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Environmental Science

In this module, I have learned and understood more clearly and

thoroughly the overall concepts of environmental science and the multi-

disciplines involved with it. Even though I already had an idea before, I

have also realized just how much our interactions with each other and with

our environment affect our surroundings, and how we, as humans, have a

lot more things to work on in order to deal with the negative effects on our

environment. No matter how easy it may seem to list all the solutions of our

current global problems, it is still such a huge difficulty to take actions and

at least try eliminating these problems we, ourselves, created in the first


Recalling the history of how our planet came to be, I have also come

to a realization of how remarkable the five spheres are interconnected with

each other and how these affect us no matter how small or big it is. I used

to think that the formation of Earth was relatively simple and

straightforward, but seeing that that was not the case, it made me think

more of all the possible phenomenon that could have happened before our

existence which we have not been able to record yet; and how those

phenomenon may have affected our lives now even though we are not

aware of it.

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