B2 - NEW SPEAKING PART 3 - Updated

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It is true that ..CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
The first reason is that …………LÝ DO 1……………………..For example,
……………………………………………………………………………………. The second
reason is that ……LÝ DO 2………………….. For instance,
……………………………………………………………………………………. The third
reason is that ………LÝ DO 3………………………………………... To be specific,
…………………………………………………………………….. Finally, …………LÝ DO 4
…………………………To illustrate,
In short, ……………………….CÂU STATEMENT for the reasons I have mentioned.

T1. Higher education should be free for everyone.

- LD 1: Equal chance of everyone
- LD 2: A safer world
- LD 3: Solutions to unemployment.
- LD4 : have a better chance

It is true that everyone is eligible to study higher education for the following reasons.
The first reason is that higher education is equal chance for everybody. In other words,
education is available for people who desire to update knowledge so that they can meet job
requirements. (For example, graduates can do master degree to get a good job in the future.) The
second reason is that studying higher education is safer world. (For instance, workers can
study higher to become skilled workers so that they can have better salary). The third reason is
that higher education helps to solve the unemployment rate. Instead of waiting for job
openings or joining the unemployed group, young people can study higher to look for a better
chance. (To be specific, the unemployed can learn new skills which is suitable for job market).
Finally, higher education makes us to have a better chance. To illustrate, a well –qualified
person always has a better life than a common person.
In short, higher education is necessary for anyone for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow - up questions
1. Do you think it is reasonable to apply free in Vietnam?
In my opinion, it is reasonable to apply free in VN for the following reasons. Firstly,
people should be encouraged to study higher because higher education can help boost the
national economy. Secondly, higher education make better living conditions.
2. University is the only way to succeed. Do you agree?
From my point of view, there are many ways to succeed. Going to vocational schools and
become skilled workers is one of the way to succeed.
3. Should lower education be free for everyone as well?
I don’t think it is a good idea. Simply because the national budget is limited; therefore,
citizen and government should cooperate with each other to invest in education.
T2:Technology supports student learning.
- improve knowledge
- provide learning sources
- reduce the cost of study
It is true that technology supports student learning for the following reasons. The first reason is
that technology help students to improve knowledge. For instance, students use smart phones,
computers to search the information to do projects and assignment. The second reason is that
technology can provide learning sources. For example, students can surf on the internet to search
the information they need. The third reason is that technology can reduce the cost of study. In
other word, students can read electronic –books instead of buying covered books or down load
the materials without fees. Finally, technology can help students to entertain. To illustrate,
students can watch films, listen to music or even play online games after hard studying.
In short, technology has brought many benefits for learning process for the reasons I have

1. What technology invention do you think is the most important? Why?

2. How can technology help you study English?
3. What are the negative effects technology depend in our life?
Topic 3 : Fast food is harmful for your health.

 Gaining weight
 Lack nutrition
 Cause diseases ( diabetes)
 Contain high fat and sugar

It is true that fast food is harmful for your health for the following reasons. The first reason is
that fast food makes us gain weight . For instance, eating too many hamburgers and fried
chicken makes us put on weight. The second reason is that eating fast food lacks nutrition . For
example, fast food is mainly meat , but it does not have enough vegetables. The third reason is
that eating too much fast food can cause some diseases like diabetes. Finally, fast food contains
high fat and sugar. most of fast food are deep fried in oil and come with sweet sauce, which is
not for health. In short, eating fast food is not good for our health for the reasons I have
mentioned .

Follow- up Question:

1. Which do people in your country prefer: traditional food or Western food?

Actually, people in my country prefer traditional food because they are tasty delicious
and suitable with our palate . For example , we like eating pan cake, Pho , Bun bo, mixed
rice paper, hot pot, bread stuffed with hams.

2. Should fast food be banned at school and why?

In my opinion, fast food shouldn’t be banned at school because it is convenient for

pupils. However, we don’t encourage them to eat too much.

3. What should we do to raise children’s awareness of the bad effects of fast food?

Well , We should have an educational program about healthy diet for students so that
they raise their awareness of the bad effects of fast food.

Topic 4: People nowadays are living longer

 Keep fit
 Prevent disease
 Refresh your mind
 Have a healthy lifestyle

It is true that people nowadays are living longer for the following reasons. The first reason is that
people know how to keep fit. For instance, they usually do exercise or play sports .The second
reason is that they know how to prevent diseases . In other words, they are aware of the healthy
food. For example, people tend to eat organic foods. The third reason is that people learn how to
refresh their mind . For instance, they travel, listen to music , watch films to restore energy and
think positively. Finally, people have a healthy life style. To illustrate, people don’t smoke or
drink alcohol.
In short, people nowadays are living longer for the reasons I have mentioned .

Follow-up Questions:

1. Is a healthy diet a key to longevity? Agree or disagree?

I totally agree that a healthy diet is a key to longevity because good nutrition makes us
strong. In addition, we should do exercise regularly.

2. In term of longevity, quality is better than quantity. Do you agree?

I agree that quality is better than quantity because we can live happily.

3. What should we do to stay healthy?

Well, I think we should balance working and relaxation. Also, we should have a healthy
diet and regular exercise.

TOPIC 5. E-learning is beneficial for many learners




-Prevent being infected by corona virus.

It is true that E-learning is beneficial for many learners for the following reasons. The first
reason is that E -learning is convenient. For example, people can be proactive about time and
learn at their suitable time. The second reason is that the fees are cost -saving. Compared to the
fee for the formal course, on-line course is half priced. The third reason is that e-learning can be
time -saving. For instance, learners don’t take time to travel because they can learn at home.
Finally, people feel more confident to learn in class.

In short, E-learning is beneficial for many learners for the reasons I have mentioned .

Follow up - Questions:

1. Who may benefit for E-learning most?

In my opinion, people who live in remote areas can benefit for E-learning most because
people don’t take time to go to school.

2. What are the disadvantages of E-learning compared to the traditional learning?

Honestly, compare to the traditional learning, e-learning sometimes is not effective because
the internet connection is slow and sometimes interrupted.
3. Do you think online learning will be more popular in the future? Why? Why not?

Actually, online learning will be more popular in the future because people can take
advantage of time to work while the coronavirus pandemic is dramatically spreading.

TOPIC 6: Teenagers should learn to play musical instrument.

 Reduce stress
 Manage time better
 Improve concentration
 Entertain themselves

It is true that teenagers should learn to play musical instrument for the following reasons. The
first reason is teenagers can reduce stress. For instance, after school they can play the guitar to
relax. The second reason is that teenagers can manage their time better. For example, more
teenagers attend the music class after the school hours. The third reason is that learning a
musical instrument helps young people to improve the concentration. For one thing, they have to
focus to combine seeing the notes and hand movements when they play musical
instrument. Finally, learning to play musical instrument can help them entertain themselves. For
example, they can play music after studying or play in a music band with friends. In short,
playing a musical instrument is beneficial for teenagers for the reasons I have mentioned .


1. Should music be part of school curriculum? Why/Why not?

2. What kind of music are popular in your country?
3. How important is traditional music in your country?

Topic 7: Online learning has become popular nowadays.

