Bid Document: National Law University NH-65, Nagour Road, Mandore Jodhpur - 342304 (Rajasthan.) - INDIA

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Supply & Installation of CCTV Cameras, Servers, Storage etc.


National Law University, JODHPUR

Total number of pages = 29

National Law University

NH-65, Nagour Road, Mandore
Jodhpur - 342304
(Rajasthan.) - INDIA
Check List of Documents:-
S.No Particulars

1 Filled in bid document duly signed and stamped at the bottom of each page.

2 Technical bid in Annexure A (i) to A (xiii) in sealed cover superscribed as

“Technical Bid” with all required documents mentioned in point 4 to 11

3 Price bid in Annexure B in separate sealed cover superscribed as “Financial Bid”

4 Demand Draft submitted as Earnest Money.

5 Attested copy of the Income Tax PAN card of the company/ Firm

6 Copy of valid Registration of company/ firm

7 Copy of valid GST Registration of company/ firm

8 Sealed and Signed Compliance Sheet in Annexure A (i) to A (xi)

9. Manufacturer Authorization Letter in prescribed performa Annexed at "A (xii)

for item No. 1-4,7-8.
10. Duly Notarized Self Certificate in the prescribed format attached as Annex
11. Declaration from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in prescribed format
annexed as Annexure –A (xiv)

2 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder


Sealed tenders are invited for CCTV Cameras, Servers, Storage etc at National Law
University, Jodhpur.

Sl.No Item Quantity EMD for the in

shape of DD( Rs)

1 Supply, Installation of CCTV Cameras, As 40,000/-

Servers, Storage etc, at National Law mentioned
University, Jodhpur in schedule

Bid document for the above work can also be obtained from the office of Registrar NLU,
Mandore Road, Jodhpur, Rajasthan on all working days in between 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M..

The bids shall be accompanied with the required EMD, without which the same shall be rejected.
Bids will be received up to 08-12-2017 3.00P.M. of Supply, Installation of CCTV Cameras,
Servers, Storage etc. and the technical bid will be opened on the same day at 4.00 P.M in
presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives if any. Opening date and time of
Financial bid shall be communicated subsequently after assessing the suitability and eligibility of
the bidders.

3 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

1. Scope of Work:-
1.1 Supply and installation of CCTV Cameras, Servers, Storage, etc. at National Law
University, Jodhpur.

S/N Description Specification as per QTY

1 CCTV camera Type PTZ * Annexure - A (i) 1
2 CCTV Camera Type IP Bullet * Annexure - A (ii) 21
3 CCTV camera Type IP Dome * Annexure - A (iii) 6
4 VMS for CCTV camera * Annexure - A (vi) 1
5 POE Switch Annexure - A (v) 4
6 POE Injector Annexure - A (vi) 11
7 Server * Annexure - A (vii) 2
8 Storage 40 TB Usable * Annexure - A (viii) 1
9 Outdoor UTP cable (supply only) Annexure - A (ix) 4 Box
10 Camera Hanging Pole (supply only) Annexure - A (x) 3
11 42 U server Rack Annexure - A (xi) 1
12 Laying down (Digging required) and/or overhead
installation the cable in HDPE pipe and/or conduit pipe
It is advisable to inspect location for our actual
Note: * MAF and OEM Certificate also required.

1.2 The specifications of CCTV Cameras, Servers, Storage, etc. should be as per
annexure A (i) to A (xi).

1.3 It is advisable to inspect location for laying down and/or overhead installation the
cable in HDPE pipe and/or conduit pipe etc. at university Campus on all working days
between 10.00A.M to 5.00 P.M

1.6 Successful bidder shall be required to supply and install the ordered items within
60(Sixty) days from the date of work order.

2. Eligibility Criteria for Bidder:

The bidding concern must fulfil all the following criteria for techno-commercial
qualification of the tender.

2.1 The Bidder should be registered under Indian law as a business entity. (attach

2.2 The Bidder must have valid PAN, GST (attach document)

2.3 The firm must not have been debarred / blacklisted by any Govt. Deptt, agency, PSUs
/ institution / agencies / autonomous organisations. The bidder shall submit a self

4 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

certification by an authorized person duly notarized to this effect in the prescribed
format attached as Annexure”A (xiii)”.

2.4 Only manufacturer(s) or their authorized distributor / agent are eligible to bid.
authorization letter in the prescribed format (Annexure – A (xii)) from Original
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in favor of authorized Agent to bid / negotiate /
conclude the order against this tender, must be enclosed with technical bid for All
types of cameras, VMS, Server and Storage, without authorization letter for item
no. 1-4, 7-8, bid shall not be accepted.

