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Abella, Jasper Clark F.

BSE-Math 3

Content-oriented theorists are concerned primarily with specifying the major sources
that should influence the selection and organization of the curriculum content. For the most
part, their theories can be classified in terms of their views as to which source should
• child-centered theories,
• knowledge-centered theories, or
• society-centered theories.

child-centered theories
• Affective Education
• Open Education
• Developmental Education

knowledge-centered theories
• Structures of the disciplines
• Ways of Knowing

Society centered Curriculum

• The conformists
• The reformers
• The futurists
• The Radicals

Over the past two decades, when curriculum theory seems to have reached its maturity
as a systematic field of inquiry, several attempts have been made to develop conceptual
systems for classifying curricular processes and products (Eisner & Vallance, 1974) (see, e.g.,
Eisner & Vallance, 1974; Schiro, 1978; Gay, 1980).
A System for Examining Curricular Processes

Other Curriculum Theories and theorists Maccias’

Theory Consequently, they organized theory as formal theory, event theory, valuational
theory, and praxiological theory.
1. Formal theory. This theory deals with speculation about the structure of the
disciplines that comprise the curriculum.

2. Event theory. This theory, very similar to what we have been discussing as scientific
theory, refers to speculation about occurrences. It attempts to predict what will occur
given certain circumstances.

3. Valuational theory. This theory involves speculation about the appropriate means to
attain the objectives most desired and to include the content judged to be the best.

4. Praxiological theory. Such theory refers to speculation about appropriate means to

attain what is considered valuable. It is about practices.

Johnson’s Theory
Johnson’s definition of curriculum – an intended series of learning outcomes – they
should realize the usefulness of distinguishing between theorizing about curriculum as a plan
and theorizing about the means by which such plans are generated.
William H. Kilpatrick (1871–1965)
William Kilpatrick (1871-1965) was a prominent educator of the early to mid 20th century. He
was a colleague of John Dewey and a proponent of Dewey’  educational model. Kilpatrick’s
contribution to education was not only as a supporter of Dewey’s work but also in his
expansion of the work of Dewey.

Views on Education

Kilpatrick supported Dewey’s view of getting away from rote memorization and a rigid
curriculum and replacing it with a child-centered approach. He was a major critic of
the Committee of Ten with their emphasis on acquiring knowledge through traditional means.
Kilpatrick saw school not only fulfilling an intellectual purpose but also a social one.

For Kilpatrick, education was about the social development of the child rather than their
cognitive development through the mastery of content. This is not saying that the mind did not
matter. The emphasis was on learning to think and not focusing on what to think.

The curriculum should come from real-life and not compartmentalized subject matter.  This
idea calls for a need for an integrated curriculum that stressed maximum student participation.
These beliefs led Kilpatrick to create a unique form of teaching.
The Project Method

Kilpatrick’s Project Method is a blend of behavioral psychology and progressivism. It was

behavioral in that student behavior was observed but it was also progressive in the focus on
child-centered learning. The four steps of the Project Method are as follows.

1. Purpose
2. Plan
3. Execute
4. Judge

Teachers first need to decide what are they trying to do. Next, the need to develop a plan for
achieving these objectives. The development of observable goals is clearly the behavioral
aspect of this method. Execution involves the implementation of the plan. Last is judge, the
teacher assess the success of the plan. Again, assessing the students and curriculum is a
behavioral aspect of the Project Method.

The progressivist aspect of this method was the constant revision of the curriculum based on
student need and interest. The curriculum was developed jointly with the students. This was a
core belief of Kilpatrick that students should be leaders in the development of their learning as
nothing would motivate them more. This also led to the development of decision-making skills.

It is important to remember that the Project Method was not a rigid method but actually a
philosophy. The steps in the method were really just an idea of approaching a child-centered
learning experiencing.


Few have heard of Kilpatrick today. He was a major supporter of the work of Dewey and lived in
the shadow of Dewey throughout his career. Despite living behind a legend, Kilpatrick was an
innovator in his own right and developed a distinct strain of progressivism that had an impact
within many classrooms. His influence may not have been as strong but nevertheless, he played
a role in how teaching is approach in America.
 School is a social and community experience
 Curriculum is made up of purposeful activities
 Student centered
 Development and growth for the student

Content Emphasized
 Subject matter is integrated across disciplines
 Not specialized
 Problem solving in all content
 Purposeful activity

Central Curriculum Ideas

 Blend of behaviorism and progressivism, called the project method
 Teacher and student planning
 Emphasis on pedagogy
 Social relationships are important


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