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“Everything is going to change. We just need to see how those changes are going to play out, for
better or worse.”

― Emory R. Frei, Enchanted Forest

Little by little the things around us are changing that we didn’t even notice. There are
changes that makes us good and in reverse there are changes that makes us worst from the worst.
Let’s take a look at our surrounding now and make it as an example, before besides the national
roads are rice fields and many trees but now it turns into buildings for establishments or
business. Yes, being urbanize symbolizes economic development but at the other side we human
are facing its consequences, we are now buying our foods instead of harvesting. And one more
thing is that we cannot deny the fact that we are experiencing climate change.


Everything we do must go somewhere, at least a little thing that helps us improve what already
done and to protect our environment. As discussed from lesson, everything we throw away must have to
go somewhere. Just like our trash, it should be recycled. All the biodegradable should make as a fertilizer
and all non-biodegradable should be recycled for next use.

Our nature never get tired in giving our daily needs but as discussed in our topic that
some resource that we need in our life is finite. Sometimes we humans don’t care about our
ecosystem or nature. If this behavior of all humans will continue then it will turn to thirst and
hunger. Our resources that comes from our nature is not infinite so, we have to utilize it wisely.
Maybe one of the reason why we have a shortage of some resources because we are over-
populated or we over use the resources. One solution to this kind problem is by not wasting and
taking care of our ecosystem, with this actions we do, we preserve our finite resources.
Everything you see and touch, even the untouched and unseen things including us
humans are all created by God. We are all equal in the eye of the creator. When God created
heaven and earth, he commanded that humans will be the stewards of all his creation. We should
take care all of them even the small things that we think it didn’t contribute any in our life but
still, it is God’s creation. We have to treat our ecosystem as if it also a human and one of our
beloved ones, in this way, we maintain the beautiful look of our nature that God provided us. But
now, turn around and look at your environment, did we human fulfill our duty as a steward of the

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