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June 2021

Hill & Associates

Embedded Staff Services

The Challenge – Headcount is always a challenge. Many organizations have chosen to accept headcount gaps in
Security Risk Management, Business Resilience and other critical roles that have until now been easy to ignore and
take as a cost saving. Others have been forced to accept these gaps due to human resources constraints, commercial
pressures or management policies. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised the profile of these roles and ruthlessly
exposed the impact of accepting gaps in these critical areas.

The Solution – Hill & Associates Embedded Staff Service offers you subject matter experts in all security and
preparedness-related disciplines; Security Managers, CCTV Operations Teams, Business Continuity Managers and even
Regional Security Managers. We offer our Embedded Staff Service across the region and all our embedded staff are
supported by Hill & Associates Regional Consultants and Subject Matter Experts.

Why Choose Hill & Associates?

Founded in 1992 with a HQ in Hong Kong, we follow all local staffing and HR regulatory requirements and we already
have 52 embedded staff across the region.

H&A Embedded Staff

As of June 2021
● India – 22 staff
● Hong Kong - 9 staff
● Indonesia – 13 staff
● China – 4 staff
● Malaysia – 1 staff
● Thailand 3 staff
52 Embedded Total Staff plus
15 new embedded staff in process

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June 2021

We provide Embedded Staff to some of the world’s biggest multinationals

● Google
● Microsoft
● Apple
● Syngenta

What areas of the business can we offer Embedded Support?

We can provide embedded staff to manage or support the following services and many more - speak to us if your
requirement is not listed here:
● Security Managers; Single Site, Multiple Site, Country or Region
● Risk Managers
● Crisis Management & Emergency Planning Managers
● Business Continuity Managers
● CCTV Operations Teams; Supervisors and Operators
● Risk Intelligence Analysts
● Fraud Prevention & Investigations Staff & Managers
● Security Instructor / Trainers

Typical Methodology
● Identify the Requirement - by Client or H&A
○ Discuss, Refine & Agree:
○ Role & Responsibilities – HR
○ Project / Contract Duration - HR
● Recruiting & Selection Process
○ Competence
○ Culture
○ Pre-Employment Screening
● Induction Process
○ Start in Role
○ Regular Communications – H&A, Client & Embed

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June 2021
Case Studies

ONE - Indonesian Client TWO - Multinational Client THREE - Our Client

● Requirement for SME ● Requirement for Asia ● Corporate Governance &
support for 2 years only. regional coverage. Audit driven Requirement.
● Short-term project specific ● Client had no existing Asian ● Seeking to Improve the
requirement. footprint. Monitoring & Surveillance
● Company targeted a group ● Client had a specific need for Plan.
of potential candidates, but Safety & Security support for The H&A Embedded Solution
all were seeking longer–term enterprise projects in Asia. ● H&A Embedded Monitoring
employment. The H&A Embedded Solution & Surveillance Team (CCTV
The H&A Embedded Solution ● H&A Regional International Operations)
● H&A Embedded National Embedded Consultant for a ● Matched through a vigorous
Consultant for 2 years One year recurring contract selection process & PES
● Matched through a vigorous ● Matched through a vigorous ● Immediate Local Security &
selection process & PES selection process & PES Surveillance Knowledge
● Immediate Local Security ● Immediate Regional Security ● Immediate Access to the
Knowledge Knowledge H&A / G4S Network
● Immediate Access to the ● Immediate Access to the
H&A / G4S Network H&A / G4S Network

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June 2021

Benefits to You
● Covers Gaps in Expertise
● Can be refined specifically for every client’s Operations and Activities
● Mitigates High Risk Strategies
● Agreed in advance;
○ Role & Responsibilities
○ Services
○ Pricing
○ Duration / Frequency
● Supports Budget Planning
● Develops a Trusted Partnership with H&A
● Embed Staff have direct access to the H&A consultants and Subject Matter Experts across Asia
● Allows you to focus on your other tasks, safe in the knowledge that at time of incident or crisis you will have
Subject Matter Expertise support.

Contact us to find your next Embedded Staff Solution

Basil Gouge Rio Waskito or Selly Oktavia for a short presentation briefing on our embedded staff services and how they can help
bring added value to your operation.

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