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lying this suggestion is the hypothesis that the emulsion remains oils from different sources differ in hydrocarbon composition as
uniform in a static electric field. well as in content of polar materials.
Experiments revealed that this was not the case and that an When the fuel oils are emulssed with synthetic sea water, the
emulsion subjected to a constant field associated into chains of dielectric constant increases with an increase in sea water content.
water droplets. Similar results have been reported by others The value of the dielectric constant of the emulsion was found to
(11). This chainlike formation resulted in high conductivity be a function of the dielectric constant of the dry fuel oil. The
whenever a chain extended from one electrode to another but in increase in dielectric constant corresponding to a given increase
low conductivity when the chain was broken. Because the con- in sea water content was not always the same if fuel oils from dif-
duction path was not through the mixture per se but through a ferent sources were used. These variables were found to be
sporadically generated path of droplets, neither reproducibility somewhat less at frequencies near 75 RIc., but they are sufficiently
nor constancy in measurement was obtained. For these reasons large to introduce serious errors when the dielectric constant is
the direct current conductivity method was abandoned. used t o determine the sea water content of fuel oil emulsions.
I n order to study the conductivity characteristics of the emul- Where an accuracy of &20% or better is required, the data ob-
sions in an alternating electric field, the alternating current resist- tained indicate that the dielectric constant method is inapplicable.
ance was calculated from data taken with the Q meter during the
dielectric constant measurements. Examination of this prop- LITERATURE CITED
erty of the emulsions indicated that the sea water content of fuel
.im. Soc. Testing Materials, D 665-52T, ASTb‘I Standards on
oil cannot be determined satisfactorily unless similar data are Petroleum Products and Lubricants, Sovember 1952.
also obtainable on the dry oil. This is to be expected because Berberick, L. J., Bell, RI. E., J . A p p l . Phys. 11, 687-8 (1940).
the same variables that govern power factor and dielectric loss Bottcher, C. J., “Theory of Electric Polarisation,” pp. 233-4.
factor determine the alternating current conductivity character- Elsevier, Houston, 1952.
Bureau of Ships Manual, ”Distilling Plants,” Chap. 58, Articles
istics 58-26 and 58-27, January 1, 1948
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Debye, P., “Polar Molecules,” pp. 36-58, Dover Publications,
New York, 1929.
This study of certain electrical properties of a number of Glasstone, S., “Textbook of Physical Chemistry,” 2nd ed., pp,
Navy Special and other fuel oils has revealed that the per cent 536-7, Van Nostrand, New York, 1946.
Hippel, A. R. von, “Dielectric Materials and Applications,” p.
power factor, dielectric loss factor, and conductivity of the origi- 361, Wiley, New York, 1954.
nal fuel oils varied widely a t comparable frequencies from 50 kc. Kittel, C., “Introduction t o Solid State Physics,” Chap. 6,
to 75 Mc. These characteristics of the emulsions iesponded to Wiley, Kew York, 1953.
changes in sea xatei content in an orderly manner. However, Military Specification llIL-F-859A, “Fuel Oil, Boiler,” July 31,
the relationships n-ere of no practical value in measuring the Mitchell, J., Jr., Smith, D. M., “Aquametry,” pp. 9-10, Inter-
water content because the actual values obtained were dependent science, New York, 1948.
on the characteristics of the original dry fuel oils from which the Pearce, C. A. R., Brit. J. A p p l . P h y s . 5 , No. 4, 136-43 (1954).
emulsions were made. Sommerman, G. hf. L., “The Dielectric Constant of Petroleum
and Petroleum Products” in “The Science of Petroleum,”
The dielectric constant of these same fuel oils varied consider- Vol. 11, pp. 1361-5, Oxford University Press, Cambridge,
ably from one oil to another at any given frequency from 10 kc. 1938.
to 75 Mc. The dielectric constant is frequency dependent, de- Zwikker, C., “Physical Properties of Solid Rlaterials,” pp. 49-
creasing with increasing frequency, indicating that all oils studied 52, Interscience, S e w Tork. 1954.
contained qunntities of polar compounds. It is evident that fuel RECEIVED
for review April 27. 1956. Accepted September 19, 1956.

Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Sugars

M c G i l l University and Pulp and Paper Research Institute o f Canada, Montreal, Que., Canada

A new method for spectrophotometric determination of

sugars involves the use of an acetic acid solution of o-
aminodiphenyl. Aldopentoses, aldohexoses, methyl
A GREBT variety of methods for determination of micro-
quantities of sugars has been developed within the last few
years, especially in connection with paper partition chromatog-
aldopentoses, hexuronic acids, and certain oligosaccha- raphy. If direct photometric procedures ( 6 ) are disregarded,
rides as well as methylated monosaccharides can be all of these procedures involve elution of the sugar from the paper
rapidly and accurately estimated in a concentration with water followed by a quantitative estimation of the sugar
range of 20 to 500 y per ml. As Beer’s law is strictly fol- content of the extract. The firEt technique t o be adopted for
lowed throughout and both the reagent and color de- this purpose, and one that is still widely used ( 5 , 9 ) ,was the Somo-
veloped are sufficiently stable, estimations can be based gyi copper method (16), which is applicable to very small
on standard curves. Galactose, glucose, and mannose amounts of reducing sugars but is not stoichiometric and also
show identical absorptivity, and the same is the case requires several steps. Oxidation with hypoiodite is superior in
with arabinose, ribose, and xylose. The method has this respect and also has the added advantage of being quanti-
been found useful in conjunction with paper chro- tative for methylated sugars ( I 1 ) . Unfortunately, all reducing
matography. The phosphate salt of o-aminodiphenyl sugars do not react to completion with this reagent, mannose and
in glacial acetic acid is a good spray reagent for paper rhamnose constituting two notable examples ( 7 ) . Oxidation with
chromatograms, with a sensitivity higher than that of sodium periodate and estimation of the formic acid formed, as
the aniline salts. suggested by Hirst and Jones (8), should theoretically be more
V O L U M E 2 8 , NO. 1 2 , D E C E M B E R 1 9 5 6 1917

acemate. Methylated sugars, hon ever, are not amenable to acid was added from a buret. The test tube was inserted in a
this treatment; even with free sugars, reproducible results are boiling water bath, stoppered after 1 minute, and heated for the
desired length of time. Analyses were usually carried out in
often difficult to obtain. triplicate and duplicate blanks v-ere always included-Le., 1 ml.
Colorimetric (or spectrophotometric) methods generally allo\T of miter plus 5 ml. of the reagent. After completion of the reac-
a more accurate and rapid determination of smaller quantities tion, the test tubes xvere cooled in nater and the absorbance was
of material than do titration procedures. A number of such measured a t a wave length of 380 mp against one of the two
blanks (which should agree closely). From the average value
techniques have been developed for microanalysis of sugars; thus obtained and the known relationship between absorbance
an earlier one involves the use of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (17); and concentration, the amount of sugar present \vas immediately
and a more recent one, an adaptation of the Somogyi copper obtained.
method (18). The anthrone-sulfuric acid (15) and the phenol-
sulfuric acid (4,14) methods have also found widespread use,
particularly for oligosaccharides 1% hich are hydrolyzed to their I n the attempt t o find an aromatic amine with the properties
constituent sugars under the conditions involved. I n spite of deemed necessary for the present purpose, a variety of com-
the many attractive features of the last mentioned procedures, pounds n-ere tested in preliminary experiments, such as 1- and
attempts have been made to avoid the use of concentrated mineral 2-naphthylamine and 0-, m-, and p-phenylenediamine. Most
acid. Aniline phthalate has also been tried (1, S), but a better of these proved unsuitable, either because they gave too high
technique seems to be the benzidine method of Jones and Prid- blanks or because the color developed \Tas too unstable. The
ham ( I S ) , which makes use of the yellow color developed when best reagent was eventually found to be o-aminodiphenyl, a
free and methylated reducing sugars are alloired to react mith compound n.liich, although not commercially availal-)le in pure
benzidine in glacial acetic acid. The condensation, nhich form, could be easily prepared from the technical product. This
probably leads to the formation of an equilibrium mixture of a aromatic amine, n-hen heated in glacial acetic acid to n.hich had
glycosylamine and the corresponding Schiff base, takes place been added an aqueous solution of a reducing sugar, condensed
under relatively mild conditions. Moreover, the color, which n-ith the sugar n-ith the formation of a characteristic color for
IS proportional to the amount of sugar present, is very stable. each class of sugar. The absorption curves obtained with glu-
Unfortunately, the benzidine method has certain disadvantages. cose and t1T-o blanks are given in Figure 1. Within a range
The reagent itself is unstable, requiring the addition of a reducing from 360 to 390 mfi, very little change in the absorbance occurred,
agent such as stannous chloride or potassium sulfite, and ordinary while at, the same time the blanks were low. Accordingly, the
papers used for chromatographic purposes have a tendency to intermediate value of 380 mp was selected as a standard for all
give high blanks unless subjected to special pretreatments (12). future analyses. A11 sugars, when measured against a blank,
The chief drawback of the method, however, seems to be the exhibited similar curves; three typical ones are reproduced in
fact that standard sugar solutions have to be analyzed together Figure 2 . The time of heating necessary to produce maximum
with the unknown, partly because of the reagent instability, absorbance varied from 30 minutes for aldopentoses and hexu-
but mostly because the absorbance-concentration relationship is ronic acids to 120 minutes for oligosaccharides and higher methyl-
nonlinear below a concentration of 100 y per ml. The present ated sugars (see Table 11). A few examples of the variation of
investigation was undertaken to develop a new procedure m-hich the absorbance s-ith time are given in Figure 3.
nould possess the advantages of the useful benzidine method, Aldohexoses and some of their methylated derivatives de-
but which would allow standard curves to be used over the entire veloped the same green color when heated with o-aminodiphenyl.
range of concentration desired. Condensation with o-aminodi-
phenyl was eventually found to fulfill these requirements. This
compound was also found to be a good spray reagent.

