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Ramsin Nissan (408) 802-3370 | | linkedin.


San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
M.B.A., Masters Business Administration, General August 2020 – May 2022
• Current GPA: 3.86

B.S., Business Administration, Management Information Systems August 2013 – December 2018
• Major GPA: 3.64
• Extracurricular: President of the Salesforce Student Group at San Jose State University

Cisco Systems (Central Operations, Engineering), San Jose, CA – 2 years 6 months May 2019 – Present
Business Analyst
• Developed CPDM Central Application to automate compliance policies for engineers developing products.
• Created business process flows to define current & future state workflows for internal policies & directives.
• Facilitated several meetings with Policy owners to solve pain points and struggles within engineering.
• Played a key role from the concept phase to the development and launch of the product from MVP to GA.

Cisco Systems (Central Operations, Engineering), San Jose, CA – 8 months September 2018 – May 2019
Business Analyst Intern
• Contributed to the development of the CPDM Central platform in a partnership with EN and Central Ops.
• Collaborated with over 20 SME’s across Enterprise Networking to develop technical guidelines for engineers.
• Organized 2 Design Thinking Workshop sessions with over 40 people to identify the pain points across EN.
• Awarded the You Amaze 1, You Inspire 2 & 3 honors on the connected recognition platform in 3 months.

Cisco Systems (Global Partner Organization), San Jose, CA – 3 months June 2018 – August 2018
Business Analyst Intern
• Cross functionally collaborated on 5 different projects across global sales scaling during a 3-month period.
• Created an effective digital sales campaign to vet out customers and better align Cisco resellers with ISV’s.
• Developed competitive pricing and market-share analysis to provide a viable list price insight for executives

HR System for Starting Arts Non-Profit January 2018 – May 2017
• Developed an innovative solution to ease the onboarding process of contractors and new-hires to the org.
• Utilized Adobe XD to illustrate wireframe and internal processes of the new HR system to stakeholders.
• Integrated web/domain hosting with Dropbox API to improve efficiency and solve real business challenges.

Yelp Dataset Challenge July 2017 – August 2017

• Implemented visualization programs such as Tableau and Neo4j to create complex data models.
• Analyzed the Yelp dataset challenge containing over 4 million reviews in 12 different metropolitan cities.
• Integrated Apache Spark into IBM Data Science Experience to generate business insights and answer
questions of the data by using data wrangling methods like profiling, transforming, mapping, and mining.

Certifications & Skills

• Certifications: Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Certified Product Owner (CSPO)
• Languages: Fluent in English & Assyrian | Working proficiency in Spanish.
• Interests: Soccer Capitan & MVP, Salesforce Trailhead, AI, UI/UX, Music, Fitness, & Ice Cream.

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