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I. Write the simple past of the following verbs. Write R for regular or I for
1 speak 1 spoke [L] ) 6 sin
) g
2 played [R]

2 play 3 took [L] ( ) 7 cry
4 danced [R] ( )
3 take 5 swam [L] ( ) 8 cut
6 sang [L] ( )
4 danc 7 cried [L] ( 9 liste
e n
8 cut [L] ( )
5 swim 9 listened [R] ( ) 10 write

10 wrote [L] ( )

II. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses at the end of each
sentence and the auxiliary did, if necessary.
1. Maria eat a sandwich this morning. (eat)
2. Carlos go to Matamoros last week. (go)
3. Enrique You clean your room yesterday? (clean)
4. The teachers didn´t have a party this year. (have)
5. We read that book last year in our literature class. (read)

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. My sister is cleaning this bedroom.
a) were / her b) are /her c) was / her d) is / his
2. were you help them with the homework?
a) were / helping b) was / helping c) were / help d) were / helped
3. The dog was not playing with its toy.
a) are / playing b) was / play c) is / play d) was / playing
4. After dinner, the whole family were play cards.
a) were / play b) was / playing c) was / played d) were / playing

IV. Choose when or while.

1. It was raining when I came this morning.
2. while they were watching a horror movie; they heard a strange noise.
3. while the accident happened; I was crossing the street.
4. The police officer caught the thief when he was running away.

2.1 Vocabulary: verbs in past

Activity 1. Everyday activities.
Objective: To classify regular and irregular verbs.

Match the actions with the appropriate picture. Use the third person rule for the verbs.

iron his clothes

play an

1.My grandma instrument read a 6. The



play in the park

brush her teeth

2. The 7. The little
housekeeper girl
check their social media

do the dishes

clean all the house

have a class on line

3. My 8.
dad She
practice a sport

9. The
4. kids

5. Josué and
Sofia 10. My

2. Match the following verbs in simple present with its corresponding verbs in simple past. Use a
different color for connecting each pair.
eat taught
check washed
go came
clean had
come understood
cry practiced
speak went
dance danced
understand took
brush helped
wash cleaned
have spoke
take checked
help cried
teach ate
practice brushed

3. Classify them as regular or irregular in the tables.


Speak spook Play Played
Take took Dance Danced
swim swam listen Listened
sing sang Watch watched
cry cried help helped
cut cute brush brushed

4. Pronunciation: Listen and practice the verbs in past tense.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 1

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Identify specific verbs in the past.
● Classify verbs in regular and irregular.

2.2 Listening: identify specific information

Activity 2: Listening Activity

Objective: To identify specific information in a conversation.

1. Listen to the audio between two friends talking about their weekend. Double click
on the following audio.


Complete the conversation according to the audio. Use the words in the box.
after / your / enjoyed / did (x2) / didn't / stayed / bought /

went (x2) / had / saw / ate / buy / restaurant/ last

Peter: Hi Mary, what did you do last weekend

Mary: I buy a lot of things. On Saturday I shopping.
Peter: What did you ?
Mary: I a new dress. I also a movie at the cinema.
Peter: Which movie you see?
Mary: Jurassic Park 3.
Peter: What did you do ?
Mary: Well, I home and took a shower. And then went out.
Peter: Did you eat in a ?
Mary: Yes, Tom and I at The Green Steak.
Peter: Did you enjoy dinner?
Mary: Yes, we our dinner very much.
And you Peter, what did you do weekend?
Peter: Unfortunately, I go out this weekend.
Mary: What did you do?
Peter: I a cough and a fever and I home.
Mary: Poor you!
(Day by Day English, 2021)

Assessment Criteria: Activity 2

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Identify specific information

2.3 Grammar: Simple past

Activity 3. Language in context.
Objective: To analyze the use of simple past tense.

1. Explore: watch the following video and complete the table with the sentences in English.

El cerró la puerta. Ellos comieron pizza.

+ +
- -
? ?
Karla vió television ayer. Tu entendiste la lección fácilmente.
+ +
- -
? ?

2. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Andrea go / went out with her friends last Saturday.

2. We eat / ate a delicious lasagna for lunch yesterday.
3. Did you talk / talked to your friend last night?
4. We had / have a wonderful picnic last Sunday.
5. Did / Do you see your brother yesterday?
6. I didn´t play / played soccer last week.
7. I didn’t do / did my homework.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct simple past form of the verbs in the box.

drink / stay / dance / swim / have / play /

1. They a great time in the movies.

2. We some orange juice for breakfast.
3. They all night at the party.
4. My sister volleyball on the beach with her friends.
5. My family at a really nice hotel in Cancun.
6. I in the pool for 3 hours.

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