- flexible
- low cost of learning
- unnecessary travelling
_safer in difficult situation like corona virus pandemic.
It is true that online learning has become popular nowadays for the following reasons. The first
reason is that online learning is flexible. For one thing, learners can choose the course and the
time they want to study. For example, working men can do online course in the evening to
update knowledge at their convenience. The second reason is online learning has low cost . For
instance, on -line course how to speak in public costs 50$ while the fee I pay for formal course
is 100 $. The third reason is that it is not necessary for learners to go to school. What learners
need is a lap top, a computer or even a smartphone to learn at anywhere. To illustrate, I can use
my smart phone to do online course with my lecturer who is living in the North of VN. Last but
not least, learners will be safer in difficult situation like corona virus pandemic. Because of the
spread of coronavirus, people are encouraged to do social distancing, online learning is the best
choice. To be specific, some of universities or educational institutes implement on line learning
In short, on line learning has been trendy for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow up questions.
1. Who can take advantages of online learning the most?
Actually, learners who are living in the remote areas can take advantages of online
learning .
2. How has technology changed the way people learn?
Honestly, technology has changes the way people learn. Firstly, technology makes it
easier for learners. Secondly, technology enable to approach innovation, update
knowledge. For example, learners can use zoom , Google meeting, Google
3. Do you think that online learning will be popular in the future?
Of course, online learning will be popular in the future. Simply because , it help
people learn better and more effectively despite the distance and fees. Moreover,
online learning prevent the risk of being infected corona virus.
Topic 8: Traditional music should be preserved.
- Cultural values
- Historical values
- Educational values
It is true that we should preserve traditional music because of the following reasons.
The first reason is that traditional music is cultural values. For example, Cai luong , Hat
cheo, Ho Quang, Đờn ca tài tử are Vietnamese culture. The second reason is that traditional
music has historical values. In other words, it has developed for centuries. Traditional music
reflects the historical events, lifestyles , desires or even the stories through historic stages. The
third reason is that traditional music has educational values. Through the music, we can
understand more about our ancestors, the scenery and ambition. As a result, we love our
motherland. Finally, traditional music helps us entertain and release stress. To be specific, when I
listen to folk music, I feel relaxed. To sum up, traditional music should be maintained and well –
kept for the reasons I have mentioned.
1. What should be done to keep traditional music?
Well, in my opinion, traditional music should be taught at school so that students can
appreciate the music. Additionally, government should invest more to promote this kind
of music.
2. What is the current status of traditional music?
Actually, we have traditional music festival on special occasion like Tet. Alternatively,
traditional music is performed for tourists like Don ca tai Tu in green tour in Mekong
3. How does the attitude towards music differ from generation to generation in your
Actually, the new generation tend to listen to pop, rap or rock. However, some of
them are still fond of listening to traditional music.
TOPIC 9. Skill courses are necessary for young people.
- Interaction
- Social networking
- Problem -solving -skill
- Job requirement.
It is true that young people should take some skill courses for the following reasons. Firstly, skill
courses are interactive. By learning skill courses, like communication skill, young people can
learn to communicate more effectively. For example, young people can learn how to
communicate with colleagues at work, clients and partnership. Secondly, young people can learn
how to use social networking smartly because they can connect with many different people who
can creat job opportunities for them. Thirdly, through skill courses, like problem –solving- skill,
young people can learn how to solve the problem at work. Finally, learning skill courses is a
good chance for young people to meet all job requirements in the future. In reality, most of
companies want to recruit employees with these skills.
To sum up, young people should be encouraged to learn skill courses because of the reasons I
have mentioned.
1. What soft skills would you like to learn?
To be honest, I would like to learn how to socialize and get along well with people I
am working.
2. In your opinion, when should student take soft skills courses?
In my opinion, students should take soft skills courses at university. Simply because
this is a good stage for young people to learn and improve themselves.
3. What do you think about some people learn soft skills as a trend, not their needs?
From my perspective, some people learn soft skills as a trend because they want to
show off. In other words, they want to prove themselves to be professional.
TOPIC 10: Helping people is a key of happiness.
- Stronger relationship
- Sense of belongings
- Inner peace
- meaningful life
It is true that helping people is a key of happiness for the following reason. The first reason
is that we can build up the stronger relationship. Obviously, any one needs to have mutual
help in life sometime. For example, we can help our co-workers, neighbours, friends and
relatives which can make our social relationship better. The second reason is that helping
people make us have a sense of belongings. As human being, we can share the difficulties
with our fellow. For example, during the terrible flood in Middle parts of VN, every body
donated a lot of moneys , food, clothes for victims in these areas. The third reason that when
we help others, we will feel peaceful and happy. For instance, many people do charity in
society to help poor people. Last, but not least, helping people make my life meaningful. In
other words, we feel more helpful because we can good things.
In short, helping people is a key of happiness because of the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow- up questions
1. What make people happy?
To be honest, money makes me happy. Simply because, I can solve everything in my life.
2. Childhood is the happiest time of one’s life. Do you agree with this view?
Of course, I totally agree with this view. Simply because at that time I am naïve and not
worry about earning a living. My tasks are studying and playing.
3. In your opinion, which is more important in achieve happiness spiritually or materially?
Basically, when we meet the basic needs, we feel happy. I think when we have a fully
materialized life, we feel more comfortable.
It depends. In my opinion, money is a tool to deal with currents problems. What is more
important is that we feel healthy, helpful and peaceful.

TOPIC 11. After school activities are beneficial for students.

 Communication skills
 Sense of commitment
 Time management
 Develop personal interests
It is true that after school activities are beneficial for students for the following reasons. Firstly,
students can develop communication skills. In other words, after-school activities includes
variety of activities related to physical movements and group work. When students get involved
in these activities, they are required to work in group or with other partners, which improve their
communication skill. For example, if a student join a sports club, he learns how to work with
teammate to score a goal. Secondly, after- school activities makes students to build a sense of
commitment. They are subjective to promise by themselves to achieve the goal of a team or a
group and individual goal. Thirdly, through extra- curriculum activities, students can learn how
to manage their time. In fact, playing sports or music at school is always scheduled at fixed time,
which force students to follow strictly. As a result, students learn to arrange their time for
studying or playing efficiently. Finally, after-school activities help students to develop personal
interests. Some students are good at music, others are keen on sports and so on. To develop their
artistic interests, they can join a specific club such as soccer team or music band.
To sum up, after-school activities are very vital for students to develop mentally and

Follow-up Questions:
1.What are some common extra activities for students?
Well, students can join soccer team, martial art and music class.
2.Do you think extra- curriculum should be made compulsory for students? Why?
In my opinion, extra –curriculum should be voluntary for students. Simply because, each
individual has his own merits and interests. The most important thing is to develop his talent.
3.What should be done to encourage students to participate in extra-curriculum activities?
Well, we should do a survey of students’ interest before they enroll. Alternatively, teachers can
consult their passion.
12. Travelling abroad should be encouraged among young people.
 Facilitated adaptation
 Develop cultural sensitivity
 Boost confidence
 Explore new things
It is true that travelling abroad should be encouraged among young people. Firstly, young people
can facilitate adaptation .New places and new environment allow people to adapt to survive. For
example, when I travel abroad, I have to get familiar with things and the ways of communication
in a host country. Secondly, travelling abroad can develop cultural sensitivity. I have a chance
to expose to different cultures .For example, when I travel in Thailand, I learned the ways people
to greet each other. Thirdly, travelling abroad can boost confidence. Staying in a foreign country
enable a new comer overcome language barrier to communicate and integrate with the local
community, which help us to build our confidence. For instance, I am confident to speak English
with native people. Finally, travelling abroad is a good chance to explore new things. We are
always stick to the daily routine, familiar scenery, and fellows, which makes our life boring
while there are a lot of interesting things need to be explored. Therefore, travelling abroad is a
change for me to recharge myself.
Follow-up questions:
1.What should a person do to prepare for a trip to another country?
Well, I think people should learn more about the host ‘s culture to avoid culture shocks, the
currency, the weather and some useful expressions.
2.What challenges can a person face when travelling abroad alone?
Honestly, there are a lot of challenges a person can face when travelling abroad alone. The first
thing is that he can feel lonely and homesick. Secondly, he might be get sick without care from
3.How have the travelling habits changes over the last ten years?
To tell the truth, the travelling habits have changed a lot over the last ten years. Therefore,
people tend to learn the host country very carefully before boarding the plane. Also, they can
book a tour on line or arrange to travel by themselves.
13. Mobile phones are useful at schools
 Search engine
 Computer functions
 Means of communication
 Means of entertaining
It is true that mobile phones are useful at schools. Firstly, they are search engines. For
example, when we want something, we just enter keywords, click mouse, the websites appear
immediately. Secondly, mobile phones have computer functions. For example, we can do
calculation, prepare powerpoint slides, do word processing, and store data. Thirdly, mobile
phones are means of communication. For instance we can use it to make a video call, send a
message, check email, surf on the internet. Finally, mobile phones are means of
To sum up , mobile phones are useful at schools for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow - up questions
1. What negative effects do M.P have on a young kid?
2. Do you think people will continue using M.P in the future?
3. How do people and the old in your country differ from each other in using mobile phone?

14. Working from home has many advantages

 Reduce working stress
 Increasing productivity
 Save time
 Save travel expenses

It is true that working from home has many advantages .Firstly, working from home is to reduce
working stress. For example, we can be proactive about time and work. Secondly, working from
home increases productivity. For example, we can do it in the evening or in the morning.
Thirdly, working from home is time- saving.For instance, we can arrange work at our
convenience. Finally, working from home is to save travel expenses .