2.5 Bidder is also required to submit certificate from OEM in prescribed format annexed
at Annexure 'A-(xiv).


3.1 A Bidder can submit a single bid only.

3.2 Incomplete, telegraphic or conditional bids shall not be accepted.

3.3 The contractor /firm shall not be allowed to transfer, assign, pledge or sub-
contract work order/supply order under this contract to any other agency.

3.4 Prices quoted must be firm and fixed. No price variation / escalation shall be
allowed during process of completion of the project.

3.5 The bidders must sign at the bottom of each page of the bid documents at the time
of submission in token of unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions,
technical specifications etc.

3.6 Valid GSTIN certificate / e-submission document duly self attested must be
submitted along with the bid.

3.7 Deviations in terms and conditions, Specification of material, Inspection clause

etc. will not be accepted under any condition.

3.8 Earnest money as specified in bid shall be deposited in shape of Demand Draft
drawn in favour of the Registrar, NLU payable at Jodhpur from any
nationalized/scheduled bank. Bids without E.M.D will not be accepted.

3.9 Bids received late due to postal delay or otherwise will not be considered.

5 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

3.10 The bidders are required to furnish their offers in the price bid both in words &
figures. In case of corrections ,if any, the original text/numerical must be clearly
crossed out and re-written legibly above, below or on the side of the crossed out
characters as per availability of space and the authorized person must put his
dated initial under such corrections. In case of any conflict between figures and
words, the latter shall prevail.

3.11 Since timely execution of works is of paramount importance, requests for

extension of time shall not be entertained.

3.12 Canvassing in any manner shall not be entertained and will be viewed seriously
leading to rejection of the bid.

3.13 University reserves its right to modify the bid document/details by way of

3.14 Bids will be accepted & will be opened as per information mentioned in the
notice-inviting tender. No receipt against submission of bid shall be issued by
NLU, Jodhpur.

3.15 The last date of receipt of the bid is 08-12-2017 upto 3.00 P.M. Sealed tenders
may only dropped in the specified tender box kept in the Office of Registrar, NLU
Jodhpur during office hours on working days. Bids received after due date & time
will not be considered. If due to any reason the due date is declared as a holiday
the bid will be opened on next working day at the same time.

3.16 Signed & stamped compliance sheet of the technical specification of the goods
with technical printed literature along with Bill of Material (BoM) mentioning all
the terms & conditions clearly, must be enclosed with the technical bid.

3.17 The technical bid shall be opened on 08-12-2017 at 4.00 P.M.

in the office of Registrar, NLU Jodhpur, in presence of such bidders or their
authorized representatives, who are present at the time of opening.

(The bid document should be submitted in two parts as detailed below:

3.17.1 Bids should be submitted in two separate sealed envelope as mentioned

below & addressed to the Registrar, NLU Jodhpur, inside a sealed
envelope super-scribed “Bid for CCTV Cameras, Servers, Storage, etc.
First sealed envelope should contain Technical Bid as per Annexure – A
(i) to A (xiii) prescribed Firm Registration certificate, Earnest Money,
Technical Specification, GST Registration , Commercial terms &
conditions, Compliance Sheet, other bid documents duly signed & sealed,
6 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder
It should be super-scribed with Part-1 Technical Bid ". All the papers of
bid documents except the price bid duly signed should be submitted in the
first envelope. Required earnest money deposit in the form of Demand
draft in favour of Registrar, NLU at Jodhpur should be attached.

3.17.2 Second sealed envelope (part-II) should contain Price bid as per Annexure
–B in a separate sealed envelope. It should be super-scribed with "PART
II Financial Bid". Any condition in regard to financial aspects, payments,
terms of rebate etc beyond the prescribed financial terms of NLU, Jodhpur
will make the bid invalid. Therefore it is in the interest of the bidders not
to write anything extra in the Price Bid in Annexure-B except price.

3.18 The procedure of opening of the bid shall be as under

3.18.1. First envelope "PART-1 Technical Bid” shall be opened at the time & date
mentioned in the bid notice by NLU, Jodhpur representative in the presence of
bidders, who choose to be present.

3.18.2 Second envelope (part-II) containing Price bid shall be opened after evaluation
of technical-commercial suitability of the offer by assessing responsiveness in
line with the requirements mentioned in the bid document. The time for
opening of second envelope (Price bid) shall be informed separately after
assessing and evaluation of technical bid. Second envelope of price bid only
those bidders shall be opened who qualify in the technical bid. If necessary,
the firms may be called for Technical Presentation of their product as per the
time intimated by NLU, Jodhpur.

