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Feedback: Towards Dynamic Behavior and Secure Routing for Wireless Sensor


Zhen Cao, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen, Maoxing Xu, Xia Zhou
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University
Network and Information Security Laboratory
Beijing, China
{ caozhen, hjbin, chen, xumx, zhouxia }

Abstract monitoring and frontier monitoring, security and intrusion

tolerance are especially important. Therefore, it is desirable
Wireless sensor networks, due to their potentially wide to take these questions into account for designing a both
application perspectives, may proliferate in future. Two ma- adaptable and secure routing protocol performed well in the
jor stumbling blocks are the dynamic variance of network context discussed above.
topology caused by the energy constraint of sensor nodes With this in mind, in this paper, we introduce a novel
and uncertainties of wireless links, and the security rout- routing scheme called Feedback Based Secure Routing pro-
ing in this severe security environment. Therefore adapt- tocol (FBSR) for wireless sensor networks. Through uti-
able and defendable routing mechanism is in urgent need lizing feedback information from neighbor nodes to rep-
for the deployment of these networks. In this paper, we pro- resent current states of them, FBSR consists of local in-
pose FBSR, a novel feedback based secure routing proto- dependent forwarding decisions based on current feedback
col. Feedback, from both the nearby neighbors and base information and prediction of future conditions. Hence in
stations, serves as the dynamic information of the current other words, highly dynamic changes of network topology
network, with which sensor nodes make forwarding deci- will not apparently compromise FBSR ’s performance since
sion in a secure and energy aware manner. We present both feedback information makes it more adaptable to the vari-
mathematical analysis and simulation results to show the ance of network topology. Furthermore, as it is usually the
efficiency of FBSR. case that base station owns powerful capacity because of the
rechargeable energy supply, its capacity can be exploited to
do heavy statistic computations and analysis in order to de-
tect malicious nodes. In this way, FBSR achieves the se-
1. Introduction cure routing objective without imposing any extra energy
consumption on normal nodes.
Wireless sensor networks, which combines data sens-
ing, wireless communicating, information processing, and 1.1. Design Objectives
distributed computing, has becoming more and more pop-
ular in recent years. Two problems may be most com- The design objectives of FBSR includes:
pelling in wireless sensor networks; they involve the dy- 1= Dynamic behavior. Our intuition comes from the us-
namic changes in topology and secure routing respectively. age of ’dynamic information’ about the sensor networks. In-
These problems can be attributed to the strict constraint of stead of routing packets in an ’ad-hoc’ manner, each sensor
sensor nodes’ energy and the frequently variance of wireless node in FBSR chooses the next hop based on the feedback
channels qualities, which make the nodes susceptible to en- of their neighbors. The feedback information coming from
ergy failures and links prone to external interference, hence nearby neighbors is an evaluation of the current computing
gives rise to dynamic variance of the network. At the same capacity. Because the computing capacity of each node will
time, nodes limited resource also make wireless sensor net- change with times, the feedback message constructed this
works vulnerable to both inside and outside attacks under way can reflect the current status of this node. This feed-
severe security environment arising from the broadcast na- back information can be included in the acknowledgement
ture of the wireless channel and lack of physical security. frame without any usage of extra message for the consider-
Whereas in certain specific applications such as battlefield ation of avoiding network congestion