To sum up,working from home has many advantages for the reasons I have mentioned.

Follow up- questions:

1. What do you think are the drawbacks of working from home?

Well, one of the drawbacks of working from home is that we cannot interact face-to-face with
our co-workers.Also, I am distracted with housework.

2. Has the number of people working from home increased in the last 10 years in Vietnam? What
are the reasons for this?

Of course, the number of people working from home increased in the last 10 years in VN. Simply
because, work from home to save the lease and travel expenses. Finally, people work from home
to prevent coronavirus pandemic.
3. What should be the most important factors of a favourable working environment in your

In my opinion, it depends on the nature of one’s job, which requires a quiet and peaceful working
environment. The other likes spacious and well - equipped working stations.
15. University is a memorable time of our life
 Social networking
 Knowledge achievement
 Independence
 Learn many important skills.

It is true that university is a memorable time of our life for the following reasons .Firstly,
university helps us contact with more social networking. For example, we can build up
relationships among lectures, classmates , student union and local business. Secondly, we can
achieve knowledge at university. Students have a chance to absorb knowledge from well
qualified and experienced lectures, updated materials. Thirdly, University helps us have an
independent life. Most students have to live far away from family, so they must know to take
care of themselves, do cooking, which makes them become independent. For example, when I
live far away from family, I have to take care of myself, and do cooking, which helps me
be more independent. Finally, university helps us learn many important skills such as
communication skill, problem-solving skill, and time management skill.

To sum up, university is a memorable time of our life for the reasons I have mentioned.
1. What do you think is the most memorable about your university time?
The most memorable thing about my university time is the first year because everything was new
and I had to study a few subjects.
2. Are universities now the same as they were in the past?
Actually, universities are different from those in the past. Students are provides many skill courses
and learn how to work on a team and make a presentation.
3.In your opinion, what should universities in Vietnam add to their curriculum?
I think universities in VN should add more practice and physical education for students.

16. Google is the best Internet search engine:

 fast
 friendly user
 informative
 convenient
It is true that Google is the best Internet search engine. Firstly, google can find the information
I need very fast. For example, we only write key words, click the mouse, and the search results
appear immediately. Secondly, Google is a friendly user. We can use a smartphone, a laptop or
a Personal computer can use Google. For example, everyone from children to old people can be
used. Thirdly, Google is informative. For instance, we can search from natural issues, social
issues and entertainment. Finally, Google is convenient everywhere.
To sum up, Google is the best Internet search engine for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow - up questions
1. Is information on the Internet reliable?
Actually, the information on the Internet is not always reliable because some sources need to be
2. Do you agree that everything in the world can be found on the Internet?
To some extent, this statement is true because every information is posted on the Internet.
3. What should we do to avoid Internet addiction?
Honestly, we need to strengthen face-to face meeting and limit to surf on the Internet.

17. Young people should be encouraged to take up yoga.

 Grow confidence
 Improve concentration
 Promote healthy
 Improve bad health
It is true that young people should be encouraged to take up yoga. Firstly, Yoga helps young
people grow confidence. For example, when doing yoga fora long time, people have a good
shape. Secondly, Yoga helps young people improve concentration. For example, they have to
focus on their breath and body movement. Thirdly, Yoga helps young people promote their
health. For instance, they will feel stronger and more flexible. Finally, Yoga helps young people
improve bad health. To illustrate, they can lose their weight and improve their appearance.
To sum up, young people should be encouraged to take up yoga for the reasons I have
1. How can young people be encouraged to do exercise regularly?
2. What are health risks from lack of exercises?
3. How have people’s attitude to health changed over the last 10 years?

18. Both husband and wife should have equal roles in family
 Share more routine household tasks
 Share children are responsibilities
 Work as a team
 A company when being difficult.
It is true that both husband and wife should have equal roles in the family. The first reason is that
they have to share more daily housework. For instance, husbands can do housework for his wife
like cleaning the house and drying clothes. The second reason is that they share children‘s
responsibilities. For example, a husband can help their children with homework while the wife ís
responsible for cooking meals. The third reason is that they can work as a team. That means they
are building a happy family. Finally, they can be a company when it is difficult. To illustrate, a
husband and a wife always accompany each other and always stay together in all situations. In
short, both husband and wife should have equal roles in the family for the reasons I have

Follow up questions.

1. Have the roles of husband and wife changed in the past ten years?

Actually, the roles of husband and wife have changed in the past ten years because wives go to
work outside. Therefore, they are busier taking care of their children.

2. What roles do grandparents play in a family?

Well, nowadays, grandparents play an important role in a family. They are the people who support
their children in taking care of grandchildren.

3. What do you think about single parent family?

In my opinion, I don’t support this trend because children will not develop perfectly because they
lack a father or a mother.

19. Studying abroad is beneficial for young people.

 Develop themselves
 Experience different styles of education
 See the world
 Learn a new language

It is true that studying abroad is beneficial for young people for the following reasons. The first
reason is that students can develop themselves. For instance, they will easily find a good job
after completing the program study there. The second reason is that students can experience
different styles of education. Fox example, students widen knowledge about western education.
The third reason is that students can see the world .For example, they can see the cultural
differences from among countries. Finally, studying abroad is a good chance to know other
languages. To be specific, students study in The USA have to speak English with local people.
To sum up, studying abroad is beneficial for young people for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow up questions
1.What are the disadvantages of study abroad?
Well, there are many disadvantages of study abroad. First, students feel homesick. Second, they
can experience culture shocks. Finally, students cannot get familiar with food and weather.
2. Going to college far away from home gives you a chance to get out of your comfort zone. What
do you think about this statement?
Honestly, I totally agree with the statement. Simply because students have to take care of
themselves and deal with the problems without parents’ support.
3. What do you think about the tendency of study abroad in the next 20 years?
In my opinion, in the next 20 years, the tendency of study abroad will increase dramatically.
Simply because residents can afford for a better education and academic environment for their

20. Self-study skills are beneficial for students.

 More independence
 Better time management
 Better academic performance
 gain more knowledge

It is true that self- study skills are beneficial for students for the following reasons. The first
reason is that students can become more independent because when self-study, they will be able
to freely search for the topics they need. The second reason is that students can manage time
better. When students self-study, they will depend on their level without anyone’s dependence.
The third reason is that students can have better academic performance because they study by
themselves, they will understand and grasp the knowledge they learn .Finally, when students self-
study, they will find the suitable learning methods by themselves and they will gain more
knowledge as they learn.
To sum up, self-study is the most effective learning method for students for the reasons I have

1. Are self-study skills taught at school in your country?

Well, I think self-study skills are taught at the primary school. Teachers always encourage
students to self - study to enrich knowledge.

2. Should self-study be a compulsory subject at school?

In my opinion, self -study should be a compulsory subject at school because of its benefits.

3. How does the lack of self- study skill training affect student performance in university ?

Well, if students lack self -study skill training, they will not enrich their knowledge and
become lazy and dependent on teachers.

21. Breakfast is the most important meal of a day.

 weight control ? control my weight
 energy to start a day/ provide energy to start a day
 disease prevention/ prevent diseases (obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease)
 improve memory and concentration.
It is true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for the following reasons.
The first reason is that breakfast helps me to control my weight. For example, I keep my weight
when I have enough breakfast. The second reason is that breakfast provides energy to start a
day. After a night’s sleep, we feel hungry, so we need to have breakfast to have energy to start a
new day. For instance, I have breakfast after I get up. The third reason is that breakfast helps us
prevent diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. Finally, breakfast
helps us improve memory and concentration. To illustrate, students can remember their lessons
when they have breakfast. In short, breakfast is a very necessary meal for everybody for the
reasons I have mentioned.

Follow -up questions

1. What types of food are often served in breakfast?

Well, bread, omelette, Pho, instant noodles are served for breakfast.

2. What are the negative effects of skipping breakfast?

In fact, the negative effects of skipping breakfast are dizzy , low blood pressure.

3. What makes a healthy diet?

Well, a healthy diet is made from meat, rice, egg , vegetables and fruits.

