
on the planet. Most of their lives are spent in trees where orangutans
travel from branch to branch by climbing or swinging with their long
To see orangutans, we should go to Camp Leakey, which is
located in the heart of Tanjung Putting National Park. Camp Leaky is a
rehabilitation place for ex-captive orang utans and also a preservation
site. It is also a famous center for research about orangutans which
has been conducted by the famous primatologist Dr Birute Galdikas
since 1971. Here visitors can see daily feedings to orangutans at jungle
platforms as part of the rehabilitation process to their natural habitat.
This event gives them opportunity to see orangutans up close.
To reach the place, we should
take a boat down Sekonyer river.
The boat is popularly called perahu
klotok which is a boathouse that can
accommodate four people. The trip by
the boat to Camp Leaky takes three
days and two nights. You sleep, cook,
and eat in that klotok, night and day
during your journey into the jungle.
The traveling in the boat offers an
unforgettable experience. In daylight,
on your way to Camp Leaky, you can
see trees filled with proboscis monkeys,
monkeys that have enormous snout
which can only be found in Kalimantan.
The monkeys anxiously await klotok
arrivals. A troop of 30 light-brown

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Based on the text, can you guess what ecotourism is. Give some
examples of other ecotourism destinations.
2. As one of ecotourism destinations, what does Tanjung Puting
National Park offer to tourists?
3. How is the park different from the parks in cities?
4. How is Camp Leaky related to Tanjung Puting National Park?
5. What does the word ex-captive tell you about the orangutans in
Camp Leaky, which is a rehabilitation site for orangutans?

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