3.19 Successful bidder shall be calculated on the basis of total cost of all 12 items as
mentioned in technical bid.

3.20 In case of supply of any defective material or substandard material, the materials
will be rejected & it will be the responsibility of the supplier for taking back &
replacing the rejected materials at their own cost. In case of non-lifting of such
rejected materials within a reasonable time offered by the office it will have the
right to suitably dispose off the same and forfeit the amount.

3.21 The supplied materials should strictly comply with the specifications as
mentioned in the bid, otherwise the material would be liable for rejection.

3.22 Any clarification on the technical specification and commercial terms and
conditions may be clarified in writing from NLU, Jodhpur through email and
reply shall be send by email only.

7 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

3.23 Deviation of any commercial terms and condition and technical specification shall
not be entertained under no circumstances.

3.24 Bidders may in their own interest visit the sites and undertake site visit
before submitting bids. NLU, Jodhpur will not be responsible for any
incidental or consequential losses of the firms while execution and till expiry
of the period of maintenance.

3.25 The contractor shall abide by all laws, rules and regulations framed there under or
any other statutory obligations which are in force from time to time. The
contractor/firm shall indemnify the Institute from any claims in this regards.

3.26 Any losses sustained by Institute due to negligence of contractor’s service in the
form of loss/damage of property, will be recoverable from the contractor, as the
money value shall be estimated by the Institute. The decision of the institute in
this regard will be final and binding on the contractor/firm.

3.27 The Contractor/firm will adopt all safety measures /precautions while executing
the work/supply. In case of any accident /causality of any personnel, involved in
work/supply the complete responsibility will be borne by the contractor/firm himself
and University will not be held responsible for any claim/compensation.
3.28 The tenderer shall submit the copy of the tender document and addenda thereto, if
any, with each page should be signed and stamped to confirm the acceptance of the
entire term & conditions of the tender.

4. OEM’s Pre qualification criteria.

The bidder shall be required to obtain certificate from OEM for following

S/N Specific Requirements

OEMs of major items (like CCTV Camera of all types, VMS, Video Analytics, Servers,
Storages.) should not be blacklisted by any Ministry under Government of India or by
Government of any State in India or any of the Government PSUs as on tender floating
The proposed Server, Storages and CCTV camera OEM should have direct presence in
2. India for more than 5 years as on bid submission date (not as joint venture, partnership
firms or through any other associated)
The proposed Server, Storages and CCTV camera OEM should have own RMA set up in
3. India for last 3 years from the date of submission of bid (not as joint venture,
partnership firms or through any other associated)
4 OEM of Server, Storages and CCTV camera must be ISO 9001:2008 certified

8 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

CCTV cameras, VMS for the project should be from the same OEM to ensure seamless
integration and single point of contact and ownership from the CCTV OEM.
The Server, Storages and CCTV camera OEM should have its toll free number in India
for any technical support query from the SI or end customer.
The certification should be in prescribed format at Annexure A-(xiv) on letterhead of

5. Acceptance/ Rejection of the bid documents:

The Registrar, NLU, Jodhpur reserves the right to reject or accept any bid or annul the
bidding process at any time prior to award of contract, without having prejudice of
incurring any liability to the affected bidders or any obligation to inform the bidders.


6.1 Rate :
The offer should indicate the complete cost of the work including design, manufacturing
and Installation & Commissioning charges, taxes & duties. The unit cost must be
inclusive of packing, forwarding, loading & unloading charges, cost of insurance and
transportation FOR destination where the system will be installed as per the work order.

6.2 TAXES:-

All Taxes as applicable should be mentioned clearly in price bid.

6.3. Earnest Money Deposit:

6.3.1. Earnest money deposit as mentioned is required to be deposited along with the bid
without which the bid will not be accepted. No interest will be payable for the EMD
amount under any circumstances.

6.3.2. Earnest money can be deposited in shape of a Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, NLU,
Jodhpur from any Nationalised /Scheduled Bank Payable at Jodhpur. E.M.D should be
refunded to the unsuccessful bidders after finalization of the bid without any interest.

6.3.3. E. M. D would be adjusted against security deposit in case of successful bidders.

6.3.4. E. M. D would be forfeited in case of non- compliance of the purchase order by the
successful bidder.

6.3.5. In case of claim for exemption from deposit of Earnest money sufficient proof in support
of claim for exemption of EMD as prescribed in Govt. of India Notification is to be
attached with the bid.

9 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

6.3.6. If successful bidder fails to deposit security deposit within time frame provided, earnest
money shall be forfeited and bid of the firm shall be rejected.