22. Students are encouraged to go to museums to learn about the past.

 relax
 share knowledge with others
 enrich sources of art
 encourage creativity
It is true that students are encouraged to go to museums to learn about the past for the following
reasons. Firstly/The first reason is that students can relax after hard working hours at school. They
can see concrete things at the museum instead of learning through books. Secondly/The second
reason is that they can share knowledge with others. Students can discuss with their peers about
the exhibits on display. Thirdly /The third reason is that they can enrich sources of art. In fact there
are many kind of art display at the museum such as sculptures, paintings, and antiques. Finally,
seeing the exhibits in a museum can encourage students’ creativities.

To sum up, students should go to museums to learn about the past for the reasons I have mentioned.

1.What can be done to encourage people to go to the museum?

I think the government should subsidize for the tickets and provide more objects.

2.Do you think going to museums will be more popular in the future?

I would think so, however, people will choose to see the museum on line.

3.Are there any other ways to encourage people to learn about the past?

Actually, there are many ways to encourage people to learn about the past. For example, we can
hold many exhibition or competition about the past.

23. Personal privacy is being threatened by the Internet.

 Spam
 Personal information hacking
 Computer viruses (malware)
 cybercrime attack
It is true that personal privacy is being threatened by the Internet for the following
reasons. The first reason is that we can get a lot spams every day. For example, I receive many
newsletters and brochures in my mailbox. The second reason is that personal information is
possible to be hacked. For instance, an unknown person invites me to vote for the competition,
when I enter the password, my account will be hacked. The third reason is that we can be attacked
by computer viruses by clicking the provided link .To be specific, we get an email and open
attachment. Immediately, our computer can be infected by malware such as Trojan. Finally, we
can be the victim of cybercrime attack. My bank account can be hacked and I can lose all money.
In short, personal privacy is being threatened by the Internet for the reasons I have mentioned.


1. Do you agree that our home is no longer a safe place to live?

Honestly, our home is no longer a safe place to live because it is possible to break into from a
distance. When my personal account is hacked, I can lose all my money in it without knowing who
is a thief.
2. What should the government do to help people protect their privacy from online threats?
In my opinion, the government should keep track of cybercrime and warn citizens of new tricks so
that citizens can be cautious.
3. What should you do to help people protect their privacy for online threats?
Well, we shouldn’t access to strange browse websites and click unreliable links

24. Reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies

 Save time
 Provide more details
 Improve imagination
 healthy entertainment
It is true that reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies for the following reasons.
The first reason is that reading can save time. We can read anywhere at any time. For example, I
can read when I sit on a bus. The second reason is that reading fiction provides more details. We
can learn clearly about the storyline, characters and plots. The third reason is that reading fiction
can improve imagination. Through the language the author describes, readers can imagine what
happens next among the characters. Finally, reading fiction is a kind of healthy entertainment. For
instance, people can read a book to entertain themselves after a hard working day. To sum up,
reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching a film for the reasons I have mentioned.

1. What can be the disadvantages of reading fiction?

One of the disadvantages of reading fiction is that we need more time to finish a book
especially when we are living in digital time.

2. What types of fiction is popular among teenagers in your country? Why?

Well, the popular fiction among teenagers is love story books in my country.

3. Should fiction writing be a compulsory subject in your country?

Honestly, I don’t think it is a good idea. I think we should encourage students to stimulate

25. School students are faced with some pressure.

 Parents expectation (they make parents proud of them, pleased parents with good
studying results )
 Friend competition (to fall behind)
 Teachers’ requirement.
 Prove themselves to be successful.
It is true that school students are faced with some pressure for the following
reasons. Firstly, students have to face parents’ expectation. In other words, they
have to make their parents proud of them by their good studying results. Secondly,
students have to compete with their friends because they don’t want to fall behind.
Thirdly, students have to meet teachers’ requirement. For example, they have to
meet deadlines, do assignment, write reports and so on .Finally, they have to prove
themselves to be successful in every field. For example, they try their best to be
good children and good students. In short, students have to suffer from pressure.

Follow- up questions

1.Were you under much pressure at school?

Actually, I was under much pressure at school. For example, I always try my best to be an
excellent student.

2.What should students do to cope with the pressure?

Well, I think students should play sports to cope with the pressure.

26. Working in groups helps students learn better at school.

 Learn from others

 Improve communication skills
 Become active
 Learn how to work on a team.
It is true that working in groups helps students learn better at school for the following reasons.
Firstly, students can learn from others. In other words, students can learn other things from their
classmates when they do group work. For example, I don’t know how to make a powerpoint
slides when I do group presentation, my classmate showed me how to do it. Secondly, they can
improve communication skills. When doing group work, they have to exchange ideas with their
classmates, which makes them know how to communicate effectively to fulfill a task assigned by
teachers. Thirdly, they become active. Simply because, students have to raise their ideas or
opinion on a specific topic or they represent for the group to make a presentation. This makes
them more active. Finally, they can learn how to work on a team. For one thing, every member
on a team share the task and cooperate with others to achieve a team goal. In short, working in
groups helps students learn better at school for the reasons I have mentioned.

Follow- up questions

1. When should group work be used at school and why?

In my opinion, group work should be used at school for the following reasons. Firstly, students
can learn how to assign tasks properly. Secondly, they will learn how to cooperate with others to
obtain the goal. Finally, they can learn how to be responsible for themselves and others.
2. What are the disadvantages of working in groups?
There are some disadvantages of working in groups. Firstly, people discuss a lot and hard to
agree the time meeting. Secondly, there are different ideas to choose the good one. Finally, some
individuals are lazy and independent of the rest.
3. What can teachers do to improve the quality of group?
In my opinion, teachers should assign the specific tasks, deadline, a leader for every member to
finish their task. Also, the teacher needs to keep an eye on the group to consult or support them
in time.

27. Healthy diet has a lot of benefits.

. Keep fit ( also contribute to an adequate body weight)

. Reduce illness risks (a healthy diet can protect the body against certain types of diseases such as
diabetes, cancer)

. Increase longevity ( provide enough nutrients to build up a strong body)

. Reduce high blood pressure and keep the heart healthy.

It is true that a healthy diet has a lot of benefits for the following reasons. Firstly, healthy diet
help us to keep fit. For example, we feel strong and healthy when eating healthy food like meat,
vegetables and fruits. Also, it contributes to an adequate body weight. Secondly, a healthy diet
reduce illness risks. In other words, a healthy diet can protect the body against certain types of
diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart attack. Thirdly, a healthy diet can increase longevity.
That means it provides enough nutrients to build up a strong body. For instance, Japanese people
have the best life expectancy in the world because they have a healthy diet. Finally, a healthy
diet can reduce high blood pressure and keep the heart healthy. Simply because salty and fat food
can harm our hearts and increase blood pressure. To be specific, a healthy diet doesn’t include
food which contains too much salt or fat. In short, a healthy diet has a lot of benefits for the
reasons I have mentioned.

28. Protecting environment is the moral duty of every human being on this planet.

 Using public transportation

 Reducing, recycling, reusing rubbish
 Giving environmental talks
 Plant more trees
It is true that every human being is responsible for protecting environment on this planet for the
following reasons.

First, one of the measures to protect the environment is to use public transportation. Simply
because using this transport, we will reduce the volume of carbon dioxide. As a result, the air
pollution is declined. For instance, people can take a bus to work or to go to school rather than
driving private cars. Secondly, we implement the 3R- program that means reducing, recycling,
reusing. For example, we don’t use plastic bags, instead, we use clothing bags, food containers
like bottles, jars and water jugs. Thirdly, we can organize the environmental talks. By doing this
,we can raise the public awareness of environmental protection especially for young people. To
be specific, schools hold talk shows about environmental protection for students. Finally, we
should plant more trees. That means we can improve volume of the oxygen. To illustrate, we have
planting trees festival on 19th of May.

To sum up, protecting environment is the moral duty of every human being on this planet
for the reasons I have mentioned.

Follow-up questions

1. Do you recycle your rubbish?

Of course, I often recycle my rubbish.

2. What are some things that can be recycled?

In my opinion, there are a lot of things that can be recycled such as newspaper, beer bottles ,
yogurt tubs and so on.

3. What other activities can we do to protect our environment?

I think we can do many activities to protect our environment. Firstly, we should classify the
rubbish so that they are easily processed. Secondly, we limit use of plastic bags, instead, we
should buy clothing bags when shopping. Finally, we should save energy.

