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Unit 1 : A day in the life of...
Time: 45 minutes

I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know what a farmer’s day of work is
and sympathize with farmers’ everyday work
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students know about activities on a day in the life of
- Language: Sentences and expression for describing someone’s daily
- New words: Words related to a farmer’s daily work
3. Skills: Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information
and passage comprehension
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Student’s book and pictures showing farmers’ daily
routines, etc.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes
Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Lead out the hand out and introduce - Open the book
how to put the name of the job on its - Listen to the teacher
place - Look at the blackboard
1. teacher and put two words together
2. doctor 1.b 2.c 3.e 4.a 5.d
3. worker
4. seller
5. farmer
- Ask students some questions - Answer questions:
Where does a teacher work? He works in a school
Where does a worker work? He works in a factory
Where does a farmer work? He works in the field

- Let students understand more about - Listen to the teacher and

the life of a farmer, today we learn open the book – Unit 1,
Unit 1- part A: Reading part A: reading
Before you read : (7 minutes)
- Ask students to use the suggestion in - Look at the book, listen to
their books to work in pairs the teacher and work in pairs:
- Ask and answer questions about your *A: What time do you
daily routine often get up?
- Listen to students and correct B: I often get up at six
pronunciation and grammar if necessary *C: What do you often do
in the evening?
D: I often do my home
work and watch T.V

- Ask students to look at the picture in - Look at the picture

the book - Listen to the teacher
- Show students to know about farmers’
daily routine

While you read : (23 minutes)

- Ask students to look through the - Listen to the teacher then
passage and read in silence read the passages
- Help students read the passage - Ask some new words if
- Explain pronunciation and meaning of necessary
new words which appear in the passage
Task 1 : (3 minutes)
- Ask students to choose the option A, - Keep the book open
B or C that best suits the meaning of - Listen to the teacher then
the italicized words do task 1
- Let students work individual or in - Ask the teacher if
groups necessary
- Help students if necessary - Work individual or in
Keys: group
1C; 2C; 3A; 4A - Write down in the

Task 2: (4 minutes)
- Ask students to answer the following - Listen to the teacher
questions - Try to answer the
- Ask students look through the questions
passages then try to answer the - Practice with a partner
questions in right way then write them down in
- Let them work in pairs the note books
- Help students if necessary - Ask the teacher if
(the answers in the passage) necessary
Task 3: (6 minutes)
- Ask students to scan the passage and - Listen to the teacher and
make brief note about Mr Vy and Mrs make a brief note about Mr
Tuyet’s daily routines Vy and Mrs Tuyet’s daily
- Walk round the classroom and routines
correct mistakes 4.30: alarm goes off..
5.15: leaves the house
5.30: arrives the field
After you read: (8 minutes)
- Ask students to close their books - Listen to the teacher
- Ask them to talk about Mr Vy and - Try to talk about Mr Vy
Mrs Tuyet’s daily routines or their and Mrs Tuyet’s daily
parents’ daily routines routines
- Listen to students and correct - The students who are
mistakes called to stand up to talk
loudly are intelligent ones
Home work: (2 minutes)
- Ask students to write a passage about
a farmer’s daily routines (80 words) - Listen to the teacher and
- Ask students to do Reading exercise write down homework
of Unit 1 in workbook and prepare
Part B : Speaking at home


Unit 1 : A day in the life of...
Lesson 2: speaking
Time: 45 minutes

I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know how to spend their daily time
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn about daily activities
- Language: asking for and giving information from a timetable
- New words: words related to students’ daily activities
3. Skills: talking about daily activities
II. Method: integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: pictures
IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes

Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Ask students to keep book close - Keep books close
- Write on the board names of ten - Listen to the teacher
subjects which are learnt in secondary - Look at the board and
school: try to remember names of
1. Civic education ten subjects
2. Maths
3. Techonology
4. Physics
5. Literature
6. Biology
7. Chemistry
8. Geography
9. Physical education
10. History
- Ask students to repeat - Try to repeat from
- The winners who repeat most memory
- Give marks
- Tell students to understand more
about students’ daily activities.
(We learn Unit 1, part- speaking)

Pre-speaking : (12 minutes)

