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P uzzle


A tabletop adventure for levels 1-4
by directsun

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

The Seers Sanctum

P uzzle
for levels 1-4

adventure and layout by directsun

An tabletop adventure for characters of level 1-4, by directsun

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

v 1.3.1 Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum © directsun 2020

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

Fetid Fountain
• Maiden statue

P uzzle
• Grey Ooze
• Mirror of Tsap

Petrification Pit
• Flesh to stone
The • Hidden Jaunt Lens
Room of False
• Lever A controls doors
B controls water level
• Fake drain hides tunnel
• Gelatinous Cube with
Purgatory's Foyer Jaunt lens inside
• Broken statuary
• Round hole in cieling
• Ornate locked door
Blind Faith
The Medusa's Lair • Grub chest
• The Medusa
• Hidden Medusa key
• Wants to escape
• Secret stairway

up to 3

up to 2

up to 6
thomas storm (Order #28016428)
• Goatman Demon
1 • Wall carvings
• Hidden passage

down to 9

3 4 5

down to 10
Treasure Room
• Floating Eyeballs
down to 9 • Easily fooled
6 7
Monkey See
• Offering Altar
• Hidden Planar

Navigation Room
• Mirror of Tsap shows correct
tapestry frame or decypher notes
• Planar Tapestry goes on wall in
correct frame
• Jaunt Lens goes in wheel
• Look through lense at tapestry

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

To you, Referee
Here Be Puzzles
This module is meant to challenge the players more than
their characters. While there are monsters, combat is not
essential and can be avoided. Each room in this dungeon
contains its own mysteries and players will have to use items
and knowledge obtained from multiple rooms in order to solve
the final puzzle. Characters should poke and experiment with
things to figure out how they work. Most puzzles can be solved
different ways. Make sure to describe important features to
your players so that they may understand how everything fits
together. Encourage teamwork and good ideas. The answer is
not on your players’ character sheets, it’s in their heads.

• A cult called the Seers used to frequent the area. A
powerful patron has reason to believe that before the cult
disapeared from their monestary, they had discovered the
secrets of interplanar travel. The patron will pay handsomely
for the knoweledge. The dungeon is located beneath the
monastery behind the statue of a giant eye.

• Strange happenings have taken hold of a nearby village.

Weird beasts have been suddenly blinking into existance.
Travelers have been spotted mumbling to themselves in
fields at night and then vanish when villagers investigate.
Magic reveals a hole in the fabric of reality near by. The
dungeon is located beneath the mossy ruins outside the
village which have started glowing an irredecent green in
the moon’s light.

• The party wakes up in the dungeon with no memory of how

they got there. They have been trapped as a sick joke by
a group of planar travelers betting on the party’s fate. The
party must solve the puzzle of the navigation room to return
to their world. The dungeon is located in a demi-plane with a
purple sky and filled with cosmic horrors.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

If The Party Can't Solve The Puzzle
There is a chance that the party breaks both Jaunt Lenses,
leaving the final puzzle unsolvable. In this case they may
require outside help to repair or recreate the lens. This may
spark questions or further quests.
The party may never solve the final puzzle. It’s okay to let
them fail. Even if they never come back, their patron will most
likely find some of their intel valuable. Not solving the puzzle
is still a somewhat satisfactory
outcome as it will have players
racking their brains about what
they may have missed.
If the party was trapped by
planar travelers, they grow
bored of their plight and
transport them to a tavern
200 miles from the party’s
last known location. They’ve
accumulated an impressive
Creature Statistics
The creature stats included
within are designed for use
with tabletop rulesets popularized by the Old School Revival.
These can easily be swapped out with creatures of the same
name or equivalent difficulty in your system of choice. Some
creature abilities are intentionally vague. Do what works for
your table.

Floating eyeball monster by Alec Sorensen.
Room of False Choices isometric map by directsun.
Other illustrations are from public domain.

