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1. Explain detail objects?

Sol: Detail objects are attached to dimensions, one cannot drill on details nor link on
details when linking multiple data providers. While Customer ID would be a
dimension, customer name, address, phone and soon should be details.

2. What is BOMain.Key? –

BoMain.Key file contains the information about the repository site i.e it contains the
address of the repository security domain.

3. What is Business objects Repository? –

it is nothing but metadata.

4. What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they?

Domain is nothing but logical grouping of system tables, There are three domains
usually in a basic setup, They are Secure, Universe, Document. Business objects are
sometimes called domain objects (where the word domain means the business), and a
domain model represents the set of domain objects and the relationships between

5. When is the Repository created?

- In 5i/6i versions after installing the software, whereas in Xi version a repository is

created at the time of installation.

6. Can we have multiple domains?

Yes. (Security domain can not be multiple).

7. How do you restrict access to rows of a database?

- In XI version it can be done by using row-level security in designer module whereas

in 5i/6i it is done by supervisor.

8. What is a category? –

It is nothing but grouping of certain entities.

9. What is a Universe? –

It is a semantic layer between Database and the designer used to create objects and
classes. (It maps to data in Database).

10. What is an Object? –

It is an instance of class, its nothing but an entity.

11. What do you mean by Object qualification? –

Object qualification represents what kind of object is that, usually we have three
types of object qualifiers they are measure, dimension, detailed.

12. What is the size of data base? –

In general it will be anything between 4-8 Terabytes.

13. What is a loop? How can we overcome? –

Loop is nothing but a closed circular flow; it can be overcome by making use of
Alias and Context.

14. What is a join? Explain different types of joins?

- Join is used to link to tables depending upon the data requested by the user, Usually
we have Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Outer join.

15. What are Linked Universes?

- If the data provided is from two different data providers then we can link those two
universes, such type of universe is called Linked Universe.

16. What are Alerter, Filters, Breaks and Conditions? –

Alters are nothing but they are used to draw attention to a block of data by
highlighting. Breaks are nothing but grouping the data without any change in the
format. Condition is used to retrieve data which meets certain criteria. Filters are used
to get necessary data.

17. What is the difference between master-detail and Breaks?

- In break common fields are deleted (here in this case the table format is not
changed) whereas in master-detail , we declare certain entity as a master to get the
detailed information or report in this case the table format is changed.

18. What is metrics? –

Metrics are a system of parameters or ways of quantitative and periodic assessment

of a process that is to be measured; these are used to track trends, productivity.

19. What is a Set? –

Its nothing but grouping of users.

20. What is the use of AFD? Where it can be stored? –

used to create dashboards. It can be stored in repository, corporate or personal.

21. what is the source for metrics? –

measure objects.

22. Why do we need metrics and sets?

Metrics are used for analysis and Sets are used for grouping.

23. Is there any bug in 6.x?

- In earlier version of 6.0 they had, but 6.5 is the best version with out any bugs.

24. What are the general issues in migration process? –

Alignment, performance.

25. What is the use of BO SDK? –

Bo SDK main use is to suppress “no data to fetch” using Macros.

26. How can we improve performance? –

By making use of Aggregate tables.

27. Analysis in BO? –

Slice-Dice and Drill analysis.

28. How can you check the integrity? –

By making use of Check integrity button.

29. What are Universe parameters? –

Name of the universe, description and RDBMS connection, size and rights.

30. Types of Universes? –

Simple and Complex.

31. What is the use of BCA?

BCA is used to refresh and schedule and export and save as.html,.rtf,.xls ,.pdf.
32. What is a Universe?
Answer: A universe is a business-oriented mapping of the data structure found in
databases: tables, columns, joins, etc. It can represent any specific application, system, or
group of users. For example, a universe can relate to a department in a company such as
marketing or accounting. In the BusinessObjects User module, universes enable end users
to build queries from which they can generate and perform analysis. Universes isolate
end users from the complexities of the database structure as well as the intricacies of SQL

33. What is an Object?

Answer: An object is the most refined component in a universe. It maps to data or a
derivation of data in the database. Using objects, end users can build queries to generate

34. What is Object qualification?

Answer: For the purposes of multidimensional analysis, objects are qualified as one of
three types: dimension, detail, or measure.

35. What was the size of the database? which server?

36. What is a loop, how do you resolve them?

Answer: A situation that occurs when more than one path exists from one table to another
in the universe

37. What do you prefer - an Alias or a context? why?

A) Alias - A logical pointer to an alternate table name. The purpose of an alias is to
resolve loops in the paths of joins.
A) Context - A context is a rule by which Designer can decide which of two paths to
choose when more than one path is possible from one table to another. Contexts can be
used to resolve loops in the universe. You can create contexts manually, or cause them to
be detected by Designer. When contexts are useful, Designer suggests a list of contexts
that you can create.

38. What is a join? Explain different types of joins?

A) A relational operation that causes two tables with a common column to be combined
into a single table. Designer supports equi-joins, theta joins, outer joins, and shortcut

39. What are linked universes? Have you worked with them, problems faced and
A) Linked universes are universes that share common components such as parameters,
classes, objects, or joins. Among linked universes, one universe is said to be the kernel or
master while the others are the derived universes.
40. What is BOMain.key?
Answer: A file that contains the address of the repositories security domain. This file
must be distributed to all users who will access the BusinessObjects repository to share
universes and documents. By default, the bomain.key is placed in the
BusinessObjects\LocData folder on your system

41. What is the Business Objects repository?

Answer: The Business Objects repository is a set of relational data structures stored on a
database. It enables Business Objects users to share resources in a controlled and secured

42. What is a domain? How many are there is a basic set up? What are they?
Answer: The repository is made up of three domains: the security domain, the universe
domain, the document domain.

43. When is the repository created?

Answer: The repository is created by the general supervisor with the Setup wizard during
the first-time use of the product. You can create and use more than one repository,
typically to manage multiple sites.

44. Can we have multiple domains? If yes. Purpose of having them?

Answer: Yes

45. How do you restrict access to the rows of a database?

1) In the User pane, click the user or group.
2) In the Resource pane, click the Universe tab.
3) Right-click the universe.
4) From the pop-up menu, click Properties.
5) In the Universe Properties dialog box, click the Rows tab.
6) Set the options as necessary.
7) Click OK.

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