Guide Questions

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Guide Questions

1.) What was the socio-political context when the Kartilya was written? How crucial was this document in the
19th century Philippines?
2.) How would you describe the Kartilya in terms of its form/writing style and content? What are its main
teachings and how are they presented?
3.) Research on why Andres Bonifacio, who was then the Supremo or Supreme Leader of the Katipunan opted
to adapt Emilio Jacinto’s Teachings of the Katipunan instead of his own draft of the Dekalogo ng
Katipunan (Katipunan code of conduct). Do you find this decision sound? How are their perspectives
different and alike?
4.) Why can the Kartilya be considered timeless and relevant to the industrializing and globalizing present?
5.) As a student, how will you embody the main teachings and guiding principles of the Kartilya? Concretize
your answer and cite specific lines from the document.

1.) There is a centralized colonial government that was composed of a national government and the local
governments that administered provinces, towns, cities and municipalities when the Kartilya was
written. At the social pyramid, the poor Filipinos were at the bottom. It was very crucial during the 19 th
century Philippines because it shows the primary lessons and advice and warnings before entering the
Kataastaasang Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga anak ng bayan (KKK). This document ensured
that the members of the KKK who were Filipino revolutionaries were sincere and true.
2.) The Kartilya was well-written, very informative and inspiring. Its main teachings were about being
noble, just and strong person. It says that a life has to be dedicated to a great and sacred cause. It is also
stated there that a man’s worth comes from being decent, courageous, helpful, dignified and honorable
and not from being a king, priest, good-looking and powerful.
3.) Bonifacio opted to adapt Jacinto's Kartilya because he believed that it was superior to the Dekalogo ng
Katipunan (Katipunan code of conduct). I find this decision sound because I think the Kartilya a little
bit better in terms of its teachings, advice and rules. Bonifacio’s work focuses on having faith, love and
trust to God because he believed that if you have all of this everything will follow while Jacinto’s work
focuses on living the life with purpose. They both believed that protecting the country is a must.
4.) It is considered timeless and relevant to the industrializing and globalizing present because experiencing
globalization is like being colonialized again so the Kartilya’s teachings can be used and applied in the
lives of the Filipinos right now.
5.) As a student, I can embody the main teachings and guiding principles of the Kartilya by making my life
worth it through loving, helping, protecting and serving the Philippines as much I can. “Don’t waste
time; lost wealth may be recovered, but time lost is lost forever.” I will always use my time wisely.
Right now, I’m spending it with God, family and friends. I am also using it in school so that someday
I’ll be able to graduate and be a productive Filipino citizen who will give back to her country.

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