Reagents. o-Aminodiphenyl, melting point 49.0' C., was
obtained from a commercial product (Eastman Kodak Co.,
Rochester, N. Y.) after two recrystallizations from aqueous
ethyl alcohol, charcoal being added to remove color. For the
spray reagent, a material recrystallized once was satisfactory. 0.0
Analytical grade glacial acetic acid was used without further
purification. I n several cases the solution of o-aminodiphenyl in
this solvent was found to be exceedingly unstable; a yellow color W
formed after boiling for only a few minutes or after standing for V
1 or 2 hours. Although several brands were found perfectly satis-
z 0.6
factory, caution should aln-ays be exercised and any reagent m
should be rejected which exhibits a transmittance lower than 93 0
to 9570 after boiling for 1 hour, as measured against an untreated cn
solution, the optimum range being 97 to 98%. Solutions con- m
taining exactly 0.4y0 of the amine were prepared shortly before a 0.4
use and, if possible, kept in the dark.
The sugars used for calibration were all crystalline reagent
grade qualities, dried in vacuo a t room temperature over phos-
phorus pentoxide prior to use. 0.2
When used as a spray reagent, 3.0 grams of o-aminodiphenyl
was dissolved in 100 ml. of acetic acid, to which n-as added 1.3
ml. of 8570 reagent grade phosphoric acid.
Apparatus. The reaction Kas carried out in test tubes, 18 X
150 mm.; provided with standard glass stopper No. 19/38 The 0
use of open test tubes and cork stoppers resulted in lower repro-
ducibility. h Beckman Model D U spectrophotometer 1% ith a
photomultiplier and 1-cm. glass cells was used to measure the W A V E LENGTH, m , U
absorbance. The slit width was kept constant xithin 0.08 to
0.10 mm. Figure 1. ibsorption spectra for glucose and blanks
Procedure. One milliliter of the aqueous sugar solution, the
concentration of which should be within the range of 10 to 500 Reference: 1 ml. of water
.4. 100 y of glucose
+5 ml. of glacial acetic acid
y per ml., was transferred with a calibrated pipet to a test tube B. Blank heated for 45 minutes
and 5 ml. of a 0.47, solution of o-aminodiphenyl in glacial acetic C. Untreated blank

With aldopentoses a yellowish brown color was formed and with also produced green solutions except maltose, \$hich gave a
hexuronic acids, a yellow one. Rhamnose and some methylated color intermediate between green and yellon-.
aldohenoses gave light brown solutions. Di- and trisaccharides The absorbance usually remained constant for the first 24
hours, but after 4 days slightly higher values n-ere noted (Table
I); this also indicates the excellent reproducibility. The acetic
acid solution of the reagent itself was stable for the first 2 to 3
days n-hen kept in the dark; a slight yellow coloration became
noticeable after this time. Addition of potassium sulfite (12)
had a definite stabilizing effect on the reagent but turned all color:
produced by the sugars into a light brown Tithin a feT hours,
without, however, affecting the absorbance a t 380 mp. As the
potassium sulfite was unable to eliminate completely the dis-
coloration of the reagent, it was not added, but rather, nen
solutions were made every second or third day.

