Mycar Servise

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In a modern world, everyone is looking for convenience. And that convenience needs to come
with trust, the core of any business doing. In this modern world, technology plays an
irreplaceable feasible role in making sure convenience comes with trust.

In our country, the automotive industry is not well grown. It has a long way to go before it can be
considered as one of the major industries of the country. In that sector, different services are
given to customers such as garage services (maintenance and repair), tow trucks, RSA, spare part
sales, etc. These integrals of the industry are not as convenient as one might need or want. In
addition to that, they have somewhat a distrusted name among society. The profession of garage
work is not as applauded as it can and deserve. And so much more.

Keeping the above two major problems in mind, this project, named My Car, is driven to solve
these using technology. The project aims to redefine the name of the industry by building trust in
customers’ hearts. Furthermore, service givers that specialize in a certain area are rare and hard
to find. In this aspect both the service givers and services seekers’ luck information.
Advertisement is not common among garages, spare part shops, and towing trucks. One needs to
know the general areas these service givers are cumulated in. My Car aims to change this and
bring convenience to the table by using location-based technologies to find nearby service givers.
This allows for creating a teamwork vibe among service givers. The industry by itself is
enormous to be handled by some group of companies or individuals. Teamwork is a must in
order to achieve the intended goal by taking customers’ inquiries into account and attain
customer satisfaction at the end of the process.
Purpose of the document
The purpose of this System Requirements Document is to specify the overall system
requirements that will govern the development and implementation of the system. The document
will also establish initial security, training, capacity, and system architecture requirements as
well as system acceptance criteria agreed upon by the project sponsors and key stakeholders.

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Purpose of the product (System)
The purpose of the product, or the system, is to use technology, specifically system building, to
ease the processes in the automotive industry today in Ethiopia. In addition, the core base for the
need for a better modernized system is to increase the trust clients have in auto shops and to
make things convenient as a show of civilized and modern livelihood.

Intended Audience of the Document

The intended audience of this document are the sponsors of the system, key stakeholders,
company personnel and the development company as well.

Intended Use of the Document

The intended use of this document is to build a generalized and common consensus among
stakeholders and transfer that understanding to the developing team to make sure a smooth and
requirement fulfilling product at the end.

Service Categories
Service categories are the major service classes offered by My Car and its partners. Currently the
company is aiming to launch and give service in five manners. These are:
1. Towing: transportation of impaired vehicles
2. Road Side Assistance (RSA): giving simple maintenance and auto-service in user
preferred locations
3. In Garage Maintenance: auto-service and maintenance in organized institution, garage
4. Spare Part: dealing of different spare parts to the end user
5. Auto-Service Insurance: annual subscription vehicle insurance for maintenance and auto-
The first four services are done mainly by partners who are in the business and have adequate
experience. The last one is done solely by My Car, though the repairment of the vehicles
including inspection might be outsourced.
These are services provided by My Car and its partners but can be categorized under the above
five major categories. To have more understanding let’s take In Garage Maintenance. The sub-
categories for this category can be:
 Body work
 Electric work
 Mechanical work and others
This helps in identifying services easily and setting up prices. In the user perspective,
classifications can help novice users to be able to access the exact service provider they are in
need of.