Task 1
- Ask students to ask and answer about - Look at student’s book
Quan’s weekly timetable using the - Listen to the teacher
information from the timetable - Ask and answer about
- Let them work in pairs Quan’s weekly timetable
- Listen to students and correct A: What time does Quan
mistakes have physics on
B: He has physics at 7.15
on Tuesday.
A: What lesson does
Quan have at 8.55 on
B: He has maths at 8.55
While-speaking : (15 minutes) on Monday.
Task 2
- Ask students to talk about Quan’s
activities, using the pictures in Task 2 - Open the books
- Let them work in groups - Do task 2 in groups
- Walk round and help them A: Quan gets up at 14.00
- Ask some students to stand up to talk B: He does his homework
again loudly at 14.15
- Listen and correct mistakes C: He watches T.V at 16.30
Post-speaking : (10 minutes)
Task 3
- Ask students to close books
- Ask students to tell the classmates - Close the books
about their daily rountine - Listen to the teacher
- Walk round and help them - Do task 3
- Let them work in groups - Work in groups
- Ask some students to stand up and - The students are called
tell loudly stand up and tell loudly
- Listen and correct mistakes A: Everyday, I get up at
5.30, I have breakfast at
6.00 and go to school at

Homework: (3 minutes)
- Ask students to write a passage about
their daily routine (50 words) - Listen to the teacher
- Ask students to prepare Part C- - Write down the homework
Listening and do homework


Unit 1 : A day in the life of...
Lesson 3: listening
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know about a working-day of a cyclo
driver and sympthize with him
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn more about traffic, a cyclo driver’s
- New words: Words related to traffic activities
3. Skills: - Listening and numbering pictures
- Listening and deciding on True or False statements
II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures showing a cyclo driver’s
activities, tape and cassette player
IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes

Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Ask students to close the books - Close the books
- Give Jumpled words: - Listen to the teacher
C C L O Y, R I E D V, N S S E G E R - Work in groups
P A, D O F O S A L L T
- Ask students to arrange those letters Key:cyclo-driver-
in right orders passenger-foodstall
- Check some students and mark
- Give some statements: - Listen to the teacher and
He has a cyclo answer the question:
He drives passenger everyday He is a cyclo driver
He usually has meal at a foodstall
- Give question: Who is he?
- If you want to know more details - Listen to the teacher and
about daily activities of a cyclo driver, open textbooks
we will go to Unit 1- part Listening

Pre-listening: (7 minutes)
- Ask students to look at the part: - Look at the books
Before listening - Listen to the teacher
- Let them work in pairs and make - Work in pairs
questions A: Have you ever
- Walk round, listen and help students travelled by cyclo?
B: Yes, I have
A: When was it?
B: Last summer
A: Is it interesting to
travel by cyclo?
B: Yes, it is
- Read loudly the words: - Repeat loudly the words
distric; routine; office; drop; passenger; and try to remember them
ride pedal; purchases parkl foodstall
- Ask students to repeat loudly the words
- Listen and check pronunciation

While-listening: (20 minutes)

Task 1
- Ask students to look at the pictures - Keep book open
about some activities of Mr Lam, a - Look at the pictures in
cyclo driver task 1
- Let them describe the pictures - Describe the pictures
- Read loudly or turn on the tapescript - Listen to the tapescript
three times and number the pictures
- Ask students to number the pictures Key: a.3, b.5, c.4, d.6,
- Help them if necessary e.1, f.2
Task 2
- Ask students to look through the - Keep book open and
sentences in task 2 listen to the teacher
- Ask students to listen to the - Read the sentences in
tapescript again and decide whether task 2 and try to
the statements are T or F understand them
- Ask students to give reasons for their - Listen to the tapescript
answers again and decide the
Key: 1.F- 2.T- 3.F- 4.F- 5.F- 6.F statements that are T or F
then explain them

After-listening: (10 minutes)

- Ask students to open the books - Open the books
- Ask them to ask and answer - Ask and answer about
questions about Mr Lam’s activities,Mr Lam
using the cues below A: What’s his name?
- Let them work in pairs B: His name is Lam
- Walk round and help students A: What’s his job?
B: He’s a cyclo driver
- Ask some students to stand up and - The students who are
retell Mr Lam’s story to the class called stand up and retell
- Listen and correct mistakes Mr Lam’s story to the
Mr Lam is a cyclo driver
in HCM city. He usually
has a busy working day.
He gets up at 5.30. ….

Homework: (3 minutes)
- Ask students to write a story about -Listen to the teacher and
Mr Lam write down homework
- Remember them to prepare Part-
Writing at home


Unit 1 : A day in the life of...
Lesson 4: writing
Time: 45 minutes

I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should identify the events
2. General knowledge: Students learn how to write a narrative, stages of a
- Language: The simple past of verbs and the connectors often used in a
- New words: Words related to problems on a flight or a fire
3. Skills: Writing a narrative
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook, some pictures showing flying
accidents of hotel fires
IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes

Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Ask students to keep book close - Keep book close
- Ask students some following - Listen to the teacher and
questions: answer the questions
1. Have you ever heard a frightening 1. Yes, I have
story? 2. It happened when I
2. When and where did it happen? was young
3. How did you feel? - It happened in my
- Check and explain them to the class: neighborhood
There are a lot of accidents in our - It made me frightened
lives, to understand them we learn part - Listen to the teacher
Writing and open the books

Pre-writing: (10 minutes)

- Ask student to read the narrative in - Read the narrative
task 1 - Ask the teacher if
- Explain some new words necessary
- Ask students to look through the - Look through the
passage again and find all the verbs passage again and find all
that are used in the past simple and thethe verbs that used in the
connectors (time expression) past simple and the
- Let them work in groups - Work in groups
- Walk around, check and help Key: stared; was; arrived;
students got; took off; began;
- Explain to students to use the simple thought; were told;
past to rewrite a story seemed; realized; were;
screamed; thought; felt;
announced; was; were;
landed; was; at first; then;
just then; a few minutes
later; one hour later

While-writing: (18 minutes)

Task 2 - Do task 2 in groups
- Ask students to do task 2 Student A: identify the
- Let them work in groups events: got on plane;
- Go round, check and help students plane took off; hostesses
were just beginning to
serve lunch when plane
began to shake; plane
seemed to clip; people
screamed in panic
Student B: identify the
climax: we thought we
had only minutes to live
Student C: identify the
conclusion of the story:
everything was all right,
we landed safely
- Listen to the teacher
- Use the prompts to build
up a narrative about a hotel
fire (work individually)

Task 3 - Listen to the teacher

- Ask students to keep book open - Finish the narrative
- Ask them to use the prompts to build - Read a narrative of one
up a narrative about a hotel fire classmate
- Let students work individually - Some students read
- Walk round and help students loudly their products in
front of the class

Post-writing: (10 minutes) - Listen to the teacher and

- Give suggestions and corrections write down homework
- Ask students to read another’s
- Ask some students to read loudly
their narratives
- Correct mistakes and mark

Homework: (2 minutes)
- Ask students to do part writing of
Unit 1 in the student’s work book and
prepare part Language Focus


Unit 1: A day in the life of...
Lesson 5: language focus
Time: 45 minutes

I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should describe someone’s daily activities or
write a narrative
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn how to write a passage about
someone’s hobby or a narrative
- Language: * The present simple and adverbs of frequency for talking about
daily activities
* The past simple used in a narrative
- New words: Words related to pronunciation /I/ - /i:/
3. Skills: Writing a passage about someone’s hobby
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures showing some activities
(fishing, reading, going on a boat…)
IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes

Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Ask students to keep book close - Keep book close
- Give the picture that has a sheep on - Listen to the teacher
the ship
- Ask students to complete the - Look at the picture and
sentence: complete the sentence:
I see a … on the…. I see a sheep on a ship
- Ask students to speak the sentence
- Let students to get their attention on
pronunciation: /I/- /i:/
- Introduce new lesson

Pronunciation: (8 minutes)
- Ask students to look at their books - Open the books
then introduce to them - Look at : Listen and
*Listen and repeat: Repeat
- Read loudly then ask students to repeat - Repeat the words in
- Introduce: /I/ - /i:/ chorus then individual
- Correct pronunciation for the students
* Practice these sentences
- Read the sentences loudly - Look at Practice the
- Ask students to repeat sentences
- Listen to the teacher
- Correct pronunciation for students then repeat in chorus then

Grammar and vocabulary:(4 minutes)

- Introduce exercises to the students - Listen to the teacher
- Let students get their attention to
focus on present simple, past simple
and adverbs of frequency
Exercise 1: (8 minutes)
- Ask students to do Exercise 1 - Listen to the teacher and
- Introduce how to do it do exercise 1
- Let them work in pairs Key: – –
- Walk round, check and give mark 3.worry – 4.are – 5.catch
– – 7.catch - 8.go –
9.give up – 10.says – 11.
realize –

Exercise 2 (8 minutes)
- Introduce Exercise 2 to students and - Listen to the teacher and
explain how to do it do exercise 2
- Ask students to do it Eg:
- Let them work individually He usually gets up early
- Check, correct mistakes She is never late for school

Exercise 3: (10 minutes)

- Introduce Exercise 3 to students and - Listen to the teacher and
explain how to do it do exercise 3
- Ask students to do it Key: 1.was done-
- Let them work individually 2.cooked–3.were
- Walk round and help them 4.smelt–5.told- 6.sang–
- Check, correct mistakes, give reasons 7.began– 8.felt–9.putout-
and mark 10.crept–11.slept–
Homework: (2 minutes)
Ask students to do Part Language - Listen to the teacher and
Focus and prepare part Reading of write down
Unit 2 at home


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