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Learning Process for a Great Community

The subject Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship has taught me a lot. There are two lessons that
tackles in the modules which are “Selected Community Action Initiatives on It’s Core Values and Principles” and
“Methodologies and Approaches in Community Action Plan”. Before the completion of the learning materials in
lesson 1, the modules expected me to name and discuss the indicators in assessing community action initiatives
and prepare a needs assessment questionnaire in preparation for my community action initiative in my respective
communities. In lesson 2 there are three objectives, first is to identify the different methodologies and
approaches in community action, second is to cite examples of or instances where the different methodologies
and approaches in community action could be applied and third is to prepare a community action plan that is
elocutionary based on the core principles of community engagement and employing any of the given
methodologies and approaches in community action.

From what I’ve learned in lesson 1 is that community action initiatives must be anchored from the core principles
of participatory development. This means that assessing or evaluating the community action initiative plan and
implementation, would also help me to determine the value of my work or my efforts. The very first part of the
planning is called the needs assessment. It means that the first instance of assessment will help me identify which
core value of community engagement should be targeted, who you participants would be, what appropriate
activity or activities must be conducted, what time frame should I consider, what post implementation evaluation
tool should I prepare and other concerns involved in the community action initiatives. The second instance or
phase of evaluation comes after the activity, purposely to asses the result of the community action initiative. This
will reflect the success or failure of the community initiative. In the conduct of assessment, there are indicators to
be considered which are human resources, financial resources and equipment or material required. In lesson 2,
Methodologies are the step by step rules which need to be strictly followed by the community action planners, as
the case may be. As a standard in the preparation of a a community action initiatives, the following
methodologies must be compiled with the effectiveness of the would-be program or activity. First is community
profiling, according to this step, the community action initiators must first conduct a community profiling in the
barangay or place where they intend to implement the activity. Second is needs assessment, this is the second
step and it is mentioned in lesson 1, this is the best pre-program indicator on whether or not you are treading the
right program path. Third is working with a core group leaders or leadership development, which is the core
group will become our dependable partner in sustaining the community action initiative. Fourth is action
planning, it is in this step where the framework of the program is laid down, and this is anchored from the
collated needs assessment data. Fifth is resource mobilization, this is an important step to be embarked on for the
proper and effective implementation of the community action program because no matter how small amount the
budget there is still a need to raise the needed logistic, and training materials and equipment must be secured
before the program proper to avoid cramming and possible delay in the conduct of the activity. Sixth is program
implementation, the community action implementators may modify an activity indicated in the plan as the need
arises but must not completely deviate from the action plan. Seventh is program evaluation, this will help find
out if the community action program objectives were met or not and if the activities were satisfactory conducted
or not. And lastly is program monitoring, this should not just be conducted for the sake of compliance, rather it
must be implemented with a long-range effect in mind that the expected outcome should last not only for a day,
week or month but must have and effect to the life and perspective of the participants. There are standard
approaches to be anchored in terms of community action development programs. First is evaluation of social
capital, this means that there is a need fro the community action implementors to have a sociological evaluation
of the entire community with the emphasis on the target sector or group. Second is resource collection, there are
two options on how to procure needed resources theses are: fund raising, donations and advertisement. Third is
resource management, this talks about how the collected or procured resources should be manage and taken
care of also there are following actions must be done by the community action implementors: budgeting and
inventory. Fourth is policy reforms it suggest that the community action implementors move for a possible policy
reform should a policy be found to be outdated. And lastly is power and leadership balance, this suggests that the
community action implementors must have a prior knowledge about the actual status of the community
leadership and participation capability of the people as these would have an implication to the success or failure
of the community action program.

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