Demo Review
The developing team has provided us with demo web panel and mobile application to have a
look at it and make suggestions.
Web Panel
We have seen the Web panel tab by tab and have tried to list our thoughts in that order.
Total Earning
The total earnings of the company represented as a graph, like the one you have for user
registration; and a tab above as well. The period classification must be dynamic for the user to
choose from day to years.
All Users
The all-users tab can be better done by including profile picture, full name of the user, email
address of the user, registration timestamp, status, and city as a click through when the user data
on the front table grid is clicked.
User data needs to be exported to formats such as XLSX, CSV and/or PDF.
All Providers
On the all-providers tab, when adding a new service provider to the system providers may have
the capacity to give more than one service types to the limit of providing all services and
categories beneath them. Other than this, the registration form on the Admin Panel should
include, but not limited to:
1. Service Provider ID (Auto Generate)
2. First Name
3. Father’s Name
4. Grand Father’s Name
5. Gender
6. Phone Number (Using country code or full format)
7. Email
8. City where service will be given
9. Current business address
10. Service type
11. Service category
12. Profile Picture (Business owner/representative)
13. Identity proof documents (PDF or Picture)
14. Business License (PDF or Picture)
15. Registered timestamp
After a user is registered successfully the system must print out the form on site with additional
options to email and export as a softcopy file.
The table grid list of service providers should include, but not limited to, Full name, email, phone
number, registration time stamp, wallet balance, view respective documents, status, and different
actions such as edit, delete, activate, and deactivate. The list of all service providers should
include selection feature in addition to export.
As discussed above, the name of this tab needs to change to “Manage Services” listing the
categories, indicating the major services given by My Car and its partners and sub-categories,
services list below major service labels for best visualization, managing, and understanding.
Managing features should include enabling/disabling service categories/sub-categories, setting
price, editing service info, and much more.
Address List
Necessity and description
Service List
This tab and its features are better incorporated in the Manage Service (Previously “Categories”)
Promo Code
It can work out for now but minor modifications might be requested later such as feature
Add-On Services
This tab is better incorporated under the Manage services tab. To discuss it, more elaboration
from you is required and our marketing experts will discus it more leading to minor changes as
All Booking Lists
This tab is better named as “Bookings”. This tab hold future booked service requests and
cancelled service requests with reasons. The table grid should include, but not limited to;
1. Lead number
2. User name
3. Date of booking
4. Date of confirmation
5. Location of booking
6. Service provider
7. Service sub-category
8. Price
9. Status (expired or cancelled by user or provider having a written reason)
When a service request is cancelled by a service provider, the system must keep track of it and
generate it as a report regarding a specific provider every 24 hours to total cancellations allowing
the admin to set some business rule making the system refer the rule to automatically block the
provider or disable a particular service from the provider.
Slider Banner
Functionality and elaboration are required to where it is used. Other than this, to the
understanding of Advertisement banner, it is on the top of the mobile application; which can help
as advertisement to the company itself and others who wish to advertise their businesses. When
adding the banner necessary information such as the following should be included:
1. Banner ID
2. Banner Name
3. Added Date
4. Time period
5. Status
Payment Request
Need elaboration from you.
Cancelled List
To our understanding this is similar to booking actions hence it better be incorporated in the
Bookings tab.
Booking Setting
Incorporate it under “Bookings” tab and minor changes might be raised.
Point Setting
Elaboration needed.
Multi Setting
Better discussed in person.
Push Notification
Notification receiving body should have classification starting from single actors to all users. The
messaging media should be selected as well. For example, email, text, and notification. For the
messages to be compiled, a defined dynamic template is required.
This is a new tab we haven’t noticed on your admin panel. It is a must that the system generates,
shows and export reports. The report types, by definition, are; but not limited to:
Financial report: it contains the financial transactions in the system separately such as
 Total earned value of the company
 Total loss value dues to cancellation
Performance report: it contains the overall performance of the company by compiling reports
such as the following
 User registration
 Number of services provided starting from 24 hours to years
 Number of users and providers with classifications
 Ongoing/completed/canceled services
Note: It would be preferable of all the reports can be displayed graphically on the dashboard of
the system.
Dispatcher Panel
This is a new add to the system. Since the company receives service requests form clients via call
center and the towing service is location based, call center employees are needed to perform as
dispatchers for the services. The Dispatcher panels is expected to incorporate the following tabs.
The dashboard of the dispatcher panel is to display the following, but not limited to
 Categories
 Total Booking for the past 24 hours only
 Active Service Providers
Manual Booking
When dispatchers insert bookings manually the system is expected to be able to receive the
following information to the minimum.
 Job location
 Full name
 Phone number
 Service sub-category
 Job timestamp
This tab can be considered as a reports tab for the dispatcher. It is expected to display info in a
table manner having the following attributes to the minimum.
 Lead number
 Address
 Timestamp
 Service provider
 User
 Price
 Service sub-category
Future Bookings
This is to show the list bookings users had make for future dates starting form the current
God’s View
This tab is to show active Tow trucks in real time via map.
Mobile App
The mobile app is sone what similar to what was in mind at first. First thought was having a
hamburger button on the top and the features and functionalities are listed below. Review them
and try incorporating them.
The Hamburger Icon
When the client clicks the Hamburger icon, a window panel will pop out from the side to half the
screen size of the phone listing;