29. Stress is a poison.

 Financial pressure
 Work pressure
 Relationship pressure
 School pressure
It is true that stress is a poison for the following reasons. Firstly, stress is caused by financial
pressure. We usually feel stressed when we have difficulty in earning money or get in debt.
Secondly, stress is resulted from work pressure. Sometimes, conflicts with co-workers or deadline
make us worried and stressed. Thirdly, it is caused by relationship pressure. For example , breakup
in marriage life makes some people stressed. Finally, it is caused by school pressure. Students
often feel stressed when their exams are coming. To sum up, stress is a poison for the reasons I
have mentioned.

It is true that stress is a poison for the following reasons. Firstly, stress is caused by financial
pressure. For example, people feel stressed when they have money problems such as debt or be
broke. Secondly, stress can be resulted from work pressure. In other words, uncompleted tasks,
demanding projects, deadline can make people worried and stressed. For instance, I feel stressed
when I have load of work and my deadline is approaching. Thirdly, relationship pressure can lead
to stress. For instance, people have broken relationship with boyfriends or girlfriends, relatives’
death…experience stress. Finally, school pressure can contribute to stress. Students feel stress
before exam. In short, stress is a poison for the reasons I have mentioned.

1. How would we deal with stress?

2. Do you think noise makes people stressed?

3. Why do people suffer more stress than the previous generation?

30. It is very important to learn a foreign language nowadays.

 Communicate with other people ( easy to talk and share with foreign people by English)
 Understand with different culture ( read the information from the internet or books to
know different cultures in over the world)
 Make new friends around the world ( build up relationships from friends who come to
England, the USA…. )
 Develop cognitive ability ( how to communicate effectively, learn more foreign
languages to broaden our knowledge )

It is true that learning a foreign language is very important nowadays.

Firstly, it is to + Communicate with other people
Secondly, it is to Understand with different culture
Thirdly, it is to+ Make new friends around the world
Finally, it is to + Develop cognitive ability
To sum up, learning English is very important nowadays.

It is true that learning a foreign language is very necessary nowadays. Firstly, when I master a
foreign language such as English, I can communicate with other people around the world. For
example, I can make friends with foreigners through social networking sites like facebook,
Twister, Instagram. Secondly, I can understand different cultures by reading books,
newspapers, magazines in English. Thirdly, I can make friends with different people in
different places when I travel abroad. For instance, when I travel in Singapore, I can use
English to talk with local people and do shopping. Finally, learning a language helps me to
develop cognitive ability because we have to memorize vocabulary, grammar structures,
special sounds to use them logically and properly. To sum up, learning English is very

Follow -up questions

1.Do you like learning English?

Actually, I am very keen on learning English. Simply because it is an international language.

2.What is the best way to learn a second language?

From my perspective/ In my opinion, there are many ways to learn a second language.
For example, I can learn it at school, or pick up the language when I travel abroad or
communicate with foreigners on the street.
3.When is the best age to learn a new language?
I think the best age to learn a new language when a person is at three. Simply because,
he can learn it like he learns his mother tongue by listening and repeating it.

31. Living on campus is beneficial to college students.

 Networking ( convenient to workgroups, share the study with different students )

 Convenience ( easy to go to auditorium/ go to the library to read books, avoid
taking time to catch a bus or ride motorbike )
 Reasonable cost ( suitable with students’ pocket)
 Helps students become more involved with the campus community
It is true that living on campus is beneficial to college students for the following reasons.
Firstly, students can build a networking. Students can make friends with their classmates,
which is convenient for them to do workgroups and share studying with different students.
Secondly, living on a campus is convenient. Students are easy to go to the hall, go to the library
to read books, avoid taking time to catch a bus or ride motorbike. Thirdly, living on campus has
a reasonable cost. The rent is suitable with students’ pocket. For example, the rent is about 200
.000 VND a month. Finally, living on campus helps students become more involved with the
campus community. For example, they can join social clubs and sports team on campus. In
short, living on campus is beneficial to college students for the reasons I have mentioned.

Follow-up questions

1. What are disadvantages of living on campus?

2. What are the pros and cons of living off campus?

3. What should students take into consideration when choosing where to stay a university?

32. The internet has had negative effects on people’s lives

 Unreal life (virtual life, everything looks perfect, or beautiful )

 Less face-to-face communication (chat or make friends by the computer screen or
 Less privacy ( everyone usually post their stories in the social networks like facebook or
Twister , so everyone can see and give comments about it)
 Information overload (people feel overwhelmed because there is too much information)

It is true that the internet has had negative effects on people’s lives for the following reasons.
Firstly, one of negative effect of the internet is to make people have an unreal life. In other
words, people lead a virtual life because what they post on social networking sites like facebook ,
Instagram looks beautiful . Secondly, another negative effect of the internet is that people
have less face-to-face communication. Internet users often chat or make friends by the
computer screen or smartphones. Thirdly, the negative effect is that people’s lives have less
privacy. Everyone usually posts their stories in the social networks so everyone can see what
they are doing or where they are so that others can give comments about it. Finally, the
information on the internet is overloaded. That means people feel overwhelmed because there
is too much information. In short, the internet has had negative effects on people’s lives for the
reasons I have mentioned.

1. What common activities do people often do on the internet?

Actually, people usually search the information, read news, watch films and play games.

2. How has the internet changed the ways people communicate?

Well, in my opinion, the internet has changed the ways people communicate positively and
negatively. Positively, people are aware of what is happening around the world so that they find
the solutions to deal with the problems. On the contrary, some people take advantage of the
internet to make profit illegally and improperly.

3. How do the young people and the old people differ from each other in the way they use the

Honestly, old people use the internet to update the news while young people want to keep up the
trend and entertain.

33. Students’ life is the best time of our life

 Achieve knowledge
 Make new friends
 Improve social interactions
 learn many necessary skills
It is true that students’ life is the wonderful time for the following reasons. Firstly,
it is the time for students to achieve knowledge. They have to study specific majors for
future job. Secondly, students can make new friends. That means they build more
relationships with different friends from different parts in Vietnam. For example, I have
made friend with a girl coming from CT. Now we have become close friend. Thirdly,
students can interact with different people like teachers and classmates. Finally, students
can learn many necessary skills for future life . For instance, they can learn
communication skill, public speaking skill, problem-solving skill, time management skill
and presentation skill.
In short, students’ life is the best time of our life for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow –up questions
34. Time management is an important skill in our life
 Stop you from missing opportunities
 Stop you from missing opportunities
 Improve yourself discipline
 helps me work more efficiently.
It is true that managing time is necessary skill in our life for the following reasons. Firstly, time
management helps us to stop me from missing opportunities. In other words, I can arrange my
time to complete my tasks. For example, I spend time reviewing English for my VSTEP exam.
If I prepare it well, I can pass it. Secondly, it helps to improve the quality of work. What I mean
is that I make a time table for my work and stick to it to finish it. For instance, I make a plan
for work and relax. Thirdly, managing time makes me improve my discipline. That is I have
to do things as scheduled. Finally, time managing helps me work more efficiently. When I
have a timetable for my work, I will balance my working time and social life so that I can relax
and enjoy my life. To sum up, time management is an important skill in our life for the reasons
I have mentioned.

Follow-up questions

1. How do you plan your work/ your study?

Well, I usually make a plan my work because it helps me to work more efficiently.

2. How do you balance work with your personal life?

To be honest, I spend weekdays to work and spend weekend for my family. Sometimes, I take my
children to go to the park, eat out or go shopping.

3.Should we teach time-management at schools? Why? Why not?

In my opinion, time managing should be taught at school because it is vital skill for students. They
can learn to manage their time to study and relax effectively. In addition, time management can
help them to achieve what they make plans and not waste their time.
35. Online shopping is one of the greatest aspect of the internet today.
• Have variety of goods and services
• Save time
• Be fast and convenient
• Be payable
It is true/undeniable that shopping online is very popular today for the following
reasons. Firstly, online shopping has variety of goods and services. For example, we can
order foods, clothes, and home appliances. Secondly, online shopping is time -saving. In
other words, we can stay at home, click mouse and do shopping. Thirdly, online shopping
is fast and convenient. We do not need to spend time going to shops to pick up purchases.
We just browse the items on the websites, order and wait for the delivery. For instance, if
I want to buy some books, I just order them on the website, pay and wait for the delivery.
Finally, doing online shopping is payable. We can use Internet banking to pay for the
purchases. To sum up, on line shopping is one of the greatest aspect of the internet today.
1. Do you like shopping? Why? Why not?
Of course, I do. Simply because shopping is a way of entertainment and stimulate
the development of economy.
2. What time of day do you think is best to do your shopping? Why?
Actually, I think the best time to do shopping is at the weekend. Simply because I
have more time to look at goods, get promotion and try new samples.
3. What are the disadvantages of online shopping?
Well, there are some disadvantages of online shopping. First, some purchases
don’t have good quality as advertised. Secondly, we can buy fake goods. Finally,
we cannot try on the clothes when we buy them.

