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The video’s title:

The Future of Fitness: What Every Fitness Professionals Ought to Know

About The Luxury Apartment Complex Market

Hey guys, it’s (Your name) and in today’s video I’m extremely excited because I’m going to be
sharing with you an upward trend that is transforming the fitness industry.

More specifically I’m going to be sharing with you a growing market in the wellness industry that
every fitness professional should know about and how you can take advantage of it to:

Recover lost income during Covid and jump-start your fitness business back to 6 figures or

Whether you are a personal trainer, a massage therapist, a yoga instructor, a seasoned fitness
pro, or have a brick and mortar business…

Your business has been affected by Covid.

All over the world, gyms have been forced to close down and many fitness professionals have
struggled financially with this crisis.

The good news is that…

The fitness industry has exploded in recent years thanks to technological breakthroughs and
evolving consumer needs.

Fitness professionals who know these trends and understand consumer desires are the ones
who take the most advantage of Covid to launch adequate businesses.

So if you want to take your business to the next level…let me share with you a trend that is
transforming the fitness industry:

According to the Global Wellness Institute, the fitness and mind-body economy grew to $624
billion in 2018 (up from $595 billion in 2017). This market rise is related to recent marketing
aimed at meeting new consumers’ expectations with digital innovation.

This tendency is fueling the growth of premium luxury gyms and apartment complexes. That’s
why gym-goers and fitness business owners are focusing on the luxury wellness market. As
high-end offerings are going strong and benefit from this trend, middle-market fitness
businesses are struggling.
Millennials are an essential market for fitness companies because they represent a massive
segment of the population. This generation of 80-some million people) are about experiences
above all else and are willing to pay more for better experiences.

By following Millennials’ dreams for improving themselves and their desires for personalization
and experiences over material possessions, the luxury fitness industry is set to continue
growing over the next years.

According to The Guardian, "Millennials claim to enjoy working out as much as going out; gyms
have become stylish, social spaces where people spend their Friday nights and Saturday
mornings, often doing back-to-back classes."

And...not only millennials represent the perfect target for these luxury fitness businesses.

Seniors also have disposable income and aim to live healthier lives. They are willing to pay
more for the convenience of higher-end fitness facilities.

So, the best way to take advantage of this upward trend is to tap into the apartment complex

Let me show you why:

Apartment complexes and residential units of any kind are a concentrated area of people, very
diverse in their needs.

You can organize and establish ongoing boot camps, individualized training, walking programs,
and other opportunities limited only by your imagination.

There are young adults, millennials, seniors, people who want to lose weight, people who want
to gain muscle, people who just want to get or stay in shape, and the list goes on.

All in one location, all ready for someone to step in and show them how.

In fact, when you run apartment complex programs, you start seeing opportunities almost

You can build a strong network of cross-promotion and joint ventures with businesses and
professionals. That means having access to luxury apartments much faster than if you don’t
know anyone.

You become the GO-TO person in your city and you have easy access to luxury communities.

Believe me, having residents begging to fill in your calendar is definitely possible!

I currently do this with my clients who remain booked because they are the go to trainers.

And even better…

You’re in full control of your time so you can develop the lifestyle you want by working how,
when and where you want.

As a fitness professional you already have the skills of a business owner:

Have you had a party or two over the years, haven’t you? That means you can organize events.

Did you show your little brother how to ride a bike, your sister how to tie her shoes, clients how
to lift with proper form? So you can educate people.

Do you have a calendar where you fill in your activities? Yes, for sure, so you can plan and

As an instructor or personal trainer, you had elements of control of what you could and couldn’t
teach and you may have been tied to the philosophy of the gym owner.

You can talk to any fitness business owner and they will say one of the most satisfying elements
is seeing your vision come to life.

Every morning, you wake up at sunrise to teach the first class of the day in your new luxury
apartment. You motivate them to reach optimum levels of health and wellbeing.

And progressively…you develop a larger picture, a larger goal and a prospect base that is ready
to change and that wants to work with you.

But of course, let’s be honest:

Starting this kind of business initially requires working hard and following a proven strategy.

So, if you don’t follow the right plan…the cost and time associated with trying to set up this
business are high.

Without a strong network strategy, it might take:

A high budget involved with traditional franchises, the cheapest being $30.000 to just get in the
door with high ongoing royalties and probably a long time before you access these luxury

You might wonder:

What if I have a limited budget?

I’ll tell you this:

When you is a game of network, not budget.

With the right plan, you develop quickly and efficiently relationships with influential business
owners. So, you are able to walk in the door of almost any apartment complex and be

You have access to luxury apartments with built-in clientele and no overhead located in most
prime real estate areas.

All you need to get the life you deserve is a passion for fitness, a half-decent work ethic, and a
good plan.

My guess is you have the first two. If any of this is resonating and if you are ready to invest in
your business…

I’ll tell you what that good plan is.

(Your sales letter)

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