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Beauty is what everyone in this world thrive for.

Everyone has their own idea of what

constitutes beautiful. We must give everyone the freedom to express their own sense of beauty
without fear of being judged. Accept the beauty in everyone you come into contact with.
Accept the beauty that God has created in the world. Everyone being different is what is really
beautiful. Even if you are different or unique. Beauty can be defined in any subjective ways but
real beauty, as they say, is in the eyes of the beholder.

A beautiful woman is when she have a distinctive personality, even with the all flaws,
dysmorphia, and imperfections. A woman with a wide and beautiful mindset is pretty. A woman
who doesn’t take time to cultivate her mind is like a writer who never reads books. Neglecting
one’s intellect is similar to shouting, “I don’t need to understand the world — the world needs
to understand me!” Life doesn’t work like this. The pursuit of knowledge and truth is not only
attractive, but essential to our existence. Knowledge is empowerment and empowerment is
sexy. (Emily Morrison)

It’s not about the clothing, the hair, the make-up. it's about how she treat others and how she
makes everyone comfortable and happy at the same time. Beauty isn't just seen physically. Not
your appearance nor physical traits define your beauty but being confident about that is also

What does makes a woman beautiful?

What is the real meaning of beauty?

A woman is beautiful when she is humbly showing who she really is. Being true makes you
shine. Being beautiful means to be yourself, a woman won't need to try hard for validation and
be accepted. The way a woman treats other people, the way she expresses delight, and her
confidence in the aspects of herself that make her distinctive should all be considered when
defining true beauty.
A woman's true beauty is reflected in her spirit.

Being insecure and timid are a normal feeling every person can feel. Losing trust in your own
self confidence can ruin on how you view yourself or you might forget how worthy and a
beautiful person you can be. Remember the excellent stuffs you have done and that you have
your own kind of beauty inside that you've neglected. Take baby steps, you won't lose anything
just by trying. Start over again and shift your focus. Remember, real beauty is inside of you.
Perhaps, there's no such thing as ugliness, it's just that people see such a thing that doesn't fit
right in their standards.

Don't mind the society standards, or what the people think about you. I have been living like
that, like I am trapped in a shell for I afraid of showing the confident me. Being confident makes
you happy, and being happy make everthing beautiful.

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