Joshua 7:1 and I Recommend You Leave Your Bibles Open On That Chapter

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It’s been said that what we see with our eyes, goes to our minds and then goes

to our heart.

This process we can call it eyes, to mind to heart.

Throughout this talk I would like for you to have this process in mind, since today we will be
analyzing a bible example of how this process had an enormous impact on someone, and then we
will see what effect it had on this persons life, his family and his nation and even how we can
relate it into our lives.

To begin, the main example affect his mind and that we will be using is of someone who allowed
what he saw, go into his mind, and then reached his heart. Let us see who this was on

Joshua 7:1 and I recommend you leave your bibles open on that chapter

Here we have the example of Achan. Now he saw these things that were devoted to destruction, it
went into his mind, and then it reached his heart. Brothers once something reaches your heart it
has the power to influence everything. When he saw these items they went DIRECTLY to his heart.

He showed a selfish attitude and was not even concerned about anyone or anything other than

Now if you notice on the same chapter of Joshua, chapter 7, but this time verses 20 and 21, we
will see what Achan said to Joshua about this matter, which reads:

He acted on the desire only to please himself brothers

Now, what effect did these actions have on Achan? Let us keep reading Verse 24,25 which reads

What effect did this have? Everything that belonged to Achan was destroyed, he was killed a
horrible death and that’s not even the worse part. It wasn’t only him that was killed, but his whole
entire family.

But now, what else did his actions have an effect on? Well because of Achans disobedience it had
an impact on the whooole nation of Israel as well. They didn’t even have Jehovahs help when they
fought and even lost lives because of this.

Now that we have seen the horrible effects that the actions of Achan had on every aspect of his
reality, we might ask ourselves, How does this relate to us?

Well just like Achan, we are all imperfect humans too. What we see, again, goes to our mind, and
when it is allowed to be dwelled on, it reaches our Heart.

There is so much around us specifically designed to distract us from serving Jehovah faithfully,
designed to be seen.

Let us now read 1 John 2:16,17 to know what desires specifically to avoid

We all have the desire of the flesh and the deside of the eyes to fight against because of the world
that we live in.

But, on the contrary of Achan, we must exercise something, WE MUST EXERCISE SELF DICIPLINE
If we start to notice that our eyes are being let to something that can get us walking in the wrong
direction, LOOK AWAY.

Remember brothers what happens when something reaches our eyes, Remember where it goes.

If we know of a situation, place or even specific things that might tempt us, don’t play with fire,
don’t say “No, I think I can take this cuz I’ve already learned that this is bad’’ NO, AVOID IT.

If we see out picture here in that is I our workbook, we see our brother looking tired, maybe its
late at night, He is alone, Nobody around him. Who knows, the brother probably was watching
nothing bad, YouTube, Netflix. But what happens if the brother maybe goes to check his email and
BOOM and very explicit ad pops up. It went into his Eyes directly. But there is the Difference.
There is where we can put the STOP, by knowing the situation, acknowledging it, and NOT letting it
reach our Minds and Heart. REMOVE PIC

Let us read our last scripture now of 2 Peter 3:13

Do we really want to sacrifice all of this that is already waiting for us, just for the desire of the
flesh? Or do we want to not imitate the example of Achan, and think before letting anything reach
our hearts and minds?

Brothers and sisters, let us always analyze and think about the consequences of our actions and
always, ALWAYS Focus on Jehovah’s Righteous Standards and never allow worthless things to Get
into out eyes, arrive at our minds and reach our hearts.

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