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Korean Poem #1

Nepali Good Luck Tantra Totem [English Ver.]

Give people more than they expect, and do it cheerfully.

Memorize your favorite poem.

Don’t believe all you hear.

Sometimes, spend all you have, or sleep all you want.

Believe in love at first sight.

Never laugh at anyone’s dreams.

Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it’s the only way to live life

Remember that great love and great achievement involves great risk.

You may fail at something, but try not to fail at learning from your failure.

Remember that silence is sometimes the best solution.

Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll get to
enjoy it a second time.

Trust in God but lock your car.

Read between the lines.

Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.

Korean Poem #1

Pray. There’s an immeasurable power in it.

When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational
skills will be as important as any other. But sometimes spend time alone.

Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That
is wealth’s greatest satisfaction.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.

Learn the rules then break some.

Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

Remember that your character is your destiny.

Korean Poem #1

삶을 위한 지침 (Nepali Good Luck Tantra Totem)


다른 사람들이 ____________(to expect)는 것보다 더 많이,

그리고 ____________ (genuinely) 기뻐하며 주세요.

(=Memorize your favorite poem.)

(= Don’t believe everything that you hear.)

________(sometimes) 자신이 ___________는 모든 것을 ___________세


________ ______ 주무세요.

Korean Poem #1


__________________ 사랑을 _______세요.

(=Believe in love at first sight.)

다른 사람의 ____을 ______로 _______지 마세요.

(=Don’t laugh at other people’s dreams.)

_____이 없는 사람은 ________ 사람이니까요.

사랑은 깊고 __________ 하세요.

________________________________________, 그것만이 ______________ 삶

을 사는 __________ 길입니다.
Korean Poem #1


_____을 믿으세요. 하지만 차는 ______고 다니세요.

______ 뜻을 ________세요.

당신의 ______을 남과 _______세요. 그것이 ________ 삶을 얻는 길


________________________ 없이 많은 _____이 거기에 있거든요.


자신의 _______를 깨닫는 순간,

______ 바로 ___________.

즐겁게 대화를 ________ 수 있는 사람과 _____________.

늙으면 그것이 아주 ____________ 테니까요.

하지만 ________ _________________________ 가지세요.

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