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Name:Rashiella Villarama

Grade Level & Section: 8 Narra

What to do?

Activity 2: The Life Cycle of a Cell

Study the diagram then answer the succeeding guide questions.

The circle
the entire
life cycle of
the cell

Molecular Biology and Genetics Guidebook uploaded in

Guide Questions:
1. The life cycle of the cell, which can be divided into two major phases, what
are these?
______division phase and interphase

2. In which phase do cells duplicate their chromosomes?

_________S phase

3. What is the difference between G1 and G2 phases?

G1 is the first phase of the interphase of the cell cycle in which cell shows a growth
by synthesizing proteins and other molecules. G2 phase is the third phase of
interphase of the cell cycle in which cell prepares for nuclear division by making
necessary proteins and other
4. What happens in the M phase?
In the M phase, one parent cell physically divides into two daughter cells. This
includes the physical separation of the duplicated genome (termed mitosis) and the
subsequent separation of the cytoplasm by a process called

5. By looking at the diagram, in which phase does the cell spend most of its

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