36. Online teaching has become a hot trend in recent time.

• Time and location flexibility
• Convenience
• More teaching and learning opportunities
• appropriate and effective

It is true/undeniable that online teaching has become popular in recent time for the
following reasons .Firstly, online teaching has time and location flexibility. That means,
teaching can take place at any time and at anywhere as long as there is agreement
between the teachers and the learners. It depends on the agreeable time, learners can
study at their convenience. For example, learners who can sit at home with a computer or
a laptop, even a smartphone get access to the internet and study. Secondly, online
teaching has convenience. Learners can take a course with his pace, level and his time
management, so learning process is more convenient. Thirdly, learners have more
opportunities to approach new teaching methods or new courses. For instance,
learners can sign up many courses which can meet learner’s need at the different time
during the whole day. Finally, online teaching is appropriate and effective in this
period of time. When the coronavirus pandemic is terribly spreading and people are
encouraged to do social distancing to prevent this fatal disease, people still can work
from home. In conclusion, online teaching has become a hot trend in recent time.

Follow- up question
1. Have you ever taken any online course?
Actually, because of coronavirus pandemic, I have taken some online courses. I
think it is also effective and trendy.
2. Is learning from computer screen bad for health?
Actually, exposing to computer screen for a long time is not good for eye sight. Your
eyes can be strained and weaker. As a result , eye sight is deteriorated and possibly get
short sighted.
3. What are the disadvantages of online teaching?
While I accept that on line teaching has brought many benefits, I believe it also has
some drawbacks. First, we can get some health problems such as eyestrain,
backache and skin damage. Secondly, on line teaching might experience some
technical problems because the internet connection is sometimes slow or crashed,
which makes me work ineffectively. Finally, exposing to screen too much create
the feeling of boredom and lack of human emotion.
37. Living in big cities has a lot of difficulties
• Finding accommodation
• Travelling around
• Finding job
• suffer air pollution
It is true/undeniable that there are a lot of disadvantages of living in big cities for the
following reasons. First, people find it difficult to have a good accommodation. House
pricing is rather high, so people hardly have a private house. Instead, people live in
apartment buildings or rented houses. Secondly, travelling around is another problem.
The big cities is always crowded with residents and all kind of vehicles, which causes traffic
congestion in the rush hours. Thirdly, with overpopulation, finding a good job is
challenging in the job market. Job seekers outnumber job openings, which is highly
competitive. Finally, city-dwellers have to suffer air pollution and noise pollution, which
likely causes health problems. In short , living in big cities has a lot of difficulties
Follow up questions:
1. Where do you live? In fact, I live in HCMC which is one of the biggest cities in
2. Where would you like to live? In the city or in the countryside?
Actually, I prefer living in the country side because I can’t stand the noise and
3. What are the advantages of living in the city?
Well, there are many good things of living in the city. First, there are better infra
structures like running- on water, more well- equipped schools and universities ,
health care services. Also, we have many chances to expose to modern technology
like the Internet, media, and cultural events.

38. Many people say that eating homemade food has a lot of benefits.
 Save time
 Choose healthier ingredients
 Bring family together
 Control food portion
It is true /undeniable that eating home - made food is beneficial for the following reasons.
Firstly, we can save time when we eat at home. Simply because we don’t have to take
time to book a table, order the food, wait for food at the restaurant. For example, if I am
hungry, I can cook instant noodle in 3 minutes. Secondly, I can choose healthier
ingredients for my diet. For instance, I can choose to eat clean and organic food. Thirdly,
eating at home brings family member together. That means I can talk with my parents
and my children about everything during the meals. Finally, eating at home helps me to
control food portion I take in, which is good for my health and avoid gaining weight.
To sum up, eating at home brings many good things because of the reasons I have
Follow up questions:
4.Do you like cooking?
Of course, I am really keen on cooking. For one reason, I want my family to have good
meals which is good for health./ For another reason, cooking helps me to release stress.
2. What kinds of food would you like to cook?
Actually, I can cook all kinds of food. However, cooking fish or sea food is time - consuming
because I need to clean it carefully and use different spices to limit fishy smell.
3.Do you think cooking is man’s duty or a woman’s duty?
Actually, I don’t think so. Simply because cooking is a life skill, so everyone needs to learn
how to cook in order to survive and enjoy the food.
39. Reading habit has a significant number of benefits.
 Mental stimulation
 Stress reduction
 Knowledge achievement
 Writing skill improvement.
It is true/undeniable to say that the habit of reading should be inspired among young
people because of the following reasons. Firstly, reading helps people to stimulate
mental. For instance, when we read, we can imagine what the author write and predict
what is going to happen. Secondly, reading certainly helps people release stress. For
example, after a hard working day, I usually read newspapers or magazines to update the
news, which makes me informed and relaxed. Thirdly, reading is the way to broaden my
knowledge. To illustrate, I can learn many things from the books I read about culture,
customs, people and so on. Finally, reading can help me to improve writing skill. Through
the use of language written by the authors, I can learn how to express my ideas concisely
and properly.
To sum up, reading habit has a significant number of benefits for the reasons I have
Follow up questions:
1.Do you like to read? Why? Why not?
Of course, I like reading very much because reading helps me to relax and enrich my
2.What kinds of things do you like to read?
Well, I enjoy reading all kind of books such as science fiction and story books.
3.What are other benefits of reading?
Well, reading can widen our mind and get more knowledge.
40. What makes a good teacher?
• Teaching methods
• Experience
• Encouragement
• Inspiration

It is true /undeniable that there are many good qualities to make a good teacher. Firstly,
a good teacher must have a good teaching way. That is, good methodology helps students
to understand lesson well. The effective teaching makes students get involved in learning
process. Secondly, a good teacher needs to have more experience, which can
accommodate teaching methods to specific learners. For instance, teaching for young
children is different from teaching adults. Thirdly, a good teacher must encourage
students to make their effort to obtain their goals. For example, a teacher know students’
weakness and merits clearly. Therefore, the teacher makes their students develop their
strong points and reduce their weak points. Finally, a good teacher can inspire students.
Through his teaching, the teacher can make students motivated their learning purposes.
To be specific, a teacher can arise the eagerness for knowledge by giving appropriate tasks
and immediate guidance.
To sum up, a good teacher needs to have many qualities such as a good teaching method,
experiences, encouragement and inspiration.
Follow up questions:
1.Do you think a parent is the first teacher in your life?
Actually, parents are the first teachers in our life. Simply because, they taught us basic life
skills such as eating, speaking, and wearing clothes.
2.What is the most important factor to be a good teacher?
In my opinion, the most important quality of a good teacher is enthusiasm. For one
reason, when we are enthusiastic, we can do everything and try to do perfectly. For
another reason, a dedicated teacher is not afraid of failure or difficulties.
3.Do you think teaching is a noble job?
Actually, teaching is the most important job. For one reason, a teacher is the person who
produce a human being with knowledge and good characters. For another reason,
teaching is the first job for other ones.
41. Smoking is one of the most serious problems that are killing people all over the
 Damage your brain and lungs
 Affect on fertility and babies
 Waste money
 Harm the second - smokers.
It is true /undeniable that smoking is one of the causes of death all over the world. Firstly,
smoking can damage our brain and lungs. For example, the rate of smokers who suffer
from lung cancer is the highest. Secondly, smoking can affect on the fertility of women.
According to the research, women who smoke have low ability to produce children. In
addition, smoking pregnant women can produce babies with defects at birth. Thirdly,
smoking is a waste of money. That means, the more we smoke the more money we burn.
For instance, if a man smokes a packet of cigarette per day, he burns 7 millions VND per
year. Finally, smoking can harm the second - smokers. Simply because non-smokers might
inhale smoke from smokers. In other words, smoking have negative effects on the
smokers ‘relatives such as children, spouses and friends.
In conclusion, smoking can cause many bad things like lung cancer, waste of money, bad
effects on the passive smokers.
Follow up questions:
1.Do you smoke?
Actually, I am not a smoker.
2.Why do people smoke?
Well , I think there are many reasons for people to smoke. First, smoking is a habit when
they were young. Second, people become addicted to smoking, so it is very difficult for
them to quit. Finally, smoking is personal pleasure.
3.What should we do to prevent smoking?
Actually, I believe, we should not let young people take up smoking at young age.
Additionally, we can educate children the danger of smoking.
42. Having lunch at canteen has many benefits.
 Time- saving
 Convenient
 Cheap
 interactive