Inspiration for this module was drawn (and lifted) from the following works: Sufficiently Advanced
Magic (novel by Andrew Rowe), Tears of the Crocodile God (module by Will Doyle featured in
Dungeon magazine #209), The Legend of Zelda (video game series)

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

1. Fetid Fountain
Fountain [4’ tall, murky water, shimmer, carvings of cherrubs without
eyes], Maiden statue [life-like detail, seated near fountain edge,
closed fist, empty grasp, looking above fist, smiling], Slippery [sheen
on floor and walls, difficult to move quickly], Iron door [no handles, no
hinges, stuck]

A Grey ooze lives in this room and is currently hidden near the
base of the fountain. The ooze has been slowly melting away
the room’s surfaces, leaving behind a clear slippery slime.
The water of the fountain is gross, but not dangerous unless
anyone drinks from it. The Mirror of Tsap is at the bottom of
the basin of water. The maiden statue is the petrified body of
the mirror’s previous owner.

Iron Door 1
The gears controlling this Iron door
are broken. The door will lift up to
slide open with great effort from
at least 2 party members. Unless
propped open, the iron door will fall
shut on its own

3 2 4
Grey Ooze
AC 8 [11], HD 3* (13hp), AT 1 × touch (2d8), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 10’ (3’), SV
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), M 12, AL Neutral, XP 50
Slimy horror that lurks near the base of the fountain.
• Blend in with stone: Difficult to tell apart from wet stone.
• Acid: After a successful attack, sticks to the victim and
exudes acid. The acid destroys normal armour immediately
and inflicts 2d8 damage per round. (Magic armour is dis-
solved in one turn.)
• Energy immunity: Unharmed by cold or fire.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

Mirror of Tsap
This ornate platinum hand mirror will
reflect back the past
states of the
dungeon and
its contents.
surfaces in
the dungeon
appear clean
and in pristine
order when looked at
through the mirror.
The placement of objects
may be different. Clues to
secret passageways later
covered up might become
more obvious when looking
their direction through the
Petrified creatures will
reflect as they did in
life, with color and slight
movement. The mirror can
also be used to gaze upon
The Medusa, without
turning to stone.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

2. Room of False
Pool of water [separates room, murky, fetid, soap scum, algae],
2 Levers [south platform, one pointed south, one pointed north],
Condensation [walls, floor, humid], Iron doors [no handles, no hinges,
locked], Roots [ceiling, thick]

Water fills the 50’ deep pool up to about 1’ below the lip of
the platforms. 2 levers extend out of the ground on the south

The Levers 1
Lever A controls all of the iron doors
in this room except the door along the 3 4
north wall. If this lever is flipped, these
doors slide up and lock into their open 2
position. If flipped again, the doors
slide down and lock into their closed down to 10
Lever B controls the water level of the
pool. If this lever is flipped, the pool AB
will drain over 10 minutes, leaving 1’ of
water at the bottom revealing the fake 6 7
drain grate visible on the pool floor. If
the lever is flipped again, the water will 8
refill over 10 minutes. The first time this
happens, the Gelatinous Cube is released into the pool.

Gunk in the Works

A Gelatinous Cube has wedged itself in between mechanisms
that raise and lower the water level in this room. If the water
level is lowered and then raised again, the cube gets
squeezed through the pipes that fill the main pool. In this
case, the cube reforms to its natural 10’x10’x10’ state with
Jaunt Lens stuck within its transparent mass. The extra space
occupied by the cube causes the water to overflow onto the
north and south platforms by about an inch.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

There is a fake
drain grate at
the bottom of
the pool.
It is visible
when the
water is
The grate
has metal
it, but
the gaps
are solid.
Any close inspection
of the grate reveals this
Water is actually drained and pumped
in through 2 large rectangular holes on
either side of the pool’s walls, about 1’ from the
bottom. They are clearly visible when the water is low.
The fake grate can be lifted up and out easily with the right
leverage. Prying the grate up reveals a passage with a ladder
leading to Area 10, The Medusa’s lair.

