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Abella, Jasper Clark F. Prof.

Elsa Cagatan
BSE-Math 3

Multiple Choice
Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describes the answer.

____________ 1. What is a group G with the property that a ◦ b = b ◦ a for all a, b ∈ G?

a) Integers mod n
b) Binary operation
c) Abelian
d) Rigid Motion
e) Symmetry
____________ 2. It is often convenient to describe a group in terms of an addition or multiplication
table. This table is called _______?
a) Cayley table
b) Finite order
c) General Linear group
d) Subgroup
e) Infinite Order
____________ 3. It is the set of invertible matrices forms a group.
a) Subgroup
b) Infinite Order
c) General Linear group
d) Finite Order
e) Cayley Table
____________ 4. The order of this group is the number of elements that it contains. What is it?
a) Subgroup
b) Infinite Order
c) General Linear group
d) Finite Order
e) Cayley Table
____________ 5. The integers Z form this group under addition, and we sometimes write |Z| = ∞.
a) Subgroup
b) Infinite Order
c) General Linear group
d) Finite Order
e) Cayley Table
____________ 6. We define this group as H of a group G to be a subset H of G such that when the
operation of G is restricted to H, H is a group in its own right.
a) Subgroup
b) Infinite Order
c) General Linear group
d) Finite Order
e) Cayley Table
____________ 7. What do you call the subgroup H = {e} of a group G?
a) Trivial Subgroup
b) Cyclic Group
c) Proper Subgroup
d) Permutation Group
e) Primitive nth root of unity
____________ 8. A subgroup that is a proper subset of G is called a ______ ?
a) Trivial Subgroup
b) Cyclic Group
c) Proper Subgroup
d) Permutation Group
e) Primitive nth root of unity
____________ 9. If G contains some element a such that G = ⟨a⟩, then G is ?
a) Trivial Subgroup
b) Cyclic Group
c) Proper Subgroup
d) Permutation Group
e) Primitive nth root of unity
____________ 10. A generator for the group of the nth roots of unity is called a _______?
a) Trivial Subgroup
b) Cyclic Group
c) Proper Subgroup
d) Permutation Group
e) Primitive nth root of unity
____________ 11. This group is a central to the study of geometric symmetries and to Galois theory,
the study of finding solutions of polynomial equations.
a) Trivial Subgroup
b) Cyclic Group
c) Proper Subgroup
d) Permutation Group
e) Primitive nth root of unity
____________ 12. It is a one-to-one correspondence (mapping) between two sets that preserves
binary relationships between elements of the sets.
a) Isomorphism
b) Onto
c) Homomorphism
d) Bijective
e) One-to-one
____________ 13. What should we write if G is isomorphic to H?
a) H = G
b) G ≠H
c) 𝐺 ≅ 𝐻
d) 𝐻 ≅ 𝐺
e) 𝐺 > 𝐻
____________ 14. What is the symbol for isomorphism?
a) ≠
b) ≅
c) >
d) ∞
e) ∅
____________ 15. It is one of the most important results in finite group theory, states that the order
of a subgroup must divide the order of the group.
a) Pythagoras theorem
b) Isaac theorem
c) Cayley’s theorem
d) Lagrange’s theorem
e) Euler theorem
____________ 16. A grouping of its elements into non-empty subsets.
a) Subsets of a Group
b) Groups
c) Permutation
d) Cyclic Notation
e) Partition
____________ 17. It is a classic finite group from abstract algebra.
a) Cyclic Notation
b) Dihedral Group
c) Permutation
d) Symmetry
e) Group
____________ 18. It is a permutation of the elements of some set X which maps the elements of
subset S of X.
a) Rings
b) Symmetry
c) Cyclic Notation
d) Group
e) Permutation
____________ 19. A subset of the group set such that every element of the group can be expressed as
a) Elements
b) Cyclic Notation
c) Rings
d) Generator
e) Group
____________ 20. It is a map that preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication.
a) Linear Map
b) Isomorphic
c) Cosets
d) Symmetry
e) Partitions
____________ 21. This theorem provides a powerful tool for recognizing finite groups.
a) Partition
b) Permutation Groups
c) Symmetry
d) Euclidean Algorithm
e) Cosets
____________ 22. What are central to the study of geometric symmetries and to Galois theory.
a) Symmetry
b) Euclidean Algorithm
c) Cosets
d) Permutation Groups
e) Partition
____________ 23. A field in which the number of elements is of the form of pn where p is a prime
n is a positive integer.
a) Cosets
b) Finite Field
c) Galoi’s Field
d) Infinite Field
e) Euclidean Algorithm
____________ 24. An efficient method for computing the greatest common divisor of two integers.
a) Euclidean Algorithm
b) GCD
c) Modulo
d) Number Theory
e) Cosets
____________ 25. Subsets of a group that simply the partition the group, dividing it into even
a) Symmetry
b) Generator
c) Field
d) Cosets
e) Cyclic Notation
____________ 26. A group or set of elements or numbers.
a) Group
b) Theorem
c) Generator
d) Field
e) Ring
____________ 27. It is a system or arithmetic for integers, which considers the remainder.
a) Modulo
b) Modular Arithmetic
c) Congruence of Modulo
d) Generator
e) Cyclic
____________ 28. A partition when no distinction is made between subsets of the same size.
a) Sets
b) Group partition
c) Ungroup partition
d) Unordered partition
e) Partition
____________ 29. A group in which there exists at least one pair of elements a and b of G.
a) Subgroup
b) Non-Abelion Group
c) Symmetry
d) Partitions
e) Abelion Group
____________ 30. A subset of group elements of a group that satisfies the four group requirements.
a) Subgroup
b) Dihedral
c) Cosets
d) Symmetry
e) Elements
Part II
1. If n is a positive integer, Zn is a cyclic group of order n. Show that that Z7 can be
generated by (1, 3 and a) since every non-zero element generates the group.

2. Find the generators of Z6, Z8 and Z20.

3. Composition of permutation expressed in Cauchy notation is carried out from right
to left by going from top to bottom, thru again from top to bottom. Let symmetric
group S3 the set of all one to one function from {1,2,3} to itself. Then S 3 is a group
with six elements under function composition. Give the other elements of S 3.
4. Shown below, are the four tire relation patterns recommended to a tire agency. How
can these patterns can be represented as permutation in S4.

Rear wheel drive four wheel drive four wheel drive alternate pattern
Front Front Front Front

Note: label the four wheels with positive integers 1,2,3,4 in clockwise and name each group with
a, B, y, o.
Group a (order of S4--- First Cycle)
a= 4! or 24

Group B (List all 2nd cycles in S4.)

B= (1 2),(1 3),(1 4),(2 3),(2 4),(3 4).
--There are six sets of Elements in the second cycle or permutation group

Group y (List of 3rd cycles in S4)

Y= (1 2 3),(1 3 2),(1 2 4),(1 4 2),(1 3 4),(1 4 3),(2 3 4),(2 4 3).
----There are 8 sets of Elements in the Third Cycle or permutation group.

Group o (List of 4th Cycle in S4)

O= (1 2 3 4), (1 2 4 3), (1 3 2 4), (1 3 4 2), (1 4 2 3), (1 4 3 2).
----- There are 6 sets of Elements in the 4th Cycle or permutation group.

5. From number above find a-1 = B and 0 = a2y

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