It is true/undeniable that having lunch at canteen has many benefits. First, I can save my
time. Whenever I want to have lunch, I just go to the canteen which is located at the
campus and order the meal. Secondly, eating at the canteen is very convenient for me.
Simply because I don’t need to prepare lunch box for every day and wonder which food I
eat every day. Thirdly, food in canteen is cheaper than the food sold outside. For example,
the meal costs around 30.000 VND if I order take- away meal, I have to pay 60.000VND.
Finally, having lunch at the canteen is social interaction.
/ interactive. What I mean is that I can talk with my co-workers in a short time to relax.
To sum up, eating lunch at canteen is beneficial because it is time –saving, convenient,
cheaper and more interactive.
Follow up questions:
1.Does more students have lunch at canteen in the future?
Well , I think students tend to have lunch at canteen in the future because of the food
safety. Most universities have their own canteens which serve a variety of dishes.
2.What are the disadvantages of having lunch at canteen?
Well, I think one of the disadvantages of having lunch at canteen is the crowd. Simply
because there are too many students eating at the same time.
3.How can attract student having lunch at canteen?
To be honest, to attract students to have lunch at canteen is improve the quality of food
and the service. For example, the canteen can provide many traditional dishes and the
staff is friendlier.
43. Knowing how to drive a car is beneficial.
 Time- saving
 convenient
 Can go anywhere
 Cleaner and safer

It is true/undeniable that driving skill is beneficial. Firstly, when I know how to drive, I can
save my time to travel around. In other words, I manage my time, instead of relying on
public transportation which is not always accessible in populous city. For example, I have
to wait for a bus and choose the right routes to travel. Secondly, driving a private car is
more convenient. We just get on the car and drive to my destination. We can change the
road flexibly if I get traffic jams or the routes we are going to be blocked. Thirdly, I can go
anywhere I like. For example, on the weekend, I can drive my family to go to the beach or
the countryside to visit my parents. Finally, my car is cleaner and safer than any public
transport like bus, taxi.
To sum up, driving brings a lot of good things. I can actively manage my time and my
destination. In addition, I don’t worry much about the hygiene and safety of this
Follow up questions:
1.Do you think driving private car should be encouraged?
Actually, I think we should encourage residents driving car in long distance or private
family vacation. If we travel around the city, we should take public transportation to
reduce traffic congestion.
2.What should we do to prevent car accidents?
Well, when we drive a car, we should obey the traffic laws like driving assigned lanes and
don’t drink alcoholic beverages.
3.Should driving car be banned in downtown? Actually, I think it is a good idea. Simply
because, we can reduce the traffic jams in the rush hours, level of pollution and traffic
44. There are ways to maintain good workplace relationship.
 Build effective communication skills
 Keep good cooperation
 Avoid criticism
 organizing the annual party

It is true/undeniable that there is variety of ways to keep the good relationship at work.
Firstly, each employee needs to build good communication skills. In other words, he needs
to understand, share and sympathize with co- workers’ difficulties in life or at work. For
example, I am always friendly and helpful with my colleagues. Secondly, good co-
operation among employees makes a good relationship. To illustrate, I am willing to
support my co-workers when they are in need. Another thing to build up a good
relationship is not to criticize others’ mistakes. Instead, we need to find possible solutions
when the problems are developed. We should give everybody a second chance. Finally,
organizing the annual party event is also effective. Simply because this is a chance for
employees to relax after a hard –working year, strengthen the relationship, release stress
and conflicts.
In conclusion, building a good relationship at work is vital because it will bring many
benefits for both employees and employers. Good relationship motivates people to work
more productively.
Follow up questions:
1.Why do people sometimes find it hard to share personal issues at work?
Simply because personal issues are private and need to be respected. Actually, we only
share these issues with those who are really close and understandable.
2.Should people make friends with business partners at work?
In my opinion, business partners should have mutual help. Actually, we want to earn
money and live happily, so good relationship is always better.
45. Nowadays, what do people usually do in Tet holiday?
 Travelling
 Gathering
 Relaxing
It is true/undeniable that Tet holiday is very important to Vietnamese people. There are
many things Vietnamese can do on special occasion. First, they can travel throughout
the country or abroad because Tet Holiday lasts in long day, so people usually take
advantages of travelling. For example, people book domestic tours going to Dalat or Nha
Trang. Secondly, people can get together and have a party. Thirdly, people can relax at
home with family members. Finally, people always come back their home town to
welcome the new year with their grandparents and parents, relatives and friends.
To sum up, Tet holiday is a special occasion for everybody to gather, enjoy good food,
and visit relatives, friends and co workers.
This is the end of the speaking test.

46. University is the best choice after graduate from high school.
 Social Skills
 Jobs opportunities
 Academic Knowledge
It is true that going to university is the best choice for high school graduates for the
following reasons. First, students can learn social skills. They can meet many different
peers and learn how to communicate together effectively. For example, they can learn
how work on a team, how to solve the conflict and how to build up a good relationship.
Secondly, students can gain academic knowledge. For example, they will learn many
different subjects, and new things. They can learn certain majors for future career.
Thirdly, university education helps them to take job opportunities. In other words,
students can be provided necessary skills and knowledge to apply for future jobs. Finally,
university education can help students specialize in the subjects they are interested their
47. Nowadays, people are easily under pressure. What are the solutions to
overcome stress?
 take part in sport classes
 Learning soft skills
 Travelling
 Meeting friends
It is true that people are becoming more stressed. I think there are many measures to
overcome stress. Firstly, we should take part in sport classes. For example, we can join
yoga class or work out in the gym, which helps us to release stress. Secondly, we can
learn more soft skills. These soft skills can help us to meet job requirements today. For
instance, we can learn teamwork, networking, time management, conflict resolution.
Thirdly, we can travel. Exposing to the nature and experience new things make us think
positively and restore energy. Finally, meeting friends is also the good way to reduce
stress. To be specific, we can go to the coffee shop and chat with our friends.
To sum up, there are many ways to overcome the stress as I mentioned above.
48. Healthy diet has a lot of benefits.

 Keep fit
 Reduce illness risk
 Increase longevity
 prevent some serious diseases
It is true that a healthy diet has brought a lot of benefits. The first reason is that we can
keep fit. A healthy diet can provide us enough nutrition to stay healthy. For example, we
should eat enough vegetables, meat, eggs, fish, and fruits. The second reason is that a
healthy diet can help us to reduce illness risk. For instance, we eat nutritious food to be
strong and keep away diseases. The third reason is that a healthy diet makes us live
longer. In other words, when we eat clean, our body will develop well and we will live
longer. Finally, a healthy diet helps us to prevent some serious diseases we will reduce
the amount of cholesterol in blood, the possibility of diabetes and high blood pressure.
To sum up, a healthy diet certainly brings many benefits as I have mentioned.
49. Nowadays, people tend to live alone for many reasons.

 Freedom
 Responsible
 Financially Independent
 study more new things
It is true that today people prefer living alone for many reasons. Firstly, people have
more freedom when they live alone. In other words, they can do whatever they
want. For example, they can travel to anywhere they want to explore or pursuit their
passion in life. Secondly, living alone makes them responsible for themselves. For
example, people can make a quick decision without being afraid that their decision
will affect on others. In other word single people don’t need to be responsible for
other except themselves. Thirdly, single people have become financially
independent. Therefore, they spend money as they like. For instance single people
can buy hi tech smart phone or luxury things without a second thought. Finally, living
alone can make single people study more new things , new skills or study advance,
which is useful for their career and gain success in the future.
To sum up, people like living alone because bachelorhood ( đời sống độc thân) brings
many benefits for the mentioned reasons.
50. Strict discipline at school brings about numerous benefits for students.

 improve academic performance.