1. Profile picture display

2. Account Tab
a. Profile Picture change
b. Name edits
c. Email edit
d. Edit the emergency contact number (SOS button)
e. Log out
f. Delete account
3. My Orders
a. Towing Service
i. Date and Time
ii. Starting place and Destination place (Distance in KM)
iii. Final paid price
iv. Duration it took
v. Personnel who have you the service
b. Road Side Assistance
i. Booking Timestamp
ii. Service Location
iii. Breakdown (Subcategory)
iv. Initial Price
v. Service Provider
c. In Garage Maintenance
i. Booking Timestamp
ii. Service Location
iii. Breakdown (Subcategory)
iv. Initial Price
v. Service Provider
d. Spare Part Inquiry
i. Date and Time
ii. Spare part
iii. Price
4. Promo Code
a. System generated unique code for clients to share it with friends and families
when telling them to use our application and get rewarded with.
5. Gift Wallet
a. A virtually counting number that shows the unit of bonuses and rewards a client
has gained and has options to choose from different rewards with if the number
unit equals the service or good the client wishes to change the wallet units with.
6. SOS
7. Get In Touch
a. Call Us
b. Email Us
c. Get Legal Information
i. Terms and Conditions
ii. Copyrights
iii. Privacy Policy

Tow Truck
Garages or individuals with tow trucks and can perform either lifting or moving impaired or
needed vehicles.

1. A Map will be displayed helping the client to pin on the location he/she is located at or
enter the information manually.
2. After putting in the information; the client presses the “Book Now” button on the bottom
of the same window.
3. Next, the client will enter the destination address or set point on map.
4. Next on, a window showing the starting and destination address of the client will be
5. Right under neat the same window, the client will choose the type of tow truck he/she
needs seeing the estimated price as well.
6. After choosing the tow truck type, the client will press the “Set pick-up” button and the
system will show a tow truck request map and the estimated price for the client for final
7. After pressing the confirmation button, the system will search for willing tow truckers in
the nearby location. The client can also see which trucks are being requested now till the
request gets accepted. [The client also can book Tow Trucks for future use either in time
period or coming dates.]
8. When a tow trucker accepts the request, the client will be displayed with the driver’s
information, the car type and plate number alongside ETA and map direction to showing
real time information of the vehicle to the client.
9. After the client is all set with the tow truck, the client can truck the tow truck in real time
as it goes to the given destination address and the price increasing due movement and
time taken. The client doesn’t necessarily need to be with the car.
10. When reached to the destination point, the tow trucker will end the transaction and a final
price will be popped to both.
11. In the same window, the client is given the window to rate the service. If the connection
gets reset or the client presses the “OK” button; the clients app will reset to the default

Tow Truckers (Service Providers)

1. When loaded, a map pinning and showing the current location of the driver will display
2. A service request will pop on the screen with the job type, job location, job destination
and estimated price
3. The driver can either accept or reject the offer
4. If rejected, the system will continue to find another driver
5. If accepted
a. The system will reveal the identity of the client to the driver with information
such as name, phone number and picture in addition to the previous job details
b. The driver swipes for acceptance conformation and goes to the client’s location
c. When arrived, the towing will be done then the driver will swipe to start the
d. The system will show to both the client and the driver a progressive distance and
price bar with route to destination
e. When arrived at the destination the car will be unloaded form the tow truck and
the driver will swipe again to end the transaction
f. A final price will be displayed to both parties
g. The driver can rate the client and after pressing “OK” button the app will reset to
default to find for new service requests

Additional Notes
Back button: every tab and page need to be equipped with a back button to the previous tab or

Manual Service Request: since the company uses a call center to receive service requests from
users. To handle the requests using the system to compute different calculations the call center
employees, dispatchers, need to access the system. This requires for a different portal, with user
management for the Admin Panel.

Radius: to services such as Garages, the exact location where the garage or service provider is
located to estimate the radius and range of service.

Search and filter: all tabs and pages need to be equipped with a search and filter features. The
search features need to hold different parameters to customize the search. The filter feature on
the other hand will be defined based on the data on the tab the user is.

Action: the button will hold mainly four items;

1. Edit
2. Delete
3. Activate
4. Deactivate

Further items based on the tab the user is will be defined later on.
Status: the status of a user or a service is determined either as Active or Not-Active, the
verb being Activate and Deactivate.

N.B: Refer to the links below for better understanding of the requirements and UI/UX. The
application linked below is not the exact match to the business idea and rule of the company
but its portraits most of what we would be expecting especially in terms of frontend
development with minor backend implementations.

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