Table I. Change in Per Cent Transmittance with Time

Concn., % Transmittancea
y p11. A B C
5 97.7 97.: 95.2
10 93.3 93., 91.8
20 82.8 83.0 82.5
35 71 5 72 9 TO 0
50 60 9 61 8 58 2
75 46 3 46 1 45 2
100 38 6 38 9 36 S
150 22 5 22 2 20 8
200 12 6 12 9 11 9
250 8 47 8 39 7 60
300 5 33 5 00 4 86
350 3 37 3 20 2 71
400 1 94 2 04 1 90
450 1 10 1 10 1 04
500 0.70 0 70 0 TS
a A and B are duplicate experiments; C are values found for A
after 92 hours.

350 400 450 500

n p Throughout the entire concentration range studied-Le., 5 to
500 7 per m1.-and with all sugars used, the relationship between
Figure 2. Absorption spectra for 100 y of sugars nieas- the absorbance and concentration was strictly linear. Figure 4
ured against blank shows that the absorbance also increases with increasing concen-
A . Glucose tration of the reagent, thus making possible the use of smaller
B. Galacturonic acid quantities of sugars. However, the 0.6% solution was consider-
C. Xylose
ably more unstable than the more dilute ones
and this, together a i t h the fact that it did not
allow estimation of quantities of sugars larger
than 300 y, made the lower concentration of
0.4% more suitable. The fact that Beer's lam-
mas so closely followed made it possible to base
04 the method on standard curves obtained for each
sugar. Some examples are presented in Figure
5 , xhere all the curves are based on euperimental
data obtained a t 15 different concentrations,
w 03 each measured in duplicate from duplicate sets
z of standard solutions from each concentration
a as indicated in Table I.
a A summary of the characteristics of each sugar
m 02 is presented in Table 11. The three aldoheuoses
a show similar absorptivity, as also do the aldo-
pentoses, whereas the absorptivities of rhamnose
and galacturonic acid are somewhat higher. The
01 condensation product with glucurono-?-lactone
has a surprisingly strong absorptivity, n-hich
- - ,. ,- - .-. mas the more unexpected as the absorptivity
of the same compound when condensed ~ i t h
0 1 1 1 1 1 ' " ' 1 ' henzidine ( I S ) was much lower than those of
eo 40 60 80 100 I20 140
both aldopentoses and hexoses. Cellobiose and
lactose can be estimated with the same accuracy
Figure 3. Change in absorbance. with time of heating in boiling as the monosaccharides but maltose, melibiose,
water bath and sucrose require somewhat larger quanti-
Sugar concent,ration, 100 y per ml. ties for a similar absorbance. llelezitose and
V O L U M E 28, NO. 1 2 , D E C E M B E R 1 9 5 6 1919