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’06)
1550-445X/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
2= Secure routing. Because the sensor nodes have lim- the base station. Karlof et al. [8] gives the first analysis
ited computation and storage capacity for cryptography al- of secure routing in sensor networks, and introduce two
gorithms, the best tradeoff can be made by providing secu- classes of novel attacks against sensor networks, sinkhole
rity on the network layer with the routing protocol. On the and HELLO flood. In FBSR, base station is responsible for
assumption that the base station have enough energy supply the detection of sinkhole and wormhole attacks, and nor-
and high enough radio power, we can utilize the feedback mal nodes can avoid these adversaries in routing with base
from the base station to identify the malicious nodes. The station feedback.
base station can recognize malicious nodes from the trace
of each route, and periodically broadcast feedback message 2. FBSR: Feedback based secure routing
containing the intruder IDs, so that normal nodes can ef-
fectively avoid the spoofed, altered and replaying routing
In this section, we describe the details of FBSR. Once
information from these nodes.
transmitting a packet, the sender prioritizes its neighbors
3= Energy efficient. FSBR uses energy aware and geo-
with an evaluation function and places this neighbor list in
graphically informed neighbor evaluation heuristics to feed- the packet header. Neighbors, on receiving the packet, will
back the current status of neighbors. The neighbor evalua-
includes its feedback in the ack frame and acknowledges the
tion function is a combination of energy and distance met-
sender, and in the meantime makes independent decision of
rics. But we argue that energy aware neighbor selection is whether to forward the packet. Feedback from base sta-
necessary only when the consumed energy exceeds a cer-
tion contains the malicious nodes detected by the BS, with
tain level. So a threshold evaluation function is utilized to
which sensor nodes can avoid the adversaries in routing.
evaluate the energy level. When the consumed energy is
below a threshold, the energy level stays static, otherwise it
2.1. Neighbor evaluation and prioritizing
linearly slips down.
In order to bring the packet closer to the destination in an
1.2. Related Work energy efficient way, the sender will prioritize its neighbors
according to their last time feedback and put this prioritized
Some routing protocols [1] [2] [3] utilize the idea of neighbor list in the routing packet header (During the first
feedback to help make routing decisions. FBR [1] is a round when feedback is not available, neighbors are priori-
feedback based routing protocol, in which a router moni- tized by their distance to the destination). Then the sender
tors packet traffics on its routes and use this as feedback transmits the packet, deferring the decision of which node to
to determine the usability of the routes, so as to be resis- forward until the process of MAC layer contention, which
tant to attacks and byzantine failures. But FBR is proposed will be discussed in the next subsection.
for the Internet, hence not applicable for sensor networks. Feedback computing is distributed at the receiver side
ALARM [2] is an adaptive routing protocol for Mobile Ad- with an evaluation function. The evaluation function is a
hoc Networks, which uses link duration as the mobility combination of the node’s current energy status and its dis-
feedback metrics to determine the appropriate forwarding tance to the destination. Energy level is used as the metric
method. Since nodes are relatively static in wireless sensor to evaluate the energy status of the sensor nodes. When
networks compared with MANET, this method does not fit the consumed energy is less than the threshold, the energy
for our objectives. SPEED [3] uses local feedback control to level stays at 1.0, and when it exceeds the threshold, the en-
guarantee per-hop delay, so as to meet the real-time require- ergy level linearly slips down until zero. Figure 1 shows
ment of sensor networks. However, FBSR aims to be adapt- the curve of the energy level evaluation function, where
able to the dynamic variance of sensor networks. Feedback, both consumed energy and threshold is denoted by the per-
included in the MAC layer ack frame, is the representative centage by the initial energy on the nodes. FBSR uses
of both the node capacity and the quality of wireless link, this threshold mechanism different from Different from
and also incurs non extra beacon exchanges. GEAR [9] because we believe that when the energy prob-
Some secure routing protocols [4] [5] based on symmet- lem is not severe, excessive consideration of the energy will
ric key cryptography have been proposed for ad-hoc net- definitely lead to the choice of a longer route and thus con-
works. Because they are too expensive in terms of node sume more energy of the whole network. And our feed-
state and packet overhead, they are not suitable for sensor back evaluation function is: i (hqhuj| ohyho> glvwdqfh) =
networks. Many protocols [6] [7] exploit the potential ca- hqhuj| ohyho × (G  G0 ), where G and G0 are the dis-
pacity of base station to achieve security goals. SPINS [6] tance from source and from this node to the destination
introduces two low-level secure building blocks, SNEP and respectively. The bigger the evaluation value, the higher
W HVOD. INSENS [7] employs the one-way authenti- priority the neighbor node represents. Only when the con-
cation mechanism to authenticate any information sent by sumed energy exceeds the threshold does the evaluation

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’06)
1550-445X/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Energy Level



Figure 2. Feedback: towards dynamic behav-

threshold 100% Consumed Energy(%)