6.4 Security Deposit:

5.4.1 The successful bidder must deposit the Security amount @ 10% of the ordered
value with the Registrar, NLU, Jodhpur within the time frame provided in letter for
depositing of security in shape of DEMAND DRAFT OR irrevocable Bank Guarantees
of equivalent amount for a period of one year.

5.4.2 The security deposit would be forfeited, if the firm/contractor denies to execute the
work or supply the ordered items as the case may be.

5.4.3 The security deposit would be forfeited, if the supplies are not made or work not
done as per the Terms & Conditions of the purchase order/bid document.

5.4.4 The security deposit amount will be refunded after the period of one year without
any interest.

6.5 Payment:
6.5.1 Payment will be made after satisfactorily completion of work as per specifications after
submitting of bill by firm.

6.5.2 In case supply /work is not found as per specifications of the University, whole
supply/work shall be rejected and there shall not be any liability towards University for any

6.6.1 In case of delay in supply/execution of work without prejudice to the right to cancel the
work/supply order, penalty should be imposed as follows:-
(i)Delay period is upto 7 days (penalty= 2% of ordered value)
(ii) Delay period is 7-15 days (penalty= 5% of ordered value)
(iii) Delay period is 15-30 days (penalty =10% of ordered value)
(iv) If Delay period is greater than 30 days then work order shall be cancelled and security
deposit shall be forfeited.
However, if there is any hindrance/barrier in execution of work from University side, then
relaxation will be granted without penalty as deemed fit.

10 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

6.7 Force Majeure:

In no event shall either Party have any liability for failure to comply with this Agreement,
if such failure results directly from the occurrence of any contingency beyond the
reasonable control of the Party, including, without limitation, strike or other labor
disturbance, riot, major power failure, war, natural calamities including but not limited to
floods, earthquakes, fire, volcanic eruptions, epidemics, National Emergency,
interference by any government or governmental agency, embargo, seizure, or enactment
or abolition of any law, statute, ordinance, rule, or regulation (each a " Force Majeure
Event"). In the event that either Party is unable to perform any of its obligations under
this Agreement because of a Force Majeure Event, the Party who has been so affected
shall as soon as may be, after coming to know of the Force Majeure Event, inform the
other Party and shall take reasonable steps to resume performance as soon as may be after
the cessation of the Force
Majeure Event. If the period of nonperformance due to a Force Majeure Event exceeds
thirty (30) days, the Party whose ability to perform has been so affected may, by giving
written notice, terminate this Agreement.

6.8 Settlement of Dispute:

5.7.1 All disputes pertaining to the contract is limited to the jurisdiction of Vice-
Chancellor, NLU, Jodhpur, District Court of Jodhpur and in exceptional cases to the
Hon’ble High Court of Rajasthan, Jodhpur.

5.7.2 Without prejudice to above, the parties reserve the right to enter into
an Arbitration process in accordance with the relevant clause of Arbitration
and Conciliation Act, 1996.


I/We have carefully read and understood the above terms and conditions of the bid and
agree to abide by them.

Signature of the bidder with seal

11 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of PTZ “Annexure –A (i)”
S Parameter Description Compliance
NO (Y/N)
1 Image Sensor 1/2.8” progressive scan CMOS
Color: 0.05 Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON), B/W: 0.01Lux @ (F1.6, AGC
Min. Illumination ON) IR: 0 Lux
Auto/ manual/ ATW (Auto Tracing White Balance)/ indoor/
White Balance
3 outdoor/ fluorescent lamp/ sodium lamp
4 AGC Auto/ Manual
5 DNR/BLC Support
6 WDR True WDR up to 120Db
7 Shutter Speed 1/1 to 1/10,000s
8 Day & Night Auto ICR
9 Digital Zoom 16×
10 Privacy Mask 8 programmable privacy masks
11 Focus Mode Auto/ Semi-automatic/ Manual
12 SN Ratio ≥52dB
13 Focal Length 4.3 to 129mm, 30× Optical
14 Zoom Speed Approx. 3s (optical lens, wide-tele)
15 Field of View 57.4° to 2.8° (wide-tele)
16 Working Distance 10 - 1500mm (wide-tele)
17 Aperture Range F1.6 to F5.0
Movement Range
18 (Pan) 360° Continuous Rotate
19 Pan Speed Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 160°/s Preset Speed: 240°/s
Movement Range
20 (Tilt) From -15° to 90° (auto Flip)
Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 120°/s
21 Tilt Speed Preset Speed: 200°/s
Rotation speed can be adjusted automatically according to
22 Proportional Zoom zoom multiples
23 Presets 300
24 Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets per patrol
4 patterns, with the recording time not less than 10 minutes
25 Pattern Scan per pattern
26 Power-off Memory Supported
Preset/ Pattern Scan/ Patrol Scan/ Auto Scan / Tilt Scan/
27 Park Action Random Scan/ Frame Scan/ Panorama Scan
28 PT Status ON/ OFF
Preset/ Pattern Scan/ Patrol Scan/ Auto Scan / Tilt Scan/
Random Scan/ Frame Scan/ Panorama Scan/ Dome Reboot/
29 Scheduled Task Dome Adjust
30 IR Distance upto 200m
31 IR Angle Adjustable according the focal length