raffinose eshihit even lower absorptivity, while the method is on the paper chiomatograni with the aid of tn-o different solvent
completely inapplicable to fructose ( 2 ) . 3-0-Methyl- and 6-0- systems, the sugars eluted from the paper in the usual way, and
methyl-n-glucose can both be determined as accurately as glucose analyzed as above. Five determinations were carried out in
but the 2-0-methyl derivative, which also gives a different color, each case for both the sugars and the paper blanks. The latter
has a lower absorptivity. Tetra-0-methyl glucose and the tri- exhibited 100% transmittance throughout when read against a
0-methyl ethers of galactose and xylose exhibit a low absorptivity. reagent blank and no pretreatments of the paper were necessary
For an estimation of the accuracy of the procedure, seven stand- in this particular case. Hom-ever, it should be mentioned that
ard solutions of glucose, ranging in concentration from 10 to later experience Rith other batches of Khatman S o . 1 filter
500 y per nil., were each subjected to 40 to 50 separate analyses. paper indicated the presence of a noticeable paper blank which
Standard devintioiis and probable errors for a single measurement could only be eliminated by thorough washing with distilled
arc summarized in Table 111. The method is evidently useful water prior to use. The results of the sugar analyses (Table
for quantitative determination of glucose within a range of 20
to 500 y per nil., I\ ith n probable error of 1 2 to 4% for concen-
trations belon 100 y per ml. and 1 1 % for concentrations above
thnt value. I n actual practice, several analyses are usually Table 11. Optical Properties of Glycosylaniines of Various
carried out for each sugar solution, and under these circumstances Sugars
the accuracy mill be increased. I n tn-o test expeiiments two 'Tare Minutes of
Length Heating
knou n mixtures of glucose, mannose. and xylose 11-ere separated for Seceqsary Y per 111.
Maximum for per 10-2
Absorption, Maximum Absorbance
Sugar Color h 1 ~ Absorption Linitsa
Arabinose Brownish yellow 370 30 2.62
Ribose Brownish yellox 370 30 2.62
Xylose Brownish ye!low 375 30 2.62
Galactose Green 3 80 45 2.33
Glucose Green 380 45 2.33
Xylose Green 380 45 2.33
Rhamnose Brown 37: 4d 2.17
Galacturonic acid TelloTr 380 30 2.03
Glucuronolactone YEl!.JW 375 30 1.40
Cellobiose Green
Lactose Green
Maltose Greenish ydlow
Melibiose Greenish yellow
Sucrose Greenish yellow
Melezitose Green 3 80 eo
1 j.55
Raffinose Green 380 120 5.37
2-0-Methyl-D- Brownish yellow 370 SO 1.10
3-0-31ethyl-~- Green 3 sc 43 2.56
6-0-3Zethyl-D- Green 373 GO 2.90
2,3,4,6-Tetra-O- Green 373 I20 0.14
2,4.6-Tri-O-methyl- Yellon. 3i0 120 5.07
I I I D-galaetose
0 400 500
2,3,4-Tri-O-nietliyl- Brown ,a. -, . >

CONCENTRATION, , U g / m l D-sylose

Calculated on anhydrous s11p3:.

Figure 4. Change in absorbance with concentration of
glucose at three reagent concentrations




2 IO

C O N C E N T R A T I O N , pq / m l

Figure 5. Absorbance us. concentration for some sugars studied


t o a paper and sprayed, could be detected Kith this reagent in

Table 111. Standard Deviation and Probable Error for quantities as small as 0.1 -/.
\-arious Concentrations of Glucose
Concn.. Std. De\-., Error,
y per AIL 7c 70 The authors nish to express their gratitude to J. K. S . Jones,
10 15 0 10 0 Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., for valuable discussions.
20 6 0 4 0
50 3 0 2.0 They are also thankful to Dieter Stoltzenburg, who carried out
100 1 6 1.1 a part of the esperimental n-ork.
200 1 5 1.0
350 1 2 0.8
500 1 8 1.2 LITER4TURE CITED
Bartlett, J . K., Hough, L., Jones, J. K. S . , Chenizst,y Ce- Indus-
Table I \ . Sugar Recoveries after Separation in Two t r y 4, 76 (1951).
Different Solvent Systems Bell, D. J., Manners, D. J., Palmer, Anne, J . Cheni. SOC.1952,
(Whatman No. 1 paper used) Blass J., Macheboeuf, lI.,Ndnee, G., Bull SOC. c h i m . b d . 32,
Glucose, Mannose, X j lose, 130 (1950).
Solvent y lml. Y lml. Y lml.
Dubois, M.,
Gilles, K., Hamilton, J. K., Rebers, P. A , Smith,
System -4pplied Found ilpplied Found Applied Found F.,Sature 168, 167 (1951); ABAL C H E M . 28, 350 (1956).
P3 ridine-butyl Flood -4.E., Hirst, E. L., Jones J. K. S , J . Chem. Soc. 1948,
alcohol-water 1649.
(10 to 3 to 3) 100 0 100 5 100 0 100 0 100 0 101 0 Gustafsson C., Sundman J., and Lindh T.. Papec and Timber
Ethyl acetate-acetic (Finland) 33, 300 (1951).
acid-watw Hirst, E. L., Hough, L., Jones, J. K. X., J . C'heni. SOC.1949, 928.
(9 to 2 to 2 ) 112 0 111 0 96 2 97 0 70 0 70 3 Hirst, E. L.. Jones, J. K. N., lbzd., 1949, 1659.
Hobbs, 11. E., Layton, F. L., ANAL.CHEX26, 585 (1954).
Hough L., Jones, J. K . S . ,Wadman, IT. H., J . Chenz. SOC.1950,
IV) show that the accuracy attainable was satisfactory, 100 Jeanloe, R., H e h . Chini. Acta 29, 57 (1946).
Jones, J. K. N., Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., Can.,
&0.5% of the sugars being accounted for. personal communication.
The o-aminodiphenyl also proved to be an excellent spray Jones, J. K. N., Pridham, J . B., Biocherri. J . 58, 288 (1954).
reagent for paper chromatograms. Khen used as the phosphate Koch, R. B., Geddes, W. F., Smith, F..Cereal Cheni. 28, 424
salt in acetic acid solution, its sensitivity is considerably higher (1951).
. I