Gelatinous Cube
10’ cube of transparent jelly that absorbs debris and living crea-
tures it comes across.
AC 8 [11], HD 4* (18hp), AT 1 × touch (2d4 + paralysis, THAC0 16 [+3], MV
60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), M 12, AL Neutral, XP 125
• Surprise: On a roll of 1–4, due to near-invisibility.
• Paralysis: For 2d4 turns (save versus paralysis).
• Energy immunity: Unharmed by cold or lightning.
• Embedded items: A Jaunt Lens is carried in the cube.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

3. Petrification Pit
Circular pit [stone bricks, high protrusion from floor, 4” wide ledge,
green light, silver glint within], Green glow [iridescent, from inside pit,
fills room], Prison implements [chains, shackles, 7 golden spears]

This 80’ pit connects to area 9, Purgatory’s Foyer. Crumbling

stonework makes the walls of the pit difficult to traverse
without rope or other equipment. The stone figurehead of
The Medusa is attached to the south side of the pit 30’ down.
It’s eyes point north and glow a bright iridescent green. Any
living matter that meets the statue’s line of sight must save or
be turned to stone. Below the statue’s head is a silver coffer
held in place by the statue’s hands. Inside the coffer is a Jaunt
down to 9 1
3 4
Jaunt Lens
The lens focuses latent magical energy. Its primary function is
to facilitation teleportation across the planescape while used
in the navigation room. It has other useful properties though.
When looked through, the lens will show items and passages
that exist on multiple planes.
Examples of these are
the scroll tube in Area 7,
Monkey See, and the
secret passage through
the east wall of Area 4,
Transformation Chamber.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

4. Transformation
Operating table [blood stains, tattered straps, rusted buckles],
Surgical instruments [scalpels, needles, tattered rags], Stoppered
jars [empty, chemical smell], Carvings [walls and ceiling, story of
transformation, cultist eyes stitched shut, cultist grows third eye]

A stone relief carving of a Goatman Demon is crouched above

the door lintel to the west. If any party member looks up at the
carving, the demon starts gaining mass and color as it comes
to life and drops to the floor blocking the west exit. The demon
attacks any creature that can see it. If no creature can see the
demon, it vanishes, returning to its stone relief above the west
Hidden Passage
A stone relief carving of a blindfolded lion is crouched atop a
lintel on the east wall where a matching door would be. There is
a hidden passage past this wall that leads to Area 5, Treasure
Room. The wall is solid as long as any creature can visibly see
it. Otherwise, it may be walked through as if it weren’t there.

2 4 5

Goatman Demon
Protects the transformation chamber from non-believers.
AC 5 [14], HD 4+1 (19hp), AT 1 × great axe (2d6), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90’
(30’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), M 12, AL Chaotic, XP 125
• Cursed: Vanishes to its carving above the lintel if no crea-
ture can see it.
• Stone Death: If killed, will instantly turn to stone trapping
any weapons that may still be embedded inside it.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

5. Treasure Room
Treasure piles [coins, gems, golden monkeys, stick with an eye on
top], Glass jars [preserved human eyeballs], 2d4 Floating eyeballs
[3’ diameter, 6’ high, trailing sinew]

The only way out of this room is through the secret passage to
the west. The passage is sealed solid stone if any creature can
see it.

The Floating Eyeballs protect the treasure from non-cultists.

The eyeballs will wait at first, watching anyone in the room
closely, hovering over their shoulders and
invading their personal space.

The eyeballs will attack if any non-

cultists look like they are planning to
leave the room with any treasure.

The eyeballs are trained to allow

any creatures who look like their
cultist masters to leave this room
with treasure. Disguises including heavy
hooded cloaks and a painted third eye on the
forehead will probably fool these guards.

The eyeballs prevent the secret passage

from being used from this side as long as
they can see it. They look away to let their
masters pass.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

Stick With An Eye On Top
On the treasure pile is a 4’ stick with a red eye on top with a slit
pupil. Anyone holding the stick is able to see through the eye as
if it were their own.
See Goblin Punch d100 minor magical items
for other magical oddities to fill your own treasure room

Floating Eyeballs
2’ diameter eyeballs complete with trailing sinew they can use
as clutching appendages. Unbeatable in staring contests.
AC 5 [14], HD 3 (15hp), AT 1 × eye ray or 1 x strangle (2d4), THAC0 15
[+4], MV 90’ (30’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), M 12, AL Chaotic, XP 125
• Color: Eyeballs of have certain eye ray powers based on
the color of their iris.