Figure 1. Energy level evaluation

available and regards its feedback is NULL (0), then after
the next prioritization, node A is at the end of the neighbor
function become relevant to both energy and distance met-
list with the least probability of being the next hop. From
rics. And when the consumed energy is below the threshold,
the principle of time localization, FBSR can always find the
i() = G  G0 , which means that the evaluation function
next hop with a currently good channel in this way. And
represents how much this neighbor geographically brings
after the prioritizing timeout, if node A recovers from com-
the packet closer to the destination.
municating with node X, it can find its proper place in the
neighbor list again. When node A consumes most of its en-
2.2. MAC Layer decision and feedback ergy some time later, certain node will replace it on the top
of the neighbor list, then the network traffic will be directed
FBSR integrates routing layer and MAC layer so that to the other node, hence balancing the energy consumption
the decision of which neighbor will forward the packet is network wide.
decided by the MAC layer. FBSR employs the distributed
slotted MAC protocol similar to ExOR [10]. During trans-
mission, the sender reserves multiple slots of time for the 2.3. Base station feedback
MAC layer contention. Neighbors, on the other hand, delay
an amount of time determined by their priority in the neigh- Because the base station is always placed on the moni-
bor list before sending back ACK, so that the higher rank a toring side with physical attendance, we can assume that it
neighbor is placed in the neighbor list, the higher probabil- is equipped with a special sensor node which has recharge-
ity it will be the next hop (to be proved). The acknowledge- able energy supply and high enough radio power. FBSR
ment from the MAC layer carries a feedback field as well employs base station feedback to achieve secure routing in
as the ID of the sender of the highest priority ACK heard so this kind of asymmetric sensor networks.
far. When the slotted acknowledgement window has passed, Here we give a simple but useful method for the base
each neighbor makes a local decision on whether to forward station to detect malicious nodes. The routing packet header
the packet. Anyone who has not heard any ACK of higher contains a route trace that includes the node ids along the
priority neighbors will forward the packet. In the meantime way. When a node receives a packet, it adds the id of the
of MAC layer contention, the sender should keep track of node on the previous hop to the route trace. In this way,
the feedback value carried in the ACK frame, so that it can FBSR prevents the malicious nodes avoid putting their ids
detect and cache the current status of its neighbors. The in the routing trace. With the route trace information, base
sender will re-prioritize the neighbor list based on the feed- station can detect the potential malicious nodes and then
back value, and to avoid heavy computation overhead, the broadcast in the networks so that normal nodes can avoid
prioritization will be done with a time slot. these nodes in future.
We will show how dynamic behavior is achieved with Base station is responsible for keeping track of the rout-
MAC layer feedback. We illustrate this with the topology ing trace information, recording the statistic information of
shown in Figure 2. Suppose source node S is sending pack- the sensor nodes and the links between them. Our method
ets for node D (destination), and node A, B, and C are its aims at detecting malicious network traffic caused by two
neighbors. In the beginning, the neighbor list is prioritized kinds of attacks: sinkhole attack and wormhole attack which
as A, B, and C. But after a while, when node A is engaged are illustrated in [8]. In sinkhole attacks, compromised
in communication with node X, it will not respond to the nodes lure nearly all the traffics from a particular region,
invitation of forwarding packets from node S, and no feed- therefore the emergence frequency of these nodes will be
back is sent back to S. Not hearing the acknowledgement of exceptionally high in the route trace. Wormhole attacks
neighbor A, node S partially knows that A is currently not commonly involve two nodes colluding to lure network traf-

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’06)
1550-445X/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
fics, hence resulting in the high occurrence of the link be- D
tween the two nodes in the route trace.