12 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

32 Network Interface 1 RJ45 10M/100M Ethernet Interface
33 Max. Resolution 2592×1520
50Hz: 25fps (2592×1520,
2048×1536,1920×1080,1280×960,1280×720), 50fps
Main Stream (1280×960,1280×720) ; 60Hz: 30fps(2592×1520,
2048×1536,1920×1080,1280×960,1280×720), 60fps
34 (1280×960,1280×720)
50Hz: 25fps (704 × 576), 25fps (640 × 480), 25fps (320 × 288)
Sub Stream
35 60Hz: 30fps (704 × 480), 30fps (640 × 480), 30fps (320 × 240)
50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480,
320 × 288)
Third Stream
60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480,
36 320 × 240)
37 Video Compression H.264/ MJPEG
38 Audio compression G.711alaw/ G.711ulaw/ G.722/ G.726/ MP2L2/ PCM
IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP,
39 Protocols Bonjour, UDP and IGMP
Built-in memory card slot, supporting Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC,
40 Memory Card up to 128GB
Simultaneous Live
41 View Up to 20 users
Up to 32 users
42 User/Host 3 levels: Administrator, Operator and User
User authentication (ID and PW), Host authentication (MAC
address); HTTPS encryption; IEEE 802.1x port-based network
43 Security Measures access control; IP address filtering
44 Alarm Input 2-ch alarm input (0-5vDC)
45 Alarm Output 1-ch alarm output, Alarm Linkage
Alarm actions, such as Preset, Patrol Scan, Pattern Scan,
Memory Card Video Record, Trigger Recording, Notify
Surveillance Center, Upload to FTP/Memory Car/NAS and
46 Alarm Linkage Send Email, etc.
47 Audio Input 1-ch audio input
48 Audio Output 1-ch audio output
49 Interface Onvif Profile S & Profile G
50 Web Browser IE7+, Chrome18+, Firefox5.0+, Safari5.02+
AC 24Vand Hi-PoE, Max.: 40W (Heating: 6W Max., IR 12W
51 Power Max.)
52 Temperature -30°C to 65°C (-22°F to 149°F)
53 Working Humidity ≤ 90%
IP66 Standard; TVS 4000V Lightning Protection, Surge
Protection and Voltage Transient Protection, IK10 rated
54 Protection Level Housing (Except Glass Areas)
55 Approved Make Bosch, Pelco, Tyco

13 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of IP Bullet Camera “Annexure –A (ii)”
S Parameter Description Compliance
NO (Y/N)
1 Imager 1/2.8”SONY 2.43 mega low illumination CMOS
2 Video Compression H.264/MJPEG
3 Day/Night Mechanical ICR
4 Illumination 0Lux/F1.4(IR ON)
5 IR Illumination 40-50M(3xIRIII IR Leds)
6 Electronic Shutter Auto/Manual(1/25~1/10000)
7 Lens 2.8-12mm

Main-stream:D1/Q1080P(960*540)/HD720P/ HD1080P 1-
Resolution 25/30fps
Sub-stream: CIF/QCIF/D1/Q720P/QVGA/VGA
8 1-25/30fps
Digital Noise
9 Reduction 3D
10 Wide Dynamic Range Digital WDR
11 Motion Detection 4 Zones, Multi- Level Sensitivity
12 Character Display Support(Channel \Date)

1.0 Vp-p, 75 ohm, composite, BNC

13 Video Output output
14 Electrical Power 12V DC, PoE
RJ45 10M/100M adaptive,TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, DHCP,
15 Network RTP/RTSP, DNSNTP, PPPOE, UPNP, SMTP Protocols
16 IP Rating IP66
17 Approved Make Bosch, Pelco, Tyco

14 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of Dome Camera “Annexure –A (iii)”
S Parameter Description Compliance
NO (Y/N)
1 Imager 1/2.8”SONY 2.43 mega low illumination CMOS
2 Video Compression H.264/MJPEG
3 Day/Night Mechanical ICR
4 Minimum Illumination 0Lux/F1.4(IR ON)
5 IR Illumination 20-30M (28xΦ5 IR Leds)
6 Electronic Shutter Auto/Manual(1/25~1/10000)
7 Lens 2.8-12mm