1d6 Color Eye Ray Ability

1 Grey Swap 2 creatures’ positions in space
2 Black Resurrects fallen creatures as eyeless zombie
3 Green Petrification
4 Purple Charm
5 Yellow Sickness
6 Blue Slow

4 5

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

6. Blind Faith
Chest [wooden, iron banded, affixed to floor], Blindfolded statue
[filthy cloth blindfold, gaze fixed on iron chest], Molding crates [yellow
mold], Rotting food [grain, flour, maggots, scurrying rats], Hanging
Robes [hooded, ornate runes, eye symbols]
If a party member who can see the chest enters this room, the
chest will slam shut and magically lock. The chest will remain
open only when no creatures or statues are looking at it. If
the blindfold on the statue is removed, the gaze of the statue
points at the chest so it will remain closed.
Inside the chest are hundreds of large grubs. The grubs are
not dangerous, but the party doesn’t know that. Describe the
wet squishing sound and slithering sensation between their
fingers as they feel around with their eyes closed for whatever
is inside the chest.
At the bottom of the chest is the key to the door of The
Medusa’s lair, area 10.
Closer investigation of the statue in this room reveals a
secret passage with a staircase that leads down to Area 9,
Purgatory’s Foyer.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

7. Monkey See
Altar [silver offering plate, dusty cloth with gold inlay], Religious items
[silver and ivory symbols], Monkey statue [head in hands, staring at
offering plate], Crumbled statue pieces [monkey parts]

A scroll tube hovers over the offering

plate on the altar, but it only exists
when no creature or statue is looking
at it.
Anyone looking at the top of the altar
where the scroll tube would be, only
sees an offering plate.
If the monkey statue is blindfolded or
otherwise made so it is not staring at the
plate, then party members will be able to
take hold of the scroll tube after closing their
eyes so that they also would not see it.
Alternatively, plunging the room into darkness works just as
well as long as no one can see in the dark.
If anyone looks at the scroll tube, even after leaving the room
with it, it will vanish and reappear on the altar only when no
one is looking there. The Planar Tapestry is contained within
the scroll tube and once removed, can be looked at without

Planar Tapestry
Beautiful life-like rendering of a place on another plane of
existance. This could be the river of souls, or a brass city
floating on a sea of fire, or a castle in a grey and cold forested
land. Wherever you might like to take the party if they solve the
puzzle of the Navigation Room in area 8.

6 7
down to 9
thomas storm (Order #28016428)
8. Navigation Room
Round table [dice, protractor, cosmic maps, notes, wheel in center],
Wheel on table [markings and runes around edges line up with each
other when turned, clicks with rotations, raised cylindrical slot in center
holds broken glass in gold frame] Torn tapestries [6 frames around
the walls, 3 frames hold tattered tapestries, 3 frames stand empty]

This is the room where all the pieces come together. The party
must use the acquired items from other areas to solve the final
puzzle and successfully orchestrate a planar jaunt.
The Wheel
The center slot, in the wheel on the table, contains a shattered
Jaunt Lens. It is non-functional, but can be replaced.
The wheel on the table can be rotated so that the lens points at
any of the frames on the walls.
If pointed at a frame containing its
corresponding Planar Tapestry,
the lens will glow a faint gold.
If the lens is then looked through
by one or more creatures, they
will be teleported to the tapestry’s
corresponding plane of existence
and coordinates.
If the lens is looked through while
pointed at a tapestry that does not
match its frame, the lens will shatter and something weird
1d20 Something Weird Happens
1 A party member is transformed into a potted plant
2 A party member grows a vestigial animal appendage out of their
3 An orb of moonlight materializes and a party member is transformed
into a werewolf
4 The room shifts through all colors of the rainbow continually on a ten
minute loop while carnival music plays
5 Nearest animal assumes human form or nearest human assumes
animal form

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

Jaunt Lens
Requires one intact Jaunt Lens in the wheel to look through.