 Teach work ethics
 Keep the learning environment safe.
 Help students achieve learning goals.
It is true that strict discipline at school brings about numerous benefits for students for
the following reasons. Firstly, strict discipline improves academic performance of
students. In other words, students need to stick to the syllabus to complete the courses.
That means they have to study as schedule and meet course requirements. Secondly,
strict discipline teaches students work ethics. They have to respect the ethics between
teachers and students. Thirdly, strict discipline keeps the learning environment safe.
Students have to obey the school regulations. Finally, strict discipline helps students
achieve their learning goals. For example, students have to make sure their punctuality,
doing assignment and exams.
To sum up, strict discipline are very beneficial for students at school.
1. What are the draw backs of strict classroom discipline?
2. How should teachers maintain discipline in class?
3. What is more important for teachers: to be loved or to be respected?
51. There are several causes of overpopulation.
• Decline in dead rate
• Lack of family planning
• Better health care system.
• Lack of female education
It is true that there are several causes of overpopulation for the following reasons. The
first reason is that the dead rate is declined. Nowadays, people live longer because of
good health care and better living conditions. Therefore, the life span is longer than the
previous generations. For example, the average longevity is about 70 years old for men
and women. The second reason is that there is lack of family planning in some
countries. The population in developing countries is increasing because the government
haven’t applied the birth control. For instance, Indian is one of the populous countries.
The third reason is that there is a better health care system. Thanks to the advancement
in medical field, human beings discovered several medicines for diseases. People are
aware of taking care of their health. To be specific, there has been medicine for polio,
measles, chicken pox. Finally, lack of female education has contributed to
overpopulation. Most women in developing countries are not knowledgeable about
planning family so they have many children without controlling. In addition, women in
Asian countries are forced to bear a boy for their family. In short, there are several
causes of overpopulation for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow up questions
1. What are the negative effects of overpopulation?
2. What can be done to solve the problem of overpopulation?
3. Do the developing countries suffer from overpopulation?
52. Getting married is one of the greatest experience of one’s life.
• Share life with others
• Have more support
• Get more motivation in life
• Have children
It is true that getting married is one of the greatest experience of one’s life for the
following reasons. The first reason is that we can share life with others. Married couple
can share everything each other .For example, they can share housework, child care,
and finance. The second reason is that we can have more support. Wives or husband
will have mutual help when spouses are in need or in difficult situation. For instance,
when I am ill, my wife takes care of me or vice versa. The third reason is that we can get
more motivation in life. When we have a happy family, we will have motivation to work
better in order to make our children happier. To be specific, wives or husbands are not
afraid of difficulties to earn a living. Finally, we can have more children. Children are the
results of our love. Therefore, having children is one of factor to make people get
married. To illustrate, married couple always to have children when they get married. In
short, getting married is a great experience in one’s life for the reasons I have
Follow up questions
1. At what age do people in your country often get married?
2. What are the preparations for a wedding in your country ?
3. How has the wedding ceremony changed over the last 20 years in your country?
53. There are some benefits of ecotourism.
• Preserve culture
• Conserve environment
• Reduce poverty
• exchange cultures
It is true that there are many benefits of ecotourism for the following reasons.
The first reason is that ecotourism helps us to pressure culture. When tourists travel in
natural places, they can enjoy the local culture and local food .For example, when we
travel in western parts of Vietnam, tourists will have a chance to eat local food like
fish/ell hot pot, organic fruit and listen to Đon ca tai tu/ folk music. The second reason is
that ecotourism contributes to conserve environment. Simple because tourists stay with
local people‘s farm /house, and get close to the nature. Also, they can experience the
daily activities with local people. For instance, tourists can swim in the river or pick up
fruits in a garden. The third reason is that ecotourism helps to reduce poverty in the
countryside. To be specific, residents in the countryside can do business, take visitors
around their farms and sell their products to tourists, which can increase their incomes.
Finally, ecotourism is a chance to exchange cultures with international tourists. In other
words , local people can introduce their homeland , their food, their customs and
festivals to tourists .To illustrate, tourists can see the bull racing in An Giang.
In short, there are several benefits of ecotourism for the reasons I have mentioned.
Follow up questions
1.Will ecotourism be more popular in your country?
2.What are some of disadvantages of tourism in your country?
3. What should the government do to promote to ecotourism in your country?
54. There are several disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.
 Animals in zoos
 Loss of freedom
 lack of space
 lack of survival
It is true that there are several disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos for the following
reasons. The first reason is that keeping animals in zoos makes them lose their freedom. Most
animals are kept in their cages, so they cannot move in long distance like in the forest. For
example tigers are kept in concrete cages which is not like their inhabitation. The second reason
is that animals there is not space for animals when they live in zoos. For one thing, the area of
zoos is not as large as a forest. Therefore, animals will not have space to develop their basic
instinct .The third reason is that animals kept in zoos might lack survival. That means animals
might die soon. To be specific, the average of wild animals can decrease 10 years when they live
in zoos. Finally, animals kept in zoos might reduce their fertility ability. According to some
research, female animals rarely have babies when they live in zoos. To illustrate, panda hardly
have baby when they live in zoos. In short, there are several disadvantages of keeping animals in
zoos for the reasons I have mentioned.
55. Learning how to make a cake is beneficial.
 Save money
 Relax
 Make friends with who have the same interest.
 Learning a new life skill.
56. There are some negative effects of setting freedom for employees.

 Break company rules ( employees might not go to work on time or not meet the
 Cause more conflicts ( Employees don’t support each other, envy co-workers)
 Increase arrogance ( the best employees become arrogant and unsupportive for co-
 Reduce productivity ( employees don’t focus on the target of a company)
Follow –up questions
1. How can company empower their employees?
2. How can employees be motivated to have the best performance?
3. What are some advantages of setting more freedom for employees?
57. There are several causes of youth violence.

 Peer pressure ( want to improve themselves)

 Lack of parents’ supervision ( parents are busy working)
 Media influence ( watching violent scenes on TV , the Internet )
 Psychological development
Follow-up questions

1. Are the young people becoming more violent than they were in the past?

2. What are the effects of violence among the young?

3. What can be done to solve the problem of youth violence?

58. Everyone should learn at least one foreign language.

 Global citizen(communicate with people around the world)

 cultural understanding ( learn more multi-culture by speaking with foreigners)
 job opportunities.( can work oversea or international companies or agencies)
 travel abroad confidently ( make a tour around the world)
Follow up questions
1. At what age should children start learning a foreign language?
2. Do you think parents and school have the same roles in developing children’s foreign
language ability? Why?
3. What difficulties might learners have when learning a new language?
59. Facebook is a useful learning tool for students.

 A rich source of information ( search the information to do research or projects)

 A different way to learn ( take on-line courses)
 A means of entertainment( watch film, listen to music)
 A means of communication ( make friends with people around the world)
Follow-up questions
1. What are the negative influences that facebook may have on its users?
2. Has the number of facebookers changed in the last 10 years in your country? How?
3. Do you think the number of people who use facebook will increase in the future?

60. Getting up early in the morning brings a lot of benefits

 Enjoy fresh air ( do exercise and breathe the fresh air in the park)
 Work more effectively ( have time to make working schedules)
 Have more time to do ( prepare for work /or school and have breakfast)
 Feel more energetic
Follow-up questions

1. What kinds of people often get up early in the morning? Why?

2. What are the negative effects of staying up late?
3. It is suggested that schools in VN should start at 9a.m to give children more time for
sleep and breakfast before class. What do you think?
61. Working in group helps students learn better at school.

 Learn from others

 Improve communication skills
 Become active
 Learn how to work on a team
Follow- up questions

1. When should group work be used at school and why/

2. What are the disadvantages of working in groups?

3. What can teachers do to improve the quality of group work activities?

62. There are some ways to make English learning fun.

 Games
 English club.
 Songs
Follow –up questions

1. What activities should be done in class to motivate students to learn English?

2. Are games good for English?
3. Children should begin learning E as soon as they start school? What is your opinion?
63. Cycling is good for people

 Protect the environment

 Save money
 Keep fit
Follow up questions
1. Who prefer riding bikes?
2. What are the disadvantages of bicycles compared to other means of transport?
3. What should be done to encourage more people to ride bikes?
64. There are some benefits of taking a gap year.

 Enrich experience
 Recharge after years of school
 Clarify goals for school and work.
Follow up questions

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