SIcCready, R. lI.,Guggole, J., Silviera, T., Owens H. S . , ABAL.

than that of the aniline phthalate of phosphate (10). K i t h light CHEM.22, 1156 (1950).
spraying and drying for 1 to 2 minutes a t 105" C., brilliantly Somogyi, Al., J . B i d . Chem. 160, 61 (1945); 195, 19 (1951).
colored spots are produced on an almost m hite background with Sumner, J. B., Ibid., 62, 287 (1924).
all sugars listed in Table I1 except fructose, melezitose, and Sundman, J., Saarnio, J., Gustafsson, C., Papei arid Timber
(Finland) 33, KO.4a, 115 (1951).
raffinose. Aldohexoses and rhamnose give dark brown, aldo-
pentoses bright red, and hexuronic acids an orange color, the R E C E I V Efor
D review hlarch 5 , 1956. Accepted September 7, 1956. Divisions
of Cellulose Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Symposium on S e w
latter changing to purple after heating for an additional 1 or 2 Methods for Analytical Characterization of Cellulose, 130th Sational
minutes. Unsubstituted monosaccharides, when applied directly Meeting, ACS, Atlantia City, K. J . , September 1956.

Spectrophotometric Determination of Traces of Water in Aeetic Acid

School of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, M i n n .

During studies on acid-base reactions in acetic acid it of acetic acid 0.2" C . , so t h a t if a n accuracy of a 0.01" C. is at-
became necessary to determine the water content of tained, as little as 0.005% water can be detected (provided i\ater
acetic acid containing approximately 0.001% water. is the only impurity present). Xolthoff and FYilman ( 5 ) found
As this is the lower limit for the Karl Fischer method the effect of water on the equivalent conductance to be small;
using the visual end point, a 10 times more sensitive 0 0485% water changed the equivalent conductance from 0.060
method was developed based on the reaction between to O.OG5 X 10-7 mho a t 25". Wilman (6) pointed out that
acetic anhydride and water. The method involves samples of acetic acid with the same apparent melting point
adding acetic anhydride, heating for 90 minutes at 110" gave equivalent conductances which varied from 0.05 to 0.08
C., and determining the amount of unreacted acetic X lo-' mho, a n indication that the conductance method i.: not
anhydride spectrophotometrically. reliable for estimating water content.
The exact water content of acetic acid is of great importance
vhen dissociation constants for acids and bases are to be de-
termined. The visual Karl Fischer method gives satisfactory
S EVERAL physical methods have been used to determine the
purity of glacial acetic acid. The properties most used to
check the purity of this solvent are freezing point, density, and
results for water contents above 0 O l % , but for loxver con-
centrations of water the uncertainty in the end point corresponds
specific conductance. The density is least sensitive, as solvent to about 0.001 % water. Acetic anhydride absorbs appreciably
containing 1% water has a density approximately 7 parts per at 2520 .4.,and a method has been developed based on the reac-
thousand lower than the anhydrous acid (3). tion of acetic anhydride with water. Experiments indicated that
De Visser ( 1 ) found that 0.1% mater lowered the freezing point the reaction does not proceed a t a measurable rate in 3 hour$ a t

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