Planar Tapestry
The Planar Tapestry will need to be placed in it’s correct frame
on the wall and looked at properly through the Jaunt Lens.
Mirror of Tsap
When the frames on the walls are reflected by the Mirror of
Tsap, they show the previous (and correct) placement of the
tapestries so that the markings and runes are aligned on the
The party won’t need
the mirror if they
decipher the correct
wheel rune combinations
(and corresponding
tapestry locations) from
the maps on the round
table with a successful
skill check.
1d20 Something Weird Happens
6 A party member is convinced that the rest of the party is plotting
something against them
7 A party member ages half the way to their life expectancy
8 A party member’s hands become invisible
9 All light sources go out and any new light sources are always colored
hot pink
10 A party member’s shadow slinks away to cause mischief
11 1d4 groupies materialize and idolize a party member
12 1d10 ostriches appear in the area
13 A sphere of silence fills the room
14 A party member’s head turns invisible
15 Lights flash and club music fills the room
16 All of a party member’s teeth fall out
17 A party member’s weapon turns to grass
18 A party member forgets how to walk
19 A party member’s voice always seems to be coming from somewhere
else than their mouth
20 A party member is actually an imposter and the true party member died
some time ago
See The Net Libram of Random Magical Effects by Orrex for more inspiration
thomas storm (Order #28016428)
9. Purgatory's
Circular hole in ceiling [green glow above, stonework pit], Circle
of stone pebbles [under pit, tiny insect statues, detailed], Pieces
of statues [life-like, hands, legs, limbs, broken heads], Iron door
[decorated with snake carvings, locked]
The hole in the ceiling connects to the Petrification Pit in area
3. The insects and broken statuary littering the floor are the pit’s
previous victims.
The locked door to the east leads to Area 10, The Medusa’s
Lair. The key can be found up the stairs in the grub chest in
area 6, Blind Faith.

up to 3

up to 2

up to 6

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

10. The Medusa's
Braziers [deep red flame], Statues [life-like, cowering, shocked,
armored fighters], Stepped landings [pillows, couches, extra large
snake skins], Ornate columns [patterned, carvings of worship], Bones
[blood-stained, flesh clinging]
The Medusa lives here. There is a 1 in 4 chance that she is
sleeping when the party arrives. If she realizes her prison door
is open, she prioritizes escaping above anything else.
The party doesn’t need to defeat The Medusa or even enter
her lair to complete their mission. There is no treasure here.
The treasure is The Medusa. Her saliva and blood have many
alchemical properties that would be very valuable to the right
buyer. If the party barges in without a plan, they will likely fail to
capture her and may perish if they get in her way.
Light Snack
The fake drain in area 2, Room of False Choices, opens up to
the cieling in the center of the room. Any light from this entrance
might alert The Medusa to the party’s presence.

The Medusa
Half-snake woman with snakes for hair. Prisoner of the cultists
for many years. She values freedom above all else.
AC 8 [11], HD 4** (18hp), AT 1 × snakebites (1d6 + poison) or 1 x bow
(1d6), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ (30’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), M 5, AL
Chaotic, XP 175
• Petrification: Anyone who looks at The Medusa will be
turned to stone (save versus petrify).
• Averting eyes: –4 penalty to-hit; The Medusa gains a +2
bonus to attack.
• Mirrors: The reflection of The Medusa is harmless only
when reflected through the Mirror of Tsap.
• Poison: The snakes’ bites are venomous: save versus poi-
son or die in 1 turn.
• Magic resistance: +2 bonus to saves versus spells.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum is © directsun and distributed under the Open Game License version 1.0a.
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Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
System Reference Document © 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy
Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document © 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan,
Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, © 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Cave Cricket from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
by Gary Gygax.
Crab, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Fly, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Patrick Lawinger.
Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Nick Louth.
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by
Gary Gygax.
Labyrinth Lord™ © 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.
B/X Essentials: Core Rules © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
B/X Essentials: Cleric and Magic-User Spells © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
B/X Essentials: Monsters © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
B/X Essentials: Adventures and Treasures © 2018 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials Core Rules © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User Spells © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Monsters © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Treasures © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules Tome © 2019 Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials System Reference Document © 2019 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.

thomas storm (Order #28016428)

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