Alg 1 : Malicious Nodes Detecting

1: for all UWl M UW V do
2: for all qlg M UWl do
3: Q V[lg] U QV[lg] + 1 C
4: OV[lg> lg + 1] U OV[lg> lg + 1] + 1
Q V[qlg ]
5: if P Q V[l] A wkuhvkrog1 then
l?q S A
6: authenticated broadcast(qlg )
OV[ql >qm ]
7: if P OV[l>m] A wkuhvkrog2 then
l>m?q Figure 3. Simulation topology
8: authenticated broadcast(ql > qm )

algebra, we can easily obtain:

Algorithm 1 depicts the pseudo code of malicious nodes
detection, where UW V represents the set of routing trace S (Il ) = (1  sg ) × (sd  sd sl1
g + sl1
g ) (1)
that base station has received, UWl denotes a sequence of
From (1) we know that S (Il )  S (Im ) = (1  sg )(1 
nodes in the routing trace, that is UWl = (ql1 > ql2 > = = =),
sd )(slg  smg ) A 0> wherel ? m This equation proves that
and QV[l] keeps track of the statistical information of node
with our mechanism, higher rank neighbors have higher
ql , while OV[m> n] records the statistical information of link
possibility of being the next hop.
ql ' qm . After some statistics of the route trace informa-
Suppose Si ruzdug and Si0 ruzdu denote the data suc-
tion(lines 1–4), both the node and link emergence statistics
cessful transmission probability in FBSR and other proto-
are figured out. If a node’s emergence frequency exceeds
cols that choose only one neighbor forwarding, respectively.
a certain wkuhvkrog1 , it may be the malicious node launch- Sn
ing the sinkhole attack. If the emergence frequency of some Again from (1), we can get Si ruzdug = S ( l=1 (Il )) =
links exceed wkuhvkrog2 , they have high possibility of be- 1  sg > Si ruzdug = 1  sg

ing the colluding adversaries carrying out the wormhole at- That is Si ruzdug A Si0 ruzdug , which proves that FBSR
tack. On the assumption that base station have enough en- guarantees a higher probability of successfully transmission
ergy supply and is deployed a high power radio, base station than protocols that only choose one neighbor as forwarding
can broadcast the malicious nodes ID network wide(lines 5– candidate.
8). We can employ the authenticate broadcast scheme called
W HVOD proposed in [6]. Because the base station feed- 3.2. Simulation results
back can reach every node in one hop, the feedback message
with On Way Sequence number in can successfully survive We have already implemented FBSR on NS2 version
the rushing attack [11]. 2.28 [12], a network simulator. Since FBSR integrates rout-
ing and MAC layer, some modifications of 802.11 are need-
ful to make MAC layer decision and feedback possible.
3. Performance evaluation For our basic simulation network topology, we used a
regular q × q grid s with q2 sensor nodes. The communica-
tion radius is set to 2, allowing the nearest eight neighbors
3.1. Approximate Analysis
to be reached. The base station is placed at the right top, and
the sensing area is the four nodes at the left bottom. Figure 3
First we give an approximate analysis of the probability is an example of 5 × 5 grid, where S, A, and B are sensing
of successful transmission, and prove that with our mecha- nodes, D is the base station. Simulation is done with net-
nism higher rank neighbors have higher possibility of being work sized 3 × 3, 10 × 10, 15 × 15, 20 × 20 and 25 × 25.
the next hop. The result also shows that FBSR can tolerate We use the network partition time to evaluate the en-
node failures and guarantees a high probability of success- ergy effectiveness of FBSR and its threshold mechanism.
ful transmission. As in Figure 3, both S, A and B are transmitting sensed
For simplicity, we assume that the loss rates of both data data towards the base station. When node A, B and C are
packet and acknowledgement of all the node pairs are iden- all draining out of energy, the network is partitioned. This
tical. Suppose n denotes the size of neighbor list, sg denotes network partition time is used as the energy metric. In sim-
the data packet loss rate, sd denotes the acknowledgement ulation, transmitting and receiving per packet consume 10
frame loss rate. S (Il ) denotes the probability of neighbor and 8 units energy respectively(this ratio is the observation
ranked the ith forwarding the packet. From some statistical of [13]).

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’06)
1550-445X/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
1.2 1.3
MFlood threshold=0.5
FBSR threshold=0.1
1.25 threshold=0.0
network partition time (normalized)

network partition time(normalized)



0.6 1.05



0 0.8
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
number of nodes number of nodes

Figure 4. Network partition time Figure 5. Performance of the threshold

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Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’06)
1550-445X/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE

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