Main-stream:D1/Q1080P(960*540)/HD720P/ HD1080P 1-
Resolution 25/30fps
Sub-stream: CIF/QCIF/D1/Q720P/QVGA/VGA
8 1-25/30fps
Digital Noise
9 Reduction 3D
10 Wide Dynamic Range Digital WDR
11 Motion Detection 4 Zones, Multi- Level Sensitivity
12 Character Display Support(Channel \Date)

1.0 Vp-p, 75 ohm, composite, BNC

13 Video Output output
14 Electrical Power 12V DC, PoE
RJ45 10M/100M adaptive,TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, DHCP,
15 Network
16 IP Rating IP66
17 Vandal Resistant IK10 Rated
18 ONVIF Compliant Yes
19 Approved Make Bosch, Pelco, Tyco

15 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of VMS “Annexure –A (iv)”
S/N Description Compliance
Video Management system should be Industry leading Open plateform to support
1 More than 3000 Cameras and 70 Different OEMs
Video Management system should support More than 100 Cameras per server and
unlimited number of Client, Mobile App for IOS, Android ,Windows Phone and web
2 Client without any cost (Free)
Video Management system should be capable to support Multiple Known OS like
3 Windows and Linux for safer and reliable operation.
Video Management system should be capable to support Archiving and Extended
4 storage facility.
Video Management system should be capable to support 3rd party Intergations if
5 required in future.
Video Management system should be intelligent enough to Provide system health
event notification through Email,Audit Logs,Interactive mapping,Multiple streaming
,Two way Audio Event Linking on Video, Serial & Health Events,View Cameras on
Multiple Monitors.
Video Management should have capability to Bookmark Video and Multiple Cameras
7 export at the same time.
Video Management system should support Instant Video replay , Thumbnail &
Timeline Event Search Search options.

9 Video Management system should support all industry leadign brwosers Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome.
Video Management system should be capable enough to support Multiple Cameras
playback ,Digital PTZ Control & Presets, Export to .AVI, .MOV, .MP4 or .EXE File
Approved Make : Bosch, Pelco, Tyco

16 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of POE Switch “Annexure –A (v)”
S/N Item Description
1 Interface 8 Ports 10/100Mbps or above RJ45 AUTO Negotiation/AUTO
2 POE Ports Standard: 802.3 af compliant, PoE Ports: minimum 4 ports

3 Background 1-16 Gbps

4 Switch Features Supports PoE power up to 15.4W for each PoE port
Supports PoE IEEE 802.3af compliant
Supports IEEE 802.3x flow control for Full-duplex Mode and
backpressure for Half-duplex Mode
LED indicators for monitoring power, link, activity
External power adapter supply

17 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of POE Injector “Annexure –A (vi)”
S/N Item Description
1 Interface 2 Ports 10/100Mbps or above RJ45 AUTO Negotiation/AUTO
2 POE Ports Standard: 802.3 af compliant, PoE Ports: minimum 4 ports

3 Basic Function Compatible With IEEE 802.3af Compliant, Delivers Power Up

To 100 Meters Auto-Determine The Necessary Power
4 Power Supply 15.4W (Max. 48VDC)

18 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of Rack Server “Annexure –A (vii)”
S/N Item Description
1 Chassis Rack Mount or Modular 2U
2 CPU Min. 2 x skylake processor with 6-core
3 Motherboard latest Intel Chipset
32 GB DDR4 (OEM Memory)@2666, ECC with multi-bit error
4 protection and memory sparing, Expandable to 3 TB
Min. 2X600GB SAS SFF 10K RPM. Server can host upto 24 NVMe
Hard disk drive
5 Drives
SAS RAID Controller with RAID 0,1, 5with at least 1GB Flash
6 (onboard or in a PCI Express slot)
Min 4 x 1 Gbps ports providing Hardware acceleration and
7 offloads for stateless TCP/IP.
8 Bus Slots 8 x PCI-Express 3.0 slots
Power Supply on Redundant Platinum/ Titanium Power Supplies, All power
9 chassis supplies should support Active/ Standby mode
10 Fans on chassis Redundant hot-plug system fans
Should support upto 3 double width GPU's. Integrated with at
11 least 16MB of VRAM
Industry Standard PCIe 2.0/3.0 Compliant, USB 3.0/2.0 Support, UEFI (Unified
12 Compliance Extensible Firmware Interface Forum)
OEM Systems Management Software to be included, Should
support service alerting, reporting and remote management with
Embedded system
dedicated Gigabit management port, iDRack, Server should
support configuring and booting securely with industry standard
13 Unified Extensible Firmware
Power-on password, Serial interface control, Administrator's
password, UEFI, Should support multiple customizable user
accounts on management port and SSL encryption, Should also
support directory services integration, TPM 1.2
TPM 1.2/2.0 optional,iDrack, Cryptographically signed firmware,
14 Secure Boot, System Lockdown, Secure erase
Should be certified on the MS-Windows/RHEL OS/Vmware.
15 Should be in Gartner leader magic quadrant.
All required cables and connectors to be included for all
Cables/ Connectors
16 populated ports and interfaces
1 Year Comprehensive 24 X 7 Suppor, Commit by the OEM
directly for hardware.
OEM should support & Manage all H/W Calls until closure. OEM
should have 24/7 Telephone / Web Support for all the relevant
Warranty hardware / software support. It is OEM’s responsibility to fulfill
engineer & parts support for the locations mentioned in the
tender .One Dedicated Technical Account Manager to manage
OEM H/W. Hard drives should get covered for the length of
17 hardware warranty.

19 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

The OEM of the server should be listed in the leader quadrant of
OEM Certification
18 Gartner reports for blade server/ modular server.
19 Approved Make : Dell, HP

20 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of Storage 40 TB “Annexure –A (viii)”

S/N Item Description Compliance

Requirements Specification
All the components should be redundant to avoid any
single point of failure. In 2U size
Availability 99.99%
Number of
Storage system should be quoted with 2 x10G base T iSCSI
Host interface
host interfaces and 4 X 1 Gig interfaces

Drives Interface should support 6G & 12G SAS

Controller Controller should be dual with 8 core processor

Standard options: OS HDDs (on rear 2.5” HDDs) is always

RAID1. Data HDDs can be configured from factory in
(minimum 4 HDDs). The internal PERC can support
RAID levels
additional customer configurable RAID options.
1 Custom options: As supported by internal PERC H730 (0, 1,
5, 6, 10, 50, 60)
Controller: PERC H730 (internal HDDs)

Should support following hot pluggable disk drives:

Disk Type SAS Disks (7.2K/10K/15K) 1.2TB/900GB/600GB/300GB


Mixing of drives should be possible in the same drive

Should be quoted with 40TB of usable capacity. Storage
Capacity shold be expandable to 120 TB without adding additional
Should support storage tiering, SSD write-back cache and
software faster recovery.
feature Should support SMB protocol, iSCSI target, DFS
replication, and deduplication

21 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

No Single point of failure in the proposed storage .Fault-
tolerant and redundant modular components for NAS
controller, PSU, FAN module.
Power supply should be minimum 750 W ( redundant)

Data protection
Replication (DFS-R), Snapshots (VSS)

OEM must have registered office in India for more than 10

years , dedicated service support centre with local service
OEM should be in gartner leader magic quadrant

Warranty 1 year onsite comprehensive warranty with 24 X7 support

Product Attach product brochure with above listed features must

Brochure be submitted with the bid submission.

Bidder should install and configure NAS storage to work

Installation and for our proposed architecture. Bidder should inspect and
implementation understand our requirements before submitting the

3 Approved Make Dell, HP

22 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of Outdoor UTP Cable “Annexure –A (ix)”
S/N Item Description
Cable type Outdore shilded cat 6 UTP cable
UTP Specification • HIGH PERFORMANCE DATA CABLE. Our outdoor cat6
ethernet cable is 23 AWG with 4 pairs (8C). The overall
aluminum (AL) foil shield.
withstand sunlight, dirt, and moisture. Rugged and
durable for extreme environments. Bury directly in the
ground or use in conduit.

23 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of Camera Hanging Pole “Annexure –A (x)”
S/N Item Description
1 Material GI Pipe 2-3 inch dimension
2 Pole feature 12 ft high and 1 LAN switch box with a 2-4 camera hanging
Engel as required for camera hanging.

24 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

Specification of 42 U Rack Server “Annexure –A (xi)”
S/N Item Description
1 Rack type 42 U Server Rack
2 Specification • Cabinet size 800/600 MM,
• Front and back side glass door with lock.
• Top side fan
• 5/15 AMP Power Shocket

25 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

“Annexure – –A (xii) ”

Ref. No. Date:

The Registrar
National Law University Jodhpur
Nagaur Road Mandor, Jodhpur - 342011.

Sub.: Authorization Letter.

Dear Sir,
We,_______________________, who are established and reputed manufacturers of____________________, having
factory at____________________, hereby authorize M/s._______________________________ (name & address of
Indian distributor /agent) to bid, negotiate and conclude the order with you for the above goods manufactured by us.
We shall remain responsible for the tender / contract / agreement negotiated by the said M/s.
______________________,jointly and severelly.

We ensure that we would also support / facilitate the M/s ___________________________on regular basis with
technology / product updates for up-gradation / maintains / repairing / servicing of the supplied goods manufactured by
us, during the warranty period.

In case duties of the Indian agent / distributor are changed or agent / distributor is changed it shall be obligatory on us
to automatically transfer all the duties and obligations to the new Indian Agent failing which we will ipso-facto become
liable for all acts of commission or omission on the part of new Indian Agent / distributor.

Yours faithfully,

[Name & Signature]

for and on behalf of M/s. ___________________ [Name of manufacturer]

Note: This letter of authorisation should be on the letterhead of the manufacturing concern and should be signed by a
person competent authority on behalf of manufacturer.

26 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

“Annexure – –A (xiii) ”
(To be executed & attested by Public Notary/executive Magistrate on Rs 10/-non judicial stamp paper by the

1. I/We _______________________ of M/s____________________________________ hereby declare

that our company____________________________________ having registered address at
____________________________________________________________________________ has never
been ‘Blacklisted/debarred by any State/Central Govt, Department/Organization till date nor we are
facing/filed any Litigation proceeding regarding debarring (blacklisting) with either of the above said
1. I/We _______________________ of M/s____________________________________ hereby declare
that our company____________________________________ having registered address at
____________________________________________________________________________ was
blacklisted or debarred by State/ Central Govt, Department/Organization from taking part in tenders for
a period of ____________ years wef ___________________to _______________________ .the period
is over on _________________ and now the firm /company is entitled to take part in tenders.
2. In case of above information found false, I/we are fully aware that the tender/contract will be
rejected/cancelled by National Law University, Jodhpur, and EMD/Security deposit shall be forfeited.
3. In addition to the above National Law University, Jodhpur will not be responsible to pay the bills for any
completed /partially completed work/supply.

ATTESTED: NAME:-_______________
(Public Notary/executive Magistrate) Address:_____________

27 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

“Annexure –A (xiv) ”
(To be executed & on the letterhead of the OEM]

1. I/We __________________________________ as OEM (_____________________________________)

for CCTV Cameras of all types CCTV Cameras /Storage /Server /VMS /Video Analytics, is hereby declare
a. We are not blacklisted by any ministery under Government of India or by Government of any State in
India or any of the Government PSUs as on tender floating date.
b. We as OEM are having direct presence in India for more than 5 years as on bid submission date (not joint
venture, partnership firms or through any other associated).
c. We as OEM are having our own RMA setup in India for last 3 years fromn the date of submission of bid
(not joint venture, partnership firms or through any other associated).
d. Our above mentioned product be ISO 9001:2008 certified.
e. Our cameras and VMS for the project is same OEM for seamless integration and single point of contact
and ownsherhsip. (applicable for CCTV and VMS only)
f. We have toll free number in India for any technical support query from the SI or end cutomer.

[Name & Signature]

for and on behalf of M/s. ___________________ [Name of manufacturer]

Note: This letter of declaration should be on the letterhead of the manufacturing concern and should be signed by a
person competent authority on behalf of manufacturer.

28 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

“Annexure – B”

Format for Financial Bid

(To be submitted on the letterhead of the company / firm)

Ref. No. Dated:

S. No. Description Qty. Unit Rate Total Amount
1. Supply and Installation of CCTV camera Type 1
PTZ, approved make : Bosch, Pelco, Tyco
2 Supply and Installation of CCTV Camera Type 21
IP Bullet, approved make : Bosch, Pelco, Tyco
3 Supply and Installation of CCTV camera Type 6
IP Dome, approved make : Bosch, Pelco, Tyco
4 Supply and Installation of VMS for CCTV 1
camera, approved make : Bosch, Pelco, Tyco
5 Supply and Installation of POE Switch 4
6 Supply and Installation of POE Injector 11
7 Supply and Installation of Server, approved 2
make : Dell, HP
8 Supply and Installation of Storage, approved 1
make : Dell, HP
9 Supply of Outdoor UTP cable 4 box
10 Supply and Installation of Camera Hanging 3
11 Supply and Installation of 42 U server Rack 1
12 Laying down (Digging required) and/or
overhead installation the cable in HDPE pipe
and/or conduit pipe
It is advisable to inspect location for our actual
Taxes (if any)
Grand Total
Grand total in word:

1. I/We have gone through the entire terms & conditions as stipulated in the tender enquiry document and
confirm to accept and abide the same.
2. No other charges would be payable by the Institute.
Authorized signatory of the company with seal

29 of 29 P a g e Seal